// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Next int OleInterop.IEnumFORMATETC.Next(uint celt, OleInterop.FORMATETC[] rgelt, uint[] pceltFetched) { if (null != oleEnum) { return(oleEnum.Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched)); } BclComTypes.FORMATETC[] bclStat = new BclComTypes.FORMATETC[celt]; int[] fetched = new int[1]; int hr = bclEnum.Next((int)celt, bclStat, fetched); if (NativeMethods.Failed(hr)) { return(hr); } if (null != pceltFetched) { pceltFetched[0] = (uint)fetched[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < fetched[0]; i++) { rgelt[i] = StructConverter.BclFormatETC2Ole(ref bclStat[i]); } return(hr); }
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OnDataChange // void IOleAdviseSink.OnDataChange(OleInterop.FORMATETC[] pFormatetc, OleInterop.STGMEDIUM[] pStgmed) { if (null != oleSink) { oleSink.OnDataChange(pFormatetc, pStgmed); } else { // In order to call the version of this interface defined in the BCL // each array must contain exactly one object. if ((null == pFormatetc) || (null == pStgmed)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(""); } if ((1 != pFormatetc.Length) || (1 != pStgmed.Length)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } // Convert the parameters BclComTypes.FORMATETC bclFormat = StructConverter.OleFormatETC2Bcl(ref pFormatetc[0]); BclComTypes.STGMEDIUM bclMedium = StructConverter.OleSTGMEDIUM2Bcl(ref pStgmed[0]); // Now we can call the method on the BCL interface bclSink.OnDataChange(ref bclFormat, ref bclMedium); // Now we have to copy the parameters back into the original structures. pFormatetc[0] = StructConverter.BclFormatETC2Ole(ref bclFormat); pStgmed[0] = StructConverter.BclSTGMEDIUM2Ole(ref bclMedium); } }
int BclComTypes.IDataObject.QueryGetData(ref BclComTypes.FORMATETC format) { if (null != bclData) { return(bclData.QueryGetData(ref format)); } OleInterop.FORMATETC[] oleFormat = new OleInterop.FORMATETC[1]; oleFormat[0] = StructConverter.BclFormatETC2Ole(ref format); return(oleData.QueryGetData(oleFormat)); }
void BclComTypes.IDataObject.GetData(ref BclComTypes.FORMATETC format, out BclComTypes.STGMEDIUM medium) { if (null != bclData) { bclData.GetData(ref format, out medium); return; } OleInterop.FORMATETC[] oleFormat = new OleInterop.FORMATETC[1]; oleFormat[0] = StructConverter.BclFormatETC2Ole(ref format); OleInterop.STGMEDIUM[] oleMedium = new OleInterop.STGMEDIUM[1]; oleData.GetData(oleFormat, oleMedium); medium = StructConverter.OleSTGMEDIUM2Bcl(ref oleMedium[0]); }
void BclComTypes.IDataObject.SetData(ref BclComTypes.FORMATETC formatIn, ref BclComTypes.STGMEDIUM medium, bool release) { if (null != bclData) { bclData.SetData(ref formatIn, ref medium, release); return; } OleInterop.FORMATETC[] oleFormat = new OleInterop.FORMATETC[1]; oleFormat[0] = StructConverter.BclFormatETC2Ole(ref formatIn); OleInterop.STGMEDIUM[] oleMedium = new OleInterop.STGMEDIUM[1]; oleMedium[0] = StructConverter.BclSTGMEDIUM2Ole(ref medium); oleData.SetData(oleFormat, oleMedium, release ? 1 : 0); }
int BclComTypes.IDataObject.GetCanonicalFormatEtc(ref BclComTypes.FORMATETC formatIn, out BclComTypes.FORMATETC formatOut) { if (null != bclData) { return(bclData.GetCanonicalFormatEtc(ref formatIn, out formatOut)); } OleInterop.FORMATETC[] oleFormatIn = new OleInterop.FORMATETC[1]; OleInterop.FORMATETC[] oleFormatOut = new OleInterop.FORMATETC[1]; oleFormatIn[0] = StructConverter.BclFormatETC2Ole(ref formatIn); int hr = oleData.GetCanonicalFormatEtc(oleFormatIn, oleFormatOut); NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(hr); formatOut = StructConverter.OleFormatETC2Bcl(ref oleFormatOut[0]); return(hr); }
void IBclAdviseSink.OnDataChange(ref BclComTypes.FORMATETC format, ref BclComTypes.STGMEDIUM stgmedium) { if (null != bclSink) { bclSink.OnDataChange(ref format, ref stgmedium); } else { // As in the previous case we have to copy the parameters. OleInterop.FORMATETC[] pFormatetc = new OleInterop.FORMATETC[1]; pFormatetc[0] = StructConverter.BclFormatETC2Ole(ref format); OleInterop.STGMEDIUM[] pStgmed = new OleInterop.STGMEDIUM[1]; pStgmed[0] = StructConverter.BclSTGMEDIUM2Ole(ref stgmedium); // Call the original interface. oleSink.OnDataChange(pFormatetc, pStgmed); } }
int BclComTypes.IDataObject.DAdvise(ref BclComTypes.FORMATETC pFormatetc, BclComTypes.ADVF advf, BclComTypes.IAdviseSink adviseSink, out int connection) { if (null != bclData) { return(bclData.DAdvise(ref pFormatetc, advf, adviseSink, out connection)); } OleInterop.FORMATETC[] oleFormat = new OleInterop.FORMATETC[1]; oleFormat[0] = StructConverter.BclFormatETC2Ole(ref pFormatetc); uint result; OleInterop.IAdviseSink oleSink = adviseSink as OleInterop.IAdviseSink; if (null == oleSink) { oleSink = (OleInterop.IAdviseSink)(new AdviseSink(adviseSink)); } int hr = oleData.DAdvise(oleFormat, (uint)advf, oleSink, out result); NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(hr); connection = (int)result; return(hr); }
int OleInterop.IDataObject.GetCanonicalFormatEtc(OleInterop.FORMATETC[] pformatectIn, OleInterop.FORMATETC[] pformatetcOut) { if (null != oleData) { return(oleData.GetCanonicalFormatEtc(pformatectIn, pformatetcOut)); } // Check that the arrays are not null and with only one element. if ((null == pformatectIn) || (pformatectIn.Length != 1) || (null == pformatetcOut) || (pformatetcOut.Length != 1)) { throw new ArgumentException(); } BclComTypes.FORMATETC bclFormatIn = StructConverter.OleFormatETC2Bcl(ref pformatectIn[0]); BclComTypes.FORMATETC bclFormatOut; int hr = bclData.GetCanonicalFormatEtc(ref bclFormatIn, out bclFormatOut); NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(hr); pformatetcOut[0] = StructConverter.BclFormatETC2Ole(ref bclFormatOut); return(hr); }