public static string GetSourceProjectPath(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject dataObject) { string projectPath = null; FORMATETC fmtetc = CreateFormatEtc(CF_VSPROJECTCLIPDESCRIPTOR); if (QueryGetData(dataObject, ref fmtetc) == VSConstants.S_OK) { STGMEDIUM stgmedium = DragDropHelper.GetData(dataObject, ref fmtetc); if (stgmedium.tymed == (uint)TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL) { // We are releasing the cloned hglobal here. IntPtr dropInfoHandle = stgmedium.unionmember; if (dropInfoHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { try { string path = GetData(dropInfoHandle); // Clone the path that we can release our memory. if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { projectPath = String.Copy(path); } } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(dropInfoHandle); } } } } return(projectPath); }
/// <summary> /// Empties all the data structures added to the clipboard and flushes the clipboard. /// </summary> private void CleanAndFlushClipboard() { IOleDataObject oleDataObject = null; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(UnsafeNativeMethods.OleGetClipboard(out oleDataObject)); if (oleDataObject == null) { return; } string sourceProjectPath = DragDropHelper.GetSourceProjectPath(oleDataObject); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceProjectPath) && NativeMethods.IsSamePath(sourceProjectPath, this.GetMkDocument())) { UnsafeNativeMethods.OleFlushClipboard(); int clipboardOpened = 0; try { clipboardOpened = UnsafeNativeMethods.OpenClipboard(IntPtr.Zero); UnsafeNativeMethods.EmptyClipboard(); } finally { if (clipboardOpened == 1) { UnsafeNativeMethods.CloseClipboard(); } } } }
public static void QueryGetData(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject pDataObject, ref FORMATETC fmtetc) { FORMATETC[] af = new FORMATETC[1]; af[0] = fmtetc; pDataObject.QueryGetData(af); fmtetc = af[0]; }
/// <summary> /// Handle the Cut operation to the clipboard /// </summary> protected internal override int CutToClipboard() { int returnValue = (int)OleConstants.OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED; try { this.RegisterClipboardNotifications(true); // Create our data object and change the selection to show item(s) being cut IOleDataObject dataObject = this.PackageSelectionDataObject(true); if (dataObject != null) { this.SourceDraggedOrCutOrCopied = true; // Add our cut item(s) to the clipboard ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(UnsafeNativeMethods.OleSetClipboard(dataObject)); // Inform VS (UiHierarchyWindow) of the cut IVsUIHierWinClipboardHelper clipboardHelper = (IVsUIHierWinClipboardHelper)GetService(typeof(SVsUIHierWinClipboardHelper)); if (clipboardHelper == null) { return(VSConstants.E_FAIL); } returnValue = ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(clipboardHelper.Cut(dataObject)); } } catch (COMException e) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message); returnValue = e.ErrorCode; } return(returnValue); }
/// <summary> /// Determines if the paste command should be allowed. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected internal override bool AllowPasteCommand() { IOleDataObject dataObject = null; try { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(UnsafeNativeMethods.OleGetClipboard(out dataObject)); if (dataObject == null) { return(false); } // First see if this is a set of storage based items FORMATETC format = DragDropHelper.CreateFormatEtc((ushort)DragDropHelper.CF_VSSTGPROJECTITEMS); if (dataObject.QueryGetData(new FORMATETC[] { format }) == VSConstants.S_OK) { return(true); } // Try reference based items format = DragDropHelper.CreateFormatEtc((ushort)DragDropHelper.CF_VSREFPROJECTITEMS); if (dataObject.QueryGetData(new FORMATETC[] { format }) == VSConstants.S_OK) { return(true); } // Try windows explorer files format format = DragDropHelper.CreateFormatEtc((ushort)NativeMethods.CF_HDROP); return(dataObject.QueryGetData(new FORMATETC[] { format }) == VSConstants.S_OK); } // We catch External exceptions since it might be that it is not our data on the clipboard. catch (ExternalException e) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception :" + e.Message); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Get the dropdatatype from the dataobject /// </summary> /// <param name="pDataObject">The dataobject to be analysed for its format</param> /// <returns>dropdatatype or none if dataobject does not contain known format</returns> internal static DropDataType QueryDropDataType(IOleDataObject pDataObject) { if (pDataObject == null) { return(DropDataType.None); } // known formats include File Drops (as from WindowsExplorer), // VSProject Reference Items and VSProject Storage Items. FORMATETC fmt = DragDropHelper.CreateFormatEtc(NativeMethods.CF_HDROP); if (DragDropHelper.QueryGetData(pDataObject, ref fmt) == VSConstants.S_OK) { return(DropDataType.Shell); } fmt.cfFormat = DragDropHelper.CF_VSREFPROJECTITEMS; if (DragDropHelper.QueryGetData(pDataObject, ref fmt) == VSConstants.S_OK) { // Data is from a Ref-based project. return(DropDataType.VsRef); } fmt.cfFormat = DragDropHelper.CF_VSSTGPROJECTITEMS; if (DragDropHelper.QueryGetData(pDataObject, ref fmt) == VSConstants.S_OK) { return(DropDataType.VsStg); } return(DropDataType.None); }
public static int QueryGetData(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject pDataObject, ref FORMATETC fmtetc) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); int returnValue = VSConstants.E_FAIL; FORMATETC[] af = new FORMATETC[1]; af[0] = fmtetc; try { int result = ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(pDataObject.QueryGetData(af)); if (result == VSConstants.S_OK) { fmtetc = af[0]; returnValue = VSConstants.S_OK; } } catch (COMException e) { // do not display exception. We see this also when trying to ask for a Clipboard operation // when the actual change was a drag/drop returnValue = e.ErrorCode; } return(returnValue); }
public static int QueryGetData(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject dataObject, ref FORMATETC fmtetc) { if (dataObject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dataObject"); } int returnValue = VSConstants.E_FAIL; FORMATETC[] af = new FORMATETC[1]; af[0] = fmtetc; try { int result = ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(dataObject.QueryGetData(af)); if (result == VSConstants.S_OK) { fmtetc = af[0]; returnValue = VSConstants.S_OK; } } catch (COMException e) { Trace.WriteLine("COMException : " + e.Message); returnValue = e.ErrorCode; } return(returnValue); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether the Toolbox user supports the referenced data object. /// </summary> /// <param name="pDO">Data object to be supported.</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> int IVsToolboxUser.IsSupported(IOleDataObject pDO) { // Create a OleDataObject from the input interface. new OleDataObject(pDO); // In all the other cases return S_FALSE return(VSConstants.S_FALSE); }
/// <summary> /// After a drop or paste, will use the dwEffects /// to determine whether we need to clean up the source nodes or not. If /// justCleanup is set, it only does the cleanup work. /// </summary> internal void CleanupSelectionDataObject(bool dropped, bool cut, bool moved, bool justCleanup) { if (this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied == null || this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied.Count == 0) { return; } try { IVsUIHierarchyWindow w = UIHierarchyUtilities.GetUIHierarchyWindow(, HierarchyNode.SolutionExplorer); foreach (HierarchyNode node in this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied) { if ((moved && (cut || dropped) && !justCleanup)) { // do not close it if the doc is dirty or we do not own it bool isDirty, isOpen, isOpenedByUs; uint docCookie; IVsPersistDocData ppIVsPersistDocData; DocumentManager manager = node.GetDocumentManager(); if (manager != null) { manager.GetDocInfo(out isOpen, out isDirty, out isOpenedByUs, out docCookie, out ppIVsPersistDocData); if (isDirty || (isOpen && !isOpenedByUs)) { continue; } // close it if opened if (isOpen) { manager.Close(__FRAMECLOSE.FRAMECLOSE_NoSave); } } node.Remove(true); } else if (w != null) { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(w.ExpandItem((IVsUIHierarchy)this, node.ID, EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_UnCutHighlightItem)); } } } finally { // Now delete the memory allocated by the packaging of datasources. // If we just did a cut, or we are told to cleanup, then we need to free the data object. Otherwise, we leave it // alone so that you can continue to paste the data in new locations. if (moved || cut || justCleanup) { this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied.Clear(); this.CleanAndFlushClipboard(); } this.dataObject = null; this.dropDataType = DropDataType.None; } }
public static int QueryGetData(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject pDataObject, ref FORMATETC fmtetc) { FORMATETC[] af = new FORMATETC[1]; af[0] = fmtetc; int hr = pDataObject.QueryGetData(af); fmtetc = af[0]; return(hr); }
public static STGMEDIUM GetData(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject pDataObject, ref FORMATETC fmtetc) { FORMATETC[] af = new FORMATETC[1]; af[0] = fmtetc; STGMEDIUM[] sm = new STGMEDIUM[1]; pDataObject.GetData(af, sm); fmtetc = af[0]; return(sm[0]); }
internal Ole2BclDataObject(OleInterop.IDataObject oleData) { if (null == oleData) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject"); } this.oleData = oleData; //this.bclData = oleData as BclComTypes.IDataObject; this.bclData = null; }
internal Ole2BclDataObject(BclComTypes.IDataObject bclData) { if (null == bclData) { throw new ArgumentNullException("System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject"); } //this.oleData = bclData as OleInterop.IDataObject; this.oleData = null; this.bclData = bclData; }
/// <summary> /// Handle the Paste operation to a targetNode /// </summary> protected internal override int PasteFromClipboard(HierarchyNode targetNode) { int returnValue = (int)OleConstants.OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED; //Get the clipboardhelper service and use it after processing dataobject IVsUIHierWinClipboardHelper clipboardHelper = (IVsUIHierWinClipboardHelper)GetService(typeof(SVsUIHierWinClipboardHelper)); if (clipboardHelper == null) { return(VSConstants.E_FAIL); } try { //Get dataobject from clipboard IOleDataObject dataObject = null; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(UnsafeNativeMethods.OleGetClipboard(out dataObject)); if (dataObject == null) { return(VSConstants.E_UNEXPECTED); } DropEffect dropEffect = DropEffect.None; DropDataType dropDataType = DropDataType.None; try { dropDataType = this.ProcessSelectionDataObject(dataObject, targetNode.GetDragTargetHandlerNode()); dropEffect = this.QueryDropEffect(dropDataType, 0); } catch (ExternalException e) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message); // If it is a drop from windows and we get any kind of error ignore it. This // prevents bogus messages from the shell from being displayed if (dropDataType != DropDataType.Shell) { throw e; } } finally { // Inform VS (UiHierarchyWindow) of the paste returnValue = clipboardHelper.Paste(dataObject, (uint)dropEffect); } } catch (COMException e) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message); returnValue = e.ErrorCode; } return(returnValue); }
/// <summary> /// Process dataobject from Drag/Drop/Cut/Copy/Paste operation /// </summary> /// <remarks>The targetNode is set if the method is called from a drop operation, otherwise it is null</remarks> /// internal DropDataType ProcessSelectionDataObject(IOleDataObject dataObject, HierarchyNode targetNode) { DropDataType dropDataType = DropDataType.None; bool isWindowsFormat = false; // Try to get it as a directory based project. List <string> filesDropped = DragDropHelper.GetDroppedFiles(DragDropHelper.CF_VSSTGPROJECTITEMS, dataObject, out dropDataType); if (filesDropped.Count == 0) { filesDropped = DragDropHelper.GetDroppedFiles(DragDropHelper.CF_VSREFPROJECTITEMS, dataObject, out dropDataType); } if (filesDropped.Count == 0) { filesDropped = DragDropHelper.GetDroppedFiles(NativeMethods.CF_HDROP, dataObject, out dropDataType); isWindowsFormat = (filesDropped.Count > 0); } if (dropDataType != DropDataType.None && filesDropped.Count > 0) { string[] filesDroppedAsArray = filesDropped.ToArray(); string sourceProjectPath = DragDropHelper.GetSourceProjectPath(dataObject); HierarchyNode node = (targetNode == null) ? this : targetNode; // For directory based projects the content of the clipboard is a double-NULL terminated list of Projref strings. if (isWindowsFormat) { // This is the code path when source is windows explorer VSADDRESULT[] vsaddresults = new VSADDRESULT[1]; vsaddresults[0] = VSADDRESULT.ADDRESULT_Failure; int addResult = AddItem(node.ID, VSADDITEMOPERATION.VSADDITEMOP_OPENFILE, null, (uint)filesDropped.Count, filesDropped.ToArray(), IntPtr.Zero, vsaddresults); if (addResult != VSConstants.S_OK && addResult != VSConstants.S_FALSE && addResult != (int)OleConstants.OLECMDERR_E_CANCELED && vsaddresults[0] != VSADDRESULT.ADDRESULT_Success) { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(addResult); } return(dropDataType); } else { if (AddFilesFromProjectReferences(node, filesDroppedAsArray)) { return(dropDataType); } } } // If we reached this point then the drop data must be set to None. // Otherwise the OnPaste will be called with a valid DropData and that would actually delete the item. return(DropDataType.None); }
/// <summary> /// Called as soon as the mouse drags an item over a new hierarchy or hierarchy window /// </summary> /// <param name="pDataObject">reference to interface IDataObject of the item being dragged</param> /// <param name="grfKeyState">Current state of the keyboard and the mouse modifier keys. See docs for a list of possible values</param> /// <param name="itemid">Item identifier for the item currently being dragged</param> /// <param name="pdwEffect">On entry, a pointer to the current DropEffect. On return, must contain the new valid DropEffect</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> public override int DragEnter(IOleDataObject pDataObject, uint grfKeyState, uint itemid, ref uint pdwEffect) { pdwEffect = (uint)DropEffect.None; this.dropDataType = QueryDropDataType(pDataObject); if (this.dropDataType != DropDataType.None) { pdwEffect = (uint)this.QueryDropEffect(this.dropDataType, grfKeyState); } return VSConstants.S_OK; }
/// <summary> /// Called when one or more items are dropped into the target hierarchy or hierarchy window when the mouse button is released. /// </summary> /// <param name="pDataObject">Reference to the IDataObject interface on the item being dragged. This data object contains the data being transferred in the drag-and-drop operation. /// If the drop occurs, then this data object (item) is incorporated into the target hierarchy or hierarchy window.</param> /// <param name="grfKeyState">Current state of the keyboard and the mouse modifier keys. See <seealso cref="IVsHierarchyDropDataTarget"/></param> /// <param name="itemid">Item identifier of the drop data target over which the item is being dragged</param> /// <param name="pdwEffect">Visual effects associated with the drag-and drop-operation, such as a cursor, bitmap, and so on. /// The value of dwEffects passed to the source object via the OnDropNotify method is the value of pdwEffects returned by the Drop method</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code. </returns> public override int Drop(IOleDataObject pDataObject, uint grfKeyState, uint itemid, ref uint pdwEffect) { if (pDataObject == null) { return(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG); } pdwEffect = (uint)DropEffect.None; // Get the node that is being dragged over and ask it which node should handle this call HierarchyNode targetNode = NodeFromItemId(itemid); if (targetNode != null) { targetNode = targetNode.GetDragTargetHandlerNode(); } else { // There is no target node. The drop can not be completed. return(VSConstants.S_FALSE); } int returnValue; try { DropDataType dropDataType = DropDataType.None; dropDataType = ProcessSelectionDataObject(pDataObject, targetNode); pdwEffect = (uint)this.QueryDropEffect(dropDataType, grfKeyState); // If it is a drop from windows and we get any kind of error we return S_FALSE and dropeffect none. This // prevents bogus messages from the shell from being displayed returnValue = (dropDataType != DropDataType.Shell) ? VSConstants.E_FAIL : VSConstants.S_OK; } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message); if (!Utilities.IsInAutomationFunction(this.Site)) { string message = e.Message; string title = string.Empty; OLEMSGICON icon = OLEMSGICON.OLEMSGICON_CRITICAL; OLEMSGBUTTON buttons = OLEMSGBUTTON.OLEMSGBUTTON_OK; OLEMSGDEFBUTTON defaultButton = OLEMSGDEFBUTTON.OLEMSGDEFBUTTON_FIRST; VsShellUtilities.ShowMessageBox(this.Site, title, message, icon, buttons, defaultButton); } returnValue = VSConstants.E_FAIL; } return(returnValue); }
public static int QueryGetData(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject pDataObject, ref FORMATETC fmtetc) { FORMATETC[] af = new FORMATETC[1]; af[0] = fmtetc; int result = pDataObject.QueryGetData(af); if (result == VSConstants.S_OK) { fmtetc = af[0]; return(VSConstants.S_OK); } return(result); }
public static STGMEDIUM GetData(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject dataObject, ref FORMATETC fmtetc) { if (dataObject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dataObject"); } FORMATETC[] af = new FORMATETC[1]; af[0] = fmtetc; STGMEDIUM[] sm = new STGMEDIUM[1]; dataObject.GetData(af, sm); fmtetc = af[0]; return(sm[0]); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether the Toolbox user supports the referenced data object. /// </summary> /// <param name="pDO">Data object to be supported.</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> int IVsToolboxUser.IsSupported(IOleDataObject pDO) { // Create a OleDataObject from the input interface. OleDataObject oleData = new OleDataObject(pDO); // Check if the data object is of type MyToolboxData. if (oleData.GetDataPresent(typeof(ToolboxItemData))) { return(VSConstants.S_OK); } // In all the other cases return S_FALSE return(VSConstants.S_FALSE); }
/// <summary> /// Sends notification that an item in the Toolbox is selected through a click, or by pressing ENTER. /// </summary> /// <param name="pDO">Data object that is selected.</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> int IVsToolboxUser.ItemPicked(IOleDataObject pDO) { // Create a OleDataObject from the input interface. OleDataObject oleData = new OleDataObject(pDO); // Check if the picked item is the one we added to the toolbox. if (oleData.GetDataPresent(typeof(Toolbox_TestItem1))) { Debug.WriteLine("MyToolboxItemData selected from the toolbox"); Toolbox_TestItem1 myData = (Toolbox_TestItem1)oleData.GetData(typeof(Toolbox_TestItem1)); //editorControl.Text += myData.Content; } return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
/// <summary> /// Called as soon as the mouse drags an item over a new hierarchy or hierarchy window /// </summary> /// <param name="pDataObject">reference to interface IDataObject of the item being dragged</param> /// <param name="grfKeyState">Current state of the keyboard and the mouse modifier keys. See docs for a list of possible values</param> /// <param name="itemid">Item identifier for the item currently being dragged</param> /// <param name="pdwEffect">On entry, a pointer to the current DropEffect. On return, must contain the new valid DropEffect</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> public int DragEnter(IOleDataObject pDataObject, uint grfKeyState, uint itemid, ref uint pdwEffect) { pdwEffect = (uint)DropEffect.None; var item = NodeFromItemId(itemid); if (item.GetDragTargetHandlerNode().CanAddFiles) { _dropType = QueryDropDataType(pDataObject); if (_dropType != DropDataType.None) { pdwEffect = (uint)QueryDropEffect(grfKeyState); } } return VSConstants.S_OK; }
/// <summary> /// Called as soon as the mouse drags an item over a new hierarchy or hierarchy window /// </summary> /// <param name="pDataObject">reference to interface IDataObject of the item being dragged</param> /// <param name="grfKeyState">Current state of the keyboard and the mouse modifier keys. See docs for a list of possible values</param> /// <param name="itemid">Item identifier for the item currently being dragged</param> /// <param name="pdwEffect">On entry, a pointer to the current DropEffect. On return, must contain the new valid DropEffect</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> public override int DragEnter(IOleDataObject pDataObject, uint grfKeyState, uint itemid, ref uint pdwEffect) { pdwEffect = (uint)DropEffect.None; if (this.SourceDraggedOrCutOrCopied) { return(VSConstants.S_OK); } this.dropDataType = QueryDropDataType(pDataObject); if (this.dropDataType != DropDataType.None) { pdwEffect = (uint)this.QueryDropEffect(this.dropDataType, grfKeyState); } return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
/// <summary> /// Retrives data from a VS format. /// </summary> public static List <string> GetDroppedFiles(ushort format, Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject dataObject, out DropDataType ddt) { ddt = DropDataType.None; List <string> droppedFiles = new List <string>(); ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); // try HDROP FORMATETC fmtetc = CreateFormatEtc(format); if (QueryGetData(dataObject, ref fmtetc) == VSConstants.S_OK) { STGMEDIUM stgmedium = DragDropHelper.GetData(dataObject, ref fmtetc); if (stgmedium.tymed == (uint)TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL) { // We are releasing the cloned hglobal here. IntPtr dropInfoHandle = stgmedium.unionmember; if (dropInfoHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { ddt = DropDataType.Shell; try { uint numFiles = UnsafeNativeMethods.DragQueryFile(dropInfoHandle, 0xFFFFFFFF, null, 0); // We are a directory based project thus a projref string is placed on the clipboard. // We assign the maximum length of a projref string. // The format of a projref is : <Proj Guid>|<project rel path>|<file path> uint lenght = (uint)Guid.Empty.ToString().Length + 2 * NativeMethods.MAX_PATH + 2; char[] moniker = new char[lenght + 1]; for (uint fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < numFiles; fileIndex++) { uint queryFileLength = UnsafeNativeMethods.DragQueryFile(dropInfoHandle, fileIndex, moniker, lenght); string filename = new String(moniker, 0, (int)queryFileLength); droppedFiles.Add(filename); } } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(dropInfoHandle); } } } } return(droppedFiles); }
public override int DragOver(uint grfKeyState, uint itemid, ref uint pdwEffect) { if (this.dataObject == null) { this.dataObject = PackageSelectionDataObject(false); } this.dropDataType = QueryDropDataType(this.dataObject); if (this.dropDataType != DropDataType.None) { pdwEffect = (uint)QueryDropEffect(dropDataType, grfKeyState); } //We should also analyze if the node being dragged over can accept the drop if (!CanTargetNodeAcceptDrop(itemid)) { pdwEffect = (uint)DropEffect.None; } return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
/// <summary> /// Implements <see cref="IVsToolboxUser.IsSupported"/> /// </summary> protected int IsSupported(OLE.IDataObject pDO) { IDataObject data = pDO as IDataObject; if (data == null) { data = new DataObject(pDO); } IToolboxService toolboxService; if (null != (toolboxService = ToolboxService)) { if (toolboxService.IsSupported(data, ToolboxFilterManager.ToolboxFilters)) { return(VSConstants.S_OK); } } return(VSConstants.E_FAIL); }
/// <summary> /// Called as soon as the mouse drags an item over a new hierarchy or hierarchy window /// </summary> /// <param name="pDataObject">reference to interface IDataObject of the item being dragged</param> /// <param name="grfKeyState">Current state of the keyboard and the mouse modifier keys. See docs for a list of possible values</param> /// <param name="itemid">Item identifier for the item currently bbeing dragged</param> /// <param name="pdwEffect">On entry, a pointer to the current DropEffect. On return, must contain the /// new valid DropEffect</param> /// <returns>S_OK if the method succeeds</returns> public override int DragEnter(IOleDataObject pDataObject, uint grfKeyState, uint itemid, ref uint pdwEffect) { pdwEffect = (uint)DropEffect.None; if (this.SourceDraggedOrCutOrCopied) { return VSConstants.S_OK; } else { this.dataObject = (IOleDataObject)pDataObject; } this.dropDataType = QueryDropDataType(pDataObject); if (this.dropDataType != DropDataType.None) { pdwEffect = (uint)QueryDropEffect(this.dropDataType, grfKeyState); } return VSConstants.S_OK; }
/// <summary> /// Called as soon as the mouse drags an item over a new hierarchy or hierarchy window /// </summary> /// <param name="pDataObject">reference to interface IDataObject of the item being dragged</param> /// <param name="grfKeyState">Current state of the keyboard and the mouse modifier keys. See docs for a list of possible values</param> /// <param name="itemid">Item identifier for the item currently being dragged</param> /// <param name="pdwEffect">On entry, a pointer to the current DropEffect. On return, must contain the new valid DropEffect</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> public override int DragEnter(IOleDataObject pDataObject, uint grfKeyState, uint itemid, ref uint pdwEffect) { pdwEffect = (uint)DropEffect.None; // changed from MPFProj: // /* if(this.SourceDraggedOrCutOrCopied) { return VSConstants.S_OK; }*/ this.dropDataType = QueryDropDataType(pDataObject); if (this.dropDataType != DropDataType.None) { pdwEffect = (uint)this.QueryDropEffect(this.dropDataType, grfKeyState); } return VSConstants.S_OK; }
public static string GetSourceProjectPath(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject dataObject) { string projectPath = null; FORMATETC fmtetc = CreateFormatEtc(CF_VSPROJECTCLIPDESCRIPTOR); if (QueryGetData(dataObject, ref fmtetc) == VSConstants.S_OK) { STGMEDIUM stgmedium = DragDropHelper.GetData(dataObject, ref fmtetc); if (stgmedium.tymed == (uint)TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL && stgmedium.unionmember != IntPtr.Zero) { // We are releasing the cloned hglobal here. using (SafeGlobalAllocHandle dropInfoHandle = new SafeGlobalAllocHandle(stgmedium.unionmember, true)) { projectPath = GetData(dropInfoHandle); } } } return(projectPath); }
/// <summary> /// Returns information about one or more of the items being dragged /// </summary> /// <param name="pdwOKEffects">Pointer to a DWORD value describing the effects displayed while the item is being dragged, /// such as cursor icons that change during the drag-and-drop operation. /// For example, if the item is dragged over an invalid target point /// (such as the item's original location), the cursor icon changes to a circle with a line through it. /// Similarly, if the item is dragged over a valid target point, the cursor icon changes to a file or folder.</param> /// <param name="ppDataObject">Pointer to the IDataObject interface on the item being dragged. /// This data object contains the data being transferred in the drag-and-drop operation. /// If the drop occurs, then this data object (item) is incorporated into the target hierarchy or hierarchy window.</param> /// <param name="ppDropSource">Pointer to the IDropSource interface of the item being dragged.</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> public override int GetDropInfo(out uint pdwOKEffects, out IOleDataObject ppDataObject, out IDropSource ppDropSource) { //init out params pdwOKEffects = (uint)DropEffect.None; ppDataObject = null; ppDropSource = null; IOleDataObject dataObject = PackageSelectionDataObject(false); if (dataObject == null) { return(VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL); } this.SourceDraggedOrCutOrCopied = true; pdwOKEffects = (uint)(DropEffect.Move | DropEffect.Copy); ppDataObject = dataObject; return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
public static int QueryGetData(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject pDataObject, ref FORMATETC fmtetc) { int returnValue = VSConstants.E_FAIL; FORMATETC[] af = new FORMATETC[1]; af[0] = fmtetc; try { int result = ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(pDataObject.QueryGetData(af)); if (result == VSConstants.S_OK) { fmtetc = af[0]; returnValue = VSConstants.S_OK; } } catch (COMException e) { XSharpProjectPackage.Instance.DisplayException(e); returnValue = e.ErrorCode; } return(returnValue); }
/// <summary> /// Process dataobject from Drag/Drop/Cut/Copy/Paste operation /// </summary> /// <remarks>The targetNode is set if the method is called from a drop operation, otherwise it is null</remarks> internal DropDataType ProcessSelectionDataObject(IOleDataObject dataObject, HierarchyNode targetNode) { DropDataType dropDataType = DropDataType.None; bool isWindowsFormat = false; // Try to get it as a directory based project. List<string> filesDropped = DragDropHelper.GetDroppedFiles(DragDropHelper.CF_VSSTGPROJECTITEMS, dataObject, out dropDataType); if (filesDropped.Count == 0) { filesDropped = DragDropHelper.GetDroppedFiles(DragDropHelper.CF_VSREFPROJECTITEMS, dataObject, out dropDataType); } if (filesDropped.Count == 0) { filesDropped = DragDropHelper.GetDroppedFiles(NativeMethods.CF_HDROP, dataObject, out dropDataType); isWindowsFormat = (filesDropped.Count > 0); } if (dropDataType != DropDataType.None && filesDropped.Count > 0) { string[] filesDroppedAsArray = filesDropped.ToArray(); HierarchyNode node = (targetNode == null) ? this : targetNode; // For directory based projects the content of the clipboard is a double-NULL terminated list of Projref strings. if (isWindowsFormat) { // This is the code path when source is windows explorer VSADDRESULT[] vsaddresults = new VSADDRESULT[1]; vsaddresults[0] = VSADDRESULT.ADDRESULT_Failure; int addResult = AddItem(node.ID, VSADDITEMOPERATION.VSADDITEMOP_OPENFILE, null, (uint)filesDropped.Count, filesDroppedAsArray, IntPtr.Zero, vsaddresults); if (addResult != VSConstants.S_OK && addResult != VSConstants.S_FALSE && addResult != (int)OleConstants.OLECMDERR_E_CANCELED && vsaddresults[0] != VSADDRESULT.ADDRESULT_Success) { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(addResult); } return dropDataType; } else { if (AddFilesFromProjectReferences(node, filesDroppedAsArray)) { return dropDataType; } } } // If we reached this point then the drop data must be set to None. // Otherwise the OnPaste will be called with a valid DropData and that would actually delete the item. return DropDataType.None; }
/// <summary> /// The item picked. /// </summary> /// <param name="pDO"> /// The p do. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="int"/>. /// </returns> public int ItemPicked(IDataObject pDO) { // Create a OleDataObject from the input interface. var oleData = new OleDataObject(pDO); // Check if the picked item is the one we can paste. if (oleData.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText)) { object o = null; this.EditorControl.TextSelection.Paste(ref o, 0); } return VSConstants.S_OK; }
/// <summary> /// Handle the Cut operation to the clipboard /// </summary> protected internal override int CutToClipboard() { int returnValue = (int)OleConstants.OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED; try { this.RegisterClipboardNotifications(true); // Create our data object and change the selection to show item(s) being cut this.dataObject = this.PackageSelectionDataObject(true); if (this.dataObject != null) { this.SourceDraggedOrCutOrCopied = true; // Add our cut item(s) to the clipboard ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(UnsafeNativeMethods.OleSetClipboard(dataObject)); // Inform VS (UiHierarchyWindow) of the cut IVsUIHierWinClipboardHelper clipboardHelper = (IVsUIHierWinClipboardHelper)GetService(typeof(SVsUIHierWinClipboardHelper)); if (clipboardHelper == null) { return VSConstants.E_FAIL; } returnValue = ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(clipboardHelper.Cut(dataObject)); } } catch (COMException e) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message); returnValue = e.ErrorCode; } return returnValue; }
public override int DragOver(uint grfKeyState, uint itemid, ref uint pdwEffect) { if (this.dataObject == null) { this.dataObject = PackageSelectionDataObject(false); } this.dropDataType = QueryDropDataType(this.dataObject); if (this.dropDataType != DropDataType.None) { pdwEffect = (uint)QueryDropEffect(dropDataType, grfKeyState); } //We should also analyze if the node being dragged over can accept the drop if (!CanTargetNodeAcceptDrop(itemid)) pdwEffect = (uint)DropEffect.None; return VSConstants.S_OK; }
/// <summary> /// Returns a dataobject from selected nodes /// </summary> /// <param name="cutHighlightItems">boolean that defines if the selected items must be cut</param> /// <returns>data object for selected items</returns> internal virtual DataObject PackageSelectionDataObject(bool cutHighlightItems) { this.CleanupSelectionDataObject(false, false, false); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataObject dataObject = null; try { IList<HierarchyNode> selectedNodes = this.GetSelectedNodes(); if (selectedNodes != null) { this.InstantiateItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopiedList(); StringBuilder selectionContent = null; // If there is a selection package the data if (selectedNodes.Count > 1) { foreach (HierarchyNode node in selectedNodes) { selectionContent = node.PrepareSelectedNodesForClipBoard(); if (selectionContent != null) { sb.Append(selectionContent); } } } else if (selectedNodes.Count == 1) { HierarchyNode selectedNode = selectedNodes[0]; selectionContent = selectedNode.PrepareSelectedNodesForClipBoard(); if (selectionContent != null) { sb.Append(selectionContent); } } } // Add the project items first. IntPtr ptrToItems = this.PackageSelectionData(sb, false); if (ptrToItems == IntPtr.Zero) { return null; } FORMATETC fmt = DragDropHelper.CreateFormatEtc(DragDropHelper.CF_VSSTGPROJECTITEMS); dataObject = new DataObject(); dataObject.SetData(fmt, ptrToItems); // Now add the project path that sourced data. We just write the project file path. IntPtr ptrToProjectPath = this.PackageSelectionData(new StringBuilder(this.GetMkDocument()), true); if (ptrToProjectPath != IntPtr.Zero) { dataObject.SetData(DragDropHelper.CreateFormatEtc(DragDropHelper.CF_VSPROJECTCLIPDESCRIPTOR), ptrToProjectPath); } if (cutHighlightItems) { bool first = true; IVsUIHierarchyWindow w = UIHierarchyUtilities.GetUIHierarchyWindow(, HierarchyNode.SolutionExplorer); foreach (HierarchyNode node in this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied) { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(w.ExpandItem((IVsUIHierarchy)this, node.ID, first ? EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_CutHighlightItem : EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_AddCutHighlightItem)); first = false; } } } catch (COMException e) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message); dataObject = null; } return dataObject; }
/// <summary> /// Allows the drag source to prompt to save unsaved items being dropped. /// Notifies the source hierarchy that information dragged from it is about to be dropped on a target. /// This method is called immediately after the mouse button is released on a drop. /// </summary> /// <param name="o">Reference to the IDataObject interface on the item being dragged. /// This data object contains the data being transferred in the drag-and-drop operation. /// If the drop occurs, then this data object (item) is incorporated into the hierarchy window of the new hierarchy.</param> /// <param name="dwEffect">Current state of the keyboard and the mouse modifier keys.</param> /// <param name="fCancelDrop">If true, then the drop is cancelled by the source hierarchy. If false, then the drop can continue.</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code. </returns> public override int OnBeforeDropNotify(IOleDataObject o, uint dwEffect, out int fCancelDrop) { // If there is nothing to be dropped just return that drop should be cancelled. if (this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied == null) { fCancelDrop = 1; return(VSConstants.S_OK); } fCancelDrop = 0; bool dirty = false; foreach (HierarchyNode node in this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied) { bool isDirty, isOpen, isOpenedByUs; uint docCookie; IVsPersistDocData ppIVsPersistDocData; DocumentManager manager = node.GetDocumentManager(); if (manager != null) { manager.GetDocInfo(out isOpen, out isDirty, out isOpenedByUs, out docCookie, out ppIVsPersistDocData); if (isDirty && isOpenedByUs) { dirty = true; break; } } } // if there are no dirty docs we are ok to proceed if (!dirty) { return(VSConstants.S_OK); } // Prompt to save if there are dirty docs string message = SR.GetString(SR.SaveModifiedDocuments, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture); string title = string.Empty; OLEMSGICON icon = OLEMSGICON.OLEMSGICON_WARNING; OLEMSGBUTTON buttons = OLEMSGBUTTON.OLEMSGBUTTON_YESNOCANCEL; OLEMSGDEFBUTTON defaultButton = OLEMSGDEFBUTTON.OLEMSGDEFBUTTON_FIRST; int result = VsShellUtilities.ShowMessageBox(Site, title, message, icon, buttons, defaultButton); switch (result) { case NativeMethods.IDYES: break; case NativeMethods.IDNO: return(VSConstants.S_OK); case NativeMethods.IDCANCEL: goto default; default: fCancelDrop = 1; return(VSConstants.S_OK); } // Save all dirty documents foreach (HierarchyNode node in this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied) { DocumentManager manager = node.GetDocumentManager(); if (manager != null) { manager.Save(true); } } return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
/// <summary> /// Called as soon as the mouse drags an item over a new hierarchy or hierarchy window /// </summary> /// <param name="dataObject">reference to interface IDataObject of the item being dragged</param> /// <param name="keyState">Current state of the keyboard and the mouse modifier keys. See docs for a list of possible values</param> /// <param name="itemId">Item identifier for the item currently being dragged</param> /// <param name="effect">On entry, a pointer to the current DropEffect. On return, must contain the new valid DropEffect</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> public override int DragEnter(IOleDataObject dataObject, uint keyState, uint itemId, ref DropEffects effect) { effect = DropEffects.None; if(this.SourceDraggedOrCutOrCopied) { return VSConstants.S_OK; } this._dropDataType = QueryDropDataType(dataObject); if(this._dropDataType != DropDataType.None) { effect = this.QueryDropEffect(this._dropDataType, keyState); } return VSConstants.S_OK; }
/// <summary> /// Process dataobject from Drag/Drop/Cut/Copy/Paste operation /// /// drop indicates if it is a drag/drop or a cut/copy/paste. /// </summary> /// <remarks>The targetNode is set if the method is called from a drop operation, otherwise it is null</remarks> internal DropDataType ProcessSelectionDataObject(IOleDataObject dataObject, HierarchyNode targetNode, bool drop, DropEffect dropEffect) { Utilities.ArgumentNotNull("targetNode", targetNode); DropDataType dropDataType = DropDataType.None; bool isWindowsFormat = false; // Try to get it as a directory based project. List<string> filesDropped = DragDropHelper.GetDroppedFiles(DragDropHelper.CF_VSSTGPROJECTITEMS, dataObject, out dropDataType); if (filesDropped.Count == 0) { filesDropped = DragDropHelper.GetDroppedFiles(DragDropHelper.CF_VSREFPROJECTITEMS, dataObject, out dropDataType); } if (filesDropped.Count == 0) { filesDropped = DragDropHelper.GetDroppedFiles(NativeMethods.CF_HDROP, dataObject, out dropDataType); isWindowsFormat = (filesDropped.Count > 0); } if (dropDataType != DropDataType.None && filesDropped.Count > 0) { string[] filesDroppedAsArray = filesDropped.ToArray(); HierarchyNode node = targetNode; // For directory based projects the content of the clipboard is a double-NULL terminated list of Projref strings. if (isWindowsFormat) { DropFilesOrFolders(filesDroppedAsArray, node); return dropDataType; } else { if (AddFilesFromProjectReferences(node, filesDroppedAsArray, drop, dropEffect)) { return dropDataType; } } } // If we reached this point then the drop data must be set to None. // Otherwise the OnPaste will be called with a valid DropData and that would actually delete the item. return DropDataType.None; }
/// <summary> /// Returns information about one or more of the items being dragged /// </summary> /// <param name="effects">Pointer to a DWORD value describing the effects displayed while the item is being dragged, /// such as cursor icons that change during the drag-and-drop operation. /// For example, if the item is dragged over an invalid target point /// (such as the item's original location), the cursor icon changes to a circle with a line through it. /// Similarly, if the item is dragged over a valid target point, the cursor icon changes to a file or folder.</param> /// <param name="dataObject">Pointer to the IDataObject interface on the item being dragged. /// This data object contains the data being transferred in the drag-and-drop operation. /// If the drop occurs, then this data object (item) is incorporated into the target hierarchy or hierarchy window.</param> /// <param name="dropSource">Pointer to the IDropSource interface of the item being dragged.</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> public override int GetDropInfo(out DropEffects effects, out IOleDataObject dataObject, out IDropSource dropSource) { //init out params effects = (uint)DropEffects.None; dataObject = null; dropSource = null; IOleDataObject selectionDataObject = PackageSelectionDataObject(false); if(selectionDataObject == null) { return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL; } this.SourceDraggedOrCutOrCopied = true; effects = DropEffects.Move | DropEffects.Copy; dataObject = selectionDataObject; return VSConstants.S_OK; }
/// <summary> /// The is supported. /// </summary> /// <param name="pDO"> /// The p do. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="int"/>. /// </returns> public int IsSupported(IDataObject pDO) { // Create a OleDataObject from the input interface. var oleData = new OleDataObject(pDO); // && EditorControl.RichTextBoxControl.CanPaste(DataFormats.GetFormat(DataFormats.UnicodeText)) // Check if the data object is of type UnicodeText. if (oleData.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText)) { return VSConstants.S_OK; } // In all the other cases return S_FALSE return VSConstants.S_FALSE; }
/// <summary> /// Returns information about one or more of the items being dragged /// </summary> /// <param name="pdwOKEffects">Pointer to a DWORD value describing the effects displayed while the item is being dragged, /// such as cursor icons that change during the drag-and-drop operation. /// For example, if the item is dragged over an invalid target point /// (such as the item's original location), the cursor icon changes to a circle with a line through it. /// Similarly, if the item is dragged over a valid target point, the cursor icon changes to a file or folder.</param> /// <param name="ppDataObject">Pointer to the IDataObject interface on the item being dragged. /// This data object contains the data being transferred in the drag-and-drop operation. /// If the drop occurs, then this data object (item) is incorporated into the target hierarchy or hierarchy window.</param> /// <param name="ppDropSource">Pointer to the IDropSource interface of the item being dragged.</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> public override int GetDropInfo(out uint pdwOKEffects, out IOleDataObject ppDataObject, out IDropSource ppDropSource) { //init out params pdwOKEffects = (uint)DropEffect.None; ppDataObject = null; ppDropSource = null; IOleDataObject dataObject = PackageSelectionDataObject(false); if (dataObject == null) { return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL; } this.SourceDraggedOrCutOrCopied = true; this.SourceDragged = true; pdwOKEffects = (uint)(DropEffect.Move | DropEffect.Copy); ppDataObject = dataObject; return VSConstants.S_OK; }
/// <summary> /// Get the dropdatatype from the dataobject /// </summary> /// <param name="pDataObject">The dataobject to be analysed for its format</param> /// <returns>dropdatatype or none if dataobject does not contain known format</returns> internal static DropDataType QueryDropDataType(IOleDataObject pDataObject) { if (pDataObject == null) { return DropDataType.None; } // known formats include File Drops (as from WindowsExplorer), // VSProject Reference Items and VSProject Storage Items. FORMATETC fmt = DragDropHelper.CreateFormatEtc(NativeMethods.CF_HDROP); if (DragDropHelper.QueryGetData(pDataObject, ref fmt) == VSConstants.S_OK) { return DropDataType.Shell; } fmt.cfFormat = DragDropHelper.CF_VSREFPROJECTITEMS; if (DragDropHelper.QueryGetData(pDataObject, ref fmt) == VSConstants.S_OK) { // Data is from a Ref-based project. return DropDataType.VsRef; } fmt.cfFormat = DragDropHelper.CF_VSSTGPROJECTITEMS; if (DragDropHelper.QueryGetData(pDataObject, ref fmt) == VSConstants.S_OK) { return DropDataType.VsStg; } return DropDataType.None; }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether the Toolbox user supports the referenced data object. /// </summary> /// <param name="pDO">Data object to be supported.</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> int IVsToolboxUser.IsSupported(IOleDataObject pDO) { // Create a OleDataObject from the input interface. OleDataObject oleData = new OleDataObject(pDO); // Check if the data object is of type MyToolboxData. if (oleData.GetDataPresent(typeof(ToolboxItemData))) return VSConstants.S_OK; // In all the other cases return S_FALSE return VSConstants.S_FALSE; }
/// <summary> /// Sends notification that an item in the Toolbox is selected through a click, or by pressing ENTER. /// </summary> /// <param name="pDO">Data object that is selected.</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.</returns> int IVsToolboxUser.ItemPicked(IOleDataObject pDO) { // Create a OleDataObject from the input interface. OleDataObject oleData = new OleDataObject(pDO); // Check if the picked item is the one we added to the toolbox. if (oleData.GetDataPresent(typeof(ToolboxItemData))) { Debug.WriteLine("MyToolboxItemData selected from the toolbox"); ToolboxItemData myData = (ToolboxItemData)oleData.GetData(typeof(ToolboxItemData)); editorControl.Text += myData.Content; } return VSConstants.S_OK; }
internal Ole2BclDataObject(BclComTypes.IDataObject bclData) { if (null == bclData) throw new ArgumentNullException("System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject"); //this.oleData = bclData as OleInterop.IDataObject; this.oleData = null; this.bclData = bclData; }
/// <summary> /// Called when one or more items are dropped into the target hierarchy or hierarchy window when the mouse button is released. /// </summary> /// <param name="pDataObject">Reference to the IDataObject interface on the item being dragged. This data object contains the data being transferred in the drag-and-drop operation. /// If the drop occurs, then this data object (item) is incorporated into the target hierarchy or hierarchy window.</param> /// <param name="grfKeyState">Current state of the keyboard and the mouse modifier keys. See <seealso cref="IVsHierarchyDropDataTarget"/></param> /// <param name="itemid">Item identifier of the drop data target over which the item is being dragged</param> /// <param name="pdwEffect">Visual effects associated with the drag-and drop-operation, such as a cursor, bitmap, and so on. /// The value of dwEffects passed to the source object via the OnDropNotify method is the value of pdwEffects returned by the Drop method</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code. </returns> public override int Drop(IOleDataObject pDataObject, uint grfKeyState, uint itemid, ref uint pdwEffect) { if (pDataObject == null) { return VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG; } pdwEffect = (uint)DropEffect.None; // Get the node that is being dragged over and ask it which node should handle this call HierarchyNode targetNode = NodeFromItemId(itemid); if (targetNode != null) { targetNode = targetNode.GetDragTargetHandlerNode(); } else { // There is no target node. The drop can not be completed. return VSConstants.S_FALSE; } int returnValue; try { this.isInPasteOrDrop = true; DropDataType dropDataType = DropDataType.None; dropDataType = ProcessSelectionDataObject(pDataObject, targetNode, grfKeyState); pdwEffect = (uint)this.QueryDropEffect(dropDataType, grfKeyState); // If it is a drop from windows and we get any kind of error we return S_FALSE and dropeffect none. This // prevents bogus messages from the shell from being displayed returnValue = (dropDataType != DropDataType.Shell) ? VSConstants.E_FAIL : VSConstants.S_OK; } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message); if (!Utilities.IsInAutomationFunction(this.Site)) { string message = e.Message; string title = string.Empty; OLEMSGICON icon = OLEMSGICON.OLEMSGICON_CRITICAL; OLEMSGBUTTON buttons = OLEMSGBUTTON.OLEMSGBUTTON_OK; OLEMSGDEFBUTTON defaultButton = OLEMSGDEFBUTTON.OLEMSGDEFBUTTON_FIRST; VsShellUtilities.ShowMessageBox(this.Site, title, message, icon, buttons, defaultButton); } returnValue = VSConstants.E_FAIL; } finally { this.isInPasteOrDrop = false; this.dropAsCopy = false; } return returnValue; }
internal Ole2BclDataObject(OleInterop.IDataObject oleData) { if (null == oleData) throw new ArgumentNullException("Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject"); this.oleData = oleData; //this.bclData = oleData as BclComTypes.IDataObject; this.bclData = null; }
/// <summary> /// Allows the drag source to prompt to save unsaved items being dropped. /// Notifies the source hierarchy that information dragged from it is about to be dropped on a target. /// This method is called immediately after the mouse button is released on a drop. /// </summary> /// <param name="o">Reference to the IDataObject interface on the item being dragged. /// This data object contains the data being transferred in the drag-and-drop operation. /// If the drop occurs, then this data object (item) is incorporated into the hierarchy window of the new hierarchy.</param> /// <param name="dwEffect">Current state of the keyboard and the mouse modifier keys.</param> /// <param name="fCancelDrop">If true, then the drop is cancelled by the source hierarchy. If false, then the drop can continue.</param> /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code. </returns> public override int OnBeforeDropNotify(IOleDataObject o, uint dwEffect, out int fCancelDrop) { // If there is nothing to be dropped just return that drop should be cancelled. if (this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied == null) { fCancelDrop = 1; return VSConstants.S_OK; } fCancelDrop = 0; bool dirty = false; foreach (HierarchyNode node in this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied) { bool isDirty, isOpen, isOpenedByUs; uint docCookie; IVsPersistDocData ppIVsPersistDocData; DocumentManager manager = node.GetDocumentManager(); if (manager != null) { manager.GetDocInfo(out isOpen, out isDirty, out isOpenedByUs, out docCookie, out ppIVsPersistDocData); if (isDirty && isOpenedByUs) { dirty = true; break; } } } // if there are no dirty docs we are ok to proceed if (!dirty) { return VSConstants.S_OK; } // Prompt to save if there are dirty docs string message = SR.GetString(SR.SaveModifiedDocuments, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture); string title = string.Empty; OLEMSGICON icon = OLEMSGICON.OLEMSGICON_WARNING; OLEMSGBUTTON buttons = OLEMSGBUTTON.OLEMSGBUTTON_YESNOCANCEL; OLEMSGDEFBUTTON defaultButton = OLEMSGDEFBUTTON.OLEMSGDEFBUTTON_FIRST; int result = VsShellUtilities.ShowMessageBox(Site, title, message, icon, buttons, defaultButton); switch (result) { case NativeMethods.IDYES: break; case NativeMethods.IDNO: return VSConstants.S_OK; case NativeMethods.IDCANCEL: goto default; default: fCancelDrop = 1; return VSConstants.S_OK; } // Save all dirty documents foreach (HierarchyNode node in this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied) { DocumentManager manager = node.GetDocumentManager(); if (manager != null) { manager.Save(true); } } return VSConstants.S_OK; }
public static bool AttemptVsFormat(HierarchyNode activeNode, ushort cfFormat, Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject pDataObject, uint grfKeyState, out DropDataType pddt) { pddt = DropDataType.None; FORMATETC fmtetc = new FORMATETC(); fmtetc.cfFormat = cfFormat; fmtetc.ptd = IntPtr.Zero; fmtetc.dwAspect = (uint)DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT; fmtetc.lindex = -1; fmtetc.tymed = (uint)TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL; bool hasData = false; try { QueryGetData(pDataObject, ref fmtetc); hasData = true; } catch { } if (hasData) { try { STGMEDIUM stgmedium = GetData(pDataObject, ref fmtetc); if (stgmedium.tymed == (uint)TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL) { IntPtr hDropInfo = stgmedium.unionmember; if (hDropInfo != IntPtr.Zero) { pddt = DropDataType.VsRef; try { activeNode.AddFiles(UtilGetFilesFromPROJITEMDrop(hDropInfo)); } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(hDropInfo); } return(true); } } } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception:" + e.Message); } catch { Trace.WriteLine("Exception"); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Process dataobject from Drag/Drop/Cut/Copy/Paste operation /// </summary> /// <remarks>The targetNode is set if the method is called from a drop operation, otherwise it is null</remarks> internal DropDataType ProcessSelectionDataObject(IOleDataObject dataObject, HierarchyNode targetNode, uint grfKeyState) { DropDataType dropDataType = DropDataType.None; bool isWindowsFormat = false; // Try to get it as a directory based project. List<string> filesDropped = DragDropHelper.GetDroppedFiles(DragDropHelper.CF_VSSTGPROJECTITEMS, dataObject, out dropDataType); if (filesDropped.Count == 0) { filesDropped = DragDropHelper.GetDroppedFiles(DragDropHelper.CF_VSREFPROJECTITEMS, dataObject, out dropDataType); } if (filesDropped.Count == 0) { filesDropped = DragDropHelper.GetDroppedFiles(NativeMethods.CF_HDROP, dataObject, out dropDataType); isWindowsFormat = (filesDropped.Count > 0); } dropItems.Clear(); if (dropDataType != DropDataType.None && filesDropped.Count > 0) { bool saveAllowDuplicateLinks = this.AllowDuplicateLinks; try { DropEffect dropEffect = this.QueryDropEffect(dropDataType, grfKeyState); this.dropAsCopy = dropEffect == DropEffect.Copy; if (dropEffect == DropEffect.Move && this.SourceDraggedOrCutOrCopied) { // Temporarily allow duplicate links to enable cut-paste or drag-move of links within the project. // This won't happen when the source is another project because this.SourceDraggedOrCutOrCopied won't get set. this.AllowDuplicateLinks = true; } string[] filesDroppedAsArray = filesDropped.ToArray(); HierarchyNode node = (targetNode == null) ? this : targetNode; // For directory based projects the content of the clipboard is a double-NULL terminated list of Projref strings. if (isWindowsFormat) { // This is the code path when source is windows explorer VSADDRESULT[] vsaddresults = new VSADDRESULT[1]; vsaddresults[0] = VSADDRESULT.ADDRESULT_Failure; int addResult = AddItem(node.ID, VSADDITEMOPERATION.VSADDITEMOP_OPENFILE, null, (uint)filesDropped.Count, filesDroppedAsArray, IntPtr.Zero, vsaddresults); if (addResult != VSConstants.S_OK && addResult != VSConstants.S_FALSE && addResult != (int)OleConstants.OLECMDERR_E_CANCELED && vsaddresults[0] != VSADDRESULT.ADDRESULT_Success) { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(addResult); } return dropDataType; } else { if (AddFilesFromProjectReferences(node, filesDroppedAsArray, (uint)dropEffect)) { return dropDataType; } } } finally { this.AllowDuplicateLinks = saveAllowDuplicateLinks; } } this.dataWasCut = false; // If we reached this point then the drop data must be set to None. // Otherwise the OnPaste will be called with a valid DropData and that would actually delete the item. return DropDataType.None; }
/// <summary> /// The get selection data object. /// </summary> /// <param name="ppIDataObject"> /// The pp i data object. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="int"/>. /// </returns> int IVsTextView.GetSelectionDataObject(out IDataObject ppIDataObject) { ppIDataObject = null; return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL; }