public static async Task <Stream> RequestServiceAsync( HostWorkspaceServices services, HubClient client, RemoteServiceName serviceName, HostGroup hostGroup, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var is64bit = RemoteHostOptions.IsServiceHubProcess64Bit(services); var descriptor = new ServiceDescriptor(serviceName.ToString(is64bit)) { HostGroup = hostGroup }; try { return(await client.RequestServiceAsync(descriptor, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)); } catch (Exception e) when(ReportNonFatalWatson(e, cancellationToken)) { // TODO: Once // ServiceHub may throw non-cancellation exceptions if it is called after VS started to shut down, // even if our cancellation token is signaled. Cancel the operation and do not report an error in these cases. // // If ServiceHub did not throw non-cancellation exceptions when cancellation token is signaled, // we can assume that these exceptions indicate a failure and should be reported to the user. cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); RemoteHostCrashInfoBar.ShowInfoBar(services, e); // TODO: Propagate the original exception (see throw new SoftCrashException("Unexpected exception from HubClient", e, cancellationToken); }
private void SetRemoteHostBitness() { bool x64 = RemoteHostOptions.IsServiceHubProcess64Bit(_workspace); // log OOP bitness Logger.Log(FunctionId.RemoteHost_Bitness, KeyValueLogMessage.Create(LogType.Trace, m => m["64bit"] = x64)); // set service bitness WellKnownServiceHubServices.Set64bit(x64); }
public static async Task <RemoteHostClient> CreateAsync(HostWorkspaceServices services, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.ServiceHubRemoteHostClient_CreateAsync, KeyValueLogMessage.NoProperty, cancellationToken)) { Logger.Log(FunctionId.RemoteHost_Bitness, KeyValueLogMessage.Create(LogType.Trace, m => m["64bit"] = RemoteHostOptions.IsServiceHubProcess64Bit(services))); // let each client to have unique id so that we can distinguish different clients when service is restarted var clientId = $"VS ({Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}) ({Guid.NewGuid()})"; var hostGroup = new HostGroup(clientId); var hubClient = new HubClient("ManagedLanguage.IDE.RemoteHostClient"); // use the hub client logger for unexpected exceptions from devenv as well, so we have complete information in the log: WatsonReporter.InitializeLogger(hubClient.Logger); var remoteHostStream = await RequestServiceAsync(services, hubClient, WellKnownServiceHubService.RemoteHost, hostGroup, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); var client = new ServiceHubRemoteHostClient(services, hubClient, hostGroup, remoteHostStream); var uiCultureLCID = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID; var cultureLCID = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID; bool success = false; try { // initialize the remote service await client._endPoint.InvokeAsync <string>( nameof(IRemoteHostService.InitializeGlobalState), new object[] { clientId, uiCultureLCID, cultureLCID, TelemetryService.DefaultSession.SerializeSettings() }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { client.Dispose(); } } client.Started(); return(client); } }
public void Enable() { lock (_gate) { if (_remoteClientTask != null) { // already enabled return; } // We enable the remote host if either RemoteHostTest or RemoteHost are on. var optionService = _workspace.Services.GetRequiredService <IOptionService>(); if (!optionService.GetOption(RemoteHostOptions.RemoteHostTest) && !optionService.GetOption(RemoteHostOptions.RemoteHost)) { // not turned on return; } // log that remote host is enabled Logger.Log(FunctionId.RemoteHostClientService_Enabled, KeyValueLogMessage.NoProperty); Logger.Log(FunctionId.RemoteHost_Bitness, KeyValueLogMessage.Create(LogType.Trace, m => m["64bit"] = RemoteHostOptions.IsServiceHubProcess64Bit(_workspace.Services))); var remoteHostClientFactory = _workspace.Services.GetService <IRemoteHostClientFactory>(); if (remoteHostClientFactory == null) { // dev14 doesn't have remote host client factory return; } // make sure we run it on background thread _shutdownCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var token = _shutdownCancellationTokenSource.Token; _checksumUpdater = new SolutionChecksumUpdater(Workspace, Listener, token); _globalNotificationDelivery = new GlobalNotificationRemoteDeliveryService(Workspace.Services, token); _remoteClientTask = Task.Run(() => EnableAsync(token), token); } }