 /// <returns>
 /// The qualified name (i.e. including containing types and namespaces) of a named, pointer,
 /// or array type followed by the qualified name of the actual runtime type, if provided.
 /// </returns>
 internal static string GetTypeName(
     DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext,
     DkmClrValue value,
     DkmClrType declaredType,
     DkmClrCustomTypeInfo declaredTypeInfo,
     bool isPointerDereference)
     var declaredLmrType = declaredType.GetLmrType();
     var runtimeType = value.Type;
     var declaredTypeName = inspectionContext.GetTypeName(declaredType, declaredTypeInfo, Formatter.NoFormatSpecifiers);
     // Include the runtime type if distinct.
     if (!declaredLmrType.IsPointer &&
         !isPointerDereference &&
         (!declaredLmrType.IsNullable() || value.EvalFlags.Includes(DkmEvaluationResultFlags.ExceptionThrown)))
         // Generate the declared type name without tuple element names.
         var declaredTypeInfoNoTupleElementNames = declaredTypeInfo.WithNoTupleElementNames();
         var declaredTypeNameNoTupleElementNames = (declaredTypeInfo == declaredTypeInfoNoTupleElementNames) ?
             declaredTypeName :
             inspectionContext.GetTypeName(declaredType, declaredTypeInfoNoTupleElementNames, Formatter.NoFormatSpecifiers);
         // Generate the runtime type name with no tuple element names and no dynamic.
         var runtimeTypeName = inspectionContext.GetTypeName(runtimeType, null, FormatSpecifiers: Formatter.NoFormatSpecifiers);
         // If the two names are distinct, include both.
         if (!string.Equals(declaredTypeNameNoTupleElementNames, runtimeTypeName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) // Names will reflect "dynamic", types will not.
             return string.Format("{0} {{{1}}}", declaredTypeName, runtimeTypeName);
     return declaredTypeName;