        public void FillFromPayloadRow(Output output, Row payloadRow)
            SourceLineNumberCollection sourceLineNumbers = payloadRow.SourceLineNumbers;

            this[0] = payloadRow[0];
            this[1] = payloadRow[1];
            this[2] = (string)payloadRow[2] ?? String.Empty;
            this[3] = payloadRow[3];
            this[4] = payloadRow[4];
            this[5] = payloadRow[5] ?? String.Empty;
            this[6] = payloadRow[6];

            // payload files sourced from a cabinet (think WixExtension with embedded binary wixlib) are considered "non-content files".
            ObjectField field = (ObjectField)payloadRow.Fields[2];

            this.ContentFile = String.IsNullOrEmpty(field.CabinetFileId);


        /// <summary>
        /// Saves an output to a path on disk.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Path to save output file to on disk.</param>
        /// <param name="binderExtension">If provided, the binder extension is used to bind files into the output.</param>
        /// <param name="wixVariableResolver">The Wix variable resolver.</param>
        /// <param name="tempFilesLocation">Location for temporary files.</param>
        public void Save(string path, BinderExtension binderExtension, WixVariableResolver wixVariableResolver, string tempFilesLocation)
            FileMode fileMode = FileMode.Create;

            // Check if there was a cab on the wixout when it was created
            if (null != this.cabPath)
                // There was already a cab on the wixout when it was loaded. Reuse that one.
                File.Copy(this.cabPath, path, true);
                if (null != this.tempFileCollection)
                fileMode = FileMode.Append;
                Hashtable        cabinets = new Hashtable();
                StringCollection fileIds  = new StringCollection();
                StringCollection files    = new StringCollection();
                int index = 0;

                // resolve paths to files and create the output cabinet file
                foreach (Section section in this.sections)
                    foreach (Table table in section.Tables)
                        foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                            foreach (Field field in row.Fields)
                                ObjectField objectField = field as ObjectField;

                                if (null != objectField && null != objectField.Data)
                                    string file      = null;
                                    bool   isDefault = true;

                                    // resolve localization and wix variables
                                    objectField.Data = wixVariableResolver.ResolveVariables(null, row.SourceLineNumbers, (string)objectField.Data, false, ref isDefault);

                                    // do not save the output if errors were found while resolving object paths
                                    if (wixVariableResolver.EncounteredError)

                                    // file is compressed in a cabinet (and not modified above)
                                    if (null != objectField.CabinetFileId && isDefault)
                                        // index cabinets that have not been previously encountered
                                        if (!cabinets.ContainsKey(objectField.BaseUri))
                                            Uri    baseUri = new Uri(objectField.BaseUri);
                                            string localFileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(baseUri.LocalPath);
                                            string extractedDirectoryName        = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "cab_{0}_{1}", cabinets.Count, localFileNameWithoutExtension);

                                            // index the cabinet file's base URI (source location) and extracted directory
                                            cabinets.Add(objectField.BaseUri, Path.Combine(tempFilesLocation, extractedDirectoryName));

                                        // set the path to the file once its extracted from the cabinet
                                        file = Path.Combine((string)cabinets[objectField.BaseUri], objectField.CabinetFileId);
                                    else if (null != binderExtension)
                                        file = binderExtension.ResolveFile((string)objectField.Data);

                                    // add the file to the list of files to go in the cabinet
                                    if (null != file)
                                        string cabinetFileId = (index++).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                        objectField.CabinetFileId = cabinetFileId;


                // extract files that come from cabinet files
                if (0 < cabinets.Count)
                    // ensure the temporary directory exists

                    foreach (DictionaryEntry cabinet in cabinets)
                        Uri    baseUri = new Uri((string)cabinet.Key);
                        string localPath;

                        if ("embeddedresource" == baseUri.Scheme)
                            int    bytesRead;
                            byte[] buffer = new byte[512];

                            string   originalLocalPath = Path.GetFullPath(baseUri.LocalPath.Substring(1));
                            string   resourceName      = baseUri.Fragment.Substring(1);
                            Assembly assembly          = Assembly.LoadFile(originalLocalPath);

                            localPath = String.Concat(cabinet.Value, ".cab");

                            using (FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(localPath))
                                using (Stream resourceStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
                                    while (0 < (bytesRead = resourceStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)))
                                        fs.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                        else // normal file
                            localPath = baseUri.LocalPath;

                        // extract the cabinet's files into a temporary directory

                        using (WixExtractCab extractCab = new WixExtractCab())
                            extractCab.Extract(localPath, (string)cabinet.Value);

                // create the cabinet file
                if (0 < fileIds.Count)
                        using (WixCreateCab cab = new WixCreateCab(Path.GetFileName(path), Path.GetDirectoryName(path), 0, 0, CompressionLevel.Mszip))
                            for (int i = 0; i < fileIds.Count; i++)
                                cab.AddFile(files[i], fileIds[i]);
                    catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                        throw new WixException(WixErrors.FileNotFound(null, e.FileName));

                    // append the output xml to the end of the newly created cabinet file
                    fileMode = FileMode.Append;

            // Assure the location to output the xml exists

            // save the xml
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, fileMode))
                XmlWriter writer = null;

                    writer = new XmlTextWriter(fs, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

                    if (null != writer)
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves a library to a path on disk.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Path to save library file to on disk.</param>
        /// <param name="binderExtension">If provided, the binder extension is used to bind files into the library.</param>
        /// <param name="wixVariableResolver">The Wix variable resolver.</param>
        public void Save(string path, BinderExtension binderExtension, WixVariableResolver wixVariableResolver)
            FileMode         fileMode = FileMode.Create;
            StringCollection fileIds  = new StringCollection();
            StringCollection files    = new StringCollection();
            int index = 0;

            // resolve paths to files and create the library cabinet file
            foreach (Section section in this.sections)
                foreach (Table table in section.Tables)
                    foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                        foreach (Field field in row.Fields)
                            ObjectField objectField = field as ObjectField;

                            if (null != objectField)
                                if (null != binderExtension && null != objectField.Data)
                                    string cabinetFileId = (index++).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                    objectField.CabinetFileId = cabinetFileId;

                                    // resolve wix variables
                                    string resolvedValue = wixVariableResolver.ResolveVariables(null, row.SourceLineNumbers, (string)objectField.Data, false);

                                else // clear out a previous cabinet file id value
                                    objectField.CabinetFileId = null;

            // do not save the library if errors were found while resolving object paths
            if (wixVariableResolver.EncounteredError)

            // create the cabinet file
            if (0 < fileIds.Count)
                    using (WixCreateCab cab = new WixCreateCab(Path.GetFileName(path), Path.GetDirectoryName(path), 0, 0, CompressionLevel.Mszip))
                        for (int i = 0; i < fileIds.Count; i++)
                            cab.AddFile(files[i], fileIds[i]);
                catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                    throw new WixException(WixErrors.FileNotFound(null, e.FileName));

                // append the library xml to the end of the newly created cabinet file
                fileMode = FileMode.Append;

            // save the xml
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, fileMode))
                XmlWriter writer = null;

                    writer = new XmlTextWriter(fs, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

                    if (null != writer)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a transform by diffing two outputs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetOutput">The target output.</param>
        /// <param name="updatedOutput">The updated output.</param>
        /// <returns>The transform.</returns>
        public Output Diff(Output targetOutput, Output updatedOutput)
            Output transform = new Output(null);

            transform.Type     = OutputType.Transform;
            transform.Codepage = updatedOutput.Codepage;

            string targetProductCode     = null;
            string targetProductVersion  = null;
            string targetUpgradeCode     = null;
            string updatedProductCode    = null;
            string updatedProductVersion = null;

            // compare the codepages
            if (targetOutput.Codepage != updatedOutput.Codepage)
                this.OnMessage(WixErrors.OutputCodepageMismatch(targetOutput.SourceLineNumbers, targetOutput.Codepage, updatedOutput.Codepage));
                if (null != updatedOutput.SourceLineNumbers)

            // compare the output types
            if (targetOutput.Type != updatedOutput.Type)
                throw new WixException(WixErrors.OutputTypeMismatch(targetOutput.SourceLineNumbers, targetOutput.Type.ToString(), updatedOutput.Type.ToString()));

            // compare the contents of the tables
            foreach (Table targetTable in targetOutput.Tables)
                Table updatedTable = updatedOutput.Tables[targetTable.Name];

                // dropped tables
                if (null == updatedTable)
                    Table droppedTable = transform.Tables.EnsureTable(null, targetTable.Definition);
                    droppedTable.Operation = TableOperation.Drop;
                else // possibly modified tables
                    SortedList updatedPrimaryKeys = new SortedList();
                    SortedList targetPrimaryKeys  = new SortedList();

                    // TODO compare the table definitions - they must be identical for the type, size, primary keys, etc...
                    if (targetTable.Definition.Columns.Count != updatedTable.Definition.Columns.Count)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Different numbers of columns for {0}.", targetTable.Name));

                    // index the target rows
                    foreach (Row row in targetTable.Rows)
                        string primaryKey = row.GetPrimaryKey('/');

                        if (null != primaryKey)
                            targetPrimaryKeys.Add(primaryKey, row);
                        else // use the string representation of the row as its primary key (it may not be unique)
                            // this is provided for compatibility with unreal tables with no primary key
                            // all real tables must specify at least one column as the primary key
                            targetPrimaryKeys[row.ToString()] = row;

                        if ("Property" == targetTable.Name)
                            if ("ProductCode" == (string)row[0])
                                targetProductCode = (string)row[1];
                            else if ("ProductVersion" == (string)row[0])
                                targetProductVersion = (string)row[1];
                            else if ("UpgradeCode" == (string)row[0])
                                targetUpgradeCode = (string)row[1];

                    // index the updated rows
                    foreach (Row row in updatedTable.Rows)
                        string primaryKey = row.GetPrimaryKey('/');

                        if (null != primaryKey)
                            updatedPrimaryKeys.Add(primaryKey, row);
                        else // use the string representation of the row as its primary key (it may not be unique)
                            // this is provided for compatibility with unreal tables with no primary key
                            // all real tables must specify at least one column as the primary key
                            updatedPrimaryKeys[row.ToString()] = row;

                        if ("Property" == targetTable.Name)
                            if ("ProductCode" == (string)row[0])
                                updatedProductCode = (string)row[1];
                            else if ("ProductVersion" == (string)row[0])
                                updatedProductVersion = (string)row[1];

                    // diff the target and updated rows
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry targetPrimaryKeyEntry in targetPrimaryKeys)
                        string targetPrimaryKey = (string)targetPrimaryKeyEntry.Key;
                        Row    targetRow        = (Row)targetPrimaryKeyEntry.Value;
                        Row    updatedRow       = (Row)updatedPrimaryKeys[targetPrimaryKey];

                        if (null == updatedRow) // deleted row
                            Table modifiedTable = transform.EnsureTable(targetTable.Definition);
                            targetRow.Operation = RowOperation.Delete;
                            targetRow.SectionId = targetRow.SectionId + sectionDelimiter;
                        else // possibly modified
                            updatedRow.Operation = RowOperation.None;
                            if (!this.suppressKeepingSpecialRows && "_SummaryInformation" == targetTable.Name)
                                Table table = transform.EnsureTable(updatedTable.Definition);
                                updatedRow.SectionId = targetRow.SectionId + sectionDelimiter + updatedRow.SectionId;
                                bool keepRow = false;

                                if (this.preserveUnchangedRows)
                                    keepRow = true;

                                for (int i = 0; i < updatedRow.Fields.Length; i++)
                                    ColumnDefinition columnDefinition = updatedRow.Fields[i].Column;

                                    if (!columnDefinition.IsPrimaryKey)
                                        bool modified = false;

                                        if (ColumnType.Number == columnDefinition.Type && !columnDefinition.IsLocalizable)
                                            if (null == targetRow[i] ^ null == updatedRow[i])
                                                modified = true;
                                            else if (null != targetRow[i] && null != updatedRow[i])
                                                modified = ((int)targetRow[i] != (int)updatedRow[i]);
                                        else if (ColumnType.Object == columnDefinition.Type)
                                            ObjectField targetObjectField  = (ObjectField)targetRow.Fields[i];
                                            ObjectField updatedObjectField = (ObjectField)updatedRow.Fields[i];

                                            if (null != targetObjectField.CabinetFileId)
                                                // TODO: handle this

                                            if ((string)targetObjectField.Data != (string)updatedObjectField.Data)
                                                updatedObjectField.PreviousData = (string)targetObjectField.Data;

                                            // keep rows containing object fields so the files can be compared in the binder
                                            keepRow = !this.suppressKeepingSpecialRows;
                                            modified = ((string)targetRow[i] != (string)updatedRow[i]);

                                        if (modified)
                                            updatedRow.Fields[i].Modified = true;
                                            updatedRow.Operation          = RowOperation.Modify;
                                            keepRow = true;

                                if (keepRow)
                                    Table modifiedTable = transform.EnsureTable(updatedTable.Definition);
                                    updatedRow.SectionId = targetRow.SectionId + sectionDelimiter + updatedRow.SectionId;

                    // find the inserted rows
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry updatedPrimaryKeyEntry in updatedPrimaryKeys)
                        string updatedPrimaryKey = (string)updatedPrimaryKeyEntry.Key;

                        if (!targetPrimaryKeys.Contains(updatedPrimaryKey))
                            Row updatedRow = (Row)updatedPrimaryKeyEntry.Value;

                            Table modifiedTable = transform.EnsureTable(updatedTable.Definition);
                            updatedRow.Operation = RowOperation.Add;
                            updatedRow.SectionId = sectionDelimiter + updatedRow.SectionId;

            // added tables
            foreach (Table updatedTable in updatedOutput.Tables)
                if (null == targetOutput.Tables[updatedTable.Name])
                    Table addedTable = transform.Tables.EnsureTable(null, updatedTable.Definition);
                    addedTable.Operation = TableOperation.Add;

                    foreach (Row updatedRow in updatedTable.Rows)
                        updatedRow.Operation = RowOperation.Add;
                        updatedRow.SectionId = sectionDelimiter + updatedRow.SectionId;

            // create the PID_REVNUMBER summary information property
            if (!this.suppressKeepingSpecialRows)
                foreach (Row row in transform.Tables["_SummaryInformation"].Rows)
                    if (9 == (int)row[0])
                        row[1] = String.Concat(targetProductCode, targetProductVersion, ';', updatedProductCode, updatedProductVersion, ';', targetUpgradeCode);

        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves paths to files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sectionTables">TableCollection of tables to process</param>
        /// <param name="binderFileManager">If provided, the binder file manager is used to bind files into the output.</param>
        /// <param name="wixVariableResolver">The Wix variable resolver.</param>
        /// <param name="tempFilesLocation">Location for temporary files.</param>
        /// <param name="cabinets">Hash of source cabinets.</param>
        /// <param name="fileIds">Collection of CabinetFileIds.</param>
        /// <param name="files">Collection of file paths from compressed files.</param>
        /// <param name="index">CabinetFileId generator.</param>
        public static void ResolveSectionFiles(TableCollection sectionTables, BinderFileManager binderFileManager, WixVariableResolver wixVariableResolver, string tempFilesLocation, Hashtable cabinets, StringCollection fileIds, StringCollection files, ref int index)
            foreach (Table table in sectionTables)
                foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                    foreach (Field field in row.Fields)
                        ObjectField objectField = field as ObjectField;

                        if (null != objectField && null != objectField.Data)
                            string file              = null;
                            string previousFile      = null;
                            bool   isDefault         = true;
                            bool   isPreviousDefault = true;

                            // resolve localization and wix variables if there is a file manager that would use the value
                            // if it was different, otherwise we just don't care so skip the whole variable resolution thing.
                            if (null != wixVariableResolver && null != binderFileManager)
                                objectField.Data = wixVariableResolver.ResolveVariables(row.SourceLineNumbers, (string)objectField.Data, false, ref isDefault);

                                if (null != objectField.PreviousData)
                                    objectField.PreviousData = wixVariableResolver.ResolveVariables(row.SourceLineNumbers, objectField.PreviousData, false, ref isPreviousDefault);

                                // do not save the output if errors were found while resolving object paths
                                if (wixVariableResolver.EncounteredError)

                            // file is compressed in a cabinet (and not modified above)
                            if (null != objectField.CabinetFileId && isDefault)
                                // index cabinets that have not been previously encountered
                                if (!cabinets.ContainsKey(objectField.BaseUri))
                                    Uri    baseUri = new Uri(objectField.BaseUri);
                                    string localFileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(baseUri.LocalPath);
                                    string extractedDirectoryName        = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "cab_{0}_{1}", cabinets.Count, localFileNameWithoutExtension);

                                    // index the cabinet file's base URI (source location) and extracted directory
                                    cabinets.Add(objectField.BaseUri, Path.Combine(tempFilesLocation, extractedDirectoryName));

                                // set the path to the file once its extracted from the cabinet
                                file = Path.Combine((string)cabinets[objectField.BaseUri], objectField.CabinetFileId);
                            else if (null != binderFileManager)
                                file = binderFileManager.ResolveFile((string)objectField.Data, table.Name, row.SourceLineNumbers, BindStage.Normal);

                            // add the file to the list of files to go in the cabinet
                            if (null != file)
                                string cabinetFileId = (index++).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                objectField.CabinetFileId = cabinetFileId;


                            // previous file is compressed in a cabinet (and not modified above)
                            if (null != objectField.PreviousCabinetFileId && isPreviousDefault)
                                // index cabinets that have not been previously encountered
                                if (!cabinets.ContainsKey(objectField.PreviousBaseUri))
                                    Uri    baseUri = new Uri(objectField.PreviousBaseUri);
                                    string localFileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(baseUri.LocalPath);
                                    string extractedDirectoryName        = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "cab_{0}_{1}", cabinets.Count, localFileNameWithoutExtension);

                                    // index the cabinet file's base URI (source location) and extracted directory
                                    cabinets.Add(objectField.PreviousBaseUri, Path.Combine(tempFilesLocation, extractedDirectoryName));

                                // set the path to the file once its extracted from the cabinet
                                previousFile = Path.Combine((string)cabinets[objectField.PreviousBaseUri], objectField.PreviousCabinetFileId);
                            else if (null != objectField.PreviousData && null != binderFileManager)
                                previousFile = binderFileManager.ResolveFile((string)objectField.PreviousData, table.Name, row.SourceLineNumbers, BindStage.Normal);

                            // add the file to the list of files to go in the cabinet
                            if (null != previousFile)
                                string cabinetFileId = (index++).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                objectField.PreviousCabinetFileId = cabinetFileId;

        private Row CompareRows(Table targetTable, Row targetRow, Row updatedRow, out RowOperation operation, out bool keepRow)
            Row comparedRow = null;

            keepRow   = false;
            operation = RowOperation.None;

            if (null == targetRow ^ null == updatedRow)
                if (null == targetRow)
                    operation   = updatedRow.Operation = RowOperation.Add;
                    comparedRow = updatedRow;
                else if (null == updatedRow)
                    operation           = targetRow.Operation = RowOperation.Delete;
                    targetRow.SectionId = targetRow.SectionId + sectionDelimiter;
                    comparedRow         = targetRow;
                    keepRow             = true;
            else // possibly modified
                updatedRow.Operation = RowOperation.None;
                if (!this.suppressKeepingSpecialRows && "_SummaryInformation" == targetTable.Name)
                    // ignore rows that shouldn't be in a transform
                    if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SummaryInformation.Transform), (int)updatedRow[0]))
                        updatedRow.SectionId = targetRow.SectionId + sectionDelimiter + updatedRow.SectionId;
                        comparedRow          = updatedRow;
                        keepRow   = true;
                        operation = RowOperation.Modify;
                    if (this.preserveUnchangedRows)
                        keepRow = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < updatedRow.Fields.Length; i++)
                        ColumnDefinition columnDefinition = updatedRow.Fields[i].Column;

                        if (!columnDefinition.IsPrimaryKey)
                            bool modified = false;

                            if (i >= targetRow.Fields.Length)
                                columnDefinition.Added = true;
                                modified = true;
                            else if (ColumnType.Number == columnDefinition.Type && !columnDefinition.IsLocalizable)
                                if (null == targetRow[i] ^ null == updatedRow[i])
                                    modified = true;
                                else if (null != targetRow[i] && null != updatedRow[i])
                                    modified = ((int)targetRow[i] != (int)updatedRow[i]);
                            else if (ColumnType.Preserved == columnDefinition.Type)
                                updatedRow.Fields[i].PreviousData = (string)targetRow.Fields[i].Data;

                                // keep rows containing preserved fields so the historical data is available to the binder
                                keepRow = !this.suppressKeepingSpecialRows;
                            else if (ColumnType.Object == columnDefinition.Type)
                                ObjectField targetObjectField  = (ObjectField)targetRow.Fields[i];
                                ObjectField updatedObjectField = (ObjectField)updatedRow.Fields[i];

                                updatedObjectField.PreviousCabinetFileId = targetObjectField.CabinetFileId;
                                updatedObjectField.PreviousBaseUri       = targetObjectField.BaseUri;

                                // always keep a copy of the previous data even if they are identical
                                // This makes diff.wixmst clean and easier to control patch logic
                                updatedObjectField.PreviousData = (string)targetObjectField.Data;

                                // always remember the unresolved data for target build
                                updatedObjectField.UnresolvedPreviousData = (string)targetObjectField.UnresolvedData;

                                // keep rows containing object fields so the files can be compared in the binder
                                keepRow = !this.suppressKeepingSpecialRows;
                                modified = ((string)targetRow[i] != (string)updatedRow[i]);

                            if (modified)
                                if (null != updatedRow.Fields[i].PreviousData)
                                    updatedRow.Fields[i].PreviousData = targetRow.Fields[i].Data.ToString();

                                updatedRow.Fields[i].Modified = true;
                                operation = updatedRow.Operation = RowOperation.Modify;
                                keepRow   = true;

                    if (keepRow)
                        comparedRow           = updatedRow;
                        comparedRow.SectionId = targetRow.SectionId + sectionDelimiter + updatedRow.SectionId;
