public void ContentTypeHeaderAppJsonVersioningTest() { IEdmModel model = Microsoft.Test.OData.Utils.Metadata.TestModels.BuildTestModel(); this.CombinatorialEngineProvider.RunCombinations( new[] { ApplicationJson, ApplicationJsonODataLight }, new[] { ODataPayloadKind.Entry, ODataPayloadKind.Feed }, this.ReaderTestConfigurationProvider.JsonLightFormatConfigurations, (contentType, payloadKind, testConfiguration) => { ODataVersion version = testConfiguration.Version; if (IgnoreTestConfiguration(contentType, testConfiguration)) { return; } if (IgnoreTestCase(payloadKind, testConfiguration)) { return; } ExpectedException expectedException = null; ODataPayloadElement payloadElement = CreatePayloadElement(model, payloadKind, testConfiguration); ReaderContentTypeTestDescriptor testDescriptor = new ReaderContentTypeTestDescriptor(this.Settings) { PayloadElement = payloadElement, PayloadEdmModel = model, ExpectedFormat = ComputeExpectedFormat(testConfiguration, contentType), ContentType = contentType, ExpectedException = expectedException, }; testDescriptor.RunTest(testConfiguration); }); }
public void ContentTypeHeaderParsingTest() { IEnumerable<ContentTypeTestCase> testCases = new ContentTypeTestCase[] { #region Atom test cases new ContentTypeTestCase { // only reading an entry or feed should succeed ContentType = "application/atom+xml;type=feed", ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.Atom, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // only reading an entry or feed should succeed ContentType = "application/atom+xml;type=entry", ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.Atom, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // reading a feed, an entry, and metadata should succeed ContentType = "application/atom+xml", ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.Atom, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // reading a property, an entity reference link, entity reference links, a collection, a service document, and an error should succeed ContentType = "application/xml", ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.Atom, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // reading a property, an entity reference link, entity reference links, and a collection should succeed ContentType = "text/xml", ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.Atom, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // reading a service document should succeed ContentType = "application/atomsvc+xml", ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.Atom, }, #endregion Atom test cases #region RawValue test cases new ContentTypeTestCase { // only reading a raw value will succeed ContentType = "text/plain", ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.RawValue, ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind = pk => pk == ODataPayloadKind.Value || pk == ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // only reading a raw value or binary value will succeed; raw values can be read as binary values when the content type is application/octet-stream ContentType = "application/octet-stream", ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.RawValue, ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind = pk => pk == ODataPayloadKind.Value || pk == ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // only raw value / binary value will succeed ContentType = "multipart/mixed", ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.RawValue, ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind = pk => false, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // Test for: MimeType allows 0x7F character, but ContentType parsing doesn't ContentType = "application/"+0x7F, ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.RawValue, ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind = pk => false, }, #endregion RawValue test cases #region JSON Lite test cases new ContentTypeTestCase { // only batch and raw value will fail (batch payload kind tested separately in BatchContentTypeHeaderParsingTest) ContentType = ApplicationJsonODataLight, ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.Json, ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind = pk => pk != ODataPayloadKind.Value && pk != ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // only batch and raw value will fail (batch payload kind tested separately in BatchContentTypeHeaderParsingTest) ContentType = ApplicationJsonODataLightStreaming, ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.Json, ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind = pk => pk != ODataPayloadKind.Value && pk != ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // only batch and raw value will fail (batch payload kind tested separately in BatchContentTypeHeaderParsingTest) ContentType = ApplicationJsonODataLightNonStreaming, ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.Json, ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind = pk => pk != ODataPayloadKind.Value && pk != ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue, }, #endregion JSON Lite test cases #region Error test cases new ContentTypeTestCase { // unsupported content type; everything will fail ContentType = "application/foo", ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind = pk => false, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // unsupported content type with parameters; everything will fail ContentType = "abc/pqr;a=b;c=d", ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind = pk => false, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // "image/jpeg" is not supported, even for raw values. ContentType = "image/jpeg", ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind = pk => false, }, #endregion Error test cases #region Content Type is null or empty new ContentTypeTestCase { // null content type and zero content length should be default to Json if the payload kind is not binary value or value. ContentType = null, ContentLength = 0, ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.Json, ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind = pk => true, ShouldIgnoreTest = pk => pk == ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue || pk == ODataPayloadKind.Value }, new ContentTypeTestCase { // null content type and zero content length should be default to RawValue if the payload kind is binary value or value. ContentType = null, ContentLength = 0, ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.RawValue, ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind = pk => true, ShouldIgnoreTest = pk => pk != ODataPayloadKind.Value }, #endregion }; string[] parameters = new string[] { "foo=bar", "foo1=bar1;foo2=bar2" }; testCases = testCases.Concat(testCases.Where(tc => tc.ContentType != null).SelectMany(tc => parameters.Select(p => new ContentTypeTestCase(tc) { ContentType = tc.ContentType + ";" + p }))); int oDataPayloadKindCount = EnumExtensionMethods.GetValues<ODataPayloadKind>().Length; this.Assert.AreEqual(oDataPayloadKindCount, TestReaderUtils.ODataPayloadKinds.Length, "The number of payload kind have changed, please update this test."); IEdmModel model = Microsoft.Test.OData.Utils.Metadata.TestModels.BuildTestModel(); // We don't support batch payloads here; we test those separately in BatchContentTypeHeaderParsingTest IEnumerable<ODataPayloadKind> payloadKinds = TestReaderUtils.ODataPayloadKinds.Where(k => k != ODataPayloadKind.Batch && k != ODataPayloadKind.Unsupported); this.CombinatorialEngineProvider.RunCombinations( testCases, payloadKinds, this.ReaderTestConfigurationProvider.AllFormatConfigurations, (testCase, payloadKind, testConfiguration) => { testConfiguration = new ReaderTestConfiguration(testConfiguration); testConfiguration.MessageReaderSettings.EnableAtom = false; if (IgnoreTestCase(payloadKind, testConfiguration)) { return; } if (testCase.ShouldIgnoreTest != null && testCase.ShouldIgnoreTest(payloadKind)) { return; } string supportedMediaTypes; if (payloadKind == ODataPayloadKind.Value || payloadKind == ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue) { supportedMediaTypes = TestMediaTypeUtils.GetSupportedMediaTypes(ODataPayloadKind.Value) + ", " + TestMediaTypeUtils.GetSupportedMediaTypes(ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue); } else { supportedMediaTypes = TestMediaTypeUtils.GetSupportedMediaTypes(payloadKind, /*includeAppJson*/true); } ExpectedException expectedException = testCase.ExpectedException == null ? testCase.ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind!=null && testCase.ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind(payloadKind) ? null : ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataContentTypeException("MediaTypeUtils_CannotDetermineFormatFromContentType", supportedMediaTypes, testCase.ContentType ?? "") : testCase.ExpectedException; // Make sure to run success test cases only in configurations that will work. if (expectedException == null && testConfiguration.Format != null && testCase.ExpectedFormat != testConfiguration.Format) { return; } ODataPayloadElement payloadElement = CreatePayloadElement(model, payloadKind, testConfiguration); // When we write a value with a content type different than 'text/plain', we will read it as binary. // Likewise, when we write a binary value with a 'text/plain' content type, we will read it as a string. Func<ReaderTestConfiguration, ODataPayloadElement> expectedResultElementFunc = null; if (payloadKind == ODataPayloadKind.Value && testCase.ContentType != null && !testCase.ContentType.StartsWith("text/plain")) { expectedResultElementFunc = (testConfig) => ConvertToBinaryPayloadElement(payloadElement); } else if (payloadKind == ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue && testCase.ContentType != null && testCase.ContentType.StartsWith("text/plain")) { expectedResultElementFunc = (testConfig) => ConvertToStringPayloadElement(payloadElement); } ODataFormat expectedFormat = testCase.ExpectedFormat; ReaderContentTypeTestDescriptor testDescriptor = new ReaderContentTypeTestDescriptor(this.Settings) { PayloadElement = payloadElement, ExpectedResultPayloadElement = expectedResultElementFunc, PayloadEdmModel = model, ExpectedFormat = expectedFormat, ContentType = testCase.ContentType, ExpectedException = expectedException }; testDescriptor.RunTest(testConfiguration); testConfiguration.MessageReaderSettings.EnableAtom = true; }); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="other"><see cref="ReaderContentTypeTestDescriptor"/> to initialize this instance.</param> public ReaderContentTypeTestDescriptor(ReaderContentTypeTestDescriptor other) : base(other) { this.ContentType = other.ContentType; this.ExpectedFormat = other.ExpectedFormat; }
public void ContentTypeHeaderParsingWithClientBehaviorTest() { // In V1 and V2 clients, application/xml and application/atom+xml are valid for all of the following payload kinds. Func<ODataPayloadKind, bool> isXmlPayloadKind = pk => pk == ODataPayloadKind.Feed || pk == ODataPayloadKind.Entry || pk == ODataPayloadKind.MetadataDocument || pk == ODataPayloadKind.Property || pk == ODataPayloadKind.EntityReferenceLink || pk == ODataPayloadKind.Collection || pk == ODataPayloadKind.ServiceDocument || pk == ODataPayloadKind.Error; // In V3 (whether under client knob or not), we should be spec // compliant and only allow application/atom+xml for feeds and // entries and application/xml for all other xml payload kinds. // When running the test cases, we replace ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind // with isXmlPayloadKind when dealing with pre-V3 clients. var testCases = new[] { new ContentTypeTestCase { ContentType = "application/atom+xml", ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.Atom, }, new ContentTypeTestCase { ContentType = "application/xml", ExpectedFormat = ODataFormat.Atom, }, }; IEdmModel model = Microsoft.Test.OData.Utils.Metadata.TestModels.BuildTestModel(); IEnumerable<ODataPayloadKind> payloadKinds = TestReaderUtils.ODataPayloadKinds.Where(k => k != ODataPayloadKind.Batch && k != ODataPayloadKind.Unsupported); this.CombinatorialEngineProvider.RunCombinations( testCases, payloadKinds, this.ReaderTestConfigurationProvider.AtomFormatConfigurations, (testCase, payloadKind, testConfiguration) => { // Run under the client knob. testConfiguration = testConfiguration.CloneAndApplyBehavior(TestODataBehaviorKind.WcfDataServicesClient); testConfiguration.MessageReaderSettings.EnableAtom = false; if (IgnoreTestCase(payloadKind, testConfiguration)) { return; } // If version is V1 or V2, we should succeed for all xml payload kinds if the mime type is application/atom+xml or application/xml. Func<ODataPayloadKind, bool> shouldSucceedForPayloadKind = testCase.ShouldSucceedForPayloadKind; // Get supported media types to use in expected error message. string supportedMediaTypes; if (payloadKind == ODataPayloadKind.Value || payloadKind == ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue) { supportedMediaTypes = TestMediaTypeUtils.GetSupportedMediaTypes(ODataPayloadKind.Value) + ", " + TestMediaTypeUtils.GetSupportedMediaTypes(ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue); } else { supportedMediaTypes = TestMediaTypeUtils.GetSupportedMediaTypes(payloadKind); } ExpectedException expectedException = testCase.ExpectedException == null ? shouldSucceedForPayloadKind!=null && shouldSucceedForPayloadKind(payloadKind) ? null : ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataContentTypeException("MediaTypeUtils_CannotDetermineFormatFromContentType", supportedMediaTypes, testCase.ContentType) : testCase.ExpectedException; ODataPayloadElement payloadElement = CreatePayloadElement(model, payloadKind, testConfiguration); ODataFormat expectedFormat = testCase.ExpectedFormat; ReaderContentTypeTestDescriptor testDescriptor = new ReaderContentTypeTestDescriptor(this.Settings) { PayloadElement = payloadElement, PayloadEdmModel = model, ExpectedFormat = expectedFormat, ContentType = testCase.ContentType, ExpectedException = expectedException }; testDescriptor.RunTest(testConfiguration); }); }