        /// <summary>
        /// Creates puzzle pieces from a visual, and adds them into the ScatterView.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visual"></param>
        void LoadVisualAsPuzzle(Visual visual, Direction fromDirection)
            // The more columns/rows, the less each piece needs to overlap
            float rowOverlap = PuzzleManager.Overlap / rowCount;
            float colOverlap = PuzzleManager.Overlap / colCount;

            puzzleBrush = new VisualBrush(visual);

            // Tell the puzzle manager to load a puzzle with the specified dimensions
            puzzleManager.LoadPuzzle(colCount, rowCount);

            for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++)
                for (int column = 0; column < colCount; column++)
                    // Calculate the size of the rectangle that will be used to create a viewbox into the puzzle image.
                    // The size is specified as a percentage of the total image size.
                    float boxLeft   = (float)column / (float)colCount;
                    float boxTop    = (float)row / (float)rowCount;
                    float boxWidth  = 1f / colCount;
                    float boxHeight = 1f / rowCount;

                    // Items in column 0 don't have any male puzzle parts on their side, all others do
                    if (column != 0)
                        boxLeft  -= colOverlap;
                        boxWidth += colOverlap;

                    // Items in row 0 don't have any male puzzle parts on their top, all others do
                    if (row != 0)
                        boxTop    -= rowOverlap;
                        boxHeight += rowOverlap;

                    // Make a visual brush based on the rectangle that was just calculated.
                    VisualBrush itemBrush = new VisualBrush(visual);
                    itemBrush.Viewbox      = new Rect(boxLeft, boxTop, boxWidth, boxHeight);
                    itemBrush.ViewboxUnits = BrushMappingMode.RelativeToBoundingBox;

                    // Get the shape of the piece
                    Geometry shape = GetPieceGeometry(column, row);

                    // Put the brush into a puzzle piece
                    PuzzlePiece piece = new PuzzlePiece(column + (colCount * row), shape, itemBrush);

                    // Add the PuzzlePiece to a ScatterViewItem
                    SSC.ScatterViewItem item = new SSC.ScatterViewItem();
                    item.Content = piece;

                    // Set the initial size of the item and prevent it from being resized
                    item.Width    = Math.Round(piece.ClipShape.Bounds.Width, 0);
                    item.Height   = Math.Round(piece.ClipShape.Bounds.Height, 0);
                    item.CanScale = false;

                    // Set the ability to rotate based on the difficulty selected
                    item.CanRotate = allowRotation;

                    // Set the item's data context so it can use the piece's shape
                    Binding binding = new Binding();
                    binding.Source = piece;
                    item.SetBinding(ScatterViewItem.DataContextProperty, binding);

                    // Animate the item into view
                    AddPiece(item, fromDirection);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates puzzle pieces from a visual, and adds them into the ScatterView.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visual"></param>
        void LoadVisualAsPuzzle(Visual visual, Direction fromDirection)
            // The more columns/rows, the less each piece needs to overlap
            float rowOverlap = PuzzleManager.Overlap / rowCount;
            float colOverlap = PuzzleManager.Overlap / colCount;

            puzzleBrush = new VisualBrush(visual);

            // Tell the puzzle manager to load a puzzle with the specified dimensions
            puzzleManager.LoadPuzzle(colCount, rowCount);

            for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++)
                for (int column = 0; column < colCount; column++)
                    // Calculate the size of the rectangle that will be used to create a viewbox into the puzzle image.
                    // The size is specified as a percentage of the total image size.
                    float boxLeft = (float) column / (float)colCount;
                    float boxTop = (float) row / (float)rowCount;
                    float boxWidth = 1f / colCount;
                    float boxHeight = 1f / rowCount;

                    // Items in column 0 don't have any male puzzle parts on their side, all others do
                    if (column != 0)
                        boxLeft -= colOverlap;
                        boxWidth += colOverlap;

                    // Items in row 0 don't have any male puzzle parts on their top, all others do
                    if (row != 0)
                        boxTop -= rowOverlap;
                        boxHeight += rowOverlap;

                    // Make a visual brush based on the rectangle that was just calculated.
                    VisualBrush itemBrush = new VisualBrush(visual);
                    itemBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(boxLeft, boxTop, boxWidth, boxHeight);
                    itemBrush.ViewboxUnits = BrushMappingMode.RelativeToBoundingBox;

                    // Get the shape of the piece
                    Geometry shape = GetPieceGeometry(column, row);

                    // Put the brush into a puzzle piece
                    PuzzlePiece piece = new PuzzlePiece( column + (colCount * row), shape, itemBrush);

                    // Add the PuzzlePiece to a ScatterViewItem
                    SSC.ScatterViewItem item = new SSC.ScatterViewItem();
                    item.Content = piece;

                    // Set the initial size of the item and prevent it from being resized
                    item.Width = Math.Round(piece.ClipShape.Bounds.Width, 0);
                    item.Height = Math.Round(piece.ClipShape.Bounds.Height, 0);
                    item.CanScale = false;

                    // Set the item's data context so it can use the piece's shape
                    Binding binding = new Binding();
                    binding.Source = piece;
                    item.SetBinding(ScatterViewItem.DataContextProperty, binding);

                    // Animate the item into view
                    AddPiece(item, fromDirection);