        /// <summary>
        /// Fix incorporated as suggessted in http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/sqlintegrationservices/thread/974c43ae-0e2f-48a5-a75c-cb2ddbbdb425
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="absolutePackagePath"></param>
        /// <param name="overwrite"></param>
        /// <param name="packagePassword"></param>
        private void SaveWithLayoutWithWorkAround(string absolutePackagePath, bool overwrite, string packagePassword)
            string strXML = default(string);

            ssisPackage.SaveToXML(out strXML, null);
            //remove all the layout information
            while (strXML.IndexOf("<DTS:PackageVariable>") > -1)
                strXML = strXML.Remove(strXML.IndexOf("<DTS:PackageVariable>"), strXML.IndexOf("</DTS:PackageVariable>") - strXML.IndexOf("<DTS:PackageVariable>") + 22);
            Package pkg2 = new Package();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(packagePassword))
                pkg2.PackagePassword = packagePassword;

            pkg2.LoadFromXML(strXML, null);
            string tempName = absolutePackagePath;

            if (!overwrite)
                tempName = tempName.Insert(tempName.LastIndexOf(".dtsx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase), "-Mod");
            ssisApplication.SaveToXml(tempName, pkg2, null);
        private void Save()
            _DTSApplication.UpdatePackage = true;
            _DTSApplication.UpdateObjects = true;

            DirectoryInfo packageDirectoryInfo = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(ProjectFolder);

            _DTSApplication.SaveToXml(PackagePath, DTSPackage, null);
            MessageEngine.Global.Trace(Severity.Alert, "Saved DTS package {0}", PackagePath);
文件: Package.cs 项目: mosamy/vulcan
        private void Save()
                _DTSApplication.UpdatePackage = true;
                _DTSApplication.UpdateObjects = true;

                _DTSApplication.SaveToXml(PackagePath, DtsPackage, null);
            catch (Exception)
                MessageEngine.Trace(AstNamedNode, Severity.Error, "V0101", "Failed to write package {0}. Files may be locked by another process.", Name);
        public void Save()
            _DTSApplication.UpdatePackage = true;
            _DTSApplication.UpdateObjects = true;

            ///TODO: vsabella: move this out to a common utility function
            string        qualifiedProjectPath = QualifiedProjectPath;
            DirectoryInfo packageDirectoryInfo = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(qualifiedProjectPath);

            qualifiedProjectPath = packageDirectoryInfo.FullName
                                   + _packageName
                                   + Resources.ExtensionDTSXProjectFile;

            _DTSApplication.SaveToXml(qualifiedProjectPath, _package, null);
            Message.Trace(Severity.Alert, "Saved DTS package {0}", qualifiedProjectPath);
        public void ExecutePackage()
                if (this.projectItem.DTE.Mode == vsIDEMode.vsIDEModeDebug)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please stop the debugger first.");

                lTickerCounter      = 0;
                ExecutionCancelled  = false;
                this.lblStatus.Text = "Status: Preparing Temporary Package";


                this.modifiedPackage     = ssisApp.LoadPackage(projectItem.get_FileNames(0), null);
                this.modifiedPackagePath = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
                this.logFilePath         = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();

                SetupCustomLogging(this.modifiedPackage, this.logFilePath);
                ssisApp.SaveToXml(this.modifiedPackagePath, this.modifiedPackage, null);

                eventParser = new DtsPerformanceLogEventParser(this.modifiedPackage);

                //setup Process object to call the dtexec EXE
                process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = false;
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
                process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory       = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); //inherit the working directory from the current BIDS process (so that relative dtsConfig paths will work)
                process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
                process.StartInfo.FileName  = "\"" + this.dtexecPath + "\"";
                process.StartInfo.Arguments = "/Rep N /F \"" + this.modifiedPackagePath + "\"";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.packagePassword))
                    process.StartInfo.Arguments += " /Decrypt \"" + this.packagePassword + "\"";
                timer1.Enabled = true;

                logFileLoader = new DtsTextLogFileLoader(this.logFilePath);

                //TODO: capture perfmon: SQL Server:SSISPipeline:Buffers Spooled

                this.dtsStatisticsTrendGrid1.AddNewColumnOnNextDataBinding = true;

                this.iDtsGanttGridRowDataBindingSource.DataSource = eventParser.GetAllDtsGanttGridRowDatas();

                this.StopButton.Enabled  = true;
                this.StartButton.Enabled = false;
                this.lblStatus.Text      = "Status: Executing";

                this.menuGantt.Visible = true;
                this.menuGrid.Visible  = true;
                this.menuTrend.Visible = true;

                if (this.dtsPipelineBreakdownGrid.Visible)
                    SwitchToGanttGridMenuClicked(null, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
文件: Program.cs 项目: koooee/PIP
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Dont try and make sense of any of this code....I still don't get it....this was a 2 day hack....seriously, rewrite it if you want to make it into a useful tool
            // WARNING: I catch general exceptions.  TA-DA!!
            int result = -2;
            OleDbConnection conn = null;
            OleDbCommand entire_excel_file = null;
            OleDbDataReader config_data_reader = null;
            // truncate bobby tables
            System.IO.StreamWriter bt = new StreamWriter("bobby_tables.sql");
            // populate the variables.
            num_cols = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ConfigColumnNames)).Length;
            //args = new string[] { "", @"C:\Users\koln01\Desktop\ESPN\AD_Scope\pip_config.xls" };
            app = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application();

            // parameter check, pretty lame one at that.
            if (args.Length != 1)
                Console.WriteLine("This program takes a single argument.  The path to an Excel (xlsx) file with config parameters");

            //query the excel file to get the entire result set so we can traverse it.
            string config_cs = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + args[0] + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;HDR=YES\";";

                conn = new OleDbConnection(config_cs);
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("There was an error opening the connection to the excel file you gave, make sure you gave the correct path to the correct config");
                Console.WriteLine("This is the path I have: {0}", args[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("IF that is the correct path, Make sure there isn't a lock on the file (ie. it is open by another program)");

                entire_excel_file = new OleDbCommand("select * from [PIP$] where TableName is not NULL", conn);
                config_data_reader = entire_excel_file.ExecuteReader();
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("I tried to query all of the info in PIP and I couldn't.");
                Console.WriteLine("Do you have a tab named 'PIP' in the config file?  PS: no trailing spaces or hidden chars?");
                Console.WriteLine("Do you have a header called 'TableName'?  PS: no trailing spaces or hidden chars?");

            //begin the traversal of the excel file.  Keeping the current and previous so we know when we encounter a new table.
            string[] current_row = new string[num_cols];
            string[] previous_row = new string[num_cols];

            // hashtable that hashes to a hashtable with values of string...to map the column name to its respective datatypes.
            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> hash = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> metas = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();

            // Print all table that are about to be dropped and ask "are you sure?"
            int count = 0;
            string previous = "";
            string current = "";
            while (config_data_reader.Read())
                current = config_data_reader[ConfigColumnNames.TableName.ToString()].ToString();
                if (config_data_reader["DropTable"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "TRUE" && current != previous)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t" + config_data_reader["TableName"].ToString());
                previous = config_data_reader[ConfigColumnNames.TableName.ToString()].ToString();

            if (count > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Um, you are about to drop all of these tables....are you sure you know what you are doing? [y/n/idk]");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower();

                while (response != "y" && response != "n" && response != "idk")
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Response.  I am expecting one of these: y, n, idk");
                    response = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower();

                switch (response)
                    case "y":
                    case "n":
                        Console.WriteLine("Whew, that was close.");
                    case "idk":
                        Console.WriteLine("Well, then you probably shouldn't be doing this should you.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Ummmm.....Sum Ting Wong.  You should never see dis.");

            // Start of the GUTS of PIP
                entire_excel_file = new OleDbCommand("select * from [PIP$] where TableName is not NULL", conn);
                config_data_reader = entire_excel_file.ExecuteReader();
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("I tried to query all of the info in PIP and I couldn't.");
                Console.WriteLine("Do you have a tab named 'PIP' in the config file?  PS: no trailing spaces or hidden chars?");
                Console.WriteLine("Do you have a header called 'TableName'?  PS: no trailing spaces or hidden chars?");
            while (config_data_reader.Read())
                // this seems a bit retarded...because it is.  I don't know now to cast this to some form of an array that I can keep a previous and current on.
                // someone who knows the wonderful world of .NET could probably do this some justice.

                foreach (ConfigColumnNames col in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ConfigColumnNames)))
                    string col_value = "";
                        col_value = config_data_reader[col.ToString()].ToString();
                    catch (Exception)
                        Console.WriteLine("More than likely, this column '{0}' doesn't exist in PIP config...and PIP expects it to.", col.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("Otherwise, if you are 100% sure the column exists EXACTLY as you see it spelled in this error, check for leading/trailing spaces");
                        Console.WriteLine("Before and after the column name or any phantom character that don't get displayed...If you have tried all of this and it STILL fails");
                        Console.WriteLine("This might be worthy of a bug report.");

                    current_row[(int)col] = col_value;

                if (current_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.TableName] != previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.TableName])
                    #region "High Level Algo"
                    //TODO: this is where we build the create table script & populate the columns in the ssis package with the correct data types.
                    //This is also where we build the batchfile, using current_row as the list of parameters to obtain.
                    //Console.WriteLine("{0} is not equal to {1}", current_row[1], previous_row[1]);

                    // open the template package of currentrow[18]
                    // update flatfile connection manager with flatfile=currentrow[0]
                    // x = select * from [packagebot$] where TableName = currentrow[1]
                    // iterate through the result set.
                    // update flatfile columns
                    // update SSIS object model columns
                    // build create table script.  execute create table script.
                    // save and execute the package.
                    // load template package so we have something to work off of.
                    if (previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.TemplateSSISPackage] != null)
                        hash.Add(previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.FieldName], new Dictionary<string, string>() {
                       {"SSIS", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.SSISFieldFormat]},
                       {"SQL", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.SqlFieldFormat]},
                       {"Default", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.ClientFieldFormat]},
                       {"rowdelim", ConvertHexToString(previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.RowDelimiter])},
                       {"coldelim", ConvertHexToString(previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.ColumnDelimiter])},
                       {"precision", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.Precision]},
                       {"scale", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.Scale]},
                       {"textqualified", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.Text_Qualifier]},
                       {"TruncationRowDisposition", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.TruncationRowDisposition]},
                       {"Description", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.Field_Comments]}});

                        //packagename = previous_row[27]; // this isn't the real index of package name....change it when you change the config file

                        // this needs to be an option in the config file
                        string connection_string = previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.ConnectionString]; // this isn't the real value, need to change it.
                            //"Data Source=;User ID=app_etl;Password=clt2010!;Initial Catalog=" + previous_row[22] + ";Provider=NZOLEDB;Persist Security Info=True;";
                        bool execute = false;

                        // check config file to see if we should drop this table
                        bool drop = false;
                        if (previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.DropTable].ToUpper().Trim() == "TRUE")
                            drop = true;

                        // Drop Recreate Reload Table
                        if (previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.Drop_Recreate_Reload].ToUpper().Trim() == "TRUE")
                            string tablename = previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.TableName];
                            string new_name = tablename + "_TEMP";
                            string cmd = "ALTER TABLE " + tablename + " RENAME TO " + new_name + ";";
                            string cmd2 = "INSERT INTO " + tablename + " (select * from " + new_name + ");";
                            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(new_name + ".sql");
                            sw.WriteLine("-- CREATE TABLE is called here...but I am reusing this script {0}", tablename + ".sql");

                            // Execute the Command: this will be in a file with tablename + _TEMP.sql in the current directory
                            OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(connection_string);
                            OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(cmd, connection);

                            // Rename Table
                            Console.Write("Creating Temp Table {0}_TEMP...", tablename);
                                result = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
                                if (result != -1)
                                {//FIXME: Really you should query the number of records in the table, check to see it that matches result
                                    Console.WriteLine("\nThe world will come to and end.  The DB should return -1 for this command and it returned {0}", result);
                                    Console.WriteLine("This was the statement '{0}'", command.CommandText);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Could not alter table {0}", tablename);
                                Console.WriteLine("Tried to execute this statement '{0}' --- Exception is below:", command.CommandText);

                            // Create New Table
                            string tf = previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.TableFooter].ToString();
                            CreateSqlTableScript(hash, metas, tablename,connection_string, tf, conn, true, false);
                            Console.Write("Inserting records into Table {0}...", tablename);
                            // Insert Old Records into new table
                            command = new OleDbCommand(cmd2, connection);
                                result = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
                                if (result < 0)
                                {//FIXME: Really you should query the number of records in the table, check to see it that matches result
                                    Console.WriteLine("\nBUG!!  DB Returned {0}", result);
                                    Console.WriteLine("This was the statement '{0}'", command.CommandText);

                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Could not insert records.");
                                Console.WriteLine("Tried to execute this statement '{0}' --- Exception is below:", command.CommandText);
                            Console.Write("Done.\nInserted {0} Records\n", result);

                            // Drop Temp Table
                            Console.Write("Dropping Temp Table {0}...", tablename);
                                command = new OleDbCommand("DROP TABLE " + tablename + "_TEMP;", connection);
                               result =  command.ExecuteNonQuery();
                               if (result != -1)
                               {//FIXME: Really you should query the number of records in the table, check to see it that matches result
                                   Console.WriteLine("\nBUG!!  DB Returned {0} Should have been -1", result);
                                   Console.WriteLine("This was the statement '{0}'", "DROP TABLE " + tablename + "_TEMP;");

                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Dropping {0}_TEMP Failed", tablename);
                                Console.WriteLine("Tried to execute this statement '{0}' --- Exception is below:", "DROP TABLE " + tablename + "_TEMP;");

                            // Clean up

                        // check config file to see if we should execute this table
                        if (previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.CreateTable].ToUpper().Trim() == "TRUE")
                            execute = true;
                            string tf = previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.TableFooter];
                            CreateSqlTableScript(hash, metas, previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.TableName], connection_string, tf, conn, execute, drop);
                        // modify the metadata structure
                        if (previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.UpdateMetadata].ToUpper().Trim() == "TRUE")
                            string msource_connection_string = previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.MetaDataConnectionString]; // this insn't the right index...needs to change
                            InsertMSourceEntity(msource_connection_string, previous_row);

                        // Build the package
                        if (previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.BuildPackage].ToUpper().Trim() == "TRUE")
                            //reset the flat file connection manager with settings in the excel file
                            Console.Write("Building Package {0}.....", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.NewSSISPackage]);
                            p = app.LoadPackage(previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.TemplateSSISPackage], null);
                            //GetDataFlowTask(p.Executables, p.Executables.GetEnumerator());
                            Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Sequence seq = null;
                            Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.TaskHost th = null;

                            // looking for sequence container....this shit is very specific to package structure....I have a recursive function
                            // That can handle this...but not in this code.
                                seq = p.Executables["Sequence Container"] as Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Sequence;
                            catch (Exception)
                                Console.WriteLine("Failed.\nCould not find the Sequence Container in the Package");
                                Console.WriteLine("the Sequence container MUST BE NAMED: 'Sequence Container'");
                                Console.WriteLine("Otherwise, you will always see this error message");

                            // Looking for data flow task
                                th = seq.Executables["Data Flow Task"] as Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.TaskHost;
                            catch (Exception)
                                Console.WriteLine("Failed.\nCould not find the Data Flow Task in the Package");
                                Console.WriteLine("the Sequence container MUST BE NAMED: 'Data Flow Task'");
                                Console.WriteLine("Otherwise, you will always see this error message");

                            // Error Checking
                            if (seq == null || th == null)
                                Console.WriteLine("Failed.\nSum Ting Wong.  You should never see this error message");

                            data_flow_task = th.InnerObject as MainPipe;

                                cm_destination = p.Connections["destination"];
                            catch (Exception)
                                Console.WriteLine("Failed\nERROR: your destination connection manager MUST BE NAMED: 'destination'");
                            // uncomment for packages with source component, should use a try catch
                            //cm_source = p.Connections["source"];
                            //p.PackagePassword = "******";
                            //p.Variables.Add("filePathName", false,"User", previous_row[21]);
                            cm_destination.ConnectionString = connection_string;
                            string coldelim = ConvertHexToString(previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.ColumnDelimiter]);
                            string rowdelim = ConvertHexToString(previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.RowDelimiter]);
                            string ssis_var = "@[User::filePathName]";

                            // uncomment the flat file stuff when working with staging that deals with flatfiles
                            ResetFlatFileConnectionManager(ssis_var, rowdelim, coldelim, ssis_var, previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.Text_Qualifier], p.Connections);

                            // reset the column properties in the FlatFile Source Component
                            IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile100 cmff = cm_flat_file.InnerObject as IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile100;
                            ResetFlatFileColumnProperties(cmff, hash);

                            // modify columns; types; reinitialize source and destination components; remap columns
                            string table = previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.TableName].Trim().ToUpper();
                            ModifyComponents(hash, metas, table, table);
                            Console.Write("{0}\n", p.Validate(p.Connections, p.Variables, null, null));
                                app.SaveToXml(previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.NewSSISPackage], p, null);
                            catch (Exception)
                                Console.WriteLine("Failed.\nCould not save the package. Is your path name in the config correct? I have '{0}'", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.NewSSISPackage]);
                                Console.WriteLine("Is this package '{0}' open somewhere else?", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.NewSSISPackage]);
                                Console.WriteLine("Do you have the correct permissions?");
                                Console.WriteLine("Is there something else going on that would cause a lock?");

                        if (previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.ExecutePackage].ToUpper().Trim() == "TRUE")
                            if (p == null)
                                p = app.LoadPackage(previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.NewSSISPackage], null);
                            Console.Write("Executing Package {0}...", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.NewSSISPackage]);

                        hash = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
                        metas = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
                    } // END IF

                } // END IF
                    hash.Add(previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.FieldName], new Dictionary<string, string>() {
                       {"SSIS", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.SSISFieldFormat]},
                       {"SQL", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.SqlFieldFormat]},
                       {"Default", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.ClientFieldFormat]},
                       {"rowdelim", ConvertHexToString(previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.RowDelimiter])},
                       {"coldelim", ConvertHexToString(previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.ColumnDelimiter])},
                       {"precision", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.Precision]},
                       {"scale", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.Scale]},
                       {"textqualified", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.Text_Qualifier]},
                       {"TruncationRowDisposition", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.TruncationRowDisposition]},
                       {"Description", previous_row[(int)ConfigColumnNames.Field_Comments]}});

                // copy the values in current row to previous row.
                for (int i = 0; i < num_cols; i++)
                    previous_row[i] = current_row[i];
            } // END While

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string testDTSX = "LargeExample.dtsx";

            string path = Path.Combine(SSISFolder, testDTSX);
            // Traverse through every single EDS and save a snapshot of it
            //foreach (EDSSettings EDS in SettingsStore.EDSSettings.Where(e => e.Name != "Template"))
            //    MetaDataSnapshot metaDataSnapshot = new MetaDataSnapshot(EDS.ConnectionString);

            //    Console.WriteLine(metaDataSnapshot);

            //    MetaDataStore.Provider.SaveSnapshot(EDS, metaDataSnapshot);

            // Key = EDS connection string
            Dictionary <string, DatabaseMetaChange> latestChanges = MetaDataStore.GetLatestChanges(SettingsStore.EDSSettings);

            _databaseMetaChange = latestChanges.Values.First();   //TODO: change this later.

            // Print out changes

            // Create a new application to host packages, and load a package within it
            Application application = new Application();
            Package     package     = application.LoadPackage(path, null);

            Graph g = new Graph(application, package, testDTSX, new Options.Options())
                Options = new Options.Options()

            // Print attributes, which is used in graph
            List <Dictionary <string, Attribute> > list = g.AttributeTable.Values.SelectMany(d => d.Values).ToList();
            List <Attribute> attributes = list.SelectMany(d => d.Values).ToList();
            string           s          = string.Join("\n", attributes.Select(a => $"  -{a.Id}/{a.AttributeRef?.ID}: {a.Name}"));


            // Iterate through all meta changes
            foreach (TableMetaChange tableMetaChange in _databaseMetaChange.Tables.Values)
                foreach (ColumnMetaChange columnMetaChange in tableMetaChange.Columns.Values.Where(c => c.ColumnChanges > 0))
                    foreach (ColumnChanges change in columnMetaChange.ListChanges())
                        g.Alter(columnMetaChange, change);

            // Validate package before saving it
            package.Validate(package.Connections, package.Variables, new PackageValidateErrorEvent(), null);

            // Save package
            application.SaveToXml(Path.Combine(TestOutputFolder, "packages", testDTSX), package, null);

        public void Insert_DataFlow()
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Empty Package Name", "Package_File");
            if (Source_Conection_Name == string.Empty)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Empty Source Conection Name", "Source_Conection_Name");
            if (Destination_Conection_Name == string.Empty)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Empty Destination Conection Name", "Destination_Conection_Name");
            if (Source_Table_Name == string.Empty && Source_Query==string.Empty ) //Mast fill source table or source Query
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Empty Source Table Name and Source Query", "Source_Table_Name");
            Source_Query = Source_Query != string.Empty ? Source_Query : "select * from " + Source_Table_Name;

            Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application app = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application();
            Package pkg = app.LoadPackage(Package_File, null);

            ConnectionManager S_con = GetConnectionByName(pkg, Source_Conection_Name);
            if (S_con == null )
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Can not find source connection by name in Package", "Source_Conection_Name");
            ConnectionManager D_con = GetConnectionByName(pkg, Destination_Conection_Name);
            if (D_con == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Can not find destination connection by name in Package", "Destination_Conection_Name");

            TaskHost DataFlowTaskHost = null;
            if (Package_Container != string.Empty)
                DataFlowTaskHost = getNewDataFlowTaskHost(pkg.Executables, Package_Container);
                if (DataFlowTaskHost == null)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Can not find Sequence Container ", "Package_Container");
                Executable DFT = pkg.Executables.Add("STOCK:PipelineTask");
                DataFlowTaskHost = DFT as TaskHost;
            string s = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Source_Table_Name) ? Destination_Table_Name.Replace("[","_") : Source_Table_Name.Replace("[", "_");
                s=s.Replace("]", "_");
                s=s.Replace(".", "_");
            DataFlowTaskHost.Name = "DTF Load from " + s;
            MainPipe DataFlowTask = DataFlowTaskHost.InnerObject as MainPipe;

            //    / \ : [ ] . =
            //Variables 0
            string d = Destination_Table_Name.Replace("[", "");
            d = d.Replace("]", "");
            Variable Var_DestTable = DataFlowTaskHost.Variables.Add("Destination_table", false, "User", "");
            Var_DestTable.EvaluateAsExpression = true;
            Var_DestTable.Expression = "\"[loading].["+(Destination_Table_Name==string.Empty?Source_Table_Name:Destination_Table_Name)+"_\"+   (DT_STR, 10, 1251)  @[User::system_source_id]+\"]\"";

            Variable myVar2 = DataFlowTaskHost.Variables.Add("SourceSQL", false, "User", Source_Query );

            IDTSComponentMetaData100 source = DataFlowTask.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();
            source.Name = "OLE DB Source";
            source.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OleDbSource";
            CManagedComponentWrapper source_instance = source.Instantiate();

            // Initialize the component

            // Specify the connection manager.
            if (source.RuntimeConnectionCollection.Count > 0)
                source.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.GetExtendedInterface(S_con);
                source.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManagerID =S_con.ID;

            // Set the custom properties.
            source_instance.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 2);
            if (Source_Query.IndexOf('?') > -1) 
                string ParamMap = string.Empty ;
                string cd = string.Empty; //replace string.Empty with name of variable
                foreach (Variable var_day in pkg.Variables )
                        ParamMap = @"""Parameter0:Input""," + var_day.ID + ";";
                   source_instance.SetComponentProperty("ParameterMapping", ParamMap);

            // Reinitialize the metadata.
                throw new System.Exception("Can not access source Table/Query");

            IDTSComponentMetaData100 destination = DataFlowTask.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();
            destination.Name = "OLE DB Dest";
            destination.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OLEDBDestination";
            CManagedComponentWrapper destination_instance = destination.Instantiate();

            // Initialize the component

            // Specify the connection manager.
            if (destination.RuntimeConnectionCollection.Count > 0)
                destination.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.GetExtendedInterface(D_con);
                destination.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManagerID = D_con.ID;

            // Set the custom properties.
            destination_instance.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 1);
            destination_instance.SetComponentProperty("OpenRowsetVariable", "User::Destination_table");
            //  "select * from dbo.system_source");

            // Reinitialize the metadata.
                throw new System.Exception("Can not access destination Table");

            IDTSPath100 path = DataFlowTask.PathCollection.New();

            // Get the destination's default input and virtual input.
            IDTSInput100 input = destination.InputCollection[0];
            IDTSVirtualInput100 vInput = input.GetVirtualInput();

            // Iterate through the virtual input column collection.
            foreach (IDTSVirtualInputColumn100 vColumn in vInput.VirtualInputColumnCollection)
                // Call the SetUsageType method of the destination
                //  to add each available virtual input column as an input column.
                IDTSInputColumn100 vCol = destination_instance.SetUsageType(input.ID, vInput, vColumn.LineageID, DTSUsageType.UT_READONLY);
                destination_instance.MapInputColumn(input.ID, vCol.ID, input.ExternalMetadataColumnCollection[vColumn.Name].ID);
            app.SaveToXml(Package_File, pkg, null);