        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the XnaBasics class.
        /// </summary>
        public XnaBasics()
            this.IsFixedTimeStep = false;
            this.IsMouseVisible  = true;
            this.Window.Title    = "Xna Basics";

            // This sets the width to the desired width
            // It also forces a 4:3 ratio for height
            // Adds 110 for header/footer
            this.graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth       = Width;
            this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight      = ((Width / 4) * 3) + 110;
            this.graphics.PreparingDeviceSettings       += this.GraphicsDevicePreparingDeviceSettings;
            this.graphics.SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace = true;
            this.viewPortRectangle = new Rectangle(10, 80, Width - 20, ((Width - 2) / 4) * 3);

            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

            // The Kinect sensor will use 640x480 for both streams
            // To make your app handle multiple Kinects and other scenarios,
            // it is recommended to use KinectSensorChooser provided in Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit
            this.chooser = new KinectChooser(this, ColorImageFormat.RgbResolution640x480Fps30, DepthImageFormat.Resolution640x480Fps30);
            this.Services.AddService(typeof(KinectChooser), this.chooser);

            // Default size is the full viewport
            this.colorStream = new ColorStreamRenderer(this);

            // Calculate the minimized size and location
            this.depthStream          = new DepthStreamRenderer(this);
            this.depthStream.Size     = new Vector2(this.viewPortRectangle.Width / 4, this.viewPortRectangle.Height / 4);
            this.depthStream.Position = new Vector2(Width - this.depthStream.Size.X - 15, 85);

            // Store the values so we can animate them later
            this.minSize            = this.depthStream.Size;
            this.depthSmallPosition = this.depthStream.Position;
            this.colorSmallPosition = new Vector2(15, 85);


            this.previousKeyboard = Keyboard.GetState();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the XnaBasics class.
        /// </summary>
        public XnaBasics()
            this.IsFixedTimeStep = false;
            this.IsMouseVisible = true;
            this.Window.Title = "Xna Basics";
            this.Window.AllowUserResizing = true;
            Width = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width;
            Height = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height;
            // This sets the width to the desired width
            // It also forces a 4:3 ratio for height
            // Adds 110 for header/footer
            this.graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = Width;
            //this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = ((Width / 4) * 3) + 110;
            this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = Height;
            this.graphics.PreparingDeviceSettings += this.GraphicsDevicePreparingDeviceSettings;
            this.graphics.SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace = true;
            //this.viewPortRectangle = new Rectangle(10, 80, Width - 20, ((Width - 2) / 4) * 3);
            this.viewPortRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
            this.graphics.IsFullScreen = false;
            this.IsMouseVisible = false;

            physicSystem = new PhysicsSystem();
            camera = new JiggleGame.Camera(this);

            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

            // The Kinect sensor will use 640x480 for both streams
            // To make your app handle multiple Kinects and other scenarios,
            // it is recommended to use KinectSensorChooser provided in Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit
            this.chooser = new KinectChooser(this, ColorImageFormat.RgbResolution640x480Fps30, DepthImageFormat.Resolution640x480Fps30);
            this.Services.AddService(typeof(KinectChooser), this.chooser);

            // Default size is the full viewport
            this.colorStream = new ColorStreamRenderer(this);

            // Calculate the minimized size and location
            this.depthStream = new DepthStreamRenderer(this);
            this.depthStream.Size = new Vector2(this.viewPortRectangle.Width / 4, this.viewPortRectangle.Height / 4);
            this.depthStream.Position = new Vector2(Width - this.depthStream.Size.X - 15, 10);

            // Store the values so we can animate them later
            this.minSize = this.depthStream.Size;
            this.depthSmallPosition = this.depthStream.Position;
            this.colorSmallPosition = new Vector2(15, 10);


            LeftHand = new Vector2();
            RightHand = new Vector2();

            this.clothRender = new ClothRender(this);