/** * Attempt to update logic output (enable output if pin is high-Z). */ public bool Write(bool state) { if (_out != null && CTRE.Watchdog.IsEnabled()) { /* since the back-end may have disabled this output, attempt to re-enable */ _out.Active = false; _out.Active = true; /* update the output latch */ _out.Write(state); return(true); } return(false); }
public static void Main() { TristatePort tristatePort = new TristatePort(Cpu.Pin.GPIO_Pin4, false, //initial state false, //no glitch filter Port.ResistorMode.PullUp); Debug.Print("Port is inactive and acts as input port."); Debug.Print("Input = " + tristatePort.Read()); tristatePort.Active = true; Debug.Print("Port is active and acts as output port."); tristatePort.Write(true); }
public override void Write(bool state) { Mode = IOMode.Output; _port.Write(state); }