        // Registered event handler for the ApplicationEndpointOwnerDiscovered
        // event on the
        // CollaborationPlatform for the provisioned application.
        private void Platform_ApplicationEndpointOwnerDiscovered(object sender,
                                                                 ApplicationEndpointSettingsDiscoveredEventArgs e)
            UCMASampleHelper.WriteLine("ApplicationEndpointOwnerDiscovered event was raised during startup of"
                                       + " the CollaborationPlatform.");
            UCMASampleHelper.WriteLine("The ApplicationEndpointOwnerConfiguration that corresponds to the"
                                       + "  provisioned application with ID " + _applicationId + " are: ");
            UCMASampleHelper.WriteLine("Owner display name is: "
                                       + e.ApplicationEndpointSettings.OwnerDisplayName);
            UCMASampleHelper.WriteLine("Owner URI is: " + e.ApplicationEndpointSettings.OwnerUri);
            UCMASampleHelper.WriteLine("Now retrieving the ApplicationEndpointSettings from the "
                                       + "ApplicationEndpointSettingsDiscoveredEventArgs.");
            ApplicationEndpointSettings settings = e.ApplicationEndpointSettings;

            settings.SupportedMimePartContentTypes = new System.Net.Mime.ContentType[] {
                new System.Net.Mime.ContentType("text/plain")

            UCMASampleHelper.WriteLine("Initializing the ApplicationEndpoint that corresponds to the provisioned "
                                       + "application with ID " + _applicationId);

            // Initalize the endpoint using the settings retrieved above.
            _applicationEndpoint = new ApplicationEndpoint(_collabPlatform, settings);
            // Wire up the StateChanged event if necessary
            // Wire up the ApplicationEndpointOwnerPropertiesChanged event if necessary
                // Establish the endpoint.
                _applicationEndpoint.BeginEstablish(EndEndpointEstablish, _applicationEndpoint);
            catch (InvalidOperationException iOpEx)
                // Invalid Operation Exception may be thrown if the data provided
                // to the BeginXXX methods was invalid/malformed.
                // TODO (Left to the reader): Error handling code.
                UCMASampleHelper.WriteLine("Invalid Operation Exception: " + iOpEx.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an application endpoint that is provisioned on a platform
        /// as specified by the ApplicationID which could be provided by config
        /// file or be prompted to the user; if the platform discovers multiple
        /// application endpoints the first one discovered and established will be
        /// returned. If no application endpoints are discovered this method
        /// returns null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ApplicationEndpoint CreateAutoProvisionedApplicationEndpoint()
            _applicationId = null;
                // Attempt to retrieve the application ID of the provisioned
                // application from the config file.
                _applicationId = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationID"];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_applicationId))
                    // The application ID wasn't retrieved from the config file
                    // so prompt for the application ID for the application that
                    // has been provisioned.
                    string prompt = "Please enter the unique ID of the application that is provisioned in "
                                    + "the topology => ";
                    _applicationId = UCMASampleHelper.PromptUser(prompt, null);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_applicationId))
                    UCMASampleHelper.WriteLine("Creating CollaborationPlatform for the provisioned application"
                                               + " with ID \'" + _applicationId + "\' using ProvisionedApplicationPlatformSettings.");
                    ProvisionedApplicationPlatformSettings settings
                        = new ProvisionedApplicationPlatformSettings("UCMASampleApp", _applicationId);
                    // Reuse platform instance so that all endpoints share the
                    // same platform.
                    if (_collabPlatform == null)
                        // Initalize and startup the platform.
                        _collabPlatform = new CollaborationPlatform(settings);

                        // Wire up a handler for the
                        // ApplicationEndpointOwnerDiscovered event.
                        // Initalize and startup the platform.
                        _collabPlatform.BeginStartup(EndPlatformStartup, _collabPlatform);

                        if (_endpointInitCompletedEvent.WaitOne())
                            UCMASampleHelper.WriteLine("Found an application EP the Owner Uri is: "
                                                       + _applicationEndpoint.OwnerUri);
                            Console.WriteLine("Application endpoint was not established within the given time,"
                                              + " ending Sample.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Collaboration platform already exists, ending Sample.");
                    Console.WriteLine("No application ID was specified by the user. Unable to create an"
                                      + " ApplicationEndpoint to use in the sample.");

            catch (InvalidOperationException iOpEx)
                // Invalid Operation Exception may be thrown if the data provided
                // to the BeginStartUp is called when the platform has already been
                // started or terminated.
                // TODO (Left to the reader): Error handling code.