public DateParser(ChineseDateTimeParserConfiguration configuration) { config = configuration; integerExtractor = new IntegerExtractor(); ordinalExtractor = new OrdinalExtractor(); durationExtractor = new DurationExtractorChs(); numberParser = new BaseCJKNumberParser(new ChineseNumberParserConfiguration()); }
public ChineseDateParserConfiguration(ChineseDateTimeParserConfiguration configuration) { config = configuration; integerExtractor = new IntegerExtractor(); ordinalExtractor = new OrdinalExtractor(); durationExtractor = new ChineseDurationExtractorConfiguration(); numberParser = new BaseCJKNumberParser(new ChineseNumberParserConfiguration(new BaseNumberOptionsConfiguration(configuration.Culture))); }
public ChineseDateParserConfiguration(ChineseDateTimeParserConfiguration configuration) { config = configuration; var numOptions = NumberOptions.None; if ((config.Options & DateTimeOptions.NoProtoCache) != 0) { numOptions = NumberOptions.NoProtoCache; } var numConfig = new BaseNumberOptionsConfiguration(config.Culture, numOptions); integerExtractor = new IntegerExtractor(numConfig); ordinalExtractor = new OrdinalExtractor(numConfig); numberParser = new BaseCJKNumberParser(new ChineseNumberParserConfiguration(numConfig)); durationExtractor = new ChineseDurationExtractorConfiguration(); }
// match several other cases // including '今天', '后天', '十三日' protected DateTimeResolutionResult ParseImplicitDate(string text, DateObject referenceDate) { var ret = new DateTimeResolutionResult(); // handle "十二日" "明年这个月三日" "本月十一日" var match = ChineseDateExtractorConfiguration.SpecialDate.MatchExact(text, trim: true); if (match.Success) { var yearStr = match.Groups["thisyear"].Value; var monthStr = match.Groups["thismonth"].Value; var dayStr = match.Groups["day"].Value; int month = referenceDate.Month, year = referenceDate.Year; var day = this.config.DayOfMonth[dayStr]; bool hasYear = false, hasMonth = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(monthStr)) { hasMonth = true; if (ChineseDateExtractorConfiguration.NextRe.Match(monthStr).Success) { month++; if (month == Constants.MaxMonth + 1) { month = Constants.MinMonth; year++; } } else if (ChineseDateExtractorConfiguration.LastRe.Match(monthStr).Success) { month--; if (month == Constants.MinMonth - 1) { month = Constants.MaxMonth; year--; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearStr)) { hasYear = true; if (ChineseDateExtractorConfiguration.NextRe.Match(yearStr).Success) { ++year; } else if (ChineseDateExtractorConfiguration.LastRe.Match(yearStr).Success) { --year; } } } ret.Timex = DateTimeFormatUtil.LuisDate(hasYear ? year : -1, hasMonth ? month : -1, day); DateObject futureDate, pastDate; if (day > GetMonthMaxDay(year, month)) { var futureMonth = month + 1; var pastMonth = month - 1; var futureYear = year; var pastYear = year; if (futureMonth == Constants.MaxMonth + 1) { futureMonth = Constants.MinMonth; futureYear = year++; } if (pastMonth == Constants.MinMonth - 1) { pastMonth = Constants.MaxMonth; pastYear = year--; } var isFutureValid = DateObjectExtension.IsValidDate(futureYear, futureMonth, day); var isPastValid = DateObjectExtension.IsValidDate(pastYear, pastMonth, day); if (isFutureValid && isPastValid) { futureDate = DateObject.MinValue.SafeCreateFromValue(futureYear, futureMonth, day); pastDate = DateObject.MinValue.SafeCreateFromValue(pastYear, pastMonth, day); } else if (isFutureValid && !isPastValid) { futureDate = pastDate = DateObject.MinValue.SafeCreateFromValue(futureYear, futureMonth, day); } else if (!isFutureValid && !isPastValid) { futureDate = pastDate = DateObject.MinValue.SafeCreateFromValue(pastYear, pastMonth, day); } else { // Fall back to normal cases, might lead to resolution failure // TODO: Ideally, this failure should be filtered out in extract phase futureDate = pastDate = DateObject.MinValue.SafeCreateFromValue(year, month, day); } } else { futureDate = DateObject.MinValue.SafeCreateFromValue(year, month, day); pastDate = DateObject.MinValue.SafeCreateFromValue(year, month, day); if (!hasMonth) { if (futureDate < referenceDate) { if (IsValidDate(year, month + 1, day)) { futureDate = futureDate.AddMonths(1); } } if (pastDate >= referenceDate) { if (IsValidDate(year, month - 1, day)) { pastDate = pastDate.AddMonths(-1); } else if (IsNonleapYearFeb29th(year, month - 1, day)) { pastDate = pastDate.AddMonths(-2); } } } else if (!hasYear) { if (futureDate < referenceDate) { if (IsValidDate(year + 1, month, day)) { futureDate = futureDate.AddYears(1); } } if (pastDate >= referenceDate) { if (IsValidDate(year - 1, month, day)) { pastDate = pastDate.AddYears(-1); } } } } ret.FutureValue = futureDate; ret.PastValue = pastDate; ret.Success = true; return(ret); } // handle cases like "昨日", "明日", "大后天" match = ChineseDateExtractorConfiguration.SpecialDayRegex.MatchExact(text, trim: true); if (match.Success) { var value = referenceDate.AddDays(ChineseDateTimeParserConfiguration.GetSwiftDay(match.Value)); ret.Timex = DateTimeFormatUtil.LuisDate(value); ret.FutureValue = ret.PastValue = DateObject.MinValue.SafeCreateFromValue(value.Year, value.Month, value.Day); ret.Success = true; return(ret); } if (!ret.Success) { ret = MatchThisWeekday(text, referenceDate); } if (!ret.Success) { ret = MatchNextWeekday(text, referenceDate); } if (!ret.Success) { ret = MatchLastWeekday(text, referenceDate); } if (!ret.Success) { ret = MatchWeekdayAlone(text, referenceDate); } return(ret); }