public void LaunchWebBrowserUriTests() { var testCases = new[] { new { Url = "/fob", Port = 1, Expected = "http://localhost:1/fob" }, new { Url = "http://localhost:9999/fob", Port = 9999, Expected = "http://localhost:9999/fob" }, new { Url = "http://localhost/fob", Port = 9999, Expected = "http://localhost:9999/fob" }, new { Url = "fob", Port = 9999, Expected = "http://localhost:9999/fob" }, new { Url = "/hello/world", Port = 367, Expected = "http://localhost:367/hello/world" }, new { Url = "/fob", Port = -1, Expected = "http://localhost:{port}/fob" }, }; foreach (var testCase in testCases) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} == {2}", testCase.Url, testCase.Port, testCase.Expected); Uri url; int port; var config = new LaunchConfiguration(null, new Dictionary<string, string> { { PythonConstants.WebBrowserUrlSetting, testCase.Url } }); if (testCase.Port >= 0) { config.LaunchOptions[PythonConstants.WebBrowserPortSetting] = testCase.Port.ToString(); } PythonWebLauncher.GetFullUrl(null, config, out url, out port); Assert.AreEqual( testCase.Expected.Replace("{port}", port.ToString()), url.AbsoluteUri ); } }
public static Dictionary <string, string> GetFullEnvironment(LaunchConfiguration config, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { if (config.Interpreter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Interpreter)); } if (serviceProvider == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceProvider)); } // Start with global environment, add configured environment, // then add search paths. var baseEnv = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables(); // Clear search paths from the global environment. The launch // configuration should include the existing value var pathVar = config.Interpreter?.PathEnvironmentVariable; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathVar)) { pathVar = "PYTHONPATH"; } baseEnv[pathVar] = string.Empty; if (CondaUtils.IsCondaEnvironment(config.Interpreter.GetPrefixPath())) { var condaExe = CondaUtils.GetRootCondaExecutablePath(serviceProvider); var prefixPath = config.Interpreter.GetPrefixPath(); if (File.Exists(condaExe) && Directory.Exists(prefixPath)) { var condaEnv = ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(() => CondaUtils.GetActivationEnvironmentVariablesForPrefixAsync(condaExe, prefixPath)); baseEnv = PathUtils.MergeEnvironments(baseEnv.AsEnumerable <string, string>(), condaEnv, "Path", pathVar); } } var env = PathUtils.MergeEnvironments( baseEnv.AsEnumerable <string, string>(), config.GetEnvironmentVariables(), "Path", pathVar ); if (config.SearchPaths != null && config.SearchPaths.Any()) { env = PathUtils.MergeEnvironments( env, new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>( pathVar, PathUtils.JoinPathList(config.SearchPaths) ) }, pathVar ); } return(env); }
private int Launch(LaunchConfiguration config, bool debug) { //if (factory.Id == _cpyInterpreterGuid || factory.Id == _cpy64InterpreterGuid) { // MessageBox.Show( // "The project is currently set to use the .NET debugger for IronPython debugging but the project is configured to start with a CPython interpreter.\r\n\r\nTo fix this change the debugger type in project properties->Debug->Launch mode.\r\nIf IronPython is not an available interpreter you may need to download it from", // "Visual Studio"); // return VSConstants.S_OK; //} string extension = Path.GetExtension(config.ScriptName); if (string.Equals(extension, ".html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(extension, ".htm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { try { StartSilverlightApp(config, debug); } catch (ChironNotFoundException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Visual Studio"); } return VSConstants.S_OK; } try { if (debug) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.InterpreterArguments)) { config.InterpreterArguments = "-X:Debug"; } else if (config.InterpreterArguments.IndexOf("-X:Debug", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) < 0) { config.InterpreterArguments = "-X:Debug " + config.InterpreterArguments; } var debugStdLib = _project.GetProperty(IronPythonLauncherOptions.DebugStandardLibrarySetting); bool debugStdLibResult; if (!bool.TryParse(debugStdLib, out debugStdLibResult) || !debugStdLibResult) { string interpDir = config.Interpreter.PrefixPath; config.InterpreterArguments += " -X:NoDebug \"" + System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape(Path.Combine(interpDir, "Lib\\")) + ".*\""; } using (var dti = DebugLaunchHelper.CreateDebugTargetInfo(_serviceProvider, config)) { // Set the CLR debugger dti.Info.clsidCustom = VSConstants.CLSID_ComPlusOnlyDebugEngine; dti.Info.grfLaunch = (uint)__VSDBGLAUNCHFLAGS.DBGLAUNCH_StopDebuggingOnEnd; // Clear the CLSID list while launching, then restore it // so Dispose() can free it. var clsidList = dti.Info.pClsidList; dti.Info.pClsidList = IntPtr.Zero; try { dti.Launch(); } finally { dti.Info.pClsidList = clsidList; } } } else { var psi = DebugLaunchHelper.CreateProcessStartInfo(_serviceProvider, config); Process.Start(psi).Dispose(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { } return VSConstants.S_OK; }
private int Launch(LaunchConfiguration config, bool debug) { if (debug) { StartWithDebugger(config); } else { StartWithoutDebugger(config).Dispose(); } return VSConstants.S_OK; }
/// <summary> /// Default implementation of the "Start Debugging" command. /// </summary> private void StartWithDebugger(LaunchConfiguration config) { _serviceProvider.GetPythonToolsService().Logger.LogEvent(Logging.PythonLogEvent.Launch, 1); // Historically, we would clear out config.InterpreterArguments at // this stage if doing mixed-mode debugging. However, there doesn't // seem to be any need to do this, so we now leave them alone. using (var dbgInfo = DebugLaunchHelper.CreateDebugTargetInfo(_serviceProvider, config)) { dbgInfo.Launch(); } }
/// <summary> /// Default implementation of the "Start without Debugging" command. /// </summary> private Process StartWithoutDebugger(LaunchConfiguration config) { try { _serviceProvider.GetPythonToolsService().Logger.LogEvent(Logging.PythonLogEvent.Launch, new Logging.LaunchInfo { IsDebug = false, Version = config.Interpreter?.Version.ToString() ?? "" }); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(ex.ToUnhandledExceptionMessage(GetType())); } return Process.Start(DebugLaunchHelper.CreateProcessStartInfo(_serviceProvider, config)); }
public PythonWebLauncher( IServiceProvider serviceProvider, LaunchConfiguration runConfig, LaunchConfiguration debugConfig, LaunchConfiguration defaultConfig ) { _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _pyService = _serviceProvider.GetPythonToolsService(); _runConfig = runConfig; _debugConfig = debugConfig; _defaultConfig = defaultConfig; }
private static IEnumerable<string> GetLaunchConfigurationOptions(LaunchConfiguration config) { yield return string.Format("{0}={1}", AD7Engine.VersionSetting, config.Interpreter.Version); yield return string.Format("{0}={1}", AD7Engine.InterpreterOptions, config.InterpreterArguments ?? string.Empty ); var url = config.GetLaunchOption(PythonConstants.WebBrowserUrlSetting); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) { yield return string.Format("{0}={1}", AD7Engine.WebBrowserUrl, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(url)); } if (config.GetLaunchOption("DjangoDebug").IsTrue()) { yield return AD7Engine.EnableDjangoDebugging + "=True"; } }
private static LaunchConfiguration GetMSBuildCommandConfig( LaunchConfiguration original, IPythonProject project, string targetProperty, string targetTypeProperty, string argumentsProperty, string environmentProperty ) { var target = DoSubstitutions(original, project, project.GetProperty(targetProperty)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { target = original.ScriptName; } var targetType = project.GetProperty(targetTypeProperty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetType)) { targetType = PythonCommandTask.TargetTypeScript; } var config = original.Clone(); if (PythonCommandTask.TargetTypeModule.Equals(targetType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.InterpreterArguments)) { config.InterpreterArguments = "-m " + target; } else { config.InterpreterArguments = config.InterpreterArguments + " -m " + target; } } else if (PythonCommandTask.TargetTypeExecutable.Equals(targetType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { config.InterpreterPath = target; } else { config.ScriptName = target; } var args = DoSubstitutions(original, project, project.GetProperty(argumentsProperty)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ScriptArguments)) { config.ScriptArguments = args; } else { config.ScriptArguments = config.ScriptArguments + " " + args; } } var env = DoSubstitutions(original, project, project.GetProperty(environmentProperty)); config.Environment = PathUtils.MergeEnvironments(config.Environment, PathUtils.ParseEnvironment(env)); return config; }
internal static string DoSubstitutions(LaunchConfiguration original, IPythonProject project, string str) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { return str; } return SubstitutionPattern.Replace( str, m => { switch (m.Groups[1].Value.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "startupfile": return original.ScriptName; case "startupmodule": try { return ModulePath.FromFullPath(original.ScriptName, project.ProjectHome).ModuleName; } catch (ArgumentException) { } break; } return m.Value; } ); }
private void GetFullUrl(LaunchConfiguration config, out Uri uri, out int port) { int p; if (!int.TryParse(config.GetLaunchOption(PythonConstants.WebBrowserPortSetting) ?? "", out p)) { p = TestServerPort; } port = p; var host = config.GetLaunchOption(PythonConstants.WebBrowserUrlSetting); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(host)) { uri = null; return; } try { uri = GetFullUrl(host, p); } catch (UriFormatException) { var output = OutputWindowRedirector.GetGeneral(_serviceProvider); output.WriteErrorLine(Strings.ErrorInvalidLaunchUrl.FormatUI(host)); output.ShowAndActivate(); uri = null; } }
public override async void DoCommand(object sender, EventArgs e) { var pyProj = CommonPackage.GetStartupProject(_serviceProvider) as PythonProjectNode; var textView = CommonPackage.GetActiveTextView(_serviceProvider); var config = pyProj?.GetLaunchConfigurationOrThrow(); if (config == null && textView != null) { var pyService = _serviceProvider.GetPythonToolsService(); config = new LaunchConfiguration(pyService.DefaultInterpreterConfiguration) { ScriptName = textView.GetFilePath(), WorkingDirectory = PathUtils.GetParent(textView.GetFilePath()) }; } if (config == null) { Debug.Fail("Should not be executing command when it is invisible"); return; } var window = EnsureReplWindow(_serviceProvider, config.Interpreter, pyProj); window.Show(true); var eval = (IPythonInteractiveEvaluator)window.InteractiveWindow.Evaluator; // The interpreter may take some time to startup, do this off the UI thread. await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.RunAsync(async () => { await ((IInteractiveEvaluator)eval).ResetAsync(); window.InteractiveWindow.WriteLine(string.Format("Running {0}", config.ScriptName)); await eval.ExecuteFileAsync(config.ScriptName, config.ScriptArguments); }); }
public DefaultPythonLauncher(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, LaunchConfiguration config) { _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _config = config; }
public static ProcessStartInfo CreateProcessStartInfo(IServiceProvider provider, LaunchConfiguration config) { var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = config.GetInterpreterPath(), Arguments = string.Join(" ", new[] { config.InterpreterArguments, ProcessOutput.QuoteSingleArgument(config.ScriptName), config.ScriptArguments }.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))), WorkingDirectory = config.WorkingDirectory, UseShellExecute = false }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(psi.FileName)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(Strings.DebugLaunchInterpreterMissing); } if (!File.Exists(psi.FileName)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(Strings.DebugLaunchInterpreterMissing_Path.FormatUI(psi.FileName)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(psi.WorkingDirectory)) { psi.WorkingDirectory = PathUtils.GetParent(config.ScriptName); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(psi.WorkingDirectory)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(Strings.DebugLaunchWorkingDirectoryMissing); } if (!Directory.Exists(psi.WorkingDirectory)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(Strings.DebugLaunchWorkingDirectoryMissing_Path.FormatUI(psi.FileName)); } foreach (var kv in provider.GetPythonToolsService().GetFullEnvironment(config)) { psi.Environment[kv.Key] = kv.Value; } var pyService = provider.GetPythonToolsService(); // Pause if the user has requested it. string pauseCommand = null; if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnAbnormalExit && pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnNormalExit) { pauseCommand = "pause"; } else if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnAbnormalExit && !pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnNormalExit) { pauseCommand = "if errorlevel 1 pause"; } else if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnNormalExit && !pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnAbnormalExit) { pauseCommand = "if not errorlevel 1 pause"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pauseCommand)) { psi.Arguments = string.Format("/c \"{0} {1}\" & {2}", ProcessOutput.QuoteSingleArgument(psi.FileName), psi.Arguments, pauseCommand ); psi.FileName = Path.Combine(Environment.SystemDirectory, "cmd.exe"); } return psi; }
public static unsafe DebugTargetInfo CreateDebugTargetInfo(IServiceProvider provider, LaunchConfiguration config) { var pyService = provider.GetPythonToolsService(); var dti = new DebugTargetInfo(provider); try { dti.Info.dlo = DEBUG_LAUNCH_OPERATION.DLO_CreateProcess; dti.Info.bstrExe = config.GetInterpreterPath(); dti.Info.bstrCurDir = config.WorkingDirectory; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dti.Info.bstrCurDir)) { dti.Info.bstrCurDir = PathUtils.GetParent(config.ScriptName); } dti.Info.bstrRemoteMachine = null; dti.Info.fSendStdoutToOutputWindow = 0; bool nativeDebug = config.GetLaunchOption(PythonConstants.EnableNativeCodeDebugging).IsTrue(); if (!nativeDebug) { dti.Info.bstrOptions = string.Join(";", GetGlobalDebuggerOptions(pyService) .Concat(GetLaunchConfigurationOptions(config)) .Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) .Select(s => s.Replace(";", ";;")) ); } // Environment variables should be passed as a // null-terminated block of null-terminated strings. // Each string is in the following form:name=value\0 var buf = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var kv in provider.GetPythonToolsService().GetFullEnvironment(config)) { buf.AppendFormat("{0}={1}\0", kv.Key, kv.Value); } if (buf.Length > 0) { buf.Append("\0"); dti.Info.bstrEnv = buf.ToString(); } var args = string.Join(" ", new[] { config.InterpreterArguments, ProcessOutput.QuoteSingleArgument(config.ScriptName), config.ScriptArguments }.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))); if (config.Environment != null) { args = DoSubstitutions(config.Environment, args); } dti.Info.bstrArg = args; if (nativeDebug) { dti.Info.dwClsidCount = 2; dti.Info.pClsidList = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(Guid) * 2); var engineGuids = (Guid*)dti.Info.pClsidList; engineGuids[0] = dti.Info.clsidCustom = DkmEngineId.NativeEng; engineGuids[1] = AD7Engine.DebugEngineGuid; } else { // Set the Python debugger dti.Info.clsidCustom = new Guid(AD7Engine.DebugEngineId); dti.Info.grfLaunch = (uint)__VSDBGLAUNCHFLAGS.DBGLAUNCH_StopDebuggingOnEnd; } // Null out dti so that it is not disposed before we return. var result = dti; dti = null; return result; } finally { if (dti != null) { dti.Dispose(); } } }
public void StartSilverlightApp(LaunchConfiguration config, bool debug) { var root = Path.GetFullPath(config.WorkingDirectory).TrimEnd('\\'); var file = Path.Combine(root, config.ScriptName); int port = EnsureChiron(root); var url = string.Format( "http://localhost:{0}/{1}", port, (file.StartsWith(root + "\\") ? file.Substring(root.Length + 1) : file.TrimStart('\\')).Replace('\\', '/') ); StartInBrowser(url, debug ? guidSilverlightDebug : null); }
private static Dictionary<string, string> GetEnvironment(IServiceProvider provider, LaunchConfiguration config) { // Start with global environment, add configured environment, // then add search paths. var baseEnv = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables(); if (provider.GetPythonToolsService().GeneralOptions.ClearGlobalPythonPath) { // Clear search paths from the global environment baseEnv[config.Interpreter.PathEnvironmentVariable] = string.Empty; } var env = PathUtils.MergeEnvironments( baseEnv.AsEnumerable<string, string>(), config.GetEnvironmentVariables(), "Path", config.Interpreter.PathEnvironmentVariable ); env = PathUtils.MergeEnvironments( env, new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, string>( config.Interpreter.PathEnvironmentVariable, PathUtils.JoinPathList(config.SearchPaths) ) }, config.Interpreter.PathEnvironmentVariable ); return env; }
private void StartInterpreter_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { var view = (EnvironmentView)e.Parameter; var config = new LaunchConfiguration(view.Factory.Configuration) { PreferWindowedInterpreter = (e.Command == EnvironmentPathsExtension.StartWindowsInterpreter), WorkingDirectory = view.Factory.Configuration.PrefixPath, SearchPaths = new List<string>() }; var sln = (IVsSolution)_site.GetService(typeof(SVsSolution)); foreach (var pyProj in sln.EnumerateLoadedPythonProjects()) { if (pyProj.InterpreterConfigurations.Contains(config.Interpreter)) { config.SearchPaths.AddRange(pyProj.GetSearchPaths()); } } Process.Start(DebugLaunchHelper.CreateProcessStartInfo(_site, config)).Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Default implementation of the "Start without Debugging" command. /// </summary> private Process StartWithoutDebugger(LaunchConfiguration config) { _serviceProvider.GetPythonToolsService().Logger.LogEvent(Logging.PythonLogEvent.Launch, 0); return Process.Start(DebugLaunchHelper.CreateProcessStartInfo(_serviceProvider, config)); }
internal void AddPropertiesAfter(LaunchConfiguration config) { AddArgumentAtEnd(config.ScriptArguments); WorkingDirectory = ChooseFirst(WorkingDirectory, config.WorkingDirectory); EnvironmentVariables = PathUtils.MergeEnvironments( EnvironmentVariables.MaybeEnumerate(), config.Environment.MaybeEnumerate(), "PATH", config.Interpreter.PathEnvironmentVariable ); }
/// <summary> /// Default implementation of the "Start Debugging" command. /// </summary> private void StartWithDebugger(LaunchConfiguration config) { try { _serviceProvider.GetPythonToolsService().Logger.LogEvent(Logging.PythonLogEvent.Launch, new Logging.LaunchInfo { IsDebug = true, Version = config.Interpreter?.Version.ToString() ?? "" }); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(ex.ToUnhandledExceptionMessage(GetType())); } // Historically, we would clear out config.InterpreterArguments at // this stage if doing mixed-mode debugging. However, there doesn't // seem to be any need to do this, so we now leave them alone. using (var dbgInfo = DebugLaunchHelper.CreateDebugTargetInfo(_serviceProvider, config)) { dbgInfo.Launch(); } }
private static void RunProfiler(SessionNode session, LaunchConfiguration config, bool openReport) { var process = new ProfiledProcess( (PythonToolsService)session._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(PythonToolsService)), config.GetInterpreterPath(), string.Join(" ", ProcessOutput.QuoteSingleArgument(config.ScriptName), config.ScriptArguments), config.WorkingDirectory, session._serviceProvider.GetPythonToolsService().GetFullEnvironment(config) ); string baseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(session.Filename); string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string outPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), baseName + "_" + date + ".vsp"); int count = 1; while (File.Exists(outPath)) { outPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), baseName + "_" + date + "(" + count + ").vsp"); count++; } process.ProcessExited += (sender, args) => { var dte = (EnvDTE.DTE)session._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE)); _profilingProcess = null; _stopCommand.Enabled = false; _startCommand.Enabled = true; if (openReport && File.Exists(outPath)) { dte.ItemOperations.OpenFile(outPath); } }; session.AddProfile(outPath); process.StartProfiling(outPath); _profilingProcess = process; _stopCommand.Enabled = true; _startCommand.Enabled = false; }
private static void ProfileStandaloneTarget(SessionNode session, StandaloneTarget runTarget, bool openReport) { LaunchConfiguration config; if (runTarget.PythonInterpreter != null) { var registry = session._serviceProvider.GetComponentModel().GetService<IInterpreterRegistryService>(); var interpreter = registry.FindConfiguration(runTarget.PythonInterpreter.Id); if (interpreter == null) { return; } config = new LaunchConfiguration(interpreter); } else { config = new LaunchConfiguration(null); } config.InterpreterPath = runTarget.InterpreterPath; config.ScriptName = runTarget.Script; config.ScriptArguments = runTarget.Arguments; config.WorkingDirectory = runTarget.WorkingDirectory; RunProfiler(session, config, openReport); }
internal static void GetFullUrl(IServiceProvider provider, LaunchConfiguration config, out Uri uri, out int port) { int p; if (int.TryParse(config.GetLaunchOption(PythonConstants.WebBrowserPortSetting) ?? "", out p)) { port = p; } else { port = GetTestServerPort(); p = -1; } var host = config.GetLaunchOption(PythonConstants.WebBrowserUrlSetting); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(host)) { uri = null; return; } try { UriBuilder builder; if (Uri.TryCreate(host, UriKind.Absolute, out uri)) { builder = new UriBuilder(uri); } else { builder = new UriBuilder(); builder.Scheme = Uri.UriSchemeHttp; builder.Host = "localhost"; builder.Path = host; } if (p >= 0) { builder.Port = p; } else if (builder.Port < 0 || (builder.Uri.IsDefaultPort && !host.Contains(":{0}".FormatInvariant(builder.Port)))) { builder.Port = GetTestServerPort(); } uri = builder.Uri; port = uri.Port; } catch (UriFormatException) { if (provider == null) { throw; } var output = OutputWindowRedirector.GetGeneral(provider); output.WriteErrorLine(Strings.ErrorInvalidLaunchUrl.FormatUI(host)); output.ShowAndActivate(); uri = null; } }
public void LaunchDebugTarget(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, DebugLaunchActionContext debugLaunchActionContext) { var registry = serviceProvider.GetComponentModel().GetService<IInterpreterRegistryService>(); var settings = debugLaunchActionContext.LaunchConfiguration; var scriptName = settings.GetValue(ScriptNameKey, string.Empty); var debug = !settings.GetValue("noDebug", false); var path = settings.GetValue(InterpreterKey, string.Empty); InterpreterConfiguration config = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptName)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DebugLaunchScriptNameMissing); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && !DefaultInterpreterValue.Equals(path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (PathUtils.IsValidPath(path) && !Path.IsPathRooted(path)) { // Cannot (currently?) get the workspace path easily from here, so we'll start from // the startup file and work our way up until we find it. var basePath = PathUtils.GetParent(scriptName); string candidate = null; while (Directory.Exists(basePath)) { candidate = PathUtils.GetAbsoluteFilePath(basePath, path); if (File.Exists(candidate)) { path = candidate; break; } basePath = PathUtils.GetParent(basePath); } } if (File.Exists(path)) { config = registry.Configurations.FirstOrDefault(c => c.InterpreterPath.Equals(path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ?? new InterpreterConfiguration("Custom", path, PathUtils.GetParent(path), path); } else { config = registry.FindConfiguration(path); } } else { var service = serviceProvider.GetComponentModel().GetService<IInterpreterOptionsService>(); service.DefaultInterpreter.ThrowIfNotRunnable(); config = service.DefaultInterpreter.Configuration; path = config.InterpreterPath; } if (!File.Exists(path)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DebugLaunchInterpreterMissing_Path.FormatUI(path)); } IProjectLauncher launcher = null; var launchConfig = new LaunchConfiguration(config) { InterpreterPath = config == null ? path : null, InterpreterArguments = settings.GetValue(InterpreterArgumentsKey, string.Empty), ScriptName = scriptName, ScriptArguments = settings.GetValue(ScriptArgumentsKey, string.Empty), WorkingDirectory = settings.GetValue(WorkingDirectoryKey, string.Empty), // TODO: Support search paths SearchPaths = null, // TODO: Support env variables Environment = null, }; launchConfig.LaunchOptions[PythonConstants.EnableNativeCodeDebugging] = settings.GetValue(NativeDebuggingKey, false).ToString(); var browserUrl = settings.GetValue(WebBrowserUrlKey, string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(browserUrl)) { launchConfig.LaunchOptions[PythonConstants.WebBrowserUrlSetting] = browserUrl; launcher = new PythonWebLauncher(serviceProvider, launchConfig, launchConfig, launchConfig); } (launcher ?? new DefaultPythonLauncher(serviceProvider, launchConfig)).LaunchProject(debug); }
public static Dictionary <string, string> GetFullEnvironment(LaunchConfiguration config, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { if (config.Interpreter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Interpreter)); } if (serviceProvider == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceProvider)); } // Start with global environment, add configured environment, // then add search paths. var baseEnv = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables(); // Clear search paths from the global environment. The launch // configuration should include the existing value var pathVar = config.Interpreter?.PathEnvironmentVariable; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathVar)) { pathVar = "PYTHONPATH"; } baseEnv[pathVar] = string.Empty; // TODO: We could introduce a cache so that we don't activate the // environment + capture the env variables every time. Not doing this // right now to minimize risk/complexity so close to release. if (CondaUtils.IsCondaEnvironment(config.Interpreter.GetPrefixPath())) { var condaExe = CondaUtils.GetRootCondaExecutablePath(serviceProvider); var prefixPath = config.Interpreter.GetPrefixPath(); if (File.Exists(condaExe) && Directory.Exists(prefixPath)) { var condaEnv = CondaUtils.CaptureActivationEnvironmentVariablesForPrefix(condaExe, prefixPath); baseEnv = PathUtils.MergeEnvironments(baseEnv.AsEnumerable <string, string>(), condaEnv, "Path", pathVar); } } var env = PathUtils.MergeEnvironments( baseEnv.AsEnumerable <string, string>(), config.GetEnvironmentVariables(), "Path", pathVar ); if (config.SearchPaths != null && config.SearchPaths.Any()) { env = PathUtils.MergeEnvironments( env, new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>( pathVar, PathUtils.JoinPathList(config.SearchPaths) ) }, pathVar ); } return(env); }