        public void Construct(ModuleModel model, IServiceContainer services)
            // Member creation may be non-linear. Consider function A returning instance
            // of a class or type info of a function which hasn't been created yet.
            // Thus first create members so we can find then, then populate them with content.
            var mf = new ModuleFactory(model, Module, this, services);

            // Generics first
            foreach (var m in model.TypeVars)
                var member = MemberFactory.CreateMember(m, mf, this, null);
                _scopeVariables.DeclareVariable(m.Name, member, VariableSource.Generic, mf.DefaultLocation);

            var models = model.NamedTuples
                         .Concat <MemberModel>(model.Classes).Concat(model.Functions); //.Concat(_model.SubModules);

            foreach (var m in models)
                var member = MemberFactory.CreateMember(m, mf, this, null);
                _scopeVariables.DeclareVariable(m.Name, member, VariableSource.Declaration, mf.DefaultLocation);

            // Now variables in the order of appearance since later variables
            // may use types declared in the preceding ones.
            foreach (var vm in model.Variables.OrderBy(m => m.IndexSpan.Start))
                var member = MemberFactory.CreateMember(vm, mf, this, null);
                _scopeVariables.DeclareVariable(vm.Name, member, VariableSource.Declaration, mf.DefaultLocation);
        private ModuleFactory _factory; // Non-readonly b/c of DEBUG conditional.

        public RestoredGlobalScope(ModuleModel model, IPythonModule module)
            _model   = model ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model));
            Module   = module ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(module));
            Name     = model.Name;
            _factory = new ModuleFactory(_model, Module, this);
        public void ReconstructVariables()
            var models = _model.TypeVars.Concat <MemberModel>(_model.NamedTuples).Concat(_model.Classes).Concat(_model.Functions);

            foreach (var m in models.Concat(_model.Variables))
                m.Populate(_factory, null, this);
            // TODO: re-declare __doc__, __name__, etc.
#if !DEBUG
            _model   = null;
            _factory = null;
        private void DeclareVariables()
            // Member creation may be non-linear. Consider function A returning instance
            // of a class or type info of a function which hasn't been created yet.
            // Thus first create members so we can find then, then populate them with content.
            var mf = new ModuleFactory(_model, Module, this);

            // Generics first
            var typeVars = _model.TypeVars.Concat <MemberModel>(_model.NamedTuples).Concat(_model.Classes).Concat(_model.Functions);

            foreach (var m in typeVars)
                _scopeVariables.DeclareVariable(m.Name, m.Create(mf, null, this), VariableSource.Generic, mf.DefaultLocation);

            // Declare variables in the order of appearance since later variables
            // may use types declared in the preceding ones.
            foreach (var vm in _model.Variables.OrderBy(m => m.IndexSpan.Start))
                var v = (IVariable)vm.Create(mf, null, this);
                _scopeVariables.DeclareVariable(vm.Name, v.Value, VariableSource.Declaration, mf.DefaultLocation);