private void VerifyMessageSyntaxSmbComNegotiateNonExtendedSecurityServerResponse( SmbNegotiateImplicitNtlmResponsePacket response, bool isAuthenticationSupported) { // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R9212"); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R9212. // // "The server MUST set the unused bits to zero in a response." will be verified in R109215 and R209215. // Here only verify the capabilities's byte-length. Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<int>( 4, Marshal.SizeOf((uint)response.SmbParameters.Capabilities), 9212, @"[In Non-Extended Security Response]Capabilities (4 bytes): The server MUST set the unused bits to zero in a response."); // // Verify requirement MS-SMB_R109215 and MS-SMB_R209215 // // The 4bytes have been verified in R9212, here only verify whether the unused bits were set to zero or not. string isR109215Implementated = Site.Properties.Get("SHOULDMAYR109215Implementation"); // All the flags of Capabilities of SMB are listed in the following equation. Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities capabilitiesAllSet = (Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_RAW_MODE | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_MPX_MODE | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_UNICODE | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_LARGE_FILES | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_NT_SMBS | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_RPC_REMOTE_APIS | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_STATUS32 | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_LEVEL_II_OPLOCKS | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_LOCK_AND_READ | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_NT_FIND | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_DFS | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_INFOLEVEL_PASSTHRU | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_LARGE_READX | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_LARGE_WRITE | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_LWIO | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_UNIX | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_COMPRESSED_DATA | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_DYNAMIC_REAUTH | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_PERSISTENT_HANDLES | Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb.Capabilities.CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY); bool isR209215Satisfied = (0 == ((uint)~capabilitiesAllSet & (uint)response.SmbParameters.Capabilities)); if (isWindows) { // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R209215,Capabilities:{0}", (uint)response.SmbParameters.Capabilities); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R209215. // Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isR209215Satisfied, 209215, @"[In Non-Extended Security Response]Capabilities (4 bytes): value not listed in the following table is unused in Windows."); if (null == isR109215Implementated) { Site.Properties.Add("SHOULDMAYR109215Implementation", Boolean.TrueString); isR109215Implementated = Boolean.TrueString; } } if (null != isR109215Implementated) { bool implemented = Boolean.Parse(isR109215Implementated); bool isSatisfied = isR209215Satisfied; // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R109215,Capabilities:{0}", (uint)response.SmbParameters.Capabilities); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R109215. // Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Boolean>( implemented, isSatisfied, 109215, String.Format("[In Non-Extended Security Response]Capabilities (4 bytes): value not listed in the " + "following table SHOULD be unused. This requirement is {0}implemented", implemented ? "" : "not ")); } // // Verify requirement MS-SMB_R105227 and MS-SMB_R205227 // // Here verify R105227 and R205227 partially, only verify whether the unused bits are set to zero or not. string isR105227Implementated = Site.Properties.Get("SHOULDMAYR105227Implementation"); bool isR205227Satisfied = (0 == ((uint)~capabilitiesAllSet & (uint)response.SmbParameters.Capabilities)); if (isWindows) { // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R205227,Capabilities:{0}", (uint)response.SmbParameters.Capabilities); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R205227. // Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isR205227Satisfied, 205227, @"[In Message Syntax]Unless otherwise noted, unused or reserved bits in bit fields is set to zero when being sent in Windows."); if (null == isR105227Implementated) { Site.Properties.Add("SHOULDMAYR105227Implementation", Boolean.TrueString); isR105227Implementated = Boolean.TrueString; } } if (null != isR105227Implementated) { bool implemented = Boolean.Parse(isR105227Implementated); bool isSatisfied = isR205227Satisfied; // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R105227,Capabilities:{0}", (uint)response.SmbParameters.Capabilities); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R105227. // Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Boolean>( implemented, isSatisfied, 105227, String.Format("[In Message Syntax]Unless otherwise noted, unused or reserved bits in bit fields " + "SHOULD be set to zero when being sent. This requirement is {0}implemented", implemented ? "" : "not ")); } // // Verify requirement MS-SMB_R109216 and MS-SMB_R9216 // // The Capabilities's byte length has been verified in R9212. string isR9216Implementated = Site.Properties.Get("SHOULDMAYR9216Implementation"); bool isR109216Satisfied = (0 == ((uint)~capabilitiesAllSet & (uint)response.SmbParameters.Capabilities)); if (isWindows) { // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R109216,Capabilities:{0}", (uint)response.SmbParameters.Capabilities); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R109216. // Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isR109216Satisfied, 109216, @"[In Non-Extended Security Response]Capabilities (4 bytes): A server is set the unused bits to zero in a response in Windows."); if (null == isR9216Implementated) { Site.Properties.Add("SHOULDMAYR9216Implementation", Boolean.TrueString); isR9216Implementated = Boolean.TrueString; } } if (null != isR9216Implementated) { bool implemented = Boolean.Parse(isR9216Implementated); bool isSatisfied = isR109216Satisfied; // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R9216,Capabilities:{0}", (uint)response.SmbParameters.Capabilities); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R9216. // Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Boolean>( implemented, isSatisfied, 9216, String.Format("[In Non-Extended Security Response]Capabilities (4 bytes): A server SHOULD set the " + "unused bits to zero in a response. This requirement is {0}implemented", implemented ? "" : "not ")); } // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R9219,ChallengeLength:{0}", response.SmbParameters.ChallengeLength); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R9219. // // Based on the latest TD v20101101 to the fixed TDI #53077, the description for RS MS-SMB_R9219 has been changed to as below: // "ChallengeLength (1 byte): The value of this field MUST be 0x08 and is the length of the random challenge used in challenge/response authentication." // Currently only change the capture logic according to MIP's rule. bool isVerifyR9219 = ((1 == Marshal.SizeOf(response.SmbParameters.ChallengeLength)) && (0x08 == response.SmbParameters.ChallengeLength)); Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isVerifyR9219, 9219, @"[In Non-Extended Security Response] ChallengeLength (1 byte): This field MUST be either 0x00 or 0x08 and is the length of the random challenge used in challenge/response authentication."); // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R9222, ByteCound:{0}", response.SmbData.ByteCount); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R9222. // bool isVerifyR9222 = ((2 == Marshal.SizeOf(response.SmbData.ByteCount)) && (response.SmbData.ByteCount >= 0x0003)); Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isVerifyR9222, 9222, @"[In Non-Extended Security Response] ByteCount (2 bytes): This field MUST be greater than or equal to 0x0003."); // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R9223"); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R9223. // Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<int>( response.SmbParameters.ChallengeLength, response.SmbData.Challenge.Length, 9223, @"[In Non-Extended Security Response] Challenge (variable): An array of unsigned bytes that MUST be the length of the number of bytes specified in the ChallengeLength field."); // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R9224"); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R9224. // // Whether the byte is unsigned or not is decided by the protocol SDK's decoding method. // The protocol SDK has ensured that they are unsigned bytes. Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Type>( typeof(byte[]), response.SmbData.Challenge.GetType(), 9224, @"[In Non-Extended Security Response] Challenge (variable): An array of unsigned bytes MUST represent the server challenge."); if (isWindows && ((sutOsVersion == Platform.Win2K) || (sutOsVersion == Platform.Win2K3) || (sutOsVersion == Platform.Win2K3R2) || (sutOsVersion == Platform.Win2K8) || (sutOsVersion == Platform.Win2K8R2))) { // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R9538"); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R9538. // Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<uint>( 16644, response.SmbParameters.MaxBufferSize, 9538, @"<41> Section Windows-based servers default to a MaxBufferSize value of 16,644 bytes."); // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R9541"); // // Verify MS-SMB requirement: MS-SMB_R9541. // Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<int>( 8, response.SmbData.Challenge.Length, 9541, @"<42> Section Windows-based servers provide 8-bit cryptographic challenges."); } // // The following statement code will be run only when debugging. // Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, @"Verify MS-SMB_R9200"); // The response's form is verified in the R9212, R9219, R9222, R9223, R9224. Here capture this requirement // directly. Site.CaptureRequirement( 9200, @"[In Non-Extended Security Response]If extended security is not being used and the NT LAN Manager dialect has been selected, then a successful response MUST take the following form [SMB_Parameters { UCHAR WordCount; Words { USHORT DialectIndex; UCHAR SecurityMode; USHORT MaxMpxCount; USHORT MaxNumberVcs; ULONG MaxBufferSize; ULONG MaxRawSize; ULONG SessionKey; ULONG Capabilities; FILETIME SystemTime; SHORT ServerTimeZone; UCHAR ChallengeLength; } } SMB_Data { USHORT ByteCount; Bytes { UCHAR Challenge[]; SMB_STRING DomainName[]; SMB_STRING ServerName[]; } } ]."); }
protected override SmbPacket CreateSmbResponsePacket( SmbPacket request, SmbHeader smbHeader, Channel channel) { SmbPacket smbPacket = null; // error packet SmbStatus packetStatus = (SmbStatus)smbHeader.Status; // error packet if (packetStatus != SmbStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS && packetStatus != SmbStatus.STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED && packetStatus != SmbStatus.STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { smbPacket = new SmbErrorResponsePacket(); smbPacket.SmbHeader = smbHeader; return smbPacket; } // success packet switch (smbHeader.Command) { case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: if (smbClient.Capability.IsSupportsExtendedSecurity) { smbPacket = new SmbNegotiateResponsePacket(); } else { smbPacket = new SmbNegotiateImplicitNtlmResponsePacket(); } break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX: if (smbClient.Capability.IsSupportsExtendedSecurity) { smbPacket = new SmbSessionSetupAndxResponsePacket(); } else { smbPacket = new SmbSessionSetupImplicitNtlmAndxResponsePacket(); } break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX: smbPacket = new SmbTreeConnectAndxResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_TREE_DISCONNECT: smbPacket = new SmbTreeDisconnectResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_LOGOFF_ANDX: smbPacket = new SmbLogoffAndxResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_NT_CREATE_ANDX: smbPacket = new SmbNtCreateAndxResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_CLOSE: smbPacket = new SmbCloseResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_OPEN_ANDX: smbPacket = new SmbOpenAndxResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_WRITE_ANDX: smbPacket = new SmbWriteAndxResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_READ_ANDX: smbPacket = new SmbReadAndxResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_TRANSACTION: smbPacket = this.CreateTransactionResponsePacket(request, smbHeader, channel); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2: smbPacket = this.CreateTransaction2ResponsePacket(request, smbHeader, channel); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT: smbPacket = this.CreateNtTransactionResponsePacket(request, smbHeader, channel); break; default: break; } if (smbPacket != null) { smbPacket.SmbHeader = smbHeader; return smbPacket; } return base.CreateSmbResponsePacket(request, smbHeader, channel); }
/// <summary> /// Deep copy constructor. /// </summary> public SmbNegotiateImplicitNtlmResponsePacket(SmbNegotiateImplicitNtlmResponsePacket packet) : base(packet) { }
protected override SmbPacket CreateSmbResponsePacket( SmbPacket request, SmbHeader smbHeader, Channel channel) { SmbPacket smbPacket = null; // error packet SmbStatus packetStatus = (SmbStatus)smbHeader.Status; // error packet if (packetStatus != SmbStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS && packetStatus != SmbStatus.STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED && packetStatus != SmbStatus.STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { smbPacket = new SmbErrorResponsePacket(); smbPacket.SmbHeader = smbHeader; return(smbPacket); } // success packet switch (smbHeader.Command) { case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: if (smbClient.Capability.IsSupportsExtendedSecurity) { smbPacket = new SmbNegotiateResponsePacket(); } else { smbPacket = new SmbNegotiateImplicitNtlmResponsePacket(); } break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX: if (smbClient.Capability.IsSupportsExtendedSecurity) { smbPacket = new SmbSessionSetupAndxResponsePacket(); } else { smbPacket = new SmbSessionSetupImplicitNtlmAndxResponsePacket(); } break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX: smbPacket = new SmbTreeConnectAndxResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_TREE_DISCONNECT: smbPacket = new SmbTreeDisconnectResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_LOGOFF_ANDX: smbPacket = new SmbLogoffAndxResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_NT_CREATE_ANDX: smbPacket = new SmbNtCreateAndxResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_CLOSE: smbPacket = new SmbCloseResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_OPEN_ANDX: smbPacket = new SmbOpenAndxResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_WRITE_ANDX: smbPacket = new SmbWriteAndxResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_READ_ANDX: smbPacket = new SmbReadAndxResponsePacket(); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_TRANSACTION: smbPacket = this.CreateTransactionResponsePacket(request, smbHeader, channel); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2: smbPacket = this.CreateTransaction2ResponsePacket(request, smbHeader, channel); break; case SmbCommand.SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT: smbPacket = this.CreateNtTransactionResponsePacket(request, smbHeader, channel); break; default: break; } if (smbPacket != null) { smbPacket.SmbHeader = smbHeader; return(smbPacket); } return(base.CreateSmbResponsePacket(request, smbHeader, channel)); }