public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC14_CopyIntoItemsLocal_SourceLoationNotExistAndDestinationLocationExist() { string sourceFileUrl = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); string invalidSourceFileUrl = sourceFileUrl.Insert(sourceFileUrl.LastIndexOf("."), DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()); string desFileUrl = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl }; CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( invalidSourceFileUrl, desUrls); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R273 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <CopyErrorCode>( CopyErrorCode.SourceInvalid, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorCode, 273, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] If the source location does not point to an existing file, then if the destination location points to an existing file, the protocol server MUST report a failure by returning the CopyResult element with the ErrorCode attribute set to ""SourceInvalid"" for this destination location. "); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R98 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <CopyErrorCode>( CopyErrorCode.SourceInvalid, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorCode, 98, @"[In CopyErrorCode] SourceInvalid: This value is used to indicate an error when the source location for the copy operation does not reference an existing file in the source location."); }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC12_CopyIntoItemsLocal_SourceDestinationOnDifferentServer() { if (Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SourceSutComputerName", this.Site) == string.Empty) { Site.Assert.Inconclusive("This case runs only when the Source system under test exists."); } string sourceFileUrl = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnSourceSUT); string desFileUrl = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl }; // Copy files in same SUT. CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFileUrl, desUrls); if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(2781, this.Site)) { // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R2781 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>( 0, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results.Length, 2781, @"[In Appendix B: Product Behavior] Implementation does return empty results if the source location and the destination location refer to different protocol servers. (<5> Section The server returns empty results when the source location and the destination location refer to different protocol servers.)"); } }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC07_CopyIntoItemsLocal_EncodedAbsUrlField() { this.Site.Assume.IsTrue(Common.IsRequirementEnabled(232, this.Site), @"This is executed only when R232Enable is set to true."); // Get the value of the source file URL. string sourceFileUrl = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); // Get the first destination location. string desFileUrl = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl }; // Retrieve the contents and metadata for a file from the specified location. GetItemResponse getitemsResponse = MSCopysAdapter.GetItem(sourceFileUrl); this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(getitemsResponse, "GetItem operation should succeed"); // Select a field by specified field attribute value. FieldInformation fieldInfoScource = this.SelectFieldBySpecifiedAtrribute( getitemsResponse.Fields, "EncodedAbsUrl", FieldAttributeType.InternalName); // Copy a file to the destination server. CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFileUrl, desUrls); // Verify whether all copy results are successful. bool isVerifyCopySuccess = VerifyAllCopyResultsSuccess(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results, true); this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(isVerifyCopySuccess, "CopyIntoItemsLocal operation should succeed."); // Collect files from specified file URLs. this.CollectFileByUrl(desUrls); // Retrieve content and metadata for a file that is stored in a source location with first destination URL. GetItemResponse getitemsResponseDes = MSCopysAdapter.GetItem(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].DestinationUrl); // Select a field by specified field attribute value. FieldInformation fieldInfoDes = this.SelectFieldBySpecifiedAtrribute( getitemsResponseDes.Fields, "EncodedAbsUrl", FieldAttributeType.InternalName); if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(232, this.Site)) { // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R232 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreNotEqual( fieldInfoScource.Value.ToLower(), fieldInfoDes.Value.ToLower(), 232, @"[In Appendix B: Product Behavior] CopyIntoItemsLocal operation does not copy the EncodedAbsUrl field.(Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SharePoint Foundation 2013 follow this behavior.)"); } }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC05_CopyIntoItemsLocal_SourceNotPointExistFolder() { // Get resource from properties,a non-existent source folder and normal destination library. string sourceFileUrlOnDesSut = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); // Generate invalid file URL by confusing the folder path. string sourceFolder = this.GenerateInvalidFolderPathForFileUrl(sourceFileUrlOnDesSut); // Get the first destination location. string desFileUrl1 = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl1 }; // Copy files in same SUT with non-existent source folder. CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFolder, desUrls); // Collect files from specified file URLs. this.CollectFileByUrl(desUrls); this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results, "The element Results should be return if CopyIntoItemsLocal operation executes successfully"); this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(1 == copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results.Length, "The Results element should contain one CopyResult element."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R111 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <CopyErrorCode>( CopyErrorCode.Unknown, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorCode, 111, @"[In CopyErrorCode] [For CopyIntoItemsLocal operation] Unknown: This value is used to indicate an error for all other error conditions for a given destination location."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R270 bool isVerifiedR270 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorMessage); this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isVerifiedR270, 270, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] If the source [or destination] location does not point to an existing folder [or the protocol client does not have permission to access the source file], the protocol server MUST report a failure by returning the CopyResult element (section with the ErrorCode attribute set to ""Unknown"" for all of the destination locations."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R289 bool isVerifiedR289 = isVerifiedR270; this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isVerifiedR289, 289, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] If the file cannot be created at the given destination location, the protocol server MUST report a failure for this destination location by setting the ErrorCode attribute of the corresponding CopyResult element to ""Unknown"" and provide a string value that describes the error in the ErrorMessage attribute."); }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC11_CopyIntoItemsLocal_CheckResultOrder() { // Get resource from properties,normal source file and normal destination library. string sourceFileUrlOnDesSut = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); // Get the first destination location. string desFileUrl1 = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); // Get the section destination location. string desFileUrl2 = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl1, desFileUrl2 }; // Copy files in same SUT. CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFileUrlOnDesSut, desUrls); // Verify whether all copy results are successful. bool isVerifyCopySuccess = VerifyAllCopyResultsSuccess(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results, true); this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(isVerifyCopySuccess, "CopyIntoItemsLocal operation should succeed."); // Collect files from specified file URLs. this.CollectFileByUrl(desUrls); this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results, "The Result element should be returned."); this.Site.Assert.AreEqual(2, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results.Length, "CopyIntoItemsLocal operation return a collection must contain two items if the DestinationUrls have two items in the request."); // If the value of DestinationUrl is equal to the item in the collection of locations, then R282 should be covered. this.Site.Assert.AreEqual( desFileUrl1, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].DestinationUrl, "The CopyResult element in the Results collection should be the same order as the items in the destination collection."); this.Site.Assert.AreEqual( desFileUrl2, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[1].DestinationUrl, "The CopyResult element in the Results collection should be the same order as the items in the destination collection."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R282 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 282, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] The CopyResult element in the Results collection MUST be in the same order as the items in the destination locations collection."); }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC06_CopyIntoItemsLocal_DesMalformedIRI() { // Get resource from properties,normal source and malformed IRI. string sourceFileUrlOnDesSut = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); // Invalid destination URL. string invalidDesFileUrl = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); invalidDesFileUrl = this.GenerateInvalidFileUrl(invalidDesFileUrl); string[] desUrls = new string[] { invalidDesFileUrl }; // Copy files in same SUT with malformed IRI. CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFileUrlOnDesSut, desUrls); this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results, "The element Results should be return if CopyIntoItemsLocal operation executes successfully"); this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(1 == copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results.Length, "The Results element should contain one CopyResult element."); if (Convert.ToBoolean(Common.IsRequirementEnabled(1043, this.Site))) { // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R1043 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <CopyErrorCode>( CopyErrorCode.InvalidUrl, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorCode, 1043, @"[In CopyErrorCode] [For CopyIntoItemsLocal operation] Implementation does return an ErrorCode of ""InvalidUrl"" when a destination location is a malformed IRI.(SharePoint Foundation 2013 follow this behavior.)"); } else if (Convert.ToBoolean(Common.IsRequirementEnabled(1044, this.Site))) { // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R1044 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <CopyErrorCode>( CopyErrorCode.InvalidUrl, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorCode, 1044, @"[In CopyErrorCode] [For CopyIntoItemsLocal operation] Implementation does return an ErrorCode of ""Unknown"" when a destination location is a malformed IRI on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and SharePoint Foundation 2010."); } else { this.Site.Assume.Inconclusive("This test case is used to verify on SharePoint Foundation 2013, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and SharePoint Foundation 2010"); } }
/// <summary> /// A method is used to copy a file when the destination of the operation is on the same protocol server as the source location. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceUrl">A parameter represents the location of the file in the source location.</param> /// <param name="destinationUrls">A parameter represents a collection of destination location. The operation will try to copy files to that locations.</param> /// <returns>A return value represents the result of the operation. It includes status of the copy operation for a destination location.</returns> public CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse CopyIntoItemsLocal(string sourceUrl, string[] destinationUrls) { CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse; uint copyIntoItemsLocalResult; CopyResult[] results; try { copyIntoItemsLocalResult = this.copySoapService.CopyIntoItemsLocal(sourceUrl, destinationUrls, out results); copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = new CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse(copyIntoItemsLocalResult, results); } catch (SoapException) { throw; } this.VerifyCopyIntoItemsLocalOperationCapture(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse, destinationUrls); return(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse); }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC08_CopyIntoItemsLocal_CopySourceField() { this.Site.Assume.IsTrue(Common.IsRequirementEnabled(149, this.Site), @"This is executed only when R149Enable is set to true."); // Get the value of the source file URL. string sourceFileUrl = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); // Get the first destination location. string desFileUrl = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl }; // Copy a file to the destination server. CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFileUrl, desUrls); // Verify whether all copy results are successful. bool isVerifyCopySuccess = VerifyAllCopyResultsSuccess(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results, true); this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(isVerifyCopySuccess, "CopyIntoItemsLocal operation should succeed."); // Collect files from specified file URLs. this.CollectFileByUrl(desUrls); // Retrieve content and metadata for a file that is stored in a source location with first destination URL. GetItemResponse getitemsResponseDes = MSCopysAdapter.GetItem(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].DestinationUrl); // Select a field by specified field attribute value. FieldInformation fieldInfoDes = this.SelectFieldBySpecifiedAtrribute( getitemsResponseDes.Fields, "_CopySource", FieldAttributeType.InternalName); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R149 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual( sourceFileUrl.ToLower(), fieldInfoDes.Value.ToLower(), 149, @"[In Appendix B: Product Behavior] [For CopyIntoItemsLocation operation] Implementation [the value of field with internal name _CopySource ] does equal to the value of source location.(SharePoint Foundation 2010 follow this behavior.)"); }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC13_CopyIntoItemsLocal_NoPermisonAndDestinationLocationNotExist() { string sourceFileUrl = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); string desFileUrl = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl }; MSCopysAdapter.SwitchUser( Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("MSCOPYSNoPermissionUser", this.Site), Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("PasswordOfNoPermissionUser", this.Site), Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Domain", this.Site)); CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFileUrl, desUrls); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R270 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <CopyErrorCode>( CopyErrorCode.Unknown, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorCode, 270, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] If the source location points to a file whose permission setting does not allow access by the protocol client, then if the destination location does not point to a existing folder or file, the protocol server MUST report a failure by returning the CopyResult element (section with the ErrorCode attribute set to ""Unknown"" for this destination location."); }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC10_CopyIntoItemsLocal_CheckResultNumber() { // Get resource from properties,normal source file and normal destination library. string sourceFileUrlOnDesSut = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); // Get the first destination location. string desFileUrl1 = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); // Get the section destination location. string desFileUrl2 = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl1, desFileUrl2 }; // Copy files in same SUT. CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFileUrlOnDesSut, desUrls); // Verify whether all copy results are successful. bool isVerifyCopySuccess = VerifyAllCopyResultsSuccess(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results, true); this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(isVerifyCopySuccess, "CopyIntoItemsLocal operation should succeed."); // Collect files from specified file URLs. this.CollectFileByUrl(desUrls); this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results, "The Result of CopyIntoItemsLocal should be returned."); this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(2 == copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results.Length, "The Results element should contain two CopyResult elements."); // If server should return results for each destinations location, then R311 should be covered. this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0], "The Result should be return if CopyIntoItemsLocal operation succeed."); this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[1], "The Result should be return if CopyIntoItemsLocal operation succeed."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R311 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 311, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse] [Results] The collection MUST have exactly one entry for each destination location that is passed in the request, as specified in section"); }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC02_CopyIntoItemsLocal_DestinationInvalid() { // Get resource from properties,normal source file and normal destination library. string sourceFileUrlOnDesSut = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); // Get the first destination location. string desFileUrl1 = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); // Get a folder location that is not valid on the destination server. string desFileUrl = this.GenerateInvalidFolderPathForFileUrl(desFileUrl1); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl }; // Copy files in same SUT with the invalid destination folder. CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFileUrlOnDesSut, desUrls); this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results, "The element Results should be return if CopyIntoItemsLocal operation executes successfully"); this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(1 == copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results.Length, "The Results element should contain one CopyResult element."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R92 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <CopyErrorCode>( CopyErrorCode.DestinationInvalid, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorCode, 92, @"[In CopyErrorCode] DestinationInvalid: This value is used to indicate the destination location points to a folder location that is not valid on the destination server."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R279 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <CopyErrorCode>( CopyErrorCode.DestinationInvalid, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorCode, 279, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] [If the source location and the destination location refer to different protocol servers, or ]if the destination location points to a non-existing folder, the protocol server MUST report a failure by returning the CopyResult element with the ErrorCode attribute set to ""DestinationInvalid""."); }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC01_CopyIntoItemsLocal_ErrorCodeForSucess() { // Get resource from properties,normal source file and normal destination library. string sourceFileUrlOnDesSut = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); // Get the first destination location. string desFileUrl1 = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); // Get the section destination location. string desFileUrl2 = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl1, desFileUrl2 }; // Copy files in same SUT. CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFileUrlOnDesSut, desUrls); // Collect files from specified file URLs. this.CollectFileByUrl(desUrls); this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results, "The element Results should be return if CopyIntoItemsLocal operation executes successfully"); this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(2 == copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results.Length, "The Results element should contain two CopyResult elements."); // If the error code is equal to Success when call CopyIntoItemsLocal operation with correct configuration, then R281, R277 and R88 should be covered. this.Site.Assert.AreEqual( CopyErrorCode.Success, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorCode, "The CopyIntoItemsLocal operation should succeed."); this.Site.Assert.AreEqual( CopyErrorCode.Success, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[1].ErrorCode, "The CopyIntoItemsLocal operation should succeed."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R281 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 281, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] The protocol server MUST report the status of the operation inside the Results collection for each destination location that is passed"); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R88 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 88, @"[In CopyErrorCode] Success: This value is used when the CopyIntoItemsLocal operation succeeds for the specified destination location."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R277 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 277, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] The protocol server MUST perform the copy operation for the file and construct a response."); this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(2 == copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results.Length, "The Results element should contain two CopyResult elements."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R51 bool isVerifiedR51 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorMessage); this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isVerifiedR51, 51, @"[In CopyResult] [ErrorMessage] [For CopyIntoItemsLocal operation] If the value of ErrorCode is ""Success,"" the attribute MUST NOT be present."); }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC09_CopyIntoItemsLocal_CheckFileContent() { // Get resource from properties,normal source file and normal destination library. string sourceFileUrlOnDesSut = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); // Get the first destination location. string desFileUrl1 = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); // Get the section destination location. string desFileUrl2 = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl1, desFileUrl2 }; // Copy files in same SUT. CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFileUrlOnDesSut, desUrls); // Verify whether all copy results are successful. bool isVerifyCopySuccess = VerifyAllCopyResultsSuccess(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results, true); this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(isVerifyCopySuccess, "CopyIntoItemsLocal operation should succeed."); // Collect files from specified file URLs. this.CollectFileByUrl(desUrls); this.Site.Assert.AreEqual(2, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results.Length, "CopyIntoItemsLocal operation return a collection must contain two items if the DestinationUrls have two items in the request."); // Retrieve content and metadata for a file that is stored in a source location with first destination URL. GetItemResponse getitemsResponseDes1 = MSCopysAdapter.GetItem(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].DestinationUrl); // Retrieve content and metadata for a file that is stored in a source location with second destination URL. GetItemResponse getitemsResponseDes2 = MSCopysAdapter.GetItem(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[1].DestinationUrl); this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(getitemsResponseDes1.StreamRawValues, "The element StreamRawValues should be returned."); this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(getitemsResponseDes2.StreamRawValues, "The element StreamRawValues should be returned."); // If the contents of the file are equal to the property which is configured, then R168, R285, R265 and R261 should be covered. this.Site.Assert.AreEqual( Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SourceFileContents", this.Site), Encoding.UTF8.GetString(getitemsResponseDes1.StreamRawValues), "The file content should equal to the source which is copied to the destination location."); this.Site.Assert.AreEqual( Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SourceFileContents", this.Site), Encoding.UTF8.GetString(getitemsResponseDes2.StreamRawValues), "The file content should equal to the source which is copied to the destination location."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R168 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 168, @"[In Message Processing Events and Sequencing Rules] CopyIntoItemsLocal: Copies a file when the destination of the operation is on the same protocol server as the source location."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R285 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 285, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] The protocol server MUST attempt to copy the file to all destination locations that are specified in the request."); // Because the server is never be changed, the source location and destination server is the same server all the time. // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R265 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 265, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] The source location and the destination server refer to the same protocol server for this operation."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R261 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 261, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] The CopyIntoItemsLocal operation copies a file, and the associated metadata, from one location to one or more locations on the same protocol server."); }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC04_CopyIntoItemsLocal_DestinationCheckedOut() { // Get the value of the source file URL. string sourceFileUrl = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); // Get the first destination location. string desFileUrl1 = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); // Upload a txt file to the destination SUT. this.UploadTxtFileByFileUrl(desFileUrl1); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl1 }; // Check out the file by the specified user. MSCOPYSSutControlAdapter.CheckOutFileByUser( desFileUrl1, Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("MSCOPYSCheckOutUserName", this.Site), Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("PasswordOfCheckOutUser", this.Site), Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Domain", this.Site)); // Copy files in same SUT with check out source file. CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFileUrl, desUrls); this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results, "The element Results should be return if CopyIntoItemsLocal operation executes successfully"); this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(1 == copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results.Length, "The Results element should contain one CopyResult element."); // Collect files from specified file URLs. this.CollectFileByUrl(desUrls); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R155 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <CopyErrorCode>( CopyErrorCode.DestinationCheckedOut, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorCode, 155, @"[In Abstract Data Model] In this case[files as checked out], the CopyIntoItemsLocal operations take into account the checked-out status when accessing files at the destination locations."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R286 bool isVerifyR286 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorMessage); this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isVerifyR286, 286, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] If the file on the protocol server is checked out and cannot be updated, the protocol server MUST report a failure of the copy operation by setting the value of the ErrorCode attribute of the corresponding CopyResult element to ""DestinationCheckedOut"", and provide a string value that specifies the error in the ErrorMessage attribute."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R103 this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <CopyErrorCode>( CopyErrorCode.DestinationCheckedOut, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorCode, 103, @"[In CopyErrorCode] [For CopyIntoItemsLocal operation] DestinationCheckedOut: This value is used to indicate an error when the file on the destination location is checked out and cannot be overridden."); // Undo checkout for a file by specified user credential. MSCOPYSSutControlAdapter.UndoCheckOutFileByUser( desFileUrl1, Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("MSCOPYSCheckOutUserName", this.Site), Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("PasswordOfCheckOutUser", this.Site), Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Domain", this.Site)); }
public void MSCOPYS_S02_TC03_CopyIntoItemsLocal_DestinationMWS() { // Get resource from properties,normal source file and a Meeting Workspace site destination library. string sourceFileUrlOnDesSut = this.GetSourceFileUrl(SourceFileUrlType.SourceFileOnDesSUT); // Get the first destination location. string desFileUrl1 = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.NormalDesLibraryOnDesSUT); // Get the section destination location. string desFileUrlMWS = this.GetDestinationFileUrl(DestinationFileUrlType.MWSLibraryOnDestinationSUT); string[] desUrls = new string[] { desFileUrl1, desFileUrlMWS }; // Copy files in same SUT with Meeting Workspace library. CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = MSCopysAdapter.CopyIntoItemsLocal( sourceFileUrlOnDesSut, desUrls); // Collect files from specified file URLs. this.CollectFileByUrl(desUrls); // If one of the destination locations is a Meeting Workspace site, the server return the error code is DestinationMWS for this site, // and other is Success, then R163, R159, R97 should be covered. this.Site.Assert.AreEqual( CopyErrorCode.Success, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[0].ErrorCode, "The CopyIntoItemsLocal operation should succeed."); this.Site.Assert.AreEqual( CopyErrorCode.DestinationMWS, copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[1].ErrorCode, "The CopyIntoItemsLocal operation should fail when the destination Location is a Meeting Workspace site."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R163 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 163, @"[In Abstract Data Model]The protocol server can proceed with CopyIntoItemsLocal operation which attempting to use locations that are part of a Meeting Workspace site as a destination."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R159 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 159, @"[In Abstract Data Model] Although such locations[Some locations on a protocol server can be part of a Meeting Workspace site] are valid file locations, attempts to use such a location as a destination for a CopyIntoItemsLocal operation will fail."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R97 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 97, @"[In CopyErrorCode] [For CopyIntoItemsLocal operation] DestinationMWS: This value is used to indicate a failure to copy the file because the destination location is inside a Meeting Workspace site."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R54 bool isVerifyR54 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse.Results[1].ErrorMessage); this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsFalse( isVerifyR54, 54, @"[In CopyResult] [ErrorMessage] [For CopyIntoItemsLocal operation] Otherwise[If the value of ErrorCode is not ""Success"" ], the ErrorMessage attribute MUST be present and the value MUST be a non-empty Unicode string."); // Verify MS-COPYS requirement: MS-COPYS_R287 bool isVerifyR287 = isVerifyR54; this.Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsFalse( isVerifyR287, 287, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] If the destination location is part of a Meeting Workspace site, the protocol server MUST report a failure of the copy operation by setting the value of the ErrorCode attribute of the corresponding CopyResult element to ""DestinationMWS"", and provide a string value that specifies the error in the ErrorMessage attribute."); }
/// <summary> /// A method used to verify CopyIntoItemsLocal operation related captures. /// </summary> /// <param name="response">A parameter represents the response of CopyIntoItemsLocal operation.</param> /// <param name="destinationUrlsInRequest">A parameter represents the destination URL items which is passed in the request.</param> private void VerifyCopyIntoItemsLocalOperationCapture(CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse response, string[] destinationUrlsInRequest) { if (null == response) { throw new ArgumentNullException("response"); } this.VerifyTransPortAndSOAPCapture(); // If schema validation is successful, the request and response schema definition related requirements: MS-COPYS_R268, MS-COPYS_R295, MS-COPYS_R296, MS-COPYS_R297, MS-COPYS_R306, MS-COPYS_R307, MS-COPYS_R266 and MS-COPYS_R309 can be directly captured. this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 268, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] [The protocol client sends a CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapIn request message (section and] the protocol server responds with a CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapOut response message (section as follows:"); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R266 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 266, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] [The schema of the CopyIntoItemsLocal is defined as: ] <wsdl:operation name=""CopyIntoItemsLocal""> <wsdl:input message=""tns:CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapIn"" /> <wsdl:output message=""tns:CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapOut"" /> </wsdl:operation>"); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R295 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 295, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapOut] The CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapOut message is the response WSDL message for a CopyIntoItemsLocal WSDL operation (section"); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R296 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 296, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapOut] The SOAP action value of the message is defined as:"); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R297 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 297, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapOut] The SOAP body contains a CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse element (section"); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R306 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 306, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse] [The schema of the CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse is defined as: ] <s:element name=""CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse""> <s:complexType> <s:sequence> <s:element minOccurs=""1"" maxOccurs=""1"" name=""CopyIntoItemsLocalResult"" type=""s:unsignedInt"" /> <s:element minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1"" name=""Results"" type=""tns:CopyResultCollection"" /> </s:sequence> </s:complexType> </s:element>"); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R307 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 307, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse] CopyIntoItemsLocalResult: The result of the CopyIntoItemsLocal operation."); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R309 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 309, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse] [CopyIntoItemsLocalResult] The protocol server MUST set this value to zero (""0"")."); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R304 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 304, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] [DestinationUrls] The CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse element specifies a protocol server response for the CopyIntoItemsLocal operation (section"); // Verify Copy result collection and all copy result items in the collection this.VerifyCopyResultCollection(response.Results, destinationUrlsInRequest); }
/// <summary> /// A method is used to copy a file when the destination of the operation is on the same protocol server as the source location. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceUrl">A parameter represents the location of the file in the source location.</param> /// <param name="destinationUrls">A parameter represents a collection of destination location. The operation will try to copy files to that locations.</param> /// <returns>A return value represents the result of the operation. It includes status of the copy operation for a destination location.</returns> public CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse CopyIntoItemsLocal(string sourceUrl, string[] destinationUrls) { CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse copyIntoItemsLocalResponse; uint copyIntoItemsLocalResult; CopyResult[] results; try { copyIntoItemsLocalResult = this.copySoapService.CopyIntoItemsLocal(sourceUrl, destinationUrls, out results); copyIntoItemsLocalResponse = new CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse(copyIntoItemsLocalResult, results); } catch (SoapException soapEx) { this.VerifySoapExceptionDetailCapture(soapEx); throw; } this.VerifyCopyIntoItemsLocalOperationCapture(copyIntoItemsLocalResponse, destinationUrls); return copyIntoItemsLocalResponse; }
/// <summary> /// A method used to verify CopyIntoItemsLocal operation related captures. /// </summary> /// <param name="response">A parameter represents the response of CopyIntoItemsLocal operation.</param> /// <param name="destinationUrlsInRequest">A parameter represents the destination URL items which is passed in the request.</param> private void VerifyCopyIntoItemsLocalOperationCapture(CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse response, string[] destinationUrlsInRequest) { if (null == response) { throw new ArgumentNullException("response"); } this.VerifyTransPortAndSOAPCapture(); // If schema validation is successful, the request and response schema definition related requirements: MS-COPYS_R268, MS-COPYS_R295, MS-COPYS_R297, MS-COPYS_R306, MS-COPYS_R307, MS-COPYS_R266 and MS-COPYS_R309 can be directly captured. this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 268, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] [The protocol client sends a CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapIn request message (section and] the protocol server responds with a CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapOut response message (section as follows:"); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R266 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 266, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] [The schema of the CopyIntoItemsLocal is defined as: ] <wsdl:operation name=""CopyIntoItemsLocal""> <wsdl:input message=""tns:CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapIn"" /> <wsdl:output message=""tns:CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapOut"" /> </wsdl:operation>"); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R295 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 295, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapOut] The CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapOut message is the response WSDL message for a CopyIntoItemsLocal WSDL operation (section"); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R297 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 297, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocalSoapOut] The SOAP body contains a CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse element (section"); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R306 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 306, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse] [The schema of the CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse is defined as: ] <s:element name=""CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse""> <s:complexType> <s:sequence> <s:element minOccurs=""1"" maxOccurs=""1"" name=""CopyIntoItemsLocalResult"" type=""s:unsignedInt"" /> <s:element minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1"" name=""Results"" type=""tns:CopyResultCollection"" /> </s:sequence> </s:complexType> </s:element>"); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R307 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 307, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse] CopyIntoItemsLocalResult: The result of the CopyIntoItemsLocal operation."); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R309 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 309, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse] [CopyIntoItemsLocalResult] The protocol server MUST set this value to zero (""0"")."); // Verified requirement: MS-COPYS_R304 this.Site.CaptureRequirement( 304, @"[In CopyIntoItemsLocal] [DestinationUrls] The CopyIntoItemsLocalResponse element specifies a protocol server response for the CopyIntoItemsLocal operation (section"); // Verify Copy result collection and all copy result items in the collection this.VerifyCopyResultCollection(response.Results, destinationUrlsInRequest); }