CanLoadModuleType() public method

Evaluates the ModuleInfo.Ref property to see if the current typeloader will be able to retrieve the moduleInfo. Returns true if the ModuleInfo.Ref property starts with "file://", because this indicates that the file is a local file.
An is thrown if is null.
public CanLoadModuleType ( ModuleInfo moduleInfo ) : bool
moduleInfo ModuleInfo Module that should have it's type loaded.
return bool
        public void CanRetrieveWithCorrectRef()
            var retriever = new FileModuleTypeLoader();
            var moduleInfo = new ModuleInfo() { Ref = "file://somefile" };

        public void CannotRetrieveWithIncorrectRef()
            var retriever = new FileModuleTypeLoader();
            var moduleInfo = new ModuleInfo() { Ref = "NotForLocalRetrieval" };
