private void Initialize()
            this.session = TraceEventUtil.CreateSession(this.sessionName);

            // Hook up the ETWTraceEventSource to the specified session
            this.source = new ETWTraceEventSource(this.sessionName, TraceEventSourceType.Session);

            this.manifestCache = new TraceEventManifestsCache(this.source.Dynamic);

            // get any previously cached manifest

            // hook up to all incoming events and filter out manifests
            this.source.Dynamic.All += e => this.ProcessEvent(e);

            // listen to new manifests
            this.source.Dynamic.ManifestReceived += m => this.OnManifestReceived(m);

            // We collect all the manifests and save/terminate process when done
            this.source.UnhandledEvent += e => this.ProcessUnhandledEvent(e);

            foreach (var eventSource in this.eventSources)
                // Bind the provider (EventSource/EventListener) with the session
                TraceEventUtil.EnableProvider(this.session, eventSource.EventSourceId, eventSource.Level, eventSource.MatchAnyKeyword);

            // source.Process() is blocking so we need to launch it on a separate thread.
            this.workerTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => this.source.Process(), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning).
                              ContinueWith(t => this.HandleProcessTaskFault(t));
        private void Initialize()
            this.session = TraceEventUtil.CreateSession(this.sessionName);

            // Hook up the ETWTraceEventSource to the specified session
            this.source = new ETWTraceEventSource(this.sessionName, TraceEventSourceType.Session);

            this.manifestCache = new TraceEventManifestsCache(this.source.Dynamic);

            // get any previously cached manifest

            // hook up to all incoming events and filter out manifests
            this.source.Dynamic.All += e => this.ProcessEvent(e);

            // listen to new manifests
            this.source.Dynamic.ManifestReceived += m => this.OnManifestReceived(m);

            // We collect all the manifests and save/terminate process when done
            this.source.UnhandledEvent += e => this.ProcessUnhandledEvent(e);

            foreach (var eventSource in this.eventSources)
                // Bind the provider (EventSource/EventListener) with the session
                TraceEventUtil.EnableProvider(this.session, eventSource.EventSourceId, eventSource.Level, eventSource.MatchAnyKeyword);

            // source.Process() is blocking so we need to launch it on a separate thread.
            this.workerTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => this.source.Process(), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning).
                                           ContinueWith(t => this.HandleProcessTaskFault(t));