/// <summary>
        /// Process the web response and output corresponding objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        internal override void ProcessResponse(WebResponse response)
            if (null == response)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("response");

            // check for Server Core, throws exception if -UseBasicParsing is not used
            if (ShouldWriteToPipeline && (!UseBasicParsing))

            Stream responseStream = StreamHelper.GetResponseStream(response);

            if (ShouldWriteToPipeline)
                // creating a MemoryStream wrapper to response stream here to support IsStopping.
                responseStream = new WebResponseContentMemoryStream(responseStream, StreamHelper.ChunkSize, this);
                WebResponseObject ro = WebResponseObjectFactory.GetResponseObject(response, responseStream, this.Context, UseBasicParsing);

                // use the rawcontent stream from WebResponseObject for further
                // processing of the stream. This is need because WebResponse's
                // stream can be used only once.
                responseStream = ro.RawContentStream;
                responseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            if (ShouldSaveToOutFile)
                StreamHelper.SaveStreamToFile(responseStream, QualifiedOutFile, this);
        private void SetResponse(HttpResponseMessage response, Stream contentStream)
            if (null == response)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("response");

            BaseResponse = response;

            MemoryStream ms = contentStream as MemoryStream;

            if (null != ms)
                _rawContentStream = ms;
                Stream st = contentStream;
                if (contentStream == null)
                    st = StreamHelper.GetResponseStream(response);

                long contentLength = response.Content.Headers.ContentLength.Value;
                if (0 >= contentLength)
                    contentLength = StreamHelper.DefaultReadBuffer;
                int initialCapacity = (int)Math.Min(contentLength, StreamHelper.DefaultReadBuffer);
                _rawContentStream = new WebResponseContentMemoryStream(st, initialCapacity, null);
            // set the position of the content stream to the beginning
            _rawContentStream.Position = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the web response and output corresponding objects. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        internal override void ProcessResponse(WebResponse response)
            if (null == response) { throw new ArgumentNullException("response"); }

            // check for Server Core, throws exception if -UseBasicParsing is not used
            if (ShouldWriteToPipeline && (!UseBasicParsing))

            Stream responseStream = StreamHelper.GetResponseStream(response);
            if (ShouldWriteToPipeline)
                // creating a MemoryStream wrapper to response stream here to support IsStopping.
                responseStream = new WebResponseContentMemoryStream(responseStream, StreamHelper.ChunkSize, this);
                WebResponseObject ro = WebResponseObjectFactory.GetResponseObject(response, responseStream, this.Context, UseBasicParsing);

                // use the rawcontent stream from WebResponseObject for further 
                // processing of the stream. This is need because WebResponse's
                // stream can be used only once.
                responseStream = ro.RawContentStream;
                responseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            if (ShouldSaveToOutFile)
                StreamHelper.SaveStreamToFile(responseStream, QualifiedOutFile, this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the web response and output corresponding objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        internal override void ProcessResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
            if (null == response)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("response");

            Stream responseStream = StreamHelper.GetResponseStream(response);

            if (ShouldWriteToPipeline)
                // creating a MemoryStream wrapper to response stream here to support IsStopping.
                responseStream = new WebResponseContentMemoryStream(responseStream, StreamHelper.ChunkSize, this);
                WebResponseObject ro = WebResponseObjectFactory.GetResponseObject(response, responseStream, this.Context);
                ro.RelationLink = _relationLink;

                // use the rawcontent stream from WebResponseObject for further
                // processing of the stream. This is need because WebResponse's
                // stream can be used only once.
                responseStream = ro.RawContentStream;
                responseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            if (ShouldSaveToOutFile)
                StreamHelper.SaveStreamToFile(responseStream, QualifiedOutFile, this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the web response and output corresponding objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        internal override void ProcessResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
            if (null == response)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("response");

            // check for Server Core, throws exception if -UseBasicParsing is not used
            if (ShouldWriteToPipeline && !UseBasicParsing)
                // IE is not available in PS Linux, and may not available in PS Core depending on
                // where it's running (desktop/nano/iot).
                // For PS Linux and PS Core, if IE is not available, we always use basic parsing.
                if (!VerifyInternetExplorerAvailable(true))
                    UseBasicParsing = true;

            Stream responseStream = StreamHelper.GetResponseStream(response);

            if (ShouldWriteToPipeline)
                // creating a MemoryStream wrapper to response stream here to support IsStopping.
                responseStream = new WebResponseContentMemoryStream(responseStream, StreamHelper.ChunkSize, this);
                WebResponseObject ro = WebResponseObjectFactory.GetResponseObject(response, responseStream, this.Context, UseBasicParsing);
                ro.RelationLink = _relationLink;

                // use the rawcontent stream from WebResponseObject for further
                // processing of the stream. This is need because WebResponse's
                // stream can be used only once.
                responseStream = ro.RawContentStream;
                responseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            if (ShouldSaveToOutFile)
                StreamHelper.SaveStreamToFile(responseStream, QualifiedOutFile, this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the web response and output corresponding objects. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        internal override void ProcessResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
            if (null == response) { throw new ArgumentNullException("response"); }

            // check for Server Core, throws exception if -UseBasicParsing is not used
            if (ShouldWriteToPipeline && !UseBasicParsing)
                // IE is not available in PS Linux, and may not available in PS Core depending on 
                // where it's running (desktop/nano/iot).
                // For PS Linux and PS Core, if IE is not available, we always use basic parsing.
                if (!VerifyInternetExplorerAvailable(true))
                    UseBasicParsing = true;

            Stream responseStream = StreamHelper.GetResponseStream(response);
            if (ShouldWriteToPipeline)
                // creating a MemoryStream wrapper to response stream here to support IsStopping.
                responseStream = new WebResponseContentMemoryStream(responseStream, StreamHelper.ChunkSize, this);
                WebResponseObject ro = WebResponseObjectFactory.GetResponseObject(response, responseStream, this.Context, UseBasicParsing);

                // use the rawcontent stream from WebResponseObject for further 
                // processing of the stream. This is need because WebResponse's
                // stream can be used only once.
                responseStream = ro.RawContentStream;
                responseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            if (ShouldSaveToOutFile)
                StreamHelper.SaveStreamToFile(responseStream, QualifiedOutFile, this);
        private void SetResponse(WebResponse response, Stream contentStream)
            if (null == response) { throw new ArgumentNullException("response"); }

            BaseResponse = response;

            MemoryStream ms = contentStream as MemoryStream;
            if (null != ms)
                _rawContentStream = ms;
                Stream st = contentStream;
                if (contentStream == null)
                    st = StreamHelper.GetResponseStream(response);

                long contentLength = response.ContentLength;
                if (0 >= contentLength)
                    contentLength = StreamHelper.DefaultReadBuffer;
                int initialCapacity = (int)Math.Min(contentLength, StreamHelper.DefaultReadBuffer);
                _rawContentStream = new WebResponseContentMemoryStream(st, initialCapacity, null);
            // set the position of the content stream to the beginning
            _rawContentStream.Position = 0;