        public void TestMethodCall()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class E : Event { }

            class Program : Machine
            int x;

            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            this.Foo(1, 3, x);

            int Foo(int x, int y, int z)
            return 0;

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">Configuration</param>
        /// <param name="assemblyName">Assembly name</param>
        private AnalysisContext(DynamicAnalysisConfiguration configuration, string assemblyName)
            this.Configuration = configuration;

                this.Assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName);
            catch (FileNotFoundException ex)

        public void TestRaisedHaltHandled()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class Ping : Event {
            public Ping() : base(1, -1) { }

            class Pong : Event {
            public Pong() : base(1, -1) { }

            class Success : Event { }

            class PING : Machine
            MachineId PongId;
            int Count1 = 0;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Success), typeof(SendPing))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            PongId = this.CreateMachine(typeof(PONG));
            this.Raise(new Success());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Success), typeof(WaitPong))]
            class SendPing : MachineState { }

            void EntrySendPing()
            this.Send(PongId, new Ping(), this.Id);
            this.Raise(new Success());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Pong), typeof(SendPing))]
            class WaitPong : MachineState { }

            class Done : MachineState { }

            class PONG : Machine
            int Count2 = 0;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Ping), typeof(SendPong))]
            class WaitPing : MachineState { }

            void EntryWaitPing() { }

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Success), typeof(WaitPing))]
            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Halt), nameof(Action1))]
            class SendPong : MachineState { }

            void EntrySendPong()
            Count2 = Count2 + 1;

            if (Count2 == 1)
                this.Send(this.Payload as MachineId, new Pong());

            if (Count2 == 2)
                this.Send(this.Payload as MachineId, new Pong());
                this.Raise(new Halt());

            this.Raise(new Success());

            void Action1()
            this.Assert(false); // reachable

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;
            sctConfig.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.DFS;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
        public void TestBugRepro1()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class Ping : Event {
            public Ping() : base(1, -1) { }

            class Success : Event { }

            class PING : Machine
            int x;
            int y;

            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Success), nameof(SuccessAction))]
            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Ping), nameof(PingAction))]
            class PingInit : MachineState { }

            void EntryPingInit()
            this.Raise(new Success());

            void SuccessAction()
            x = Func1(1, 1);
            this.Assert(x == 2);
            y = Func2(x); // x == 2

            void PingAction()
            this.Assert(x == 4);
            x = x + 1;
            this.Assert(x == 5);

            // i: value passed; j: identifies caller (1: Success handler;  2: Func2)
            int Func1(int i, int j)
            if (j == 1)
                i = i + 1; // i: 2

            if (j == 2)
                this.Assert(i == 3);
                i = i + 1;
                this.Assert(i == 4);
                this.Send(this.Id, new Ping(), i);
                this.Assert(i == 4);

            return i;

            int Func2(int v)
            v = v + 1;
            this.Assert(v == 3);
            x = Func1(v, 2);
            this.Assert( x == 4);
            return v;

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new P# dynamic analysis context from the given assembly.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="configuration">Configuration</param>
 /// <param name="assembly">Assembly</param>
 /// <returns>AnalysisContext</returns>
 public static AnalysisContext Create(DynamicAnalysisConfiguration configuration, Assembly assembly)
     return new AnalysisContext(configuration, assembly);
        public void TestSimpleAsyncAwaitFail()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class Unit : Event { }

            internal class TaskCreator : Machine
            int Value;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(Active))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void InitOnEntry()
            this.Value = 0;
            this.Raise(new Unit());

            class Active : MachineState { }

            void ActiveOnEntry()
            this.Assert(this.Value < 3, ""Value is '{0}' (expected less than '3')."", this.Value);

            async void Process()
            Task t = Increment();
            await t;

            Task Increment()
            Task t = new Task(() => {

            return t;

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;
            sctConfig.SchedulingIterations = 2;
            sctConfig.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.DFS;
            sctConfig.ScheduleIntraMachineConcurrency = true;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            var bugReport = "Value is '3' (expected less than '3').";

            Assert.AreEqual(bugReport, sctEngine.BugReport);
        public void TestWarmStateBug()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class Unit : Event { }
            class UserEvent : Event { }
            class Done : Event { }
            class Waiting : Event { }
            class Computing : Event { }

            class EventHandler : Machine
            List<MachineId> Workers;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(WaitForUser))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void InitOnEntry()
            this.Raise(new Unit());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(UserEvent), typeof(HandleEvent))]
            class WaitForUser : MachineState { }

            void WaitForUserOnEntry()
            this.Monitor<WatchDog>(new Waiting());
            this.Send(this.Id, new UserEvent());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Done), typeof(WaitForUser))]
            class HandleEvent : MachineState { }

            void HandleEventOnEntry()
            this.Monitor<WatchDog>(new Computing());
            this.Send(this.Id, new Done());

            class WatchDog : Monitor
            List<MachineId> Workers;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Waiting), typeof(CanGetUserInput))]
            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Computing), typeof(CannotGetUserInput))]
            class CanGetUserInput : MonitorState { }

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Waiting), typeof(CanGetUserInput))]
            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Computing), typeof(CannotGetUserInput))]
            class CannotGetUserInput : MonitorState { }

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;
            sctConfig.CheckLiveness = true;
            sctConfig.CacheProgramState = true;
            sctConfig.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.DFS;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            var bugReport = "Monitor 'WatchDog' detected infinite execution that violates a liveness property.";

            Assert.AreEqual(bugReport, sctEngine.BugReport);
        public void TestBangaloreToRedmond()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class BookCab : Event {
            public BookCab() : base(2, -1) { }

            class BookFlight : Event {
            public BookFlight() : base(2, -1) { }

            class FlightBooked : Event {
            public FlightBooked() : base(2, -1) { }

            class TryAgain : Event {
            public TryAgain() : base(2, -1) { }

            class CabBooked : Event {
            public CabBooked() : base(2, -1) { }

            class Thanks : Event {
            public Thanks() : base(2, -1) { }

            class ReachedAirport : Event {
            public ReachedAirport() : base(2, -1) { }

            class MissedFlight : Event {
            public MissedFlight() : base(2, -1) { }

            class TookFlight : Event {
            public TookFlight() : base(2, -1) { }

            class Unit : Event {
            public Unit() : base(2, -1) { }

            class Employee : Machine
            MachineId TravelAgentMachine;
            MachineId CityCabMachine;
            bool Check;
            bool RemoteCheckIn;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(BangaloreOffice))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            TravelAgentMachine = this.CreateMachine(typeof(TravelAgent), this.Id);
            CityCabMachine = this.CreateMachine(typeof(CityCab), this.Id);
            RemoteCheckIn = false;
            this.Raise(new Unit());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(TryAgain), typeof(BangaloreOffice))]
            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(FlightBooked), typeof(SBookCab))]
            [OnEventPushState(typeof(Unit), typeof(SBookFlight))]
            class BangaloreOffice : MachineState { }

            void EntryBangaloreOffice()
            // push SBookFlight;
            this.Raise(new Unit());

            void ExitBangaloreOffice()
            if (this.Trigger == typeof(FlightBooked))
                this.Send(TravelAgentMachine, new Thanks());

            class SBookFlight : MachineState { }

            void EntrySBookFlight()
            this.Send(TravelAgentMachine, new BookFlight());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Default), typeof(TakeBus))]
            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(CabBooked), typeof(TakeCab))]
            class SBookCab : MachineState { }

            void EntrySBookCab()
            this.Send(CityCabMachine, new BookCab());

            void ExitSBookCab()
            this.Assert(RemoteCheckIn == false);
            RemoteCheckIn = true;
            if (this.Trigger != typeof(Default))
                this.Send(CityCabMachine, new Thanks());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(ReachedAirport), typeof(AtAirport))]
            class TakeCab : MachineState { }

            void EntryTakeCab()
            this.Raise(new ReachedAirport());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(ReachedAirport), typeof(AtAirport))]
            class TakeBus : MachineState { }

            void EntryTakeBus()
            this.Raise(new ReachedAirport());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(TookFlight), typeof(ReachedRedmond))]
            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(MissedFlight), typeof(BangaloreOffice))]
            class AtAirport : MachineState { }

            void EntryAtAirport()
            this.Assert(RemoteCheckIn == true);
            Check = AmILucky();
            if (Check)
                this.Raise(new TookFlight());
                this.Raise(new MissedFlight());

            void ExitAtAirport()
            RemoteCheckIn = false;

            class ReachedRedmond : MachineState { }

            void EntryReachedRedmond()

            bool AmILucky()
            if (this.Nondet())
                return true;
                return false;

            class TravelAgent : Machine
            MachineId EmployeeMachine;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(Init))]
            class _Init : MachineState { }

            void Entry_Init()
            EmployeeMachine = this.Payload as MachineId;
            this.Raise(new Unit());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(BookFlight), typeof(SBookFlight))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(Init))]
            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Thanks), typeof(Init))]
            class SBookFlight : MachineState { }

            void EntrySBookFlight()
            if (this.Nondet())
                this.Send(EmployeeMachine, new TryAgain());
                this.Raise(new Unit());
                this.Send(EmployeeMachine, new FlightBooked());

            class CityCab : Machine
            MachineId EmployeeMachine;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(Init))]
            class _Init : MachineState { }

            void Entry_Init()
            EmployeeMachine = this.Payload as MachineId;
            this.Raise(new Unit());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(BookCab), typeof(SBookCab))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(Init))]
            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Thanks), typeof(Init))]
            class SBookCab : MachineState { }

            void EntrySBookCab()
            if (this.Nondet())
                this.Raise(new Unit());
                this.Send(EmployeeMachine, new CabBooked());

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;
            sctConfig.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.DFS;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            //Assert.AreEqual(0, SCTEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
            //Assert.AreEqual(5, SCTEngine.ExploredDepth);
        public void TestActions5Fail()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class E1 : Event {
            public E1() : base(1, -1) { }

            class E2 : Event {
            public E2() : base(1, -1) { }

            class E3 : Event {
            public E3() : base(1, -1) { }

            class E4 : Event {
            public E4() : base(1, -1) { }

            class Unit : Event {
            public Unit() : base(1, -1) { }

            class Real : Machine
            MachineId GhostMachine;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(E4), typeof(S2))]
            [OnEventPushState(typeof(Unit), typeof(S1))]
            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E2), nameof(Action1))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            GhostMachine = this.CreateMachine(typeof(Ghost), this.Id);
            this.Raise(new Unit());

            class S1 : MachineState { }

            void EntryS1()
            this.Send(GhostMachine, new E1());

            // we wait in this state until E2 comes from Ghost,
            // then handle E2 using the inherited handler Action1
            // installed by Init
            // then wait until E4 comes from Ghost, and since
            // there's no handler for E4 in this pushed state,
            // this state is popped, and E4 goto handler from Init
            // is invoked

            class S2 : MachineState { }

            void EntryS2()
            // this assert is reachable

            void Action1()
            this.Send(GhostMachine, new E3());

            class Ghost : Machine
            MachineId RealMachine;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(E1), typeof(S1))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            RealMachine = this.Payload as MachineId;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(E3), typeof(S2))]
            class S1 : MachineState { }

            void EntryS1()
            this.Send(RealMachine, new E2());

            class S2 : MachineState { }

            void EntryS2()
            this.Send(RealMachine, new E4());

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;
            sctConfig.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.DFS;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
        public void TestSEMOneMachine35()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class Entry : Machine
            List<int> rev;
            List<int> sorted;
            int i;
            int t;
            int s;
            bool swapped;
            bool b;

            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            rev = new List<int>();
            sorted = new List<int>();

            i = 0;
            while (i < 10)
                rev.Insert(0, i);
                i = i + 1;

            this.Assert(rev.Count == 10);

            // Assert that simply reversing the list produces a sorted list
            sorted = Reverse(rev);
            this.Assert(sorted.Count == 10);
            b = IsSorted(sorted);
            b = IsSorted(rev);

            // Assert that BubbleSort returns the sorted list
            sorted = BubbleSort(rev);
            this.Assert(sorted.Count == 10);
            b = IsSorted(sorted);
            b = IsSorted(rev);

            List<int> Reverse(List<int> l)
            var result = l.ToList();

            i = 0;
            s = result.Count;
            while (i < s)
                t = result[i];
                result.Insert(0, t);
                i = i + 1;

            return result;

            List<int> BubbleSort(List<int> l)
            var result = l.ToList();

            swapped = true;
            while (swapped)
                i = 0;
                swapped = false;
                while (i < result.Count - 1)
                    if (result[i] > result[i + 1])
                        t = result[i];
                        result[i] = result[i + 1];
                        result[i + 1] = t;
                        swapped = true;

                    i = i + 1;

            return result;

            bool IsSorted(List<int> l)
            i = 0;
            while (i < l.Count - 1)
                if (l[i] > l[i + 1])
                    return false;

                i = i + 1;

            return true;

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
        public void TestAlonBugAssertionFailure()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class E : Event { }

            class Program : Machine
            int i;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(E), typeof(Call))] // Exit executes before this transition.
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            i = 0;
            this.Raise(new E());

            void ExitInit()
            // This assert is reachable.
            this.Assert(false, ""Bug found."");

            class Call : MachineState { }

            void EntryCall()
            if (i == 3)
                i = i + 1;

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
        public void TestFairNondet1()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class Unit : Event { }
            class UserEvent : Event { }
            class Done : Event { }
            class Loop : Event { }
            class Waiting : Event { }
            class Computing : Event { }

            class EventHandler : Machine
            List<MachineId> Workers;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(WaitForUser))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void InitOnEntry()
            this.Raise(new Unit());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(UserEvent), typeof(HandleEvent))]
            class WaitForUser : MachineState { }

            void WaitForUserOnEntry()
            this.Monitor<WatchDog>(new Waiting());
            this.Send(this.Id, new UserEvent());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Done), typeof(WaitForUser))]
            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Loop), typeof(HandleEvent))]
            class HandleEvent : MachineState { }

            void HandleEventOnEntry()
            this.Monitor<WatchDog>(new Computing());
            if (this.FairNondet())
                this.Send(this.Id, new Done());
                this.Send(this.Id, new Loop());

            class WatchDog : Monitor
            List<MachineId> Workers;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Waiting), typeof(CanGetUserInput))]
            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Computing), typeof(CannotGetUserInput))]
            class CanGetUserInput : MonitorState { }

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Waiting), typeof(CanGetUserInput))]
            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Computing), typeof(CannotGetUserInput))]
            class CannotGetUserInput : MonitorState { }

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 3;
            sctConfig.CheckLiveness = true;
            sctConfig.CacheProgramState = true;
            sctConfig.DepthBound = 1000;

            Output.Debugging = true;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new P# dynamic analysis context from the given assembly name.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="configuration">Configuration</param>
 /// <param name="assemblyName">Assembly name</param>
 /// <returns>AnalysisContext</returns>
 public static AnalysisContext Create(DynamicAnalysisConfiguration configuration, string assemblyName)
     return new AnalysisContext(configuration, assemblyName);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="configuration">Configuration</param>
 /// <param name="assembly">Assembly</param>
 private AnalysisContext(DynamicAnalysisConfiguration configuration, Assembly assembly)
     this.Configuration = configuration;
     this.Assembly = assembly;
        public void TestSEMOneMachine33()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class Unit : Event { }
            class SeqPayload : Event { }

            class Entry : Machine
            List<int> l;
            int i;
            MachineId mac;
            Tuple<List<int>, int> t;

            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            l = new List<int>();
            l.Insert(0, 12);
            l.Insert(0, 23);
            l.Insert(0, 12);
            l.Insert(0, 23);
            l.Insert(0, 12);
            l.Insert(0, 23);
            mac = this.CreateMachine(typeof(Tester), l, 1);
            this.Send(mac, new SeqPayload(), l);

            class Tester : Machine
            List<int> ii;
            List<int> rec;
            int i;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(SeqPayload), typeof(TestItNow))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            ii = new List<int>();
            rec = new List<int>();
            ii = (this.Payload as object[])[0] as List<int>;
            this.Assert(((this.Payload as object[])[0] as List<int>)[0] == 23);
            this.Assert((int)(this.Payload as object[])[1] == 1);

            class TestItNow : MachineState { }

            void EntryTestItNow()
            rec = this.Payload as List<int>;
            i = rec.Count - 1;
            while (i >= 0)
                this.Assert(rec[i] == ii[i]);
                i = i - 1;

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;
            sctConfig.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.DFS;
            sctConfig.SchedulingIterations = 5;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
        public void TestHotStateMonitor()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class Unit : Event { }
            class DoProcessing : Event { }
            class FinishedProcessing : Event { }
            class NotifyWorkerIsDone : Event { }

            class Master : Machine
            List<MachineId> Workers;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(Active))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void InitOnEntry()
            this.Workers = new List<MachineId>();

            for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++)
                var worker = this.CreateMachine(typeof(Worker), this.Id);

            this.CreateMonitor(typeof(M), this.Workers);

            this.Raise(new Unit());

            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(FinishedProcessing), nameof(ProcessWorkerIsDone))]
            class Active : MachineState { }

            void ActiveOnEntry()
            foreach (var worker in this.Workers)
                this.Send(worker, new DoProcessing());

            void ProcessWorkerIsDone()
            this.Monitor<M>(new NotifyWorkerIsDone());

            class Worker : Machine
            MachineId Master;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(Processing))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void InitOnEntry()
            this.Master = (MachineId)this.Payload;
            this.Raise(new Unit());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(DoProcessing), typeof(Done))]
            class Processing : MachineState { }

            class Done : MachineState { }

            void DoneOnEntry()
            if (this.Nondet())
                this.Send(this.Master, new FinishedProcessing());

            this.Raise(new Halt());

            class M : Monitor
            List<MachineId> Workers;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(Done))]
            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(NotifyWorkerIsDone), nameof(ProcessNotification))]
            class Init : MonitorState { }

            void InitOnEntry()
            this.Workers = (List<MachineId>)this.Payload;

            void ProcessNotification()

            if (this.Workers.Count == 0)
                this.Raise(new Unit());

            class Done : MonitorState { }

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;
            sctConfig.CheckLiveness = true;
            sctConfig.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.DFS;

            Output.Debugging = true;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            var bugReport = "Monitor 'M' detected liveness property violation in hot state 'Init'.";

            Assert.AreEqual(bugReport, sctEngine.BugReport);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="configuration">Configuration</param>
 private SystematicTestingProcess(DynamicAnalysisConfiguration configuration)
     this.Configuration = configuration;
        public void TestNullHandlerInheritedByPushTransition()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class E : Event { }

            class Program : Machine
            int i;

            [OnEventPushState(typeof(E), typeof(Call))]
            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Default), nameof(InitAction))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            i = 0;
            this.Raise(new E());

            void ExitInit() { }

            void InitAction()
            this.Assert(false); // reachable

            class Call : MachineState { }

            void EntryCall()
            if (i == 0)
                this.Raise(new E());
                i = i + 1;

            void ExitCall() { }

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a P# systematic testing process.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="configuration">Configuration</param>
 /// <returns>ParsingProcess</returns>
 public static SystematicTestingProcess Create(DynamicAnalysisConfiguration configuration)
     return new SystematicTestingProcess(configuration);
        public void TestSEMOneMachine34()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class E1 : Event { }
            class E2 : Event { }
            class E3 : Event { }
            class E4 : Event { }

            class MachOS : Machine
            int Int;
            bool Bool;
            MachineId mach;
            Dictionary<int, int> m;
            List<bool> s;

            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E1), nameof(Foo1))]
            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E2), nameof(Foo2))]
            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E3), nameof(Foo3))]
            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E4), nameof(Foo4))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            m = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            s = new List<bool>();
            m.Add(0, 1);
            m.Add(1, 2);
            this.Send(this.Id, new E1(), Tuple.Create(1, true));
            this.Send(this.Id, new E2(), 0, false);
            this.Send(this.Id, new E3(), 1);
            this.Send(this.Id, new E4(), Tuple.Create(m, s));


            void Foo1()
            Int = (int)(this.Payload as Tuple<int, bool>).Item1;
            this.Assert(Int == 1);
            Bool = (bool)(this.Payload as Tuple<int, bool>).Item2;
            this.Assert(Bool == true);

            void Foo2()
            Int = (int)(this.Payload as object[])[0];
            this.Assert(Int == 0);
            Bool = (bool)(this.Payload as object[])[1];
            this.Assert(Bool == false);

            void Foo3()
            Int = (int)this.Payload;
            this.Assert(Int == 1);

            void Foo4()
            Int = ((this.Payload as Tuple<Dictionary<int, int>, List<bool>>).Item1 as Dictionary<int, int>)[0];
            this.Assert(Int == 1);
            Bool = ((this.Payload as Tuple<Dictionary<int, int>, List<bool>>).Item2 as List<bool>)[2];
            this.Assert(Bool == true);

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;
            sctConfig.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.DFS;
            sctConfig.SchedulingIterations = 100;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
        public void TestTwoMachines10()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class E1 : Event {
            public E1() : base(1, -1) { }

            class E2 : Event {
            public E2() : base(1, -1) { }

            class Real1 : Machine
            bool test = false;
            MachineId mac;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Default), typeof(S1))]
            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E1), nameof(Action1))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            mac = this.CreateMachine(typeof(Real2), this.Id);
            this.Raise(new E1());

            void ExitInit()
            this.Send(mac, new E2(), test);

            class S1 : MachineState { }

            void Action1()
            test = true;

            class Real2 : Machine
            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E2), nameof(EntryAction))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit() { }

            void EntryAction()
            if (this.Trigger == typeof(E2))
                //this.Assert(false); // unreachable

            void Action2()
            this.Assert((bool)this.Payload == false); // reachable

            class M : Monitor
            class X : MonitorState { }

            void EntryX()
            //this.Assert((bool)this.Payload == true); // reachable

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;
            sctConfig.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.DFS;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
        public void TestNewMonitor2()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class E2 : Event {
            public E2() : base(1, -1) { }

            class Real1 : Machine
            bool test = false;

            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            this.CreateMonitor(typeof(M), true);
            this.Monitor<M>(null, test);

            class M : Monitor
            class X : MonitorState { }

            void EntryX()
            //this.Assert((bool)this.Payload == true); // passes

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;
            sctConfig.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.DFS;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
        public void TestMaxInstances1AssertionFailure()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class E1 : Event {
            public E1() : base(1, -1) { }

            class E2 : Event {
            public E2() : base(1, -1) { }

            class E3 : Event {
            public E3() : base(-1, -1) { }

            class E4 : Event { }

            class Unit : Event {
            public Unit() : base(1, -1) { }

            class RealMachine : Machine
            MachineId GhostMachine;

            [OnEventPushState(typeof(Unit), typeof(S1))]
            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(E4), typeof(S2))]
            [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E2), nameof(Action1))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            GhostMachine = this.CreateMachine(typeof(GhostMachine), this.Id);
            this.Raise(new Unit());

            class S1 : MachineState { }

            void EntryS1()
            this.Send(GhostMachine, new E1());
            this.Send(GhostMachine, new E1()); // error

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(S3))]
            class S2 : MachineState { }

            void EntryS2()
            this.Raise(new Unit());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(E4), typeof(S3))]
            class S3 : MachineState { }

            void Action1()
            this.Assert((int)this.Payload == 100);
            this.Send(GhostMachine, new E3());
            this.Send(GhostMachine, new E3());

            class GhostMachine : Machine
            MachineId RealMachine;

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(Unit), typeof(GhostInit))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            RealMachine = this.Payload as MachineId;
            this.Raise(new Unit());

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(E1), typeof(S1))]
            class GhostInit : MachineState { }

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(E3), typeof(S2))]
            class S1 : MachineState { }

            void EntryS1()
            this.Send(RealMachine, new E2(), 100);

            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(E3), typeof(GhostInit))]
            class S2 : MachineState { }

            void EntryS2()
            this.Send(RealMachine, new E4());
            this.Send(RealMachine, new E4());
            this.Send(RealMachine, new E4());

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;
            sctConfig.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.DFS;
            sctConfig.DepthBound = 2;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
        public void TestPush()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class E1 : Event {
            public E1() : base(1, -1) { }

            class E2 : Event {
            public E2() : base(1, -1) { }

            class Real1 : Machine
            [OnEventGotoState(typeof(E1), typeof(Init))]
            [OnEventPushState(typeof(E2), typeof(S1))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            this.Send(this.Id, new E1());

            void ExitInit()
            this.Send(this.Id, new E2());

            class S1 : MachineState { }

            void EntryS1()
            this.Assert(false); // reachable

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);
        public void TestExitAtExplicitPop()
            var test = @"
            using System;
            using Microsoft.PSharp;

            namespace SystematicTesting
            class E : Event { }

            class Real1 : Machine
            bool test = false;

            [OnEventPushState(typeof(E), typeof(Call))]
            class Init : MachineState { }

            void EntryInit()
            this.Raise(new E());

            void ExitInit() { }

            class Call : MachineState { }

            void EntryCall()

            void ExitCall()

            public static class TestProgram
            public static void Main(string[] args)

            public static void Execute()

            var parser = new CSharpParser(new PSharpProject(),
                SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(test), true);
            var program = parser.Parse();

            var sctConfig = new DynamicAnalysisConfiguration();
            sctConfig.SuppressTrace = true;
            sctConfig.Verbose = 2;

            var assembly = base.GetAssembly(program.GetSyntaxTree());
            var context = AnalysisContext.Create(sctConfig, assembly);
            var sctEngine = SCTEngine.Create(context).Run();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, sctEngine.NumOfFoundBugs);