private static HttpRequestParams GetRequestParams(OwinRequest request) { var task = request.ReadFormAsync(); task.Wait(); return new HttpRequestParams(request.Query, task.Result); }
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) { app.UseDispatcher(dispatcher => { // list all the things: dispatcher.Get("/things", (environment, next) => { var response = new OwinResponse(environment) { StatusCode = 200, ContentType = "text/plain" }; response.Write("# All the things:"); response.Write(Environment.NewLine); response.Write(Environment.NewLine); foreach (var thing in _things.Values) { response.Write(String.Concat("- Thing #", thing.Id, ": ", thing.Name)); response.Write(Environment.NewLine); } return Task.FromResult((object)null); }); // create a new thing: dispatcher.Post("/things", async (environment, next) => { var request = new OwinRequest(environment); var form = await request.ReadFormAsync(); var response = new OwinResponse(environment); var thingName = form["name"]; if (thingName == null) { response.StatusCode = 400; await response.WriteAsync("The thing to POST is missing a name."); return; } _things.Add(++_lastThingId, new Thing { Id = _lastThingId, Name = thingName }); var uri = String.Concat("/things/", _lastThingId); response.StatusCode = 201; response.Headers["Location"] = uri; response.ContentType = "text/plain"; await response.WriteAsync(uri); }); // list all the things: dispatcher.Get("/things/{id}", (environment, @params, next) => { var response = new OwinResponse(environment); int id; if (!int.TryParse(, out id)) { response.StatusCode = 404; return response.WriteAsync("Not found."); } if (!_things.ContainsKey(id)) { response.StatusCode = 404; return response.WriteAsync("Not found."); } var thing = _things[id]; response.StatusCode = 200; response.ContentType = "text/plain"; return response.WriteAsync(String.Concat("Thing #", thing.Id, " is ", thing.Name, ".")); }); }); }