/// <summary> /// Gets the offset of an archive that is positioned 0 or more bytes /// from the start of the Stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">A stream for reading the archive.</param> /// <returns>The offset in bytes of the archive, /// or -1 if no archive is found in the Stream.</returns> /// <remarks>The archive must begin on a 4-byte boundary.</remarks> public override long FindArchiveOffset(Stream stream) { if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("stream"); } long offset = base.FindArchiveOffset(stream); if (offset > 0) { // Some self-extract packages include the exe stub in file offset calculations. // Check the first header directory offset to decide whether the entire // archive needs to be offset or not. ZipEndOfCentralDirectory eocd = this.GetEOCD(null, stream); if (eocd != null && eocd.totalEntries > 0) { stream.Seek(eocd.dirOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); ZipFileHeader header = new ZipFileHeader(); if (header.Read(stream, true) && header.localHeaderOffset < stream.Length) { stream.Seek(header.localHeaderOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (header.Read(stream, false)) { return(0); } } } } return(offset); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a zip archive or chain of zip archives. /// </summary> /// <param name="streamContext">A context interface to handle opening /// and closing of archive and file streams.</param> /// <param name="files">An array of file lists. Each list is /// compressed into one stream in the archive.</param> /// <param name="maxArchiveSize">The maximum number of bytes for one archive /// before the contents are chained to the next archive, or zero for unlimited /// archive size.</param> /// <exception cref="ArchiveException">The archive could not be /// created.</exception> /// <remarks> /// The stream context implementation may provide a mapping from the file /// paths within the archive to the external file paths. /// </remarks> public override void Pack( IPackStreamContext streamContext, IEnumerable <string> files, long maxArchiveSize) { if (streamContext == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("streamContext"); } if (files == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("files"); } lock (this) { Stream archiveStream = null; try { this.ResetProgressData(); this.totalArchives = 1; object forceZip64Value = streamContext.GetOption("forceZip64", null); bool forceZip64 = Convert.ToBoolean( forceZip64Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Count the total number of files and bytes to be compressed. foreach (string file in files) { FileAttributes attributes; DateTime lastWriteTime; Stream fileStream = streamContext.OpenFileReadStream( file, out attributes, out lastWriteTime); if (fileStream != null) { this.totalFileBytes += fileStream.Length; this.totalFiles++; streamContext.CloseFileReadStream(file, fileStream); } } List <ZipFileHeader> fileHeaders = new List <ZipFileHeader>(); this.currentFileNumber = -1; if (this.currentArchiveName == null) { this.mainArchiveName = streamContext.GetArchiveName(0); this.currentArchiveName = this.mainArchiveName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.currentArchiveName)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("No name provided for archive."); } } this.OnProgress(ArchiveProgressType.StartArchive); // Compress files one by one, saving header info for each. foreach (string file in files) { ZipFileHeader fileHeader = this.PackOneFile( streamContext, file, maxArchiveSize, forceZip64, ref archiveStream); if (fileHeader != null) { fileHeaders.Add(fileHeader); } this.currentArchiveTotalBytes = (archiveStream != null ? archiveStream.Position : 0); this.currentArchiveBytesProcessed = this.currentArchiveTotalBytes; } bool zip64 = forceZip64 || this.totalFiles > UInt16.MaxValue; // Write the central directory composed of all the file headers. uint centralDirStartArchiveNumber = 0; long centralDirStartPosition = 0; long centralDirSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fileHeaders.Count; i++) { ZipFileHeader fileHeader = fileHeaders[i]; int headerSize = fileHeader.GetSize(true); centralDirSize += headerSize; this.CheckArchiveWriteStream( streamContext, maxArchiveSize, headerSize, ref archiveStream); if (i == 0) { centralDirStartArchiveNumber = (uint)this.currentArchiveNumber; centralDirStartPosition = archiveStream.Position; } fileHeader.Write(archiveStream, true); if (fileHeader.zip64) { zip64 = true; } } this.currentArchiveTotalBytes = (archiveStream != null ? archiveStream.Position : 0); this.currentArchiveBytesProcessed = this.currentArchiveTotalBytes; ZipEndOfCentralDirectory eocd = new ZipEndOfCentralDirectory(); eocd.dirStartDiskNumber = centralDirStartArchiveNumber; eocd.entriesOnDisk = fileHeaders.Count; eocd.totalEntries = fileHeaders.Count; eocd.dirSize = centralDirSize; eocd.dirOffset = centralDirStartPosition; eocd.comment = this.comment; Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator eocdl = new Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator(); int maxFooterSize = eocd.GetSize(false); if (archiveStream != null && (zip64 || archiveStream.Position > ((long)UInt32.MaxValue) - eocd.GetSize(false))) { maxFooterSize += eocd.GetSize(true) + (int) Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator.EOCDL64_SIZE; zip64 = true; } this.CheckArchiveWriteStream( streamContext, maxArchiveSize, maxFooterSize, ref archiveStream); eocd.diskNumber = (uint)this.currentArchiveNumber; if (zip64) { eocd.versionMadeBy = 45; eocd.versionNeeded = 45; eocd.zip64 = true; eocdl.dirOffset = archiveStream.Position; eocdl.dirStartDiskNumber = (uint)this.currentArchiveNumber; eocdl.totalDisks = (uint)this.currentArchiveNumber + 1; eocd.Write(archiveStream); eocdl.Write(archiveStream); eocd.dirOffset = UInt32.MaxValue; eocd.dirStartDiskNumber = UInt16.MaxValue; } eocd.zip64 = false; eocd.Write(archiveStream); this.currentArchiveTotalBytes = archiveStream.Position; this.currentArchiveBytesProcessed = this.currentArchiveTotalBytes; } finally { if (archiveStream != null) { streamContext.CloseArchiveWriteStream( this.currentArchiveNumber, this.mainArchiveName, archiveStream); this.OnProgress(ArchiveProgressType.FinishArchive); } } } }
private ZipEndOfCentralDirectory GetEOCD( IUnpackStreamContext streamContext, Stream archiveStream) { BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(archiveStream); long offset = archiveStream.Length - ZipEndOfCentralDirectory.EOCD_RECORD_FIXEDSIZE; while (offset >= 0) { archiveStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); uint sig = reader.ReadUInt32(); if (sig == ZipEndOfCentralDirectory.EOCDSIG) { break; } offset--; } if (offset < 0) { return(null); } ZipEndOfCentralDirectory eocd = new ZipEndOfCentralDirectory(); archiveStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (!eocd.Read(archiveStream)) { throw new ZipException("Invalid end of central directory record"); } if (eocd.dirOffset == (long)UInt32.MaxValue) { string saveComment = eocd.comment; archiveStream.Seek( offset - Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator.EOCDL64_SIZE, SeekOrigin.Begin); Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator eocdl = new Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator(); if (!eocdl.Read(archiveStream)) { throw new ZipException("Missing or invalid end of " + "central directory record locator"); } if (eocdl.dirStartDiskNumber == eocdl.totalDisks - 1) { // ZIP64 eocd is entirely in current stream. archiveStream.Seek(eocdl.dirOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (!eocd.Read(archiveStream)) { throw new ZipException("Missing or invalid ZIP64 end of " + "central directory record"); } } else if (streamContext == null) { return(null); } else { // TODO: handle EOCD64 spanning archives! throw new NotImplementedException("Zip implementation does not " + "handle end of central directory record that spans archives."); } eocd.comment = saveComment; } return(eocd); }
/// <summary> /// Reads all the file headers from the central directory in the main archive. /// </summary> private IList <ZipFileHeader> GetCentralDirectory(IUnpackStreamContext streamContext) { Stream archiveStream = null; this.currentArchiveNumber = 0; try { List <ZipFileHeader> headers = new List <ZipFileHeader>(); archiveStream = this.OpenArchive(streamContext, 0); ZipEndOfCentralDirectory eocd = this.GetEOCD(streamContext, archiveStream); if (eocd == null) { return(null); } else if (eocd.totalEntries == 0) { return(headers); } headers.Capacity = (int)eocd.totalEntries; if (eocd.dirOffset > archiveStream.Length - ZipFileHeader.CFH_FIXEDSIZE) { streamContext.CloseArchiveReadStream( this.currentArchiveNumber, String.Empty, archiveStream); archiveStream = null; } else { archiveStream.Seek(eocd.dirOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); uint sig = new BinaryReader(archiveStream).ReadUInt32(); if (sig != ZipFileHeader.CFHSIG) { streamContext.CloseArchiveReadStream( this.currentArchiveNumber, String.Empty, archiveStream); archiveStream = null; } } if (archiveStream == null) { this.currentArchiveNumber = (short)(eocd.dirStartDiskNumber + 1); archiveStream = streamContext.OpenArchiveReadStream( this.currentArchiveNumber, String.Empty, this); if (archiveStream == null) { return(null); } } archiveStream.Seek(eocd.dirOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); while (headers.Count < eocd.totalEntries) { ZipFileHeader header = new ZipFileHeader(); if (!header.Read(archiveStream, true)) { throw new ZipException( "Missing or invalid central directory file header"); } headers.Add(header); if (headers.Count < eocd.totalEntries && archiveStream.Position == archiveStream.Length) { streamContext.CloseArchiveReadStream( this.currentArchiveNumber, String.Empty, archiveStream); this.currentArchiveNumber++; archiveStream = streamContext.OpenArchiveReadStream( this.currentArchiveNumber, String.Empty, this); if (archiveStream == null) { this.currentArchiveNumber = 0; archiveStream = streamContext.OpenArchiveReadStream( this.currentArchiveNumber, String.Empty, this); } } } return(headers); } finally { if (archiveStream != null) { streamContext.CloseArchiveReadStream( this.currentArchiveNumber, String.Empty, archiveStream); } } }