public void OrgChart_MultipleOrgCharts() { // Verify that we can create multiple org charts in one // document var orgchart = new OCMODEL.OrgChartDocument(); var n_a = new OCMODEL.Node("A"); var n_b = new OCMODEL.Node("B"); var n_c = new OCMODEL.Node("C"); var n_d = new OCMODEL.Node("D"); var n_e = new OCMODEL.Node("E"); n_a.Children.Add(n_b); n_a.Children.Add(n_c); n_c.Children.Add(n_d); n_c.Children.Add(n_e); n_a.Size = new VA.Drawing.Size(4, 2); orgchart.OrgCharts.Add(n_a); orgchart.OrgCharts.Add(n_a); var app = new IVisio.Application(); orgchart.Render(app); app.Quit(true); }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:SaveDiagramTo_VDX_PDF_JPEG_withVSTO // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_KnowledgeBase(); // Create Visio Application Object Visio.Application vsdApp = new Visio.Application(); // Make Visio Application Invisible vsdApp.Visible = false; // Create a document object and load a diagram Visio.Document vsdDoc = vsdApp.Documents.Open(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsd"); // Save the VDX diagram vsdDoc.SaveAs(dataDir + "SaveDiagramToVDXwithVSTO_out.vdx"); // Save as PDF file vsdDoc.ExportAsFixedFormat(Visio.VisFixedFormatTypes.visFixedFormatPDF, dataDir + "SaveDiagramToPDFwithVSTO_out.pdf", Visio.VisDocExIntent.visDocExIntentScreen, Visio.VisPrintOutRange.visPrintAll, 1, vsdDoc.Pages.Count, false, true, true, true, true, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); Visio.Page vsdPage = vsdDoc.Pages[1]; // Save as JPEG Image vsdPage.Export(dataDir + "SaveDiagramToJPGwithVSTO_out.jpg"); // Quit Visio Object vsdApp.Quit(); // ExEnd:SaveDiagramTo_VDX_PDF_JPEG_withVSTO }
public static new Boolean Convert(String inputFile, String outputFile) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Application app; String tmpFile = null; try { app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Application(); app.Documents.Open(inputFile); // Try and avoid dialogs about versions tmpFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".vsd"; app.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(tmpFile); app.ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat(VisFixedFormatTypes.visFixedFormatPDF, outputFile, VisDocExIntent.visDocExIntentScreen, VisPrintOutRange.visPrintAll); app.ActiveDocument.Close(); app.Quit(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } finally { if (tmpFile != null) { System.IO.File.Delete(tmpFile); } app = null; } }
private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Create Visio Application Object Visio.Application vsdApp = Application; //Make Visio Application Invisible vsdApp.Visible = false; //Create a document object and load a diagram Visio.Document vsdDoc = vsdApp.Documents.Open("Drawing.vsd"); //Save the VDX diagram vsdDoc.SaveAs("Drawing1.vdx"); //Save as PDF file vsdDoc.ExportAsFixedFormat(Visio.VisFixedFormatTypes.visFixedFormatPDF, "Drawing1.pdf", Visio.VisDocExIntent.visDocExIntentScreen, Visio.VisPrintOutRange.visPrintAll, 1, vsdDoc.Pages.Count, false, true, true, true, true, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); Visio.Page vsdPage = vsdDoc.Pages[1]; //Save as JPEG Image vsdPage.Export("Drawing1.jpg"); //Quit Visio Object vsdApp.Quit(); }
public static void Quit(this IVisio.Application app, bool force_close) { if (force_close) { const short new_alert_response = 7; app.AlertResponse = new_alert_response; } app.Quit(); }
public void OrgChart_FiveNodes() { // Verify that basic org chart connectivity is maintained var orgchart_doc = new OCMODEL.OrgChartDocument(); var n_a = new OCMODEL.Node("A"); var n_b = new OCMODEL.Node("B"); var n_c = new OCMODEL.Node("C"); var n_d = new OCMODEL.Node("D"); var n_e = new OCMODEL.Node("E"); n_a.Children.Add(n_b); n_a.Children.Add(n_c); n_c.Children.Add(n_d); n_c.Children.Add(n_e); n_a.Size = new VA.Drawing.Size(4, 2); orgchart_doc.OrgCharts.Add(n_a); var app = new IVisio.Application(); orgchart_doc.Render(app); var active_page = app.ActivePage; var page = active_page; page.ResizeToFitContents(); var shapes = active_page.Shapes.AsEnumerable().ToList(); var shapes_2d = shapes.Where(s => s.OneD == 0).ToList(); var shapes_1d = shapes.Where(s => s.OneD != 0).ToList(); var shapes_connector = shapes.Where(s => s.Master.NameU == "Dynamic connector").ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(5 + 4, shapes.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(5, shapes_2d.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(4, shapes_1d.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(4, shapes_connector.Count()); Assert.AreEqual("A", n_a.VisioShape.Text.Trim()); // trimming because extra ending space is added (don't know why) Assert.AreEqual("B", n_b.VisioShape.Text.Trim()); Assert.AreEqual("C", n_c.VisioShape.Text.Trim()); Assert.AreEqual("D", n_d.VisioShape.Text.Trim()); Assert.AreEqual("E", n_e.VisioShape.Text.Trim()); Assert.AreEqual(new VA.Drawing.Size(4, 2), VisioAutomationTest.GetSize(n_a.VisioShape)); Assert.AreEqual(orgchart_doc.LayoutOptions.DefaultNodeSize, VisioAutomationTest.GetSize(n_b.VisioShape)); app.Quit(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var app = new Visio.Application(); var doc = app.Documents.Open(args[0]); var page = doc.Pages[1]; foreach (Visio.Shape shp in page.Shapes) { Console.WriteLine("shape #{0}: text: '{1}'", shp.ID, shp.Text); } foreach (Visio.Connect conn in page.Connects) { Console.WriteLine("connector: #{0} -> #{1}", conn.FromSheet.ID, conn.ToSheet.ID); } app.Quit(); }
public void OrgChart_SingleNode() { // Draw the minimum org chart - a chart with one nod var orgchart = new VAORGCHART.OrgChartDocument(); var n_a = new VAORGCHART.Node("A"); n_a.Size = new VA.Drawing.Size(4, 2); orgchart.OrgCharts.Add(n_a); var app = new IVisio.Application(); orgchart.Render(app); var active_page = app.ActivePage; var page = active_page; page.ResizeToFitContents(); app.Quit(true); }
/// <summary> /// Main entry point for the application. /// </summary> /// <param name="dbp">The Diagram Buildin g Properties.</param> /// <param name="worker">The worker.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="DoWorkEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> /// <returns></returns> //public string GenerateDiagram(string connectionName, List<string> entities, RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse response, int selectedDiagramEntityLabelIndex, BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e) public string GenerateDiagram(DiagramBuildingProperties dbp, BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e) { String filename = String.Empty; VisioApi.Application application; VisioApi.Document document; DiagramBuilder builder = new DiagramBuilder(); try { // Load Visio and create a new document. application = new VisioApi.Application(); application.Visible = false; // Not showing the UI increases rendering speed builder.VersionName = application.Version; document = application.Documents.Add(String.Empty); builder._application = application; builder._document = document; builder._metadataResponse = dbp.environmentStructure; builder.selectedEntitiesNames = dbp.entities; builder.dbp = dbp; // Diagram all entities if given no command-line parameters, otherwise diagram // those entered as command-line parameters. builder.BuildDiagram(dbp.entities, worker, e); filename = "EntitesStructure\\Diagrams.vsd"; // Save the diagram in the current directory using the name of the first // entity argument or "AllEntities" if none were given. Close the Visio application. document.SaveAs(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + filename); application.Quit(); } catch (FaultException <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> ) { throw; } catch (System.Exception) { throw; } return(filename); }
public void VerifyDocCanBeLoaded(string filename) { var app = new IVisio.Application(); var version = VA.Application.ApplicationHelper.GetVersion(app); string logfilename = VA.Application.ApplicationHelper.GetXmlErrorLogFilename(app); VA.Application.Logging.XmlErrorLog log_before = null; var old_fileinfo = new FileInfo(logfilename); if (File.Exists(logfilename)) { log_before = new VA.Application.Logging.XmlErrorLog(logfilename); } var time = DateTime.Now; this.TryOpen(app.Documents, filename); // this causes the doc to load no matter what the error VA.Application.Logging.XmlErrorLog log_after = null; if (File.Exists(logfilename)) { log_after = new VA.Application.Logging.XmlErrorLog(logfilename); } if (log_before != null && log_after == null) { Assert.Fail("Invalid case for all visio versions - if it existed before it must exist after"); return; } if (log_before == null && log_after == null) { // Didn't exist before, didn't exist after - that's fine - the file loaded with no issues return; } // log_after exists VDX_Tests.VerifyNoErrorsInLog(log_after, filename, logfilename, version, time); // Force close all docs app.Quit(true); }
public void VerifyDocCanBeLoaded(string filename) { var app = new IVisio.Application(); var version = VA.Application.ApplicationHelper.GetVersion(app); string logfilename = VA.Application.ApplicationHelper.GetXMLErrorLogFilename(app); VA.Application.Logging.XmlErrorLog log_before = null; var old_fileinfo = new FileInfo(logfilename); if (File.Exists(logfilename)) { log_before = new VA.Application.Logging.XmlErrorLog(logfilename); } var time = DateTime.Now; this.TryOpen(app.Documents, filename); // this causes the doc to load no matter what the error VA.Application.Logging.XmlErrorLog log_after = null; if (File.Exists(logfilename)) { log_after = new VA.Application.Logging.XmlErrorLog(logfilename); } if (log_before != null && log_after == null) { Assert.Fail("Invalid case for all visio versions - if it existed before it must exist after"); return; } if (log_before == null && log_after == null) { // Didn't exist before, didn't exist after - that's fine - the file loaded with no issues return; } // log_after exists VDX_Tests.VerifyNoErrorsInLog(log_after, filename, logfilename, version, time); VA.Documents.DocumentHelper.ForceCloseAll(app.Documents); app.Quit(); }
public void OrgChart_SingleNode() { // Draw the minimum org chart - a chart with one nod var orgchart = new OCMODEL.OrgChartDocument(); var n_a = new OCMODEL.Node("A"); n_a.Size = new VA.Drawing.Size(4, 2); orgchart.OrgCharts.Add(n_a); var app = new IVisio.Application(); orgchart.Render(app); var active_page = app.ActivePage; var page = active_page; page.ResizeToFitContents(); app.Quit(true); }
private static void AutomateVisioImpl() { try { // Create an instance of Microsoft Visio and make it invisible. Visio.Application oVisio = new Visio.Application(); oVisio.Visible = false; Console.WriteLine("Visio.Application is started"); // Create a new Document based on no template. Visio.Document oDoc = oVisio.Documents.Add(""); Console.WriteLine("A new document is created"); // Draw a rectangle and a oval on the first page. Console.WriteLine("Draw a rectangle and a oval"); oDoc.Pages[1].DrawRectangle(0.5, 10.25, 6.25, 7.375); oDoc.Pages[1].DrawOval(1.125, 6, 6.875, 2.125); // Save the document as a vsd file and close it. Console.WriteLine("Save and close the document"); string fileName = Path.GetDirectoryName( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\Sample2.vsd"; oDoc.SaveAs(fileName); oDoc.Close(); // Quit the Visio application. Console.WriteLine("Quit the Visio application"); oVisio.Quit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Solution2.AutomateVisio throws the error: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public void VDX_DetectLoadWarnings() { string input_filename = this.GetTestResultsOutPath(@"datafiles\vdx_with_warnings_1.vdx"); // Load the VDX var app = new IVisio.Application(); var version = VA.Application.ApplicationHelper.GetVersion(app); string logfilename = VA.Application.ApplicationHelper.GetXmlErrorLogFilename(app); var doc = this.TryOpen(app.Documents, input_filename); // See what happened var log_after = new VA.Application.Logging.XmlErrorLog(logfilename); var most_recent_session = log_after.FileSessions[0]; var warnings = most_recent_session.Records.Where(r => r.Type == "Warning").ToList(); var errors = most_recent_session.Records.Where(r => r.Type == "Error").ToList(); // Verify int expected_errors = 0; // this VDX should not report any errors int expected_warnings = 4; // this VDX should contain four warnings for Visio2010 and two warnings for Visio 2013 if (version.Major >= 15) { expected_warnings = 2; } Assert.AreEqual(expected_errors, errors.Count); // this VDX should not report any errors Assert.AreEqual(expected_warnings, warnings.Count); // this VDX should contain exactly two warnings Assert.AreEqual(1, app.Documents.Count); // Cleanup // Force close all docs var docs = app.Documents.ToEnumerable().ToList(); foreach (var d in docs) { d.Close(true); } app.Quit(true); }
public static new Boolean Convert(String inputFile, String outputFile) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Application app; String tmpFile = null; try { app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Application(); app.Documents.Open(inputFile); // Try and avoid dialogs about versions tmpFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".vsd"; app.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(tmpFile); app.ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat(VisFixedFormatTypes.visFixedFormatPDF, outputFile, VisDocExIntent.visDocExIntentScreen, VisPrintOutRange.visPrintAll); app.ActiveDocument.Close(); app.Quit(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return false; } finally { if (tmpFile != null) { System.IO.File.Delete(tmpFile); } app = null; } }
public static void DrawModel(Model.DBModel model, bool withViews, bool showVisio, string path, bool physNames, bool allFields) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path + @"Files\SLModel.VSDX")) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Das Template SLModel.vsdx wurde nicht unter " + path + @"Files\ gefunden. Bitte die README-Datei lesen."); return; } try { var x = -5; var y = 11; var breite = (int)Math.Sqrt(model.TablesList.Count); var hoehe = 0; var counter = 0; application = new Visio.Application(); application.Visible = showVisio; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } doc = application.Documents.Open(path + @"Files\SLModel.VSDX"); //doc = application.Documents.Open(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Files\SLModel.VSDX"); doc.SaveAs(path + model.serverName + ".vsdx"); doc.Creator = @"Hicham Ait Ayad"; doc.Title = model.serverName; page = doc.Pages[1]; page.Name = @"Scopeland DB Model Builder"; page.AutoSize = true; visioEntityMaster = doc.Masters.get_ItemU(@"Entity"); visioAttributeMaster = doc.Masters.get_ItemU(@"Attribute"); visioConnectorMaster = doc.Masters.get_ItemU(@"Relationship"); foreach (Model.Table table in model.TablesList) { if (withViews || !table.KindOfObject.Trim().Equals("View")) { if (counter++ % breite == 0) { y -= hoehe / 2; hoehe = 0; x = -5; } Visio.Shape entity = page.Drop(visioEntityMaster, x += 5, y); if (allFields && table.Fields.Count > hoehe) { hoehe = table.Fields.Count; } else if (!allFields) { foreach (Model.Field field in table.Fields) { hoehe += model.FieldList.Contains(field) ? 1 : 0; } } Array members = entity.ContainerProperties.GetListMembers(); foreach (int member in members) { entity.Shapes.ItemFromID[member].Delete(); } //tablesID.Add(table.Name, entity.ID); //printProperties(entity.Shapes); entity.Text = physNames ? table.Name : table.NameD; int i = 1; foreach (Model.Field field in table.Fields) { if (allFields || model.FieldList.Contains(field)) { Visio.Shape attribute = page.Drop(visioAttributeMaster, 0, 0); field.ShapeID = attribute.UniqueID[(short)Visio.VisUniqueIDArgs.visGetOrMakeGUID]; //fieldsID.Add(field.Table.Name + "_" + field.Name, attribute.ID); attribute.Text = physNames ? field.Name : field.NameD; entity.ContainerProperties.InsertListMember(attribute, i++); //entity.ContainerProperties.AddMember(visioAttributeMaster, Visio.VisMemberAddOptions.visMemberAddUseResizeSetting); } } } } page.CreateSelection(Visio.VisSelectionTypes.visSelTypeAll).Layout(); foreach (Model.Relation relation in model.RelationsList) { if (relation.FromField.ShapeID != null && relation.ToField.ShapeID != null && relation.TypeFrom != null && relation.TypeTo != null) { int index; if ((relation.TypeFrom.Substring(3).Equals(">>") && relation.TypeTo.Substring(3).Equals("->")) || (relation.TypeFrom.Substring(3).Equals("->") && relation.TypeTo.Substring(3).Equals(">>"))) { fromField = relation.TypeFrom.Substring(3).Equals(">>") ? page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.ToField.ShapeID] : page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.FromField.ShapeID]; toField = relation.TypeFrom.Substring(3).Equals(">>") ? page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.FromField.ShapeID] : page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.ToField.ShapeID]; index = 0; } else { if (relation.TypeFrom.Substring(3).Equals(">>") && relation.TypeTo.Substring(3).Equals(">>")) { fromField = page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.FromField.ShapeID]; toField = page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.ToField.ShapeID]; index = 2; } else { fromField = page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.FromField.ShapeID]; toField = page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.ToField.ShapeID]; index = 1; } } ConnectWithDynamicGlueAndConnector(fromField, toField, index); } } page.AutoSizeDrawing(); } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } finally { doc.Save(); if (showVisio) { application.Quit(); } } System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("All done!"); }
/// <summary> /// Loads a Visio file, reads values from the 'States' and 'Transitions' contained within. /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns true if no errors were encountered.</returns> private bool LoadVisioFileAlex() { bool returnval = true; string filepath = m_visioFileTextBox.Text; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Application visio = null; Document doc = null; //try //{ if (!filepath.EndsWith(".vsd") || !System.IO.File.Exists(filepath)) { return(false); } _statesList = new List <State>(); _transitionsList = new List <Transition>(); _shapetextlist = new List <string>(); m_lcTrans = new List <Pair>(); State _State; var _Trans = new Transition(null, null, null, null); var newACEs = new Dictionary <long, _ACE>(); //Cell customPropertyCell = null; //string teststr = null; visio = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Application(); doc = visio.Documents.Open(filepath); var page = doc.Pages[1]; var connectorMap = new Dictionary <string, ConnectorInfo>(); foreach (Shape shape in page.Shapes) { if (shape.Name.StartsWith("Admin") || shape.Name.StartsWith("QA") || shape.Name.StartsWith("Design")) { _State = new State(); _State.Statename = shape.Text; //_State.Statename = ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, DisplayName, true); if (_State.Statename == null) { continue; } if (_shapetextlist.Contains(shape.Text)) { throw new Exception("Each state name must be unique. " + "State " + shape.Text + " shows up multiple times."); } //Users allowed to have this permission in each state. var tmpACEUsers = ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, AccessControlEntryUsers, true); if (tmpACEUsers.Contains(",")) { var tmpACEusers = tmpACEUsers.Split(','); foreach (var user in tmpACEusers) { _State.AccessControlEntryUserGroups.Add(Convert.ToInt64(user)); } } else { _State.AccessControlEntryUserGroups.Add(Convert.ToInt64(tmpACEUsers)); } // Permissions for each State. var tmpACEPermissions = ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, AccessControlEntryPermissions, true); _State.AccessControlEntry = AssignACEPermissions(_State.Statename, tmpACEPermissions, _State.AccessControlEntryUserGroups); var comments = ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, Comments, true); if (comments.Contains(";")) { var tmpcomments = comments.Split(';'); _State.Comments.Add(Convert.ToString(tmpcomments)); } else { _State.Comments.Add(comments); } //_State.Comments = ReadANamedCustomProp(shape, _comments, true); if (ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, IsDefault, true).ToUpper() == Str.ToUpper()) { _State.IsDefault = true; } else { _State.IsDefault = false; } if (ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, IsReleasedState, true).ToUpper() == Str.ToUpper()) { _State.IsReleasedState = true; } else { _State.IsReleasedState = false; } switch (ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, MyRestrictPurgeOption, true)) { case ".All": _State.RestrictPurgeOption = RestrictPurgeOption.All; break; case ".FirstAndLast": _State.RestrictPurgeOption = RestrictPurgeOption.FirstAndLast; break; case ".Last": _State.RestrictPurgeOption = RestrictPurgeOption.Last; break; case ".None": _State.RestrictPurgeOption = RestrictPurgeOption.None; break; } _State.StateDescription = ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, Description, true); if (ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, UseStateBasedSecurity, true).ToUpper() == Str.ToUpper()) { _State.UseStateBasedSecurity = true; } else { _State.UseStateBasedSecurity = false; } if (shape.Text != null) { _shapetextlist.Add(shape.Text); _statesList.Add(_State); } } else if (shape.Name.StartsWith("Dynamic connector")) { _Trans = new Transition(null, null, null, null); foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Connect connect in shape.Connects) { var fromtext = connect.FromCell.Shape.Text; var fromname = connect.FromCell.Shape.Name; var totext = connect.ToCell.Shape.Text; _Trans.FromStateName = fromtext; _Trans.ToStateName = totext; _Trans.ReverseFromStateName = totext; _Trans.ReverseToStateName = fromtext; var tmpallowedusers = ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, AllowedUserIds, true); if (tmpallowedusers.Contains(",")) { var tmpAllowedUsers = tmpallowedusers.Split(','); foreach (var tmpstr in tmpAllowedUsers) { _Trans.AllowedUserIds.Add(Convert.ToInt64(tmpstr)); } } else { _Trans.AllowedUserIds.Add(Convert.ToInt64(tmpallowedusers)); } var tmpdeniedusers = ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, DeniedUserIds, true); if (tmpdeniedusers.Contains(",")) { var tmpDeniedUsers = tmpdeniedusers.Split(','); foreach (var tmpstr in tmpDeniedUsers) { _Trans.DeniedUserIds.Add(Convert.ToInt64(tmpstr)); } } else { _Trans.DeniedUserIds.Add(Convert.ToInt64(tmpdeniedusers)); } switch (ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, SyncPropOption, true)) { case "None": _Trans.SyncPropOption = JobSyncPropEnum.None; break; case "SysncPropAndUpdateView": _Trans.SyncPropOption = JobSyncPropEnum.SyncPropAndUpdateView; break; case "SyncPropOnly": _Trans.SyncPropOption = JobSyncPropEnum.SyncPropOnly; break; } if (ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, EnforceChildStateSync, true).ToUpper() == Str.ToUpper()) { _Trans.EnforceChildStateSync = true; } else { _Trans.EnforceChildStateSync = false; } if (ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, UseTransitionBasedSecurity, true).ToUpper() == Str.ToUpper()) { _Trans.UseTransitionBasedSecurity = true; } else { _Trans.UseTransitionBasedSecurity = false; } switch (ReadANamedCustomProperty(shape, BumpRevision, true)) { case ".BumpPrimary": _Trans.BumpRevision = BumpRevisionEnum.BumpPrimary; break; case ".BumpSecondary": _Trans.BumpRevision = BumpRevisionEnum.BumpSecondary; break; case ".BumpTertiary": _Trans.BumpRevision = BumpRevisionEnum.BumpTertiary; break; case ".None": _Trans.BumpRevision = BumpRevisionEnum.None; break; } var endarrow = connect.FromSheet.Cells["endarrow"]; var beginarrow = connect.FromSheet.Cells["beginarrow"]; ConnectorInfo info = null; if (connectorMap.ContainsKey(fromname)) { info = connectorMap[fromname]; } else { info = new ConnectorInfo(fromname); connectorMap.Add(fromname, info); } var hasarrow = !beginarrow.Formula.StartsWith("theme"); info.AddConnection(totext, hasarrow); if (info.ShapeNames.Count > 1) { if (info.ShapeNames[1] == _Trans.ToStateName) { _Trans.FromStateName = info.ShapeNames[0]; _Trans.ReverseToStateName = _Trans.FromStateName; _transitionsList.Add(_Trans); } } } } } Dictionary <string, ConnectorInfo> .Enumerator enumerator = connectorMap.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ConnectorInfo info = enumerator.Current.Value; if (info.ShapeNames.Count != 2) { continue; } // the default connector if (!info.HasArrows[0] && !info.HasArrows[1]) { AddPair(new Pair(info.ShapeNames[0], info.ShapeNames[1])); } if (info.HasArrows[0]) { AddPair(new Pair(info.ShapeNames[0], info.ShapeNames[1])); } // the arrow goes the other way too if (info.HasArrows[1]) { AddPair(new Pair(info.ShapeNames[1], info.ShapeNames[0])); } } //} //catch (Exception e) //{ // m_lcStates = null; // m_lcTrans = null; // MessageBox.Show("Exception thrown: " + e.Message); // returnval = false; //} //finally //{ if (doc != null) { doc.Close(); } if (visio != null) { visio.Quit(); } //} return(returnval); }
/// <summary> /// This is the root of the recursive descent to display the tree on the Visio doc. /// The function uses PlaceOneShape() to start the recursive display. /// </summary> /// <param name="colorMap">Color map to use to render.</param> /// <param name="root">Root node to render.</param> private static void BuildAndDisplayWithVisio( Dictionary <string, string> colorMap, TypeTreeNode root) { Visio.Application app = null; Visio.Document contentDocument = null; try { app = new Visio.Application(); app.Settings.EnableAutoConnect = false; ////app.Window.WindowState = (int)Visio.VisWindowStates.visWSRestored; app.Window.WindowState = (int)Visio.VisWindowStates.visWSMinimized; contentDocument = app.Documents.AddEx( string.Empty, Visio.VisMeasurementSystem.visMSUS, (int)Visio.VisOpenSaveArgs.visAddDocked, (int)0); contentDocument.PaperSize = Visio.VisPaperSizes.visPaperSizeE; contentDocument.PrintLandscape = true; /* * Visio.Document stencilDocument = contentDocument.Application.Documents.OpenEx( * "Basic_U.vss", * (short)Visio.VisOpenSaveArgs.visOpenDocked); * Visio.Master shape = stencilDocument.Masters["Rectangle"]; */ Visio.Master shape = contentDocument.Application.Documents.OpenEx( "Basic_U.vss", (short)Visio.VisOpenSaveArgs.visOpenDocked).Masters["Rectangle"]; Visio.Page targetPage = contentDocument.Pages[1]; targetPage.Name = "MFx Class Hirearchy"; BuildHeadersAndFooters(colorMap, contentDocument); /* * Program.selectionTree = app.ActiveWindow.Selection; * Program.selectionTree.DeselectAll(); */ double movingYBase = 4.0; foreach (TypeTreeNode t in root.Children.Values.OrderBy(t => t.RawType.Namespace).ThenBy(t => t.RawType.Name)) { movingYBase = PlaceOneShape( colorMap, targetPage, t, shape, null, 2.0, movingYBase); } // now turn the selection into a group, and run the layout code // to make the tree look "right" ////Program.selectionTree.Group(); // resize, set the placement, and connector routing styles Visio.Cell layoutCell; layoutCell = targetPage.PageSheet.get_CellsSRC( (short)Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short)Visio.VisRowIndices.visRowPageLayout, (short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visPLOResizePage); layoutCell.FormulaU = "FALSE"; // don't add more pages to contain the tree, let the user edit layoutCell = targetPage.PageSheet.get_CellsSRC( (short)Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short)Visio.VisRowIndices.visRowPageLayout, (short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visPLOPlaceStyle); layoutCell.set_Result( Visio.VisUnitCodes.visPageUnits, (double)Visio.VisCellVals.visPLOPlaceCompactDownRight); layoutCell = targetPage.PageSheet.get_CellsSRC( (short)Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short)Visio.VisRowIndices.visRowPageLayout, (short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visPLORouteStyle); layoutCell.set_Result( Visio.VisUnitCodes.visPageUnits, (double)Visio.VisCellVals.visLORouteOrgChartNS); targetPage.Layout(); ////Program.selectionTree.Layout(); Program.selectionTree.Group(); Console.WriteLine("Print and save Visio doc if you want, then enter to quit (Visio will close)."); Console.ReadLine(); } finally { if (contentDocument != null) { contentDocument.Saved = true; // not really, but we can lie so the close/quit works. contentDocument.Close(); } if (app != null) { app.Quit(); } } }
private void LoadVisioFile() { var filepath = m_visioFileTextBox.Text; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Application visio = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Document doc = null; try { if (!filepath.EndsWith(".vsd") || !System.IO.File.Exists(filepath)) { return; } m_lcStates = new List <string>(); m_lcTrans = new List <Pair>(); visio = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Application(); doc = visio.Documents.Open(filepath); var page = doc.Pages[1]; var connectorMap = new Dictionary <string, ConnectorInfo>(); foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Shape shape in page.Shapes) { if (shape.Name.StartsWith("Process")) { if (m_lcStates.Contains(shape.Text)) { throw new Exception("Each state name must be unique. " + "State " + shape.Text + " shows up multiple times."); } m_lcStates.Add(shape.Text); } else if (shape.Name.StartsWith("Dynamic connector")) { foreach (Connect connect in shape.Connects) { string fromName = connect.FromCell.Shape.Name; string toText = connect.ToCell.Shape.Text; Cell endArrow = connect.FromSheet.get_Cells("EndArrow"); Cell beginArrow = connect.FromSheet.get_Cells("BeginArrow"); ConnectorInfo info = null; if (connectorMap.ContainsKey(fromName)) { info = connectorMap[fromName]; } else { info = new ConnectorInfo(fromName); connectorMap.Add(fromName, info); } bool hasArrow = !beginArrow.Formula.StartsWith("THEME"); info.AddConnection(toText, hasArrow); } } } Dictionary <string, ConnectorInfo> .Enumerator enumerator = connectorMap.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ConnectorInfo info = enumerator.Current.Value; if (info.ShapeNames.Count != 2) { continue; } // the default connector if (!info.HasArrows[0] && !info.HasArrows[1]) { AddPair(new Pair(info.ShapeNames[0], info.ShapeNames[1])); } if (info.HasArrows[0]) { AddPair(new Pair(info.ShapeNames[0], info.ShapeNames[1])); } // the arrow goes the other way too if (info.HasArrows[1]) { AddPair(new Pair(info.ShapeNames[1], info.ShapeNames[0])); } } } catch (Exception e) { m_lcStates = null; m_lcTrans = null; MessageBox.Show("Exception thrown: " + e.Message); } finally { if (doc != null) { doc.Close(); } if (visio != null) { visio.Quit(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Main entry point for the application. /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionName">Name of the connection.</param> /// <param name="entities">The entities.</param> /// <param name="response">The response.</param> /// <param name="worker">The worker.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="DoWorkEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GenerateDiagram(string connectionName, List<string> entities, RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse response, BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e) { String filename = String.Empty; VisioApi.Application application; VisioApi.Document document; DiagramBuilder builder = new DiagramBuilder(); try { // Load Visio and create a new document. application = new VisioApi.Application(); application.Visible = false; // Not showing the UI increases rendering speed document = application.Documents.Add(String.Empty); builder._application = application; builder._document = document; builder._metadataResponse = response; builder.selectedEntitiesNames = entities; // Diagram all entities if given no command-line parameters, otherwise diagram // those entered as command-line parameters. builder.BuildDiagram(entities, String.Join(", ", entities), worker, e); filename = "EntitesStructure\\Diagrams.vsd"; // Save the diagram in the current directory using the name of the first // entity argument or "AllEntities" if none were given. Close the Visio application. document.SaveAs(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + filename); application.Quit(); } catch (FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>) { throw; } catch (System.Exception) { throw; } return filename; }
/// <summary> /// Main entry point for the application. /// </summary> /// <param name="CmdArgs">Entities to place on the diagram</param> public static int Main(string[] args) { String filename = String.Empty; VisioApi.Application application; VisioApi.Document document; DiagramBuilder builder = new DiagramBuilder(); try { // Load Visio and create a new document. application = new VisioApi.Application(); application.Visible = false; // Not showing the UI increases rendering speed document = application.Documents.Add(String.Empty); builder._application = application; builder._document = document; // Load the metadata. Console.WriteLine("Loading Metadata {0} ...", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest request = new RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest() { EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Entity | EntityFilters.Attributes | EntityFilters.Relationships, RetrieveAsIfPublished = true }; var response = builder.RetrieveMetadata(); Console.WriteLine("Metadata Loaded {0} ...", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); builder._metadataResponse = response; // Diagram all entities if given no command-line parameters, otherwise diagram // those entered as command-line parameters. if (args.Length < 1) { ArrayList entities = new ArrayList(); foreach (EntityMetadata entity in response.EntityMetadata) { entities.Add(entity.LogicalName); } builder.BuildDiagram((string[])entities.ToArray(typeof(string)), "All Entities"); filename = "AllEntities.vsd"; } else { builder.BuildDiagram(args, String.Join(", ", args)); filename = String.Concat(args[0], ".vsd"); } // Save the diagram in the current directory using the name of the first // entity argument or "AllEntities" if none were given. Close the Visio application. document.SaveAs(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + filename); application.Quit(); } catch (FaultException <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> ex) { Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error."); Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", ex.Detail.Timestamp); Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", ex.Detail.ErrorCode); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Detail.Message); Console.WriteLine("Plugin Trace: {0}", ex.Detail.TraceText); Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}", null == ex.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault"); } catch (System.TimeoutException ex) { Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error."); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Stack Trace: {0}", ex.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}", null == ex.InnerException.Message ? "No Inner Fault" : ex.InnerException.Message); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error."); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); // Display the details of the inner exception. if (ex.InnerException != null) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.Message); FaultException <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> fe = ex.InnerException as FaultException <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>; if (fe != null) { Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", fe.Detail.Timestamp); Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", fe.Detail.ErrorCode); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", fe.Detail.Message); Console.WriteLine("Plugin Trace: {0}", fe.Detail.TraceText); Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}", null == fe.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault"); } } } // Additional exceptions to catch: SecurityTokenValidationException, ExpiredSecurityTokenException, // SecurityAccessDeniedException, MessageSecurityException, and SecurityNegotiationException. finally { //Console.WriteLine("Rendering complete."); Console.WriteLine("Rendering complete. Press any key to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); } return(0); }
public static void DrawModel(DBModel model, bool withViews, bool showVisio, string path, bool physNames, bool allFields) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path + @"Files\SLModel.VSDX")) { MessageBox.Show("Das Template SLModel.vsdx wurde nicht unter " + path + @"Files\ gefunden. Bitte die README-Datei lesen."); return; } var fokus = (bool)((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).Fokus_Aktiv.IsChecked; var fokusTable = ((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).Fokus_Tabelle.Text; if (fokus) { if (fokusTable.Length < 1) { MessageBox.Show(@"Bitte Fokus-Tabelle eingeben oder Fokus deaktivieren."); return; } if (!model.TablesList.Exists(tab => tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(fokusTable.ToLower()))) { MessageBox.Show(@"Fokus-Tabelle " + fokusTable + " nicht gefunden."); return; } if (((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).Fokus_Tiefe.Text.Length < 1) { MessageBox.Show(@"Tiefe des Fokus zu kurz."); return; } } try { var x = -5; var y = 11; // ToDo: erst berechnen nach Fokus var breite = (int)Math.Sqrt(model.TablesList.Count); var hoehe = 0; var counter = 0; application = new Visio.Application(); application.Visible = showVisio; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } doc = application.Documents.Open(path + @"Files\SLModel.VSDX"); //doc = application.Documents.Open(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Files\SLModel.VSDX"); doc.SaveAs(path + (fokus ? "Auschnittsfokus_" + fokusTable + "_" : "") + model.serverName + ".vsdx"); doc.Creator = @"Hicham Ait Ayad"; doc.Title = model.serverName; page = doc.Pages[1]; page.Name = @"Scopeland DB Model Builder"; page.AutoSize = true; visioEntityMaster = doc.Masters.get_ItemU(@"Entity"); visioAttributeMaster = doc.Masters.get_ItemU(@"Attribute"); visioConnectorMaster = doc.Masters.get_ItemU(@"Relationship"); /*************************************************************************** * ****************************** FOKUS ************************************ ***************************************************************************/ if (fokus) { //var fokusTable = ((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).Fokus_Tabelle.Text.ToLower(); var fokusDepth = Int32.Parse(((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).Fokus_Tiefe.Text); //var mandanten = "t_mandanten"; List <Table> TablesToLeaveList = new List <Table>(); model.RelationsList.FindAll(rel => //!rel.FromField.Table.Name.ToLower().Equals(mandanten) && //!rel.ToField.Table.Name.ToLower().Equals(mandanten) && (rel.FromField.Table.Name.ToLower().Equals(fokusTable.ToLower()) || rel.ToField.Table.Name.ToLower().Equals(fokusTable.ToLower()))) .ForEach(rel => { TablesToLeaveList.Add(rel.FromField.Table); TablesToLeaveList.Add(rel.ToField.Table); } ); for (var i = 0; i < fokusDepth - 1; i++) { List <Table> tablesListTemp = new List <Table>(); TablesToLeaveList.ForEach(table => model.RelationsList.FindAll(rel => rel.FromField.Table.Equals(table)).ForEach(rel2 => { tablesListTemp.Add(rel2.FromField.Table); tablesListTemp.Add(rel2.ToField.Table); })); TablesToLeaveList.AddRange(tablesListTemp); } model.TablesList.RemoveAll(table => !TablesToLeaveList.Contains(table)); } /***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * ****************************** Black/Whitelists ************************************ ***************************************************************************/ List <string> tableBlacklist = new List <string>(((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).Table_Blacklist_Text.Text.Trim().Split(',')); List <string> tableWhitelist = new List <string>(((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).Table_Whitelist_Text.Text.Trim().Split(',')); if (tableBlacklist.Count > 0 && !tableBlacklist[0].Equals("")) { model.TablesList.RemoveAll(table => tableBlacklist.Contains(table.Name)); } if (tableWhitelist.Count > 0 && !tableWhitelist[0].Equals("")) { model.TablesList.RemoveAll(table => !tableWhitelist.Contains(table.Name)); } /***************************************************************************/ foreach (Table table in model.TablesList) { if (withViews || !table.KindOfObject.Trim().Equals("View")) { if (counter++ % breite == 0) { y -= hoehe / 2; hoehe = 0; x = -5; } Visio.Shape entity = page.Drop(visioEntityMaster, x += 5, y); if (allFields && table.Fields.Count > hoehe) { hoehe = table.Fields.Count; } else if (!allFields) { foreach (Field field in table.Fields) { hoehe += model.FieldList.Contains(field) ? 1 : 0; } } Array members = entity.ContainerProperties.GetListMembers(); foreach (int member in members) { entity.Shapes.ItemFromID[member].Delete(); } //tablesID.Add(table.Name, entity.ID); //printProperties(entity.Shapes); entity.Text = physNames ? table.Name : table.NameD; int i = 1; foreach (Field field in table.Fields) { if (allFields || model.FieldList.Contains(field)) { Visio.Shape attribute = page.Drop(visioAttributeMaster, 0, 0); field.ShapeID = attribute.UniqueID[(short)Visio.VisUniqueIDArgs.visGetOrMakeGUID]; //fieldsID.Add(field.Table.Name + "_" + field.Name, attribute.ID); attribute.Text = physNames ? field.Name : field.NameD; entity.ContainerProperties.InsertListMember(attribute, i++); //entity.ContainerProperties.AddMember(visioAttributeMaster, Visio.VisMemberAddOptions.visMemberAddUseResizeSetting); } } } } page.CreateSelection(Visio.VisSelectionTypes.visSelTypeAll).Layout(); foreach (Relation relation in model.RelationsList) { if (relation.FromField.ShapeID != null && relation.ToField.ShapeID != null && relation.TypeFrom != null && relation.TypeTo != null) { int index; if ((relation.TypeFrom.Substring(3).Equals(">>") && relation.TypeTo.Substring(3).Equals("->")) || (relation.TypeFrom.Substring(3).Equals("->") && relation.TypeTo.Substring(3).Equals(">>"))) { fromField = relation.TypeFrom.Substring(3).Equals(">>") ? page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.ToField.ShapeID] : page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.FromField.ShapeID]; toField = relation.TypeFrom.Substring(3).Equals(">>") ? page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.FromField.ShapeID] : page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.ToField.ShapeID]; index = 0; } else { if (relation.TypeFrom.Substring(3).Equals(">>") && relation.TypeTo.Substring(3).Equals(">>")) { fromField = page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.FromField.ShapeID]; toField = page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.ToField.ShapeID]; index = 2; } else { fromField = page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.FromField.ShapeID]; toField = page.Shapes.ItemFromUniqueID[relation.ToField.ShapeID]; index = 1; } } ConnectWithDynamicGlueAndConnector(fromField, toField, index); } } page.AutoSizeDrawing(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } finally { doc.Save(); if (showVisio) { application.Quit(); } } MessageBox.Show("All done!"); }
/// <summary> /// Main entry point for the application. /// </summary> /// <param name="CmdArgs">Entities to place on the diagram</param> public static int Main(string[] args) { String filename = String.Empty; VisioApi.Application application; VisioApi.Document document; DiagramBuilder builder = new DiagramBuilder(); try { // Obtain the target organization's Web address and client logon // credentials from the user. ServerConnection serverConnect = new ServerConnection(); ServerConnection.Configuration config = serverConnect.GetServerConfiguration(); // Connect to the Organization service. // The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed. using (_serviceProxy = ServerConnection.GetOrganizationProxy(config)) { // This statement is required to enable early-bound type support. _serviceProxy.EnableProxyTypes(); // Load Visio and create a new document. application = new VisioApi.Application(); application.Visible = false; // Not showing the UI increases rendering speed builder.VersionName = application.Version; document = application.Documents.Add(String.Empty); builder._application = application; builder._document = document; // Load the metadata. Console.WriteLine("Loading Metadata..."); RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest request = new RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest() { EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Entity | EntityFilters.Attributes | EntityFilters.Relationships, RetrieveAsIfPublished = true, }; RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse response = (RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(request); builder._metadataResponse = response; // Diagram all entities if given no command-line parameters, otherwise diagram // those entered as command-line parameters. if (args.Length < 1) { ArrayList entities = new ArrayList(); foreach (EntityMetadata entity in response.EntityMetadata) { // Only draw an entity if it does not exist in the excluded entity table. if (!_excludedEntityTable.ContainsKey(entity.LogicalName.GetHashCode())) { entities.Add(entity.LogicalName); } else { Console.WriteLine("Excluding entity: {0}", entity.LogicalName); } } builder.BuildDiagram((string[])entities.ToArray(typeof(string)), "All Entities"); filename = "AllEntities.vsd"; } else { builder.BuildDiagram(args, String.Join(", ", args)); filename = String.Concat(args[0], ".vsd"); } // Save the diagram in the current directory using the name of the first // entity argument or "AllEntities" if none were given. Close the Visio application. document.SaveAs(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + filename); application.Quit(); } } catch (FaultException <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> ex) { Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error."); Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", ex.Detail.Timestamp); Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", ex.Detail.ErrorCode); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Detail.Message); Console.WriteLine("Plugin Trace: {0}", ex.Detail.TraceText); Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}", null == ex.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault"); } catch (System.TimeoutException ex) { Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error."); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Stack Trace: {0}", ex.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}", null == ex.InnerException.Message ? "No Inner Fault" : ex.InnerException.Message); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error."); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); // Display the details of the inner exception. if (ex.InnerException != null) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.Message); FaultException <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> fe = ex.InnerException as FaultException <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>; if (fe != null) { Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", fe.Detail.Timestamp); Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", fe.Detail.ErrorCode); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", fe.Detail.Message); Console.WriteLine("Plugin Trace: {0}", fe.Detail.TraceText); Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}", null == fe.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault"); } } } // Additional exceptions to catch: SecurityTokenValidationException, ExpiredSecurityTokenException, // SecurityAccessDeniedException, MessageSecurityException, and SecurityNegotiationException. finally { //Console.WriteLine("Rendering complete."); Console.WriteLine("Rendering complete. Press any key to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Main entry point for the application. /// </summary> /// <param name="CmdArgs">Entities to place on the diagram</param> public static int Main(string[] args) { String filename = String.Empty; VisioApi.Application application; VisioApi.Document document; DiagramBuilder builder = new DiagramBuilder(); try { // Obtain the target organization's Web address and client logon // credentials from the user. ServerConnection serverConnect = new ServerConnection(); ServerConnection.Configuration config = serverConnect.GetServerConfiguration(); // Connect to the Organization service. // The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed. using (_serviceProxy = ServerConnection.GetOrganizationProxy(config)) { // This statement is required to enable early-bound type support. _serviceProxy.EnableProxyTypes(); // Load Visio and create a new document. application = new VisioApi.Application(); application.Visible = false; // Not showing the UI increases rendering speed builder.VersionName = application.Version; document = application.Documents.Add(String.Empty); builder._application = application; builder._document = document; // Load the metadata. Console.WriteLine("Loading Metadata..."); RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest request = new RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest() { EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Entity | EntityFilters.Attributes | EntityFilters.Relationships, RetrieveAsIfPublished = true, }; RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse response = (RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(request); builder._metadataResponse = response; // Diagram all entities if given no command-line parameters, otherwise diagram // those entered as command-line parameters. if (args.Length < 1) { ArrayList entities = new ArrayList(); foreach (EntityMetadata entity in response.EntityMetadata) { // Only draw an entity if it does not exist in the excluded entity table. if (!_excludedEntityTable.ContainsKey(entity.LogicalName.GetHashCode())) { entities.Add(entity.LogicalName); } else { Console.WriteLine("Excluding entity: {0}", entity.LogicalName); } } builder.BuildDiagram((string[])entities.ToArray(typeof(string)), "All Entities"); filename = "AllEntities.vsd"; } else { builder.BuildDiagram(args, String.Join(", ", args)); filename = String.Concat(args[0], ".vsd"); } // Save the diagram in the current directory using the name of the first // entity argument or "AllEntities" if none were given. Close the Visio application. document.SaveAs(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + filename); application.Quit(); } } catch (FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> ex) { Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error."); Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", ex.Detail.Timestamp); Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", ex.Detail.ErrorCode); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Detail.Message); Console.WriteLine("Plugin Trace: {0}", ex.Detail.TraceText); Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}", null == ex.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault"); } catch (System.TimeoutException ex) { Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error."); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Stack Trace: {0}", ex.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}", null == ex.InnerException.Message ? "No Inner Fault" : ex.InnerException.Message); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error."); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); // Display the details of the inner exception. if (ex.InnerException != null) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.Message); FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> fe = ex.InnerException as FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>; if (fe != null) { Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", fe.Detail.Timestamp); Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", fe.Detail.ErrorCode); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", fe.Detail.Message); Console.WriteLine("Plugin Trace: {0}", fe.Detail.TraceText); Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}", null == fe.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault"); } } } // Additional exceptions to catch: SecurityTokenValidationException, ExpiredSecurityTokenException, // SecurityAccessDeniedException, MessageSecurityException, and SecurityNegotiationException. finally { //Console.WriteLine("Rendering complete."); Console.WriteLine("Rendering complete. Press any key to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); } return 0; }
public void Generate() { var builder = this; try { // Load Visio and create a new document. // Not showing the UI increases rendering speed builder.application = application = new VisioApi.Application { Visible = false, ScreenUpdating = 1, EventsEnabled = 0, ShowChanges = false, ShowStatusBar = 0, AlertResponse = 0, ShowMenus = 0, ShowProgress = 0, ShowToolbar = 0, UndoEnabled = false, }; builder.versionName = application.Version; builder.document = document = application.Documents.Add(string.Empty); Settings.EntitiesSelected.ToList().ForEach(mainEntities.Enqueue); builder.processedRelationships = new List <Guid>(); if (mainEntities.Count <= 0) { OnMessage("No entities passed as argument; fetching all entities ..."); GetEntities().ToList().ForEach(entityName => mainEntities.Enqueue(entityName.LogicalName)); } OnMessage(string.Format("Parsing {0} ...", mainEntities.Aggregate((entity1, entity2) => entity1 + ", " + entity2))); depth = Settings.Depth; // loop through entities to be drawn while (mainEntities.Count > 0 && depth >= 0) { if (Cancel) { break; } var tempQueue = new Queue <string>(); mainEntities.ToList().ForEach(tempQueue.Enqueue); mainEntities.Clear(); builder.Parse(tempQueue); depth--; } // save the diagram in the current directory without overwriting var filename = "CRM_ERD.vsd"; var index = 1; while (File.Exists(filename)) { filename = "CRM_ERD_" + (index < 10 ? "0" + index++ : index++.ToString()) + ".vsd"; } document.SaveAs(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + filename); OnMessage(string.Format("\n\nSaved diagrams to {0}.", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + filename)); if (!Cancel) { Done = true; } else { Cancelled = true; } } catch (FaultException <OrganizationServiceFault> ex) { OnMessage("\n\nThe application terminated with an error."); OnMessage(string.Format("Timestamp: {0}", ex.Detail.Timestamp)); OnMessage(string.Format("Code: {0}", ex.Detail.ErrorCode)); OnMessage(string.Format("Message: {0}", ex.Detail.Message)); OnMessage(string.Format("Plugin Trace: {0}", ex.Detail.TraceText)); OnMessage(string.Format( "Inner Fault: {0}", null == ex.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault")); Error = ex; } catch (TimeoutException ex) { OnMessage("\n\nThe application terminated with an error."); OnMessage(string.Format("Message: {0}", ex.Message)); OnMessage(string.Format("Stack Trace: {0}", ex.StackTrace)); OnMessage(string.Format("Inner Fault: {0}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex.InnerException.Message) ? "No Inner Fault" : ex.InnerException.Message)); Error = ex; } catch (Exception ex) { OnMessage("\n\nThe application terminated with an error."); OnMessage(string.Format(ex.Message)); // Display the details of the inner exception. if (ex.InnerException != null) { OnMessage(string.Format(ex.InnerException.Message)); var fe = ex.InnerException as FaultException <OrganizationServiceFault>; if (fe != null) { OnMessage(string.Format("Timestamp: {0}", fe.Detail.Timestamp)); OnMessage(string.Format("Code: {0}", fe.Detail.ErrorCode)); OnMessage(string.Format("Message: {0}", fe.Detail.Message)); OnMessage(string.Format("Plugin Trace: {0}", fe.Detail.TraceText)); OnMessage(string.Format( "Inner Fault: {0}", null == fe.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault")); } } Error = ex; } // Additional exceptions to catch: SecurityTokenValidationException, ExpiredSecurityTokenException, // SecurityAccessDeniedException, MessageSecurityException, and SecurityNegotiationException. finally { // close the Visio application. application.Quit(); } }
[STAThread] // Added to support UX public static void Main(string[] args) { CrmServiceClient service = null; String filename = String.Empty; VisioApi.Application application; VisioApi.Document document; DiagramBuilder builder = new DiagramBuilder(service); try { service = SampleHelpers.Connect("Connect"); if (service.IsReady) { #region Sample Code //////////////////////////////////// #region Set up SetUpSample(service); #endregion Set up #region Demonstrate // Load Visio and create a new document. application = new VisioApi.Application(); application.Visible = false; // Not showing the UI increases rendering speed builder.VersionName = application.Version; document = application.Documents.Add(String.Empty); builder._application = application; builder._document = document; // Load the metadata. Console.WriteLine("Loading Metadata..."); RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest request = new RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest() { EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Entity | EntityFilters.Attributes | EntityFilters.Relationships, RetrieveAsIfPublished = false, }; RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse response = (RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse)service.Execute(request); builder._metadataResponse = response; // Diagram all entities if given no command-line parameters, otherwise diagram // those entered as command-line parameters. if (args.Length < 1) { ArrayList entities = new ArrayList(); foreach (EntityMetadata entity in response?.EntityMetadata) { // Only draw an entity if it does not exist in the excluded entity table. if (!_excludedEntityTable.ContainsKey(entity.LogicalName.GetHashCode())) { entities.Add(entity.LogicalName); } else { Console.WriteLine("Excluding entity: {0}", entity.LogicalName); } } builder.BuildDiagram(service, (string[])entities.ToArray(typeof(string)), "All Entities"); filename = "AllEntities.vsd"; } else { builder.BuildDiagram(service, args, String.Join(", ", args)); filename = String.Concat(args[0], ".vsd"); } // Save the diagram in the current directory using the name of the first // entity argument or "AllEntities" if none were given. Close the Visio application. document.SaveAs(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + filename); application.Quit(); } #endregion Demonstrate else { const string UNABLE_TO_LOGIN_ERROR = "Unable to Login to Dynamics CRM"; if (service.LastCrmError.Equals(UNABLE_TO_LOGIN_ERROR)) { Console.WriteLine("Check the connection string values in cds/App.config."); throw new Exception(service.LastCrmError); } else { throw service.LastCrmException; } } } catch (Exception ex) { SampleHelpers.HandleException(ex); } finally { if (service != null) { service.Dispose(); } Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); } }
private static void kill() { doc.Save(); application.Quit(); }
public void AbortOpenDocument() { VisioApp.ActiveDocument.Close(); VisioApp.Quit(); }
public static void AutomateVisio() { Visio.Application oVisio = null; Visio.Documents oDocs = null; Visio.Document oDoc = null; Visio.Pages oPages = null; Visio.Page oPage = null; Visio.Shape oRectShape = null; Visio.Shape oOvalShape = null; try { // Create an instance of Microsoft Visio and make it invisible. oVisio = new Visio.Application(); oVisio.Visible = false; Console.WriteLine("Visio.Application is started"); // Create a new Document based on no template. oDocs = oVisio.Documents; oDoc = oDocs.Add(""); Console.WriteLine("A new document is created"); // Draw a rectangle and a oval on the first page. Console.WriteLine("Draw a rectangle and a oval"); oPages = oDoc.Pages; oPage = oPages[1]; oRectShape = oPage.DrawRectangle(0.5, 10.25, 6.25, 7.375); oOvalShape = oPage.DrawOval(1.125, 6, 6.875, 2.125); // Save the document as a vsd file and close it. Console.WriteLine("Save and close the document"); string fileName = Path.GetDirectoryName( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\Sample1.vsd"; oDoc.SaveAs(fileName); oDoc.Close(); // Quit the Visio application. Console.WriteLine("Quit the Visio application"); oVisio.Quit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Solution1.AutomateVisio throws the error: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { // Clean up the unmanaged Visio COM resources by explicitly // calling Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject on all accessor objects. // See if (oOvalShape != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oOvalShape); oOvalShape = null; } if (oRectShape != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oRectShape); oRectShape = null; } if (oPage != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oPage); oPage = null; } if (oPages != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oPages); oPages = null; } if (oDoc != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oDoc); oDoc = null; } if (oDocs != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oDocs); oDocs = null; } if (oVisio != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oVisio); oVisio = null; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string visio_document = null; try { visio_document = args[0]; } catch(IndexOutOfRangeException e) { OpenFileDialog dial = new OpenFileDialog(); dial.Filter = "Visio files (*.vsdx)|*.vsdx"; dial.RestoreDirectory = true; dial.Multiselect = false; if (dial.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } visio_document = dial.FileName; } Visio.Application app = null; try { app = new Visio.Application(); app.Visible = false; Visio.Document doc = app.Documents.Open(visio_document); string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(visio_document); string base_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(visio_document); int ii = 0; foreach (Visio.Page p in doc.Pages) { string filename = folder + "\\" + base_name + "-" + ii + ".png"; string filename_tmp = folder + "\\" + base_name + "-" + ii + "-tmp" + ".png"; Console.WriteLine(filename); p.Export(filename_tmp); // convert white to transparent Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(filename_tmp); //bitmap.MakeTransparent(Color.White); int threshold = 255; for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.Width; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; ++y) { Color px = bitmap.GetPixel(x, y); if (px.R >= threshold && px.G >= threshold && px.B >= threshold) { bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, Color.White); } } } bitmap.MakeTransparent(Color.White); Image image = (Image)bitmap; image.Save(filename, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); ++ii; } doc.Close(); } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "System error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { if(app != null) app.Quit(); } }
public void VDX_CustomProperties() { string filename = TestGlobals.TestHelper.GetTestMethodOutputFilename(".vdx"); var template = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Template(); var doc_node = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.Drawing(template); int rect_id = doc_node.GetMasterMetaData("REctAngle").ID; var node_page = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.Page(8, 5); doc_node.Pages.Add(node_page); var node_shape = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.Shape(rect_id, 4, 2, 3, 2); node_shape.CustomProps = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.CustomProps(); var node_custprop0 = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.CustomProp("PROP1"); node_custprop0.Value = "VALUE1"; node_shape.CustomProps.Add(node_custprop0); var node_custprop1 = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.CustomProp("PROP2"); node_custprop1.Value = "123"; node_custprop1.Type.Result = VisioAutomation.VDX.Enums.CustomPropType.String; node_shape.CustomProps.Add(node_custprop1); var node_custprop2 = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.CustomProp("PROP3"); node_custprop2.Value = "456"; node_custprop2.Type.Result = VisioAutomation.VDX.Enums.CustomPropType.Number; node_shape.CustomProps.Add(node_custprop2); node_page.Shapes.Add(node_shape); doc_node.Save(filename); var app = new IVisio.Application(); var docs = app.Documents; var doc = docs.Add(filename); var page = app.ActivePage; var shapes = page.Shapes; Assert.AreEqual(1,page.Shapes.Count); var shape = page.Shapes[1]; var customprops = VACUSTPROP.CustomPropertyHelper.Get(shape); Assert.IsTrue(customprops.ContainsKey("PROP1")); Assert.AreEqual("\"VALUE1\"",customprops["PROP1"].Value.Formula); Assert.IsTrue(customprops.ContainsKey("PROP2")); Assert.AreEqual("\"123\"", customprops["PROP2"].Value.Formula); Assert.AreEqual("0", customprops["PROP2"].Type.Formula); Assert.IsTrue(customprops.ContainsKey("PROP3")); Assert.AreEqual("\"456\"", customprops["PROP3"].Value.Formula); Assert.AreEqual("2", customprops["PROP3"].Type.Formula); app.Quit(true); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Process models mining started..."); string[] models = Directory.GetFiles(MODELS_PATH, "*.vsd", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string model in models) { Console.WriteLine(model); Visio.Application visioApp = new Visio.Application(); Visio.Document document = visioApp.Documents.Open(model); visioApp.Visible = true; VBA.VBComponent codeModule = document.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(VBA.vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_StdModule); string vbaCode = @" Sub ExtractProcessModel() Set file = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"").CreateTextFile(""${models_path}"" & ActiveDocument.Name & "".java"", True, True) file.Write (""/* "" & ActiveDocument.Name & "" */ {"" & vbNewLine) file.Write (""Process process = repository.createProcess("""""" & ActiveDocument.Name & """""");"" & vbNewLine) For i = 1 To ActivePage.Shapes.Count 'For native Visio-based EPC diagrams If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).NameU, ""Dynamic connector"") <> 0 Then FromShape = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(1).ToSheet.Text ToShape = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(2).ToSheet.Text FromShapeID = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(1).ToSheet.ID ToShapeID = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(2).ToSheet.ID FromShapeName = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(1).ToSheet.NameU ToShapeName = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(2).ToSheet.NameU If InStr(FromShapeName, ""Organizational unit"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createResourceFlow("") ElseIf InStr(FromShapeName, ""Information/ Material"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createInputFlow("") ElseIf InStr(ToShapeName, ""Information/ Material"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createOutputFlow("") Else file.Write (""repository.createControlFlow("") End If For j = 1 To ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects.Count CurrentShapeName = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.NameU ResText = Null ResID = Null If j = 1 Then ResText = FromShape ResID = FromShapeID Else ResText = ToShape ResID = ToShapeID End If If InStr(CurrentShapeName, ""Event"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createEvent("""""" & ResText & """""", process)"") End If If InStr(CurrentShapeName, ""Function"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createFunction("""""" & ResText & """""", process)"") End If If InStr(CurrentShapeName, ""XOR"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createXOrGateway("""""" & ResID & """""", process)"") ElseIf InStr(CurrentShapeName, ""OR"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createOrGateway("""""" & ResID & """""", process)"") End If If InStr(CurrentShapeName, ""AND"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createAndGateway("""""" & ResID & """""", process)"") End If If InStr(CurrentShapeName, ""Process path"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createProcessInterface("""""" & ResText & """""", process)"") End If If InStr(CurrentShapeName, ""Organizational unit"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createOrganizationalUnit("""""" & ResText & """""")"") End If If InStr(CurrentShapeName, ""Information/ Material"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createBusinessObject("""""" & ResText & """""")"") End If If j = 1 Then file.Write ("", "") Else file.Write ("");"" & vbNewLine) End If Next End If 'For custom ARIS stencil-based diagrams If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).Name, ""IsPredecessorOfARIS"") <> 0 Then Subj = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(1).ToSheet.Text Obj = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(2).ToSheet.Text file.Write (""repository.createControlFlow("") For j = 1 To ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects.Count ResName = Null If j = 1 Then ResName = Subj Else ResName = Obj End If ValID = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.ID If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Name, ""EventARIS"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createEvent("""""" & ResName & """""", process)"") End If If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Name, ""FunctionARIS"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createFunction("""""" & ResName & """""", process)"") End If If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Name, ""ProcessInterfaceARIS"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createProcessInterface("""""" & ResName & """""", process)"") End If If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Name, ""ANDruleARIS"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createAndGateway("""""" & ValID & """""", process)"") End If If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Name, ""XORruleARIS"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createXOrGateway("""""" & ValID & """""", process)"") ElseIf InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Name, ""ORruleARIS"") <> 0 Then file.Write (""repository.createOrGateway("""""" & ValID & """""", process)"") End If If j = 1 Then file.Write ("", "") Else file.Write ("");"" & vbNewLine) End If Next End If If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).Name, ""RoleInProcessARIS"") <> 0 Then Subj = Null Obj = Null For j = 1 To ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects.Count If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Name, ""FunctionARIS"") <> 0 Then Subj = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Text Else Obj = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Text End If Next file.Write (""repository.assignOrganizationalUnits(repository.createFunction("""""" & Subj & """""", process), repository.createOrganizationalUnit("""""" & Obj & """"""));"" & vbNewLine) End If If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).Name, ""SoftwareRoleARIS"") <> 0 Then Subj = Null Obj = Null For j = 1 To ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects.Count If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Name, ""FunctionARIS"") <> 0 Then Subj = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Text Else Obj = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Text End If Next file.Write (""repository.assignApplicationSystems(repository.createFunction("""""" & Subj & """""", process), repository.createApplicationSystem("""""" & Obj & """"""));"" & vbNewLine) End If If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).Name, ""InputObjectARIS"") <> 0 Then Subj = Null Obj = Null For j = 1 To ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects.Count If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Name, ""FunctionARIS"") <> 0 Then Subj = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Text Else Obj = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Text End If Next file.Write (""repository.assignInputs(repository.createFunction("""""" & Subj & """""", process), repository.createBusinessObject("""""" & Obj & """"""));"" & vbNewLine) End If If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).Name, ""OutputObjectARIS"") <> 0 Then Subj = Null Obj = Null For j = 1 To ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects.Count If InStr(ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Name, ""FunctionARIS"") <> 0 Then Subj = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Text Else Obj = ActivePage.Shapes(i).FromConnects.ToSheet.Connects(j).ToSheet.Text End If Next file.Write (""repository.assignOutputs(repository.createFunction("""""" & Subj & """""", process), repository.createBusinessObject("""""" & Obj & """"""));"" & vbNewLine) End If Next file.Write ("";"" & vbNewLine) file.Write (""}"") file.Close End Sub"; vbaCode = vbaCode.Replace("${models_path}", MODELS_PATH); codeModule.CodeModule.AddFromString(vbaCode); document.ExecuteLine("ExtractProcessModel"); document.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove(codeModule); document.Save(); document.Close(); visioApp.Quit(); } string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(MODELS_PATH, "*.java", SearchOption.AllDirectories); string modelsCollection = @" package main.resources.repository; import; import; import; import org.junit.Test; public class PortalProcessModelsCollection { public RDFRepository repository = RDFRepository.getInstance(); "; foreach (string file in files) { modelsCollection += File.ReadAllText(file) + "\n"; File.Delete(file); } modelsCollection += @" @Test public void deploy() {; } }"; File.WriteAllText(PORTAL_COLLECTION_PATH, modelsCollection); string[] pages = Directory.GetFiles(PAGES_PATH, "*.html", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string page in pages) { File.Delete(page); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); }
public void VDX_DetectLoadWarnings() { string input_filename = this.GetTestResultsOutPath(@"datafiles\vdx_with_warnings_1.vdx"); // Load the VDX var app = new IVisio.Application(); var version = VA.Application.ApplicationHelper.GetVersion(app); string logfilename = VA.Application.ApplicationHelper.GetXMLErrorLogFilename(app); var doc = this.TryOpen(app.Documents, input_filename); // See what happened var log_after = new VA.Application.Logging.XmlErrorLog(logfilename); var most_recent_session = log_after.FileSessions[0]; var warnings = most_recent_session.Records.Where(r => r.Type == "Warning").ToList(); var errors = most_recent_session.Records.Where(r => r.Type == "Error").ToList(); // Verify int expected_errors = 0; // this VDX should not report any errors int expected_warnings = 4; // this VDX should contain four warnings for Visio2010 and two warnings for Visio 2013 if (version.Major >= 15) { expected_warnings = 2; } Assert.AreEqual(expected_errors, errors.Count); // this VDX should not report any errors Assert.AreEqual(expected_warnings, warnings.Count); // this VDX should contain exactly two warnings Assert.AreEqual(1, app.Documents.Count); // Cleanup VA.Documents.DocumentHelper.ForceCloseAll(app.Documents); app.Quit(true); }
public void VDX_CustomProperties() { string filename = TestGlobals.TestHelper.GetTestMethodOutputFilename(".vdx"); var template = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Template(); var doc_node = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.Drawing(template); int rect_id = doc_node.GetMasterMetaData("REctAngle").ID; var node_page = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.Page(8, 5); doc_node.Pages.Add(node_page); var node_shape = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.Shape(rect_id, 4, 2, 3, 2); node_shape.CustomProps = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.CustomProps(); var node_custprop0 = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.CustomProp("PROP1"); node_custprop0.Value = "VALUE1"; node_shape.CustomProps.Add(node_custprop0); var node_custprop1 = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.CustomProp("PROP2"); node_custprop1.Value = "123"; node_custprop1.Type.Result = VisioAutomation.VDX.Enums.CustomPropType.String; node_shape.CustomProps.Add(node_custprop1); var node_custprop2 = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Elements.CustomProp("PROP3"); node_custprop2.Value = "456"; node_custprop2.Type.Result = VisioAutomation.VDX.Enums.CustomPropType.Number; node_shape.CustomProps.Add(node_custprop2); node_page.Shapes.Add(node_shape); doc_node.Save(filename); var app = new IVisio.Application(); var docs = app.Documents; var doc = docs.Add(filename); var page = app.ActivePage; var shapes = page.Shapes; Assert.AreEqual(1, page.Shapes.Count); var shape = page.Shapes[1]; var customprops = VACUSTPROP.CustomPropertyHelper.Get(shape); Assert.IsTrue(customprops.ContainsKey("PROP1")); Assert.AreEqual("\"VALUE1\"", customprops["PROP1"].Value.Formula); Assert.IsTrue(customprops.ContainsKey("PROP2")); Assert.AreEqual("\"123\"", customprops["PROP2"].Value.Formula); Assert.AreEqual("0", customprops["PROP2"].Type.Formula); Assert.IsTrue(customprops.ContainsKey("PROP3")); Assert.AreEqual("\"456\"", customprops["PROP3"].Value.Formula); Assert.AreEqual("2", customprops["PROP3"].Type.Formula); app.Quit(true); }