        public void SetUp()
            IVertex oVertex1 = new Vertex();
            IVertex oVertex2 = new Vertex();

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();


            m_oEdge = new Edge(oVertex1, oVertex2, true);

            m_oEdgeEventArgs = new EdgeEventArgs(m_oEdge);
        public void TestSort()
            // Ascending sort using default comparer, which sorts by ID.

            const Int32 Vertices = 100;

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            IVertex [] aoUnsortedVertices =
            TestGraphUtil.AddVertices(oGraph, Vertices);

            IVertexCollection oVertexCollection = oGraph.Vertices;

            ICollection<IVertex> oSortedVertices =

            Assert.AreEqual(Vertices, oSortedVertices.Count);

            Int32 iPreviousID = -1;

            foreach (IVertex oSortedVertex in oSortedVertices)
            Int32 iID = oSortedVertex.ID;

            if (iPreviousID != -1)
                Assert.AreEqual(iPreviousID + 1, iID);

            iPreviousID = iID;
        public void TestParentGraph2()
            // Create a graph, populate the graph with vertices and edges, remove
            // the vertex from the graph.

            const Int32 Vertices = 100;

            // Create a graph with each vertex connected to all others.

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            IVertex [] aoVertices = TestGraphUtil.AddVertices(oGraph, Vertices);

            TestGraphUtil.MakeGraphComplete(oGraph, aoVertices, false);

            // Pick one of the vertices to test.

            IVertex oVertex = aoVertices[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(oGraph, oVertex.ParentGraph);

            // Remove the vertex.


        public void TestLayOutGraphBad2()
            // null layoutContext.

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            m_oFruchtermanReingoldLayout.LayOutGraph(oGraph, null);

            catch (ArgumentNullException oArgumentNullException)

                + "LayOutGraph: layoutContext argument can't be null.\r\n"
                + "Parameter name: layoutContext"

            throw oArgumentNullException;
        //  Method: Clone()
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a copy of the graph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="copyMetadataValues">
        /// If true, the key/value pairs that were set with <see
        /// cref="IMetadataProvider.SetValue" /> are copied to the new graph,
        /// vertices, and edges.  (This is a shallow copy.  The objects pointed to
        /// by the original values are NOT cloned.)  If false, the key/value pairs
        /// are not copied.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="copyTag">
        /// If true, the <see cref="IMetadataProvider.Tag" /> properties on the new
        /// graph, vertices, and edges are set to the same value as in the original
        /// objects.  (This is a shallow copy.  The objects pointed to by the
        /// original <see cref="IMetadataProvider.Tag" /> properties are NOT
        /// cloned.)  If false, the <see cref="IMetadataProvider.Tag "/>
        /// properties on the new graph, vertices, and edges are set to null.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The copy of the graph, as an <see cref="IGraph" />.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The new graph, vertices, and edges have the same <see
        /// cref="IIdentityProvider.Name" /> values as the originals, but they are
        /// assigned new <see cref="IIdentityProvider.ID" />s.
        /// </remarks>
        public IGraph Clone(
            Boolean copyMetadataValues,
            Boolean copyTag

            const String MethodName = "Clone";

            IGraph oNewGraph = new Graph(m_eDirectedness);

            // Copy the base-class fields to the new edge.

            this.CopyTo(oNewGraph, copyMetadataValues, copyTag);

            // The vertices need to be copied to the new graph.  Loop through the
            // vertices in this original graph.

            IVertexCollection oNewVertices = oNewGraph.Vertices;

            foreach (IVertex oOriginalVertex in m_oVertexCollection)
            IVertex oNewVertex = oOriginalVertex.Clone(
                copyMetadataValues, copyTag);

            // To make it easier to copy the edges in this original graph,
            // temporarily store the ID of the new vertex in the Tag of the
            // original vertex.  Save the Tag so it can be restored later.

            oOriginalVertex.Tag =
                new VertexMapper(oOriginalVertex.Tag, oNewVertex);


            // The edges need to be copied to the new graph.  Loop through the
            // edges in this original graph.

            IEdgeCollection oNewEdges = oNewGraph.Edges;

            foreach (IEdge oOriginalEdge in m_oEdgeCollection)
            // Get the original edge's vertices.

            IVertex oOriginalVertex1, oOriginalVertex2;

            EdgeUtil.EdgeToVertices(oOriginalEdge, this.ClassName, MethodName,
                out oOriginalVertex1, out oOriginalVertex2);

            // Retrieve the VertexMapper objects that were temporarily stored
            // in the vertices' Tags.

            Debug.Assert(oOriginalVertex1.Tag is VertexMapper);
            Debug.Assert(oOriginalVertex2.Tag is VertexMapper);

            VertexMapper oVertexMapper1 = (VertexMapper)oOriginalVertex1.Tag;
            VertexMapper oVertexMapper2 = (VertexMapper)oOriginalVertex2.Tag;

            // Get the new vertices that correspond to the original edge's
            // vertices.

            IVertex oNewVertex1 = oVertexMapper1.NewVertex;
            IVertex oNewVertex2 = oVertexMapper2.NewVertex;

            // Copy the original edge, connecting the new vertices in the
            // process.

            IEdge oNewEdge = oOriginalEdge.Clone(copyMetadataValues, copyTag,
                oNewVertex1, oNewVertex2,


            // Restore the original vertices' Tags.

            foreach (IVertex oOriginalVertex in m_oVertexCollection)
            Debug.Assert(oOriginalVertex.Tag is VertexMapper);

            VertexMapper oVertexMapper = (VertexMapper)oOriginalVertex.Tag;

            oOriginalVertex.Tag = oVertexMapper.OriginalVertexTag;

            return (oNewGraph);
        //  Method: CreateGraph()
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a graph of a specified directedness that is compatible with
        /// <see cref="PajekGraphAdapter" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eDirectedness">
        /// Directedness of the new graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new compatible graph.
        /// </returns>
        protected IGraph CreateGraph(
            GraphDirectedness eDirectedness
            IGraph oGraph = new Graph(eDirectedness);

            return (oGraph);
        private void BuildNetwork(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string cs = "";
            string inserts = "";
            string networkkey = "PAYR";

            Repository localenginecreate = new Repository();

            // Go grab everything we need, based on the net id
            string DataBaseRoot = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase.ToString()).Replace(@"file:\", "") + "\\Friends.db";

            cs = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\Firefly\\List of customers for firefly poc\\List of customers for firefly poc.mdb";
            // Node SQL
            string nodeSQL = "select cust_skey, cust_name from cust where cust_type_MDM in ('PLAN', 'PAYR', 'CORP','PHAR', 'UNSP')";
            int nodenameMap;
            int nodeidMap;
            string nodename;
            double nodeid;


            // Edge SQL
            string edgeSQL = "select from_cust_skey, to_cust_skey from cust_affl WHERE affl_type in ('PLAN_to_PAYR', 'PHAR_to_CORP', 'PAYR_to_CORP', 'CORP_to_CORP')";
            int EdgeFromidMap = 0;
            int EdgeToidMap = 1;
            double from;
            double to;
            double nodecount = 0;
                // Set up a network object
                Graph oGraph = new Graph(GraphDirectedness.Directed);
                IVertexCollection oVertices = oGraph.Vertices;
                IEdgeCollection oEdges = oGraph.Edges;

                // connection
                OleDbConnection TestConn = new OleDbConnection(cs);
                OleDbCommand aCommand = new OleDbCommand(nodeSQL, TestConn);

                //create the datareader object to connect to table
                OleDbDataReader aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                // Get the Nodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                nodenameMap = 1;
                nodeidMap = 0;
                while (aReader.Read())
                    nodename = aReader.GetString(nodenameMap);
                    nodeid = aReader.GetDouble(nodeidMap);
                    // Add a node...
                    IVertex oVertexA = oVertices.Add();
                    oVertexA.Name = nodename;
                    oVertexA.Tag = nodeid;


                // Get the Edges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                OleDbCommand aEdgeCommand = new OleDbCommand(edgeSQL, TestConn);

                //create the datareader object to connect to table
                OleDbDataReader aEdgeReader = aEdgeCommand.ExecuteReader();

                EdgeFromidMap = 0;
                EdgeToidMap = 1;

                while (aEdgeReader.Read())
                    from = aEdgeReader.GetDouble(EdgeFromidMap);
                    to = aEdgeReader.GetDouble(EdgeToidMap);
                    // Add an edge
                    IVertex oFrom = null;
                    IVertex oTo = null;

                    foreach (IVertex oVertex in oVertices)
                        if (oVertex.Tag.ToString() == from.ToString())
                            oFrom = oVertex;

                        if (oVertex.Tag.ToString() == to.ToString())
                            oTo = oVertex;


                    IEdge oEdge1 = oEdges.Add(oFrom, oTo, true);


                // Perform a layout
                // Apply Layout 
                // ==================================================================

                double xdim;
                double ydim;

                xdim = 5000;
                ydim = xdim;
                string layoutmethod = "Fruchterman/Reingold Layout";
                switch (layoutmethod)
                    case "Circular Layout":
                        ILayout oLayout_cir = new CircleLayout();
                        LayoutContext oLayoutContext_cir = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, (int)xdim, (int)ydim));
                        oLayout_cir.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_cir);
                    case "Random Layout":
                        ILayout oLayout_rand = new RandomLayout();
                        LayoutContext oLayoutContext_rand = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, (int)xdim, (int)ydim));
                        oLayout_rand.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_rand);
                    case "Sugiyama Layout":
                        ILayout oLayout_Sugi = new SugiyamaLayout();
                        LayoutContext oLayoutContext_Sugi = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, (int)xdim, (int)ydim));
                        oLayout_Sugi.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_Sugi);
                    case "Grid Layout":
                        ILayout oLayout_grid = new GridLayout();
                        LayoutContext oLayoutContext_grid = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, (int)xdim, (int)ydim));
                        oLayout_grid.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_grid);
                    case "Spiral Layout":
                        ILayout oLayout_spiral = new SpiralLayout();
                        LayoutContext oLayoutContext_spiral = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, (int)xdim, (int)ydim));
                        oLayout_spiral.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_spiral);
                    case "Fruchterman/Reingold Layout":
                        ILayout oLayout_Fruch = new FruchtermanReingoldLayout();
                        LayoutContext oLayoutContext_Fruch = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, (int)xdim, (int)ydim));
                        oLayout_Fruch.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_Fruch);
                    case "Sinusoid H Layout":
                        ILayout oLayout_SinH = new SinusoidHorizontalLayout();
                        LayoutContext oLayoutContext_SinH = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, (int)xdim, (int)ydim));
                        oLayout_SinH.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_SinH);
                    case "Sinusoid V Layout":
                        ILayout oLayout_SinV = new SinusoidVerticalLayout();
                        LayoutContext oLayoutContext_SinV = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, (int)xdim, (int)ydim));
                        oLayout_SinV.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_SinV);


                // Save the Nodes back out to the Firefly database
                // List the results.
                int xoffset = 0;
                int yoffset = 0;
                int size=10;
                double xx2, yy2,xx,yy;
                foreach (IVertex oVertex in oVertices)
                    UniversePadPoint p2 = new UniversePadPoint();

                    p2.PadName = oVertex.Name;
                    xx2 = oVertex.Location.X;
                    yy2 = oVertex.Location.Y;
                    xx2 = xx2 + xoffset;
                    yy2 = yy2 + yoffset;
                    size = 10;
                    inserts = "insert into Nodes(id, nodename, networkid,x,y,z) values (" + oVertex.Tag.ToString() + ", '" + oVertex.Name.ToString() + "', '" + networkkey + "'," + xx2.ToString() + "," + yy2.ToString() + ",0)";
                    OleDbCommand postnode = new OleDbCommand(inserts, localenginecreate.RepositoryConnection);
                    OleDbDataReader Poster = postnode.ExecuteReader();


                foreach (IEdge e2 in oEdges)
                    IVertex f1 = e2.BackVertex;
                    IVertex t2 = e2.FrontVertex;
                    xx = f1.Location.X;
                    yy = f1.Location.Y;
                    xx2 = t2.Location.X;
                    yy2 = t2.Location.Y;

                    xx = xx + xoffset;
                    yy = yy + yoffset;
                    xx2 = xx2 + xoffset;
                    yy2 = yy2 + yoffset;

                    inserts = "insert into Edges(fromid, toid, networkid) values (" + f1.Tag.ToString() + ", " + t2.Tag.ToString() + ", '" + networkkey + "')";

                    OleDbCommand postedge = new OleDbCommand(inserts, localenginecreate.RepositoryConnection);
                    OleDbDataReader Poster = postedge.ExecuteReader();



            //Some usual exception handling
            catch (OleDbException eWriteNodes)
            MessageBox.Show("Done creating network.");

        public void TestSaveGraph()
            // Directed and undirected graphs.

            foreach (Boolean bDirected in TestGraphUtil.AllBoolean)
            IGraph oGraph = new Graph(bDirected ? GraphDirectedness.Directed
                : GraphDirectedness.Undirected);

            IVertexCollection oVertices = oGraph.Vertices;
            IEdgeCollection oEdges = oGraph.Edges;

            IVertex oVertex1 = oVertices.Add();
            oVertex1.Name = "Vertex1";
            oVertex1.SetValue("VertexAttribute1", 123);  // Int32

            IVertex oVertex2 = oVertices.Add();
            oVertex2.Name = "Vertex2";
            oVertex2.SetValue("VertexAttribute2", "abc");  // String

            IVertex oVertex3 = oVertices.Add();
            oVertex3.Name = "Vertex3";
            oVertex3.SetValue("VertexAttribute1", 4.0);  // Double
            oVertex3.SetValue("VertexAttribute2", 23456.0F);  // Single

            IVertex oVertex4 = oVertices.Add();
            oVertex4.Name = "Vertex4";

            IVertex oVertex5 = oVertices.Add();
            oVertex5.Name = "Vertex5";

            IEdge oEdge;

            oEdge = oEdges.Add(oVertex1, oVertex2, bDirected);
            oEdge.SetValue("EdgeAttribute1", "ea1");

            oEdge = oEdges.Add(oVertex3, oVertex4, bDirected);
            oEdge.SetValue("EdgeAttribute2", "ea2");

            oGraph.SetValue( ReservedMetadataKeys.AllVertexMetadataKeys,
                new String [] {
                    } );

                new String [] {
                    } );

            m_oGraphAdapter.SaveGraph(oGraph, m_sTempFileName);

            String sFileContents;

            using ( StreamReader oStreamReader =
                new StreamReader(m_sTempFileName) )
                sFileContents = oStreamReader.ReadToEnd();

            XmlDocument oXmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNamespaceManager oXmlNamespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(


            String [] asRequiredXPaths = new String [] {

                // Graph node.

                    bDirected ? "directed" : "undirected"),

                "/g:graphml/g:key[@id='V-VertexAttribute1' and @for='node'"
                    + " and @attr.name='VertexAttribute1'"
                    + " and @attr.type='string']",

                // Vertex nodes.

                "/g:graphml/g:key[@id='V-VertexAttribute2' and @for='node'"
                    + " and @attr.name='VertexAttribute2'"
                    + " and @attr.type='string']",

                "/g:graphml/g:key[@id='E-EdgeAttribute1' and @for='edge'"
                    + " and @attr.name='EdgeAttribute1'"
                    + " and @attr.type='string']",

                "/g:graphml/g:key[@id='E-EdgeAttribute2' and @for='edge'"
                    + " and @attr.name='EdgeAttribute2'"
                    + " and @attr.type='string']",

                    + "g:data[@key='V-VertexAttribute1' and .='123']",

                    + "g:data[@key='V-VertexAttribute2' and .='abc']",

                    + "g:data[@key='V-VertexAttribute1' and .='4']",

                    + "g:data[@key='V-VertexAttribute2' and .='23456']",



                // Edge nodes.

                "/g:graphml/g:graph/g:edge[@source='Vertex1' and"
                    + " @target='Vertex2']/"
                    + "g:data[@key='E-EdgeAttribute1' and .='ea1']",

                "/g:graphml/g:graph/g:edge[@source='Vertex3' and"
                    + " @target='Vertex4']/"
                    + "g:data[@key='E-EdgeAttribute2' and .='ea2']",

            foreach (String sRequiredXPath in asRequiredXPaths)
                XmlNode oXmlNode = oXmlDocument.SelectSingleNode(
                    sRequiredXPath, oXmlNamespaceManager);

        public void TestIsOutgoingEdgeBad()
            // null edge.

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            IVertex [] aoVertices = TestGraphUtil.AddVertices(oGraph, 1);

            catch (ArgumentNullException oArgumentNullException)

                + "Vertex.IsOutgoingEdge: edge argument can't be null.\r\n"
                + "Parameter name: edge"

            throw oArgumentNullException;
        public void TestIsIncidentEdge()
            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            IVertex [] aoVertices = TestGraphUtil.AddVertices(oGraph, 4);

            IVertex oVertex0 = aoVertices[0];
            IVertex oVertex1 = aoVertices[1];
            IVertex oVertex2 = aoVertices[2];
            IVertex oVertex3 = aoVertices[3];

            IEdgeCollection oEdges = oGraph.Edges;

            IEdge oUndirectedEdge = oEdges.Add(oVertex0, oVertex1, false);

            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsIncidentEdge(oUndirectedEdge) );
            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsOutgoingEdge(oUndirectedEdge) );
            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsIncomingEdge(oUndirectedEdge) );

            IEdge oIncomingEdge = oEdges.Add(oVertex2, oVertex0, true);

            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsIncidentEdge(oIncomingEdge) );
            Assert.IsFalse( oVertex0.IsOutgoingEdge(oIncomingEdge) );
            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsIncomingEdge(oIncomingEdge) );

            IEdge oOutgoingEdge = oEdges.Add(oVertex0, oVertex3, true);

            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsIncidentEdge(oOutgoingEdge) );
            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsOutgoingEdge(oOutgoingEdge) );
            Assert.IsFalse( oVertex0.IsIncomingEdge(oOutgoingEdge) );

            IEdge oUndirectedSelfLoop = oEdges.Add(oVertex0, oVertex0, false);

            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsIncidentEdge(oUndirectedSelfLoop) );
            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsOutgoingEdge(oUndirectedSelfLoop) );
            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsIncomingEdge(oUndirectedSelfLoop) );

            IEdge oDirectedSelfLoop = oEdges.Add(oVertex0, oVertex0, true);

            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsIncidentEdge(oDirectedSelfLoop) );
            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsOutgoingEdge(oDirectedSelfLoop) );
            Assert.IsTrue( oVertex0.IsIncomingEdge(oDirectedSelfLoop) );

            IEdge oDisconnectedEdge = oEdges.Add(oVertex2, oVertex3, false);

            Assert.IsFalse( oVertex0.IsIncidentEdge(oDisconnectedEdge) );
            Assert.IsFalse( oVertex0.IsOutgoingEdge(oDisconnectedEdge) );
            Assert.IsFalse( oVertex0.IsIncomingEdge(oDisconnectedEdge) );
        public void TestGetConnectingEdgesBad()
            // null otherVertex.

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            IVertex [] aoVertices = TestGraphUtil.AddVertices(oGraph, 1);

            ICollection<IEdge> oConnectingEdges =
            catch (ArgumentNullException oArgumentNullException)

                + "Vertex.GetConnectingEdges: otherVertex argument can't be"
                + " null.\r\n"
                + "Parameter name: otherVertex"

            throw oArgumentNullException;
        public void TestGetConnectingEdges2()
            // Create a graph and populate it with multiple self-loops.

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            // Add two vertices.

            IVertex [] aoVertices = TestGraphUtil.AddVertices(oGraph, 2);

            IVertex oVertex = aoVertices[0];

            IEdgeCollection oEdgeCollection = oGraph.Edges;

            // Add multiple self-loops, both undirected and directed.

            IEdge oUndirectedEdge1 = oEdgeCollection.Add(oVertex, oVertex, false);
            IEdge oUndirectedEdge2 = oEdgeCollection.Add(oVertex, oVertex, false);

            IEdge oDirectedEdge1 = oEdgeCollection.Add(oVertex, oVertex, true);
            IEdge oDirectedEdge2 = oEdgeCollection.Add(oVertex, oVertex, true);

            // Add a non-self-loop.

            IEdge oNonSelfLoopEdge = oEdgeCollection.Add(
            oVertex, aoVertices[1], false);

            // If GetConnectingEdges() is passed its own vertex, it should return
            // self-loops.

            ICollection<IEdge> oConnectingEdges =


            Assert.AreEqual(4, oConnectingEdges.Count);

            // If GetConnectingEdges() is not passed its own vertex, it should not
            // return self-loops.

            oConnectingEdges = oVertex.GetConnectingEdges( aoVertices[1] );


            Assert.AreEqual(1, oConnectingEdges.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual( oNonSelfLoopEdge, oConnectingEdges.First() );
        //  Method: TestLoopVertices()
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the PredecessorVertices, SuccessorVertices, or AdjacentVertices
        /// property when an edge is a self-loop (an edge that connects a vertex to
        /// itself).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bTestPredecessorVertices">
        /// true to test the PredecessorVertices property.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="bTestSuccessorVertices">
        /// true to test the SuccessorVertices property.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="bTestAdjacentVertices">
        /// true to test the AdjacentVertices property.
        /// </param>
        protected void TestLoopVertices(
            Boolean bTestPredecessorVertices,
            Boolean bTestSuccessorVertices,
            Boolean bTestAdjacentVertices
            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            // Add one vertex.

            IVertex [] aoVertices = TestGraphUtil.AddVertices(oGraph, 1);

            IVertex oVertex = aoVertices[0];

            IEdgeCollection oEdgeCollection = oGraph.Edges;

            // Add multiple self-loops, both undirected and directed.

            IEdge oUndirectedEdge1 = oEdgeCollection.Add(oVertex, oVertex, false);
            IEdge oUndirectedEdge2 = oEdgeCollection.Add(oVertex, oVertex, false);

            IEdge oDirectedEdge1 = oEdgeCollection.Add(oVertex, oVertex, true);
            IEdge oDirectedEdge2 = oEdgeCollection.Add(oVertex, oVertex, true);

            ICollection<IVertex> oVerticesA = null;

            if (bTestPredecessorVertices)
            oVerticesA = oVertex.PredecessorVertices;
            else if (bTestSuccessorVertices)
            oVerticesA = oVertex.SuccessorVertices;
            else if (bTestAdjacentVertices)
            oVerticesA = oVertex.AdjacentVertices;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, oVerticesA.Count);

            HashSet<IVertex> oVerticesAHashSet = new HashSet<IVertex>(oVerticesA);

            Assert.IsTrue( oVerticesAHashSet.Contains(oVertex) );
        //  Method: TestLoopEdges()
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the IncomingEdges, OutgoingEdges, or IncidentEdges property when
        /// an edge is a self-loop (an edge that connects a vertex to itself).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bTestIncomingEdges">
        /// true to test the IncomingEdges property.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="bTestOutgoingEdges">
        /// true to test the OutgoingEdges property.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="bTestIncidentEdges">
        /// true to test the IncidentEdges property.
        /// </param>
        protected void TestLoopEdges(
            Boolean bTestIncomingEdges,
            Boolean bTestOutgoingEdges,
            Boolean bTestIncidentEdges
            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            // Add one vertex.

            IVertex [] aoVertices = TestGraphUtil.AddVertices(oGraph, 1);

            IVertex oVertex = aoVertices[0];

            IEdgeCollection oEdgeCollection = oGraph.Edges;

            // Add multiple self-loops, both undirected and directed.

            IEdge oUndirectedEdge1 = oEdgeCollection.Add(oVertex, oVertex, false);
            IEdge oUndirectedEdge2 = oEdgeCollection.Add(oVertex, oVertex, false);

            IEdge oDirectedEdge1 = oEdgeCollection.Add(oVertex, oVertex, true);
            IEdge oDirectedEdge2 = oEdgeCollection.Add(oVertex, oVertex, true);

            ICollection<IEdge> oEdges = null;

            if (bTestIncomingEdges)
            oEdges = oVertex.IncomingEdges;
            else if (bTestOutgoingEdges)
            oEdges = oVertex.OutgoingEdges;
            else if (bTestIncidentEdges)
            oEdges = oVertex.IncidentEdges;

            Assert.AreEqual(oEdges.Count, oVertex.Degree);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, oEdges.Count);

            HashSet<IEdge> oEdgesHashSet = new HashSet<IEdge>(oEdges);

            Assert.IsTrue( oEdgesHashSet.Contains(oUndirectedEdge1) );
            Assert.IsTrue( oEdgesHashSet.Contains(oUndirectedEdge2) );

            Assert.IsTrue( oEdgesHashSet.Contains(oDirectedEdge1) );
            Assert.IsTrue( oEdgesHashSet.Contains(oDirectedEdge2) );
        //  Method: CreateAndPopulateGraph()
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a graph and populates it with a random mix of incoming and
        /// outgoing edges.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iVertices">
        /// Number of vertices to add to the graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The new graph.
        /// </returns>
        protected IGraph CreateAndPopulateGraph(
            Int32 iVertices
            Debug.Assert(iVertices >= 0);

            Random oRandom = new Random(1);

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            // Add the vertices.

            IVertex [] aoVertices = TestGraphUtil.AddVertices(oGraph, iVertices);

            IEdgeCollection oEdgeCollection = oGraph.Edges;

            // Add random directed and undirected edges.

            Int32 iRandomEdges = 100 * iVertices;

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < iRandomEdges; i++)
            Int32 iVertex1Index = oRandom.Next(iVertices);
            Int32 iVertex2Index = oRandom.Next(iVertices);

            Boolean bIsDirected = (oRandom.Next(2) == 0);

                aoVertices[iVertex2Index], aoVertices[iVertex1Index],

            return (oGraph);
        public void TestSort2()
            // Ascending sort on IVertex.Name.

            m_oByDelegateVertexSorter.VertexComparer = this.CompareVerticesByName;

            const Int32 Vertices = 100;

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            IVertex [] aoUnsortedVertices =
            TestGraphUtil.AddVertices(oGraph, Vertices);

            IVertexCollection oVertexCollection = oGraph.Vertices;

            Int32 i;

            for (i = 0; i < Vertices; i++)
            aoUnsortedVertices[i].Name = (Vertices - i).ToString("D3");

            ICollection<IVertex> oSortedVertices =

            Assert.AreEqual(Vertices, oSortedVertices.Count);

            i = 0;

            foreach (IVertex oSortedVertex in oSortedVertices)

                (i + 1).ToString("D3"),

        //  Method: ReadWorkbookInternal()
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a NodeXL graph from the contents of an Excel workbook.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workbook">
        /// Workbook containing the graph data.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="readWorkbookContext">
        /// Provides access to objects needed for converting an Excel workbook to a
        /// NodeXL graph.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new graph.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If <paramref name="workbook" /> contains valid graph data, a new <see
        /// cref="IGraph" /> is created from the workbook contents and returned.
        /// Otherwise, a <see cref="WorkbookFormatException" /> is thrown.
        /// </remarks>
        protected IGraph ReadWorkbookInternal(
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook workbook,
            ReadWorkbookContext readWorkbookContext
            Debug.Assert(readWorkbookContext != null);
            Debug.Assert(workbook != null);

            if (readWorkbookContext.PopulateVertexWorksheet)
            // Create and use the object that fills in the vertex worksheet.

            VertexWorksheetPopulator oVertexWorksheetPopulator =
                new VertexWorksheetPopulator();

                    workbook, false);
            catch (WorkbookFormatException)
                // Ignore this type of error, which occurs when the vertex
                // worksheet is missing, for example.

            // Create a graph with the appropriate directedness.

            PerWorkbookSettings oPerWorkbookSettings =
            new PerWorkbookSettings(workbook);

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph(oPerWorkbookSettings.GraphDirectedness);

            // Read the edge worksheet.  This adds data to oGraph,
            // ReadWorkbookContext.VertexNameDictionary, and
            // ReadWorkbookContext.EdgeIDDictionary.

            EdgeWorksheetReader oEdgeWorksheetReader = new EdgeWorksheetReader();

            oEdgeWorksheetReader.ReadWorksheet(workbook, readWorkbookContext,

            oEdgeWorksheetReader = null;

            // Read the vertex worksheet.  This adds metadata to the vertices in
            // oGraph; adds any isolated vertices to oGraph and
            // ReadWorkbookContext.VertexNameDictionary; and removes any skipped
            // vertices (and their incident edges) from
            // ReadWorkbookContext.VertexNameDictionary,
            // ReadWorkbookContext.EdgeIDDictionary, and oGraph.

            VertexWorksheetReader oVertexWorksheetReader =
            new VertexWorksheetReader();

            oVertexWorksheetReader.ReadWorksheet(workbook, readWorkbookContext,

            oVertexWorksheetReader = null;

            if (readWorkbookContext.ReadAllEdgeAndVertexColumns)
            // The other worksheets should be ignored.

            return (oGraph);

            if (readWorkbookContext.ReadGroups)
            // Read the group worksheets.  This adds metadata to the vertices
            // in oGraph and to oGraph itself.

            GroupWorksheetReader oGroupWorksheetReader =
                new GroupWorksheetReader();

                readWorkbookContext, oGraph);

            oGroupWorksheetReader = null;

            // Read the per-workbook settings that are stored directly on the
            // graph.

            oPerWorkbookSettings.ReadWorksheet(workbook, readWorkbookContext,

            return (oGraph);
        //  Method: LoadGraphCore()
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a graph and loads it with graph data read from a <see
        /// cref="Stream" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">
        /// <see cref="Stream" /> containing graph data.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new graph loaded with graph data read from <paramref
        /// name="stream" />.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method creates a graph, loads it with the graph data read from
        /// <paramref name="stream" />.  It does not close <paramref
        /// name="stream" />.
        /// <para>
        /// The arguments have already been checked for validity.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        protected override IGraph LoadGraphCore(
            Stream stream
            Debug.Assert(stream != null);

            const String DataMarker = "DATA:";

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph(m_eLoadedGraphDirectedness);

            IVertexCollection oVertices = oGraph.Vertices;

            // The key is the zero-based vertex order as listed in the file, and
            // the value is the corresponding IVertex.

            Dictionary<Int32, IVertex> oVertexDictionary =
            new Dictionary<Int32, IVertex>();

            StreamReader oStreamReader = new StreamReader(stream, StreamEncoding);
            String sLine;
            Int32 iLineNumber = 0;

            // Look for the DL marker.

            if ( !TryReadLine(oStreamReader, out sLine, ref iLineNumber)
            || !sLine.StartsWith("DL") )
                "The file must start with a \"DL\" marker."

            // Look for the vertex count.

            Int32 iVertices = 0;

            while ( TryReadLine(oStreamReader, out sLine, ref iLineNumber) )
            const String Pattern = @"N=(?<Vertices>\d+)";

            Regex oRegex = new Regex(Pattern);
            Match oMatch = oRegex.Match(sLine);

            if (oMatch.Success
                    oMatch.Groups["Vertices"].Value, out iVertices)
                goto LookForFullMatrixMarker;

            "The file must contain a vertex count in the format \"N=123\"."


            while ( TryReadLine(oStreamReader, out sLine, ref iLineNumber) )
            if (sLine.IndexOf("FULLMATRIX") >= 0)
                goto LookForLabels;

            "The file must contain a \"FULLMATRIX\" marker."


            // UCINET 6.223 uses both "ROW LABELS:" and "COLUMN LABELS:" with
            // identical label sets, although the UCINET Guide says that "LABELS:"
            // is also supported.  Look for either "ROW LABELS:" or "LABELS:".

            while ( TryReadLine(oStreamReader, out sLine, ref iLineNumber) )
            if (sLine.IndexOf("LABELS:") >= 0)
                goto ReadLabels;

            if (sLine.IndexOf(DataMarker) >= 0)
                // There are no labels.  Assign arbitrary vertex names.

                for (Int32 i = 0; i < iVertices; i++)
                    AddLoadedVertex("Vertex " + (i + 1).ToString(), oVertices,

                goto ReadMatrix;

            goto NoData;


            while ( TryReadLine(oStreamReader, out sLine, ref iLineNumber) )
            if (sLine.IndexOf(DataMarker) >= 0)
                goto ReadMatrix;

            if (sLine.IndexOf("COLUMN LABELS:") >= 0)
                goto LookForData;

            AddLoadedVertex(sLine.Replace("\"", ""), oVertices,


            while ( TryReadLine(oStreamReader, out sLine, ref iLineNumber) )
            if (sLine.IndexOf(DataMarker) >= 0)
                goto ReadMatrix;


            "The file must contain a \"DATA:\" marker."


            if (oVertices.Count != iVertices)
            OnLoadFormatError( String.Format(

                "Expected number of vertex labels: {0}.  Actual number of"
                + " vertex labels: {1}."
                ) );

            LoadGraphEdges(oGraph, oStreamReader, oVertexDictionary,
            ref iLineNumber);

            return (oGraph);
        //  Method: LoadGraphCore()
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a graph and loads it with graph data read from a <see
        /// cref="Stream" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">
        /// <see cref="Stream" /> containing graph data.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new graph loaded with graph data read from <paramref
        /// name="stream" />.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method creates a graph, loads it with the graph data read from
        /// <paramref name="stream" />.  It does not close <paramref
        /// name="stream" />.
        /// <para>
        /// The arguments have already been checked for validity.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        protected override IGraph LoadGraphCore(
            Stream stream
            Debug.Assert(stream != null);

            XmlDocument oXmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNamespaceManager oXmlNamespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(

            oXmlNamespaceManager.AddNamespace(GraphMLPrefix, GraphMLUri);

            XmlNode oGraphMLXmlNode = oXmlDocument.DocumentElement;

            XmlNode oGraphXmlNode = XmlUtil2.SelectRequiredSingleNode(
            oGraphMLXmlNode, GraphMLPrefix + ":graph", oXmlNamespaceManager);

            // Parse the vertex and edge attribute definitions.
            // The key is the id attribute of a "key" XML node, and the value is
            // the corresponding GraphMLAttribute object.

            Dictionary<String, GraphMLAttribute> oGraphMLAttributeDictionary =

            GraphDirectedness eGraphDirectedness =

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph(eGraphDirectedness);

            // The key is the id attribute of the "node" XML node, and the value is
            // the corresponding IVertex.

            Dictionary<String, IVertex> oVertexDictionary = ParseVertices(oGraph,
            oGraphXmlNode, oXmlNamespaceManager, oGraphMLAttributeDictionary);

            ParseEdges(oGraph, oGraphXmlNode, oXmlNamespaceManager,
            oVertexDictionary, oGraphMLAttributeDictionary);

            SaveGraphMLAttributeNames(oGraph, oGraphMLAttributeDictionary);

            return (oGraph);
        //  Method: LoadGraphCore()
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a graph and loads it with graph data read from a <see
        /// cref="Stream" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">
        /// <see cref="Stream" /> containing graph data.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new graph loaded with graph data read from <paramref
        /// name="stream" />.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method creates a graph, loads it with the graph data read from
        /// <paramref name="stream" />.  It does not close <paramref
        /// name="stream" />.
        /// <para>
        /// The arguments have already been checked for validity.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        protected override IGraph LoadGraphCore(
            Stream stream
            Debug.Assert(stream != null);

            // For now, support only directed graphs.

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph(GraphDirectedness.Directed);

            IVertexCollection oVertices = oGraph.Vertices;

            IEdgeCollection oEdges = oGraph.Edges;

            StreamReader oStreamReader = new StreamReader(stream, StreamEncoding);

            // Create a dictionary to keep track of the vertices that have been
            // added to the graph.  The key is the vertex name and the value is the
            // vertex.

            Dictionary<String, IVertex> oDictionary =
            new Dictionary<String, IVertex>();

            Int32 iLineNumber = 1;

            while (true)
            String sLine = oStreamReader.ReadLine();

            if (sLine == null)

            // Skip empty lines.

            if (sLine.Trim().Length > 0)
                // Parse the line.

                String [] asTokens = sLine.Split('\t');

                if (asTokens.Length != 2)
                    OnLoadFormatError(sLine, iLineNumber, ExpectedFormat);

                String sVertex1Name = asTokens[0];
                String sVertex2Name = asTokens[1];

                if (!VertexNameIsValid(sVertex1Name) ||
                    !VertexNameIsValid(sVertex2Name) )
                    OnLoadFormatError(sLine, iLineNumber, ExpectedFormat);

                // Retrieve or create the specified vertices.

                IVertex oVertex1 =
                    VertexNameToVertex(sVertex1Name, oVertices, oDictionary);

                IVertex oVertex2 =
                    VertexNameToVertex(sVertex2Name, oVertices, oDictionary);

                // Add an edge connecting the vertices.

                oEdges.Add(oVertex1, oVertex2, true);



            return (oGraph);
        //  Method: CreateSubgraph()
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a subgraph for one of a graph's vertices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oOriginalVertex">
        /// The vertex to create a subgraph for.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="oCreateSubgraphImagesAsyncArgs">
        /// Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously create subgraph images.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new subgraph.
        /// </returns>
        protected IGraph CreateSubgraph(
            IVertex oOriginalVertex,
            CreateSubgraphImagesAsyncArgs oCreateSubgraphImagesAsyncArgs
            Debug.Assert(oOriginalVertex != null);
            Debug.Assert(oCreateSubgraphImagesAsyncArgs != null);

            // Create a new empty graph that will contain the vertex's subgraph.

            IGraph oSubgraph = new Graph();

            // Clone the original vertex, its adjacent vertices, and the connecting
            // edges into the subgraph.

            Decimal decLevels = oCreateSubgraphImagesAsyncArgs.Levels;

            IVertex oSubgraphVertex = CloneVertexIntoSubgraph(oOriginalVertex,
            oSubgraph, decLevels);

            if (oCreateSubgraphImagesAsyncArgs.SelectVertex)
            // Select the vertex.

            oSubgraphVertex.SetValue(ReservedMetadataKeys.IsSelected, true);

            if (oCreateSubgraphImagesAsyncArgs.SelectIncidentEdges)
            // Select the vertex's incident edges.

            foreach (IEdge oIncidentEdge in oSubgraphVertex.IncidentEdges)
                oIncidentEdge.SetValue(ReservedMetadataKeys.IsSelected, true);

            return (oSubgraph);
        private void CheckLayout(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Create a graph.  The graph has no visual representation --
            // it is just a data structure.

            Graph oGraph = new Graph(GraphDirectedness.Directed);
            IVertexCollection oVertices = oGraph.Vertices;
            IEdgeCollection oEdges = oGraph.Edges;

            // Add three vertices.

            IVertex oVertexA = oVertices.Add();
            oVertexA.Name = "Vertex A";
            IVertex oVertexB = oVertices.Add();
            oVertexB.Name = "Vertex B";
            IVertex oVertexC = oVertices.Add();
            oVertexC.Name = "Vertex C";

            // Connect the vertices with directed edges.

            IEdge oEdge1 = oEdges.Add(oVertexA, oVertexB, true);
            IEdge oEdge2 = oEdges.Add(oVertexB, oVertexC, true);
            IEdge oEdge3 = oEdges.Add(oVertexC, oVertexA, true);

            // Lay out the graph within a 100x100 rectangle.  This sets
            // the IVertex.Location property of each vertex.

            ILayout oLayout = new FruchtermanReingoldLayout();
            LayoutContext oLayoutContext = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0,0,100,100));

            oLayout.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext);

            // List the results.

            foreach (IVertex oVertex in oVertices)
                MessageBox.Show("The location of " + oVertex.Name + " is " + oVertex.Location.ToString());
        //  Method: GetSubgraphAsNewGraph()
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new graph containing copies of a specified set of vertices
        /// and the edges that connect them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verticesToInclude">
        /// A collection of one or more vertices to copy into the new graph.  (The
        /// vertices must all be from the same graph.)
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new graph that contains copies of the vertices in <paramref
        /// name="verticesToInclude" />, along with copies of the edges that
        /// connect them.
        /// <para>
        /// No metadata is copied to the new graph, its vertices, or its edges.
        /// </para>
        /// </returns>
        public static IGraph GetSubgraphAsNewGraph(
            ICollection<IVertex> verticesToInclude
            Debug.Assert(verticesToInclude != null);
            Debug.Assert(verticesToInclude.Count > 0);

            IVertex oFirstVertex = verticesToInclude.First();
            IGraph oParentGraph = oFirstVertex.ParentGraph;

            IGraph oNewGraph = new Graph(oParentGraph.Directedness);
            IEdgeCollection oNewEdges = oNewGraph.Edges;
            IVertexCollection oNewVertices = oNewGraph.Vertices;

            // This maps vertex IDs in the original graph to the corresponding new
            // vertices in the new graph.

            Dictionary<Int32, IVertex> oVertexIDToNewVertexDictionary =
            new Dictionary<Int32, IVertex>(verticesToInclude.Count);

            // Copy the vertices into the new graph.

            foreach (IVertex oVertex in verticesToInclude)
            IVertex oNewVertex = oNewVertices.Add();
            oNewVertex.Name = oVertex.Name;
            oVertexIDToNewVertexDictionary.Add(oVertex.ID, oNewVertex);

            // This contains the IDs of the original edges that have been copied
            // into the new graph.

            HashSet<Int32> oIDsOfCopiedEdges = new HashSet<Int32>();

            // Copy the edges connecting the vertices into the new graph.

            foreach (IVertex oVertex in verticesToInclude)
            foreach (IEdge oIncidentEdge in oVertex.IncidentEdges)
                IVertex oAdjacentVertex = oIncidentEdge.GetAdjacentVertex(

                IVertex oNewAdjacentVertex;

                if (
                        oAdjacentVertex.ID, out oNewAdjacentVertex)
                    // The adjacent vertex is not in the set of vertices to
                    // include, or the edge has already been copied into the
                    // new graph.


                IVertex oNewVertex =

                IEdge oNewEdge;
                Boolean bIncidentEdgeIsDirected = oIncidentEdge.IsDirected;

                if ( oVertex == oIncidentEdge.Vertices[0] )
                    oNewEdge = oNewEdges.Add(oNewVertex, oNewAdjacentVertex,
                    oNewEdge = oNewEdges.Add(oNewAdjacentVertex, oNewVertex,


            return (oNewGraph);
        private void Build_Universe_Network(string layoutmethod, string netid)
            string SQL;
            string NodeName;
            int NodeID, FromID, ToID, EdgeID;
            double xx2, yy2, size, xx,yy;
            double px, py;
            int comments;
            Random rnd = new Random();

            Graph oGraph = new Graph(GraphDirectedness.Directed);
            IVertexCollection oVertices = oGraph.Vertices;
            IEdgeCollection oEdges = oGraph.Edges;

            // Nuke the Display
            // Add the Whiskers Programmatically
            SQL = "select id, nodename,x,y from nodes where networkid = '" + netid + "'";
            OleDbCommand aCommand = new OleDbCommand(SQL, localengine.RepositoryConnection);
                //create the datareader object to connect to table
                OleDbDataReader aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                //Iterate throuth the database
                while (aReader.Read())
                    NodeID = aReader.GetInt32(0);
                    NodeName = aReader.GetString(1);

                    ListBoxItem li = new ListBoxItem();
                    li.Content = NodeName;
                    li.Tag = NodeID.ToString();
                    px = (double)aReader.GetInt32(2);
                    py = (double)aReader.GetInt32(3);

                    IVertex oVertexA = oVertices.Add();
                    oVertexA.Name = NodeName;
                    oVertexA.Tag = NodeID;

            catch (Exception e)

            // Connect the edges
            SQL = "select edgeid, fromid, toid from edges where networkid='" + netid + "'";
            aCommandEdge = new OleDbCommand(SQL, localengine.RepositoryConnection);
                //create the datareader object to connect to table
                aReaderEdge = aCommandEdge.ExecuteReader();

                //Iterate throuth the database
                while (aReaderEdge.Read())
                    EdgeID = aReaderEdge.GetInt32(0);
                    FromID = aReaderEdge.GetInt32(1);
                    ToID = aReaderEdge.GetInt32(2);

                    xx = Getx(FromID);
                    yy = Gety(FromID);

                    xx2 = Getx(ToID);
                    yy2 = Gety(ToID);

                    Line l = new Line();
                    l.X1 = xx+5;
                    l.Y1 = yy+5;
                    l.X2 = xx2+5;
                    l.Y2 = yy2+5;
                    l.Tag = "EDGE(" + FromID.ToString() + ":" + ToID.ToString() + ")";
                    l.ToolTip = l.Tag;
                    l.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);

                    IVertex oFrom=null;
                    IVertex oTo=null;

                    foreach (IVertex oVertex in oVertices)
                        if (oVertex.Tag.ToString() == FromID.ToString())
                            oFrom = oVertex;

                        if (oVertex.Tag.ToString() == ToID.ToString())
                            oTo = oVertex;


                    IEdge oEdge1 = oEdges.Add(oFrom, oTo, true);

            catch (Exception eEdge)


            // Apply Layout 
            // ==================================================================
                case "Circular Layout":
                    ILayout oLayout_cir = new CircleLayout();
                    LayoutContext oLayoutContext_cir = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 5000, 5000));
                    oLayout_cir.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_cir);
                case "Random Layout":
                    ILayout oLayout_rand = new RandomLayout();
                    LayoutContext oLayoutContext_rand = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 5000, 5000));
                    oLayout_rand.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_rand);
                case "Sugiyama Layout":
                    ILayout oLayout_Sugi = new SugiyamaLayout();
                    LayoutContext oLayoutContext_Sugi = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 5000, 5000));
                    oLayout_Sugi.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_Sugi);
                case "Grid Layout":
                    ILayout oLayout_grid = new GridLayout();
                    LayoutContext oLayoutContext_grid = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 5000, 5000));
                    oLayout_grid.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_grid);
                case "Spiral Layout":
                    ILayout oLayout_spiral = new SpiralLayout();
                    LayoutContext oLayoutContext_spiral = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 5000, 5000));
                    oLayout_spiral.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_spiral);
                case "Fruchterman/Reingold Layout":
                    ILayout oLayout_Fruch = new FruchtermanReingoldLayout();
                    LayoutContext oLayoutContext_Fruch = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 5000, 5000));
                    oLayout_Fruch.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_Fruch);
                case "Sinusoid H Layout":
                    ILayout oLayout_SinH = new SinusoidHorizontalLayout();
                    LayoutContext oLayoutContext_SinH = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 5000, 5000));
                    oLayout_SinH.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_SinH);
                case "Sinusoid V Layout":
                    ILayout oLayout_SinV = new SinusoidVerticalLayout();
                    LayoutContext oLayoutContext_SinV = new LayoutContext(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 500, 500));
                    oLayout_SinV.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext_SinV);

            // List the results.
            int xoffset=0;
            int yoffset=0;
            Random rc = new Random();
            Random rx = new Random();
            Random ry = new Random();
            Random coin = new Random();
            foreach (IVertex oVertex in oVertices)
                UniversePadPoint p2 = new UniversePadPoint();

                p2.PadName = oVertex.Name;
                xx2 = oVertex.Location.X;
                yy2 = oVertex.Location.Y;
                xx2 = xx2 + xoffset;
                yy2 = yy2 + yoffset;
            // BUG   p2.WhiskX = XWhisker;
            // BUG    p2.WhiskY = YWhisker;

                size = (double)10;
                p2.Render(UniverseBackground, FieldBackground, xx2, yy2, size, (int)oVertex.Tag, oVertex.Name);

                Ellipse re = new Ellipse();
                re.Width = rnd.NextDouble() * 80;
                re.Height = re.Width;
                re.Opacity = 0.25;
                re.Tag = "METRIC";
                re.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
                Canvas.SetLeft(re, xx2-(re.Width/2)+5);
                Canvas.SetTop(re, yy2 - (re.Width / 2)+5);



            foreach (IEdge e2 in oEdges)
                IVertex f1 = e2.BackVertex;
                IVertex t2 = e2.FrontVertex;
                xx = f1.Location.X;
                yy = f1.Location.Y;
                xx2 = t2.Location.X;
                yy2 = t2.Location.Y;

                xx = xx + xoffset;
                yy = yy + yoffset;
                xx2 = xx2 + xoffset;
                yy2 = yy2 + yoffset;

                Line l = new Line();
                l.X1 = xx + 5;
                l.Y1 = yy + 5;
                l.X2 = xx2 + 5;
                l.Y2 = yy2 + 5;
                l.Tag = "EDGE(" + f1.Tag.ToString() + ":" + t2.Tag.ToString() + ")";
                l.ToolTip = l.Tag;
                l.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);


        public void TestLayOut()
            const Int32 Vertices = 100;

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            IVertex [] aoVertices = TestGraphUtil.AddVertices(oGraph, Vertices);

            TestGraphUtil.MakeGraphComplete(oGraph, aoVertices, false);

            // Initialize the vertex locations to impossible values.

            const Int32 ImpossibleCoordinate = Int32.MinValue;

            foreach (IVertex oVertex in aoVertices)
            oVertex.Location = new Point(
                ImpossibleCoordinate, ImpossibleCoordinate);

            const Int32 Width = 1000;
            const Int32 Height = 600;

            Rectangle oRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);

            LayoutContext oLayoutContext = new LayoutContext(oRectangle);

            m_oFruchtermanReingoldLayout.LayOutGraph(oGraph, oLayoutContext);

            foreach (IVertex oVertex in aoVertices)
            PointF oLocation = oVertex.Location;

            Single fX = oLocation.X;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(fX, ImpossibleCoordinate);
            Assert.IsTrue(fX >= 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(fX <= Width);

            Single fY = oLocation.Y;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(fY, ImpossibleCoordinate);
            Assert.IsTrue(fY >= 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(fY <= Height);
        private void Draw_Universe(string netid)
            string SQL;
            string NodeName;
            int NodeID, FromID, ToID, EdgeID;
            double xx2, yy2, size, xx, yy;
            double px, py;
            int comments;
            Random rnd = new Random();

            Graph oGraph = new Graph(GraphDirectedness.Directed);
            IVertexCollection oVertices = oGraph.Vertices;
            IEdgeCollection oEdges = oGraph.Edges;

            // Nuke the Display
            // Add the Whiskers Programmatically

            SQL = "select id, nodename,x,y from nodes where networkid = '" + netid + "'";
            OleDbCommand aCommand = new OleDbCommand(SQL, localengine.RepositoryConnection);
                //create the datareader object to connect to table
                OleDbDataReader aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader();

                //Iterate throuth the database
                while (aReader.Read())
                    NodeID = aReader.GetInt32(0);
                    NodeName = aReader.GetString(1);

                    ListBoxItem li = new ListBoxItem();
                    li.Content = NodeName;
                    li.Tag = NodeID.ToString();
                    px = (double)aReader.GetInt32(2);
                    py = (double)aReader.GetInt32(3);

                    UniversePadPoint p2 = new UniversePadPoint();

                    p2.PadName = NodeName;
                    xx2 = px;
                    yy2 = py;
                    xx2 = xx2 + 0;
                    yy2 = yy2 + 0;
                    // BUG   p2.WhiskX = XWhisker;
                    // BUG    p2.WhiskY = YWhisker;

                    size = (double)10;
                    p2.SetDrillFeature(DrillDetailLabel, DrillDetailList, localengine.RepositoryConnection);
                    p2.Render(UniverseBackground, FieldBackground, xx2, yy2, size, (int)NodeID, NodeName);

                    Ellipse re = new Ellipse();
                    re.Width = rnd.NextDouble() * 80;
                    re.Height = re.Width;
                    re.Opacity = 0.25;
                    re.Tag = "METRIC";
                    re.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(re, xx2 - (re.Width / 2) + 5);
                    Canvas.SetTop(re, yy2 - (re.Width / 2) + 5);

            catch (Exception e)


            // Connect the edges
            SQL = "SELECT e.edgeid, e.fromid, n1.x, n1.y, e.toid, n2.x, n2.y ";
            SQL = SQL + "FROM Edges e, Nodes n1, Nodes n2 ";
            SQL = SQL + "where e.networkid = '" + netid + "' and n1.networkid = '" + netid + "' and n2.networkid = '" + netid + "' ";
            SQL = SQL + " and n1.id = e.fromid and n2.id = e.toid "; 
            aCommandEdge = new OleDbCommand(SQL, localengine.RepositoryConnection);

                //create the datareader object to connect to table
                aReaderEdge = aCommandEdge.ExecuteReader();

                //Iterate throuth the database
                while (aReaderEdge.Read())
                    EdgeID = aReaderEdge.GetInt32(0);
                    FromID = aReaderEdge.GetInt32(1);
                    ToID = aReaderEdge.GetInt32(4);

                    xx = aReaderEdge.GetInt32(2);
                    yy = aReaderEdge.GetInt32(3);

                    xx2 = aReaderEdge.GetInt32(5);
                    yy2 = aReaderEdge.GetInt32(6);

                    Line l = new Line();
                    l.X1 = xx + 5;
                    l.Y1 = yy + 5;
                    l.X2 = xx2 + 5;
                    l.Y2 = yy2 + 5;
                    l.Tag = "EDGE(" + FromID.ToString() + ":" + ToID.ToString() + ")";
                    l.ToolTip = l.Tag;
                    l.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);

            catch (Exception eEdgedDraw)


        public void TestTransformLayoutBad3()
            // null newLayoutContext.

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();

            LayoutContext oLayoutContext = new LayoutContext(Rectangle.Empty);

                oGraph, oLayoutContext, null);
            catch (ArgumentNullException oArgumentNullException)

                + "TransformLayout: newLayoutContext argument can't be"
                + " null.\r\n"
                + "Parameter name: newLayoutContext"

            throw oArgumentNullException;
        public void TestParentGraph()
            // Add the vertex to a graph.

            IGraph oGraph = new Graph();


            Assert.AreEqual(oGraph, m_oVertex.ParentGraph);