            private static TThis BuildSubautomaton(IReadOnlyList <State> states, IReadOnlyList <State> topologicalOrder, int group, HashSet <int> subgraph)
                var weightsFromRoot          = ComputeWeightsFromRoot(states.Count, topologicalOrder, group);
                var weightsToEnd             = ComputeWeightsToEnd(states.Count, topologicalOrder, group);
                var subautomaton             = new TThis();
                var stateMapping             = subgraph.ToDictionary(x => x, _ => subautomaton.AddState());
                var hasNoIncomingTransitions = new HashSet <int>(subgraph);

                // copy the automaton and find states without incoming transitions.
                foreach (var stateIndex in subgraph)
                    var newSourceState = stateMapping[stateIndex];

                    for (int i = 0; i < states[stateIndex].TransitionCount; i++)
                        var transition = states[stateIndex].GetTransition(i);
                        if (transition.Group != group)

                var correctionFactor = Weight.Zero;

                // mark start and end states, modulo paths bypassing the automaton.
                foreach (var stateIndex in subgraph)
                    var newSourceState = stateMapping[stateIndex];

                    // consider start states
                    var weightFromRoot = newSourceState.TransitionCount > 0 ? weightsFromRoot[stateIndex] : Weight.Zero;
                    if (!weightFromRoot.IsZero)
                        subautomaton.Start.AddEpsilonTransition(weightFromRoot, newSourceState);

                    // consider end states
                    var weightToEnd = !hasNoIncomingTransitions.Contains(stateIndex) ? weightsToEnd[stateIndex] : Weight.Zero;
                    if (!weightToEnd.IsZero)

                    correctionFactor = Weight.Sum(correctionFactor, Weight.Product(weightFromRoot, weightToEnd));

                if (!correctionFactor.IsZero)
                    throw new Exception("Write a unit test for this case. Code should be fine.");
                var epsilonWeight = Weight.AbsoluteDifference(weightsToEnd[topologicalOrder[0].Index], correctionFactor);


        /// <summary>
        /// Computes a set of outgoing transitions from a given state of the determinization result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceState">The source state of the determinized automaton represented as
        /// a set of (stateId, weight) pairs, where state ids correspond to states of the original automaton.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A collection of (element distribution, weight, weighted state set) triples corresponding to outgoing transitions from <paramref name="sourceState"/>.
        /// The first two elements of a tuple define the element distribution and the weight of a transition.
        /// The third element defines the outgoing state.
        /// </returns>
        protected override List <(DiscreteChar, Weight, Determinization.WeightedStateSet)> GetOutgoingTransitionsForDeterminization(
            Determinization.WeightedStateSet sourceState)
            const double LogEps = -35; // Don't add transitions with log-weight less than this as they have been produced by numerical inaccuracies

            // Build a list of numbered non-zero probability character segment bounds (they are numbered here due to perf. reasons)
            var segmentBounds        = new List <ValueTuple <int, TransitionCharSegmentBound> >();
            int transitionsProcessed = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Weight> stateIdWeight in sourceState)
                var state = this.States[stateIdWeight.Key];
                foreach (var transition in state.Transitions)
                    AddTransitionCharSegmentBounds(transition, stateIdWeight.Value, segmentBounds);

                transitionsProcessed += state.Transitions.Count;

            // Sort segment bounds left-to-right, start-to-end
            var sortedIndexedSegmentBounds = segmentBounds.ToArray();

            if (transitionsProcessed > 1)
                Array.Sort(sortedIndexedSegmentBounds, CompareSegmentBounds);

                int CompareSegmentBounds((int, TransitionCharSegmentBound) a, (int, TransitionCharSegmentBound) b) =>

            // Produce an outgoing transition for each unique subset of overlapping segments
            var    result = new List <(DiscreteChar, Weight, Determinization.WeightedStateSet)>();
            Weight currentSegmentStateWeightSum = Weight.Zero;

            var currentSegmentStateWeights = new Dictionary <int, Weight>();

            foreach (var sb in segmentBounds)
                currentSegmentStateWeights[sb.Item2.DestinationStateId] = Weight.Zero;

            var activeSegments      = new HashSet <TransitionCharSegmentBound>();
            int currentSegmentStart = char.MinValue;

            foreach (var tup in sortedIndexedSegmentBounds)
                TransitionCharSegmentBound segmentBound = tup.Item2;

                if (currentSegmentStateWeightSum.LogValue > LogEps && currentSegmentStart < segmentBound.Bound)
                    // Flush previous segment
                    char         segmentEnd    = (char)(segmentBound.Bound - 1);
                    int          segmentLength = segmentEnd - currentSegmentStart + 1;
                    DiscreteChar elementDist   = DiscreteChar.InRange((char)currentSegmentStart, segmentEnd);

                    var destinationState = new Determinization.WeightedStateSet();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Weight> stateIdWithWeight in currentSegmentStateWeights)
                        if (stateIdWithWeight.Value.LogValue > LogEps)
                            Weight stateWeight = Weight.Product(stateIdWithWeight.Value, Weight.Inverse(currentSegmentStateWeightSum));
                            destinationState.Add(stateIdWithWeight.Key, stateWeight);

                    Weight transitionWeight = Weight.Product(Weight.FromValue(segmentLength), currentSegmentStateWeightSum);
                    result.Add((elementDist, transitionWeight, destinationState));

                // Update current segment
                currentSegmentStart = segmentBound.Bound;

                if (segmentBound.IsStart)
                    currentSegmentStateWeightSum = Weight.Sum(currentSegmentStateWeightSum, segmentBound.Weight);
                    currentSegmentStateWeights[segmentBound.DestinationStateId] = Weight.Sum(currentSegmentStateWeights[segmentBound.DestinationStateId], segmentBound.Weight);
                    Debug.Assert(currentSegmentStateWeights.ContainsKey(segmentBound.DestinationStateId), "We shouldn't exit a state we didn't enter.");
                    activeSegments.Remove(segmentBounds[tup.Item1 - 1].Item2);  // End follows start in original.
                    if (double.IsInfinity(segmentBound.Weight.Value))
                        // Cannot subtract because of the infinities involved.
                        currentSegmentStateWeightSum = activeSegments.Select(sb => sb.Weight).Aggregate(Weight.Zero, (acc, w) => Weight.Sum(acc, w));
                        currentSegmentStateWeights[segmentBound.DestinationStateId] =
                            activeSegments.Where(sb => sb.DestinationStateId == segmentBound.DestinationStateId).Select(sb => sb.Weight).Aggregate(Weight.Zero, (acc, w) => Weight.Sum(acc, w));
                        currentSegmentStateWeightSum = activeSegments.Count == 0 ? Weight.Zero : Weight.AbsoluteDifference(currentSegmentStateWeightSum, segmentBound.Weight);

                        Weight prevStateWeight = currentSegmentStateWeights[segmentBound.DestinationStateId];
                        currentSegmentStateWeights[segmentBound.DestinationStateId] = Weight.AbsoluteDifference(
                            prevStateWeight, segmentBound.Weight);
