public void TestExecute() { WebRequestFactory.Current = new TestWebRequestFactory(); LiveConnectClient connectClient = new LiveConnectClient(new LiveConnectSession()); Uri requestUri = new Uri(""); ApiMethod apiMethod = ApiMethod.Copy; string body = string.Empty; SynchronizationContextWrapper syncContextWrapper = SynchronizationContextWrapper.Current; var apiOperation = new ApiOperation(connectClient, requestUri, apiMethod, body, syncContextWrapper); }
private Task<LiveOperationResult> ExecuteApiOperation(ApiOperation op, CancellationToken ct) { if (this.Session == null) { throw new LiveConnectException(ApiOperation.ApiClientErrorCode, ResourceHelper.GetString("UserNotLoggedIn")); } var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<LiveOperationResult>(); op.OperationCompletedCallback = (LiveOperationResult opResult) => { if (opResult.IsCancelled) { tcs.TrySetCanceled(); } else if (opResult.Error != null) { tcs.TrySetException(opResult.Error); } else { tcs.TrySetResult(opResult); } }; ct.Register(op.Cancel); op.Execute(); return tcs.Task; }
private ApiOperation GetApiOperation(string path, ApiMethod method, string body) { if (path == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { throw new ArgumentException("path"); } if (IsAbsolutePath(path)) { throw new ArgumentException( String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, ResourceHelper.GetString("RelativeUrlRequired"), "path"), "path"); } Uri apiUri = this.GetResourceUri(path, method); if (this.Session == null) { throw new LiveConnectException(ApiOperation.ApiClientErrorCode, ResourceHelper.GetString("UserNotLoggedIn")); } ApiOperation operation = null; switch (method) { case ApiMethod.Get: case ApiMethod.Delete: operation = new ApiOperation(this, apiUri, method, null, null); break; case ApiMethod.Post: case ApiMethod.Put: case ApiMethod.Copy: case ApiMethod.Move: if (body == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("body"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(body)) { throw new ArgumentException("body"); } operation = new ApiWriteOperation(this, apiUri, method, body, null); break; default: Debug.Assert(false, "method not suppported."); break; } return operation; }
private async void OnGetUploadLinkCompleted(LiveOperationResult result) { if (this.Status == OperationStatus.Cancelled) { base.OnCancel(); return; } if (result.Error != null || result.IsCancelled) { this.OnOperationCompleted(result); return; } var uploadUrl = new Uri(result.RawResult, UriKind.Absolute); // NOTE: the GetUploadLinkOperation will return a uri with the overwite, suppress_response_codes, // and suppress_redirect query parameters set. Debug.Assert(uploadUrl.Query != null); Debug.Assert(uploadUrl.Query.Contains(QueryParameters.Overwrite)); Debug.Assert(uploadUrl.Query.Contains(QueryParameters.SuppressRedirects)); Debug.Assert(uploadUrl.Query.Contains(QueryParameters.SuppressResponseCodes)); var uploader = new BT.BackgroundUploader(); uploader.Group = LiveConnectClient.LiveSDKUploadGroup; if (this.LiveClient.Session != null) { uploader.SetRequestHeader( ApiOperation.AuthorizationHeader, AuthConstants.BearerTokenType + " " + this.LiveClient.Session.AccessToken); } uploader.SetRequestHeader(ApiOperation.LibraryHeader, Platform.GetLibraryHeaderValue()); uploader.Method = HttpMethods.Put; this.uploadOpCts = new CancellationTokenSource(); Exception webError = null; LiveOperationResult opResult = null; try { if (this.InputStream != null) { this.uploadOp = await uploader.CreateUploadFromStreamAsync(uploadUrl, this.InputStream); } else { this.uploadOp = uploader.CreateUpload(uploadUrl, this.InputFile); } var progressHandler = new Progress <BT.UploadOperation>(this.OnUploadProgress); this.uploadOp = await this.uploadOp.StartAsync().AsTask(this.uploadOpCts.Token, progressHandler); } catch (TaskCanceledException exception) { opResult = new LiveOperationResult(exception, true); } catch (Exception exp) { // This might be an server error. We will read the response to determine the error message. webError = exp; } if (opResult == null) { try { IInputStream responseStream = this.uploadOp.GetResultStreamAt(0); if (responseStream == null) { var error = new LiveConnectException( ApiOperation.ApiClientErrorCode, ResourceHelper.GetString("ConnectionError")); opResult = new LiveOperationResult(error, false); } else { var reader = new DataReader(responseStream); uint length = await reader.LoadAsync(MaxUploadResponseLength); opResult = ApiOperation.CreateOperationResultFrom(reader.ReadString(length), ApiMethod.Upload); if (webError != null && opResult.Error != null && !(opResult.Error is LiveConnectException)) { // If the error did not come from the api service, // we'll just return the error thrown by the uploader. opResult = new LiveOperationResult(webError, false); } } } catch (COMException exp) { opResult = new LiveOperationResult(exp, false); } catch (FileNotFoundException exp) { opResult = new LiveOperationResult(exp, false); } } this.OnOperationCompleted(opResult); }
private Task<LiveOperationResult> ExecuteApiOperation(ApiOperation op, CancellationToken ct) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<LiveOperationResult>(); op.OperationCompletedCallback = (LiveOperationResult opResult) => { if (opResult.IsCancelled) { tcs.TrySetCanceled(); } else if (opResult.Error != null) { tcs.TrySetException(opResult.Error); } else { tcs.TrySetResult(opResult); } }; ct.Register(op.Cancel); op.Execute(); return tcs.Task; }