internal Try(Context context, AST body, AST identifier, TypeExpression type, AST handler, AST finally_block, bool finallyHasControlFlowOutOfIt, Context tryEndContext) : base(context) { this.body = body; this.type = type; this.handler = handler; this.finally_block = finally_block; ScriptObject current_scope = (ScriptObject)Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); while (current_scope is WithObject) //Can only happen at run time and only if there is an eval current_scope = current_scope.GetParent(); this.handler_scope = null; this.field = null; if (identifier != null){ this.fieldName = identifier.ToString(); this.field = current_scope.GetField(this.fieldName, BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Static); if (this.field != null){ if (type == null && (field is JSVariableField && field.IsStatic && ((JSVariableField)field).type == null) && !field.IsLiteral && !field.IsInitOnly) return; //preserve legacy semantics by using the existing variable if (((IActivationObject)current_scope).GetLocalField(this.fieldName) != null) identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, false); } this.handler_scope = new BlockScope(current_scope); this.handler_scope.catchHanderScope = true; JSVariableField f = this.handler_scope.AddNewField(identifier.ToString(), Missing.Value, FieldAttributes.Public); // must be a local this.field = f; f.originalContext = identifier.context; if (identifier.context.document.debugOn && this.field is JSLocalField){ this.handler_scope.AddFieldForLocalScopeDebugInfo((JSLocalField)this.field); } } this.finallyHasControlFlowOutOfIt = finallyHasControlFlowOutOfIt; this.tryEndContext = tryEndContext; }
internal EnumDeclaration(Context context, IdentifierLiteral id, TypeExpression baseType, Block body, FieldAttributes attributes, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context, id, new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Enum, null)), new TypeExpression[0], body, attributes, false, false, true, false, customAttributes) { this.baseType = (baseType != null) ? baseType : new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Int32, null)); base.needsEngine = false; base.attributes &= TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem; TypeExpression expression = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(base.classob, base.context)); AST ast = new ConstantWrapper(-1, null); AST ast2 = new ConstantWrapper(1, null); JSMemberField[] fields = base.fields; for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { FieldInfo info = fields[i]; JSVariableField field = (JSVariableField) info; field.attributeFlags = FieldAttributes.Literal | FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.Public; field.type = expression; if (field.value == null) { field.value = ast = new Plus(ast.context, ast, ast2); } else { ast = (AST) field.value; } field.value = new DeclaredEnumValue(field.value, field.Name, base.classob); } }
internal FunctionObject(string name, ParameterDeclaration[] parameter_declarations, TypeExpression return_type_expr, Block body, FunctionScope own_scope, ScriptObject enclosing_scope, Context funcContext, MethodAttributes attributes, CustomAttributeList customAttributes, bool isMethod) : base(body.Globals.globalObject.originalFunction.originalPrototype, name, parameter_declarations.Length) { this.parameter_declarations = parameter_declarations; int length = parameter_declarations.Length; this.formal_parameters = new string[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { this.formal_parameters[i] = parameter_declarations[i].identifier; } this.argumentsSlotNumber = 0; this.return_type_expr = return_type_expr; if (this.return_type_expr != null) { own_scope.AddReturnValueField(); } this.body = body; this.method = null; this.parameterInfos = null; this.funcContext = funcContext; this.own_scope = own_scope; this.own_scope.owner = this; if ((!(enclosing_scope is ActivationObject) || !((ActivationObject) enclosing_scope).fast) && !isMethod) { this.argumentsSlotNumber = this.own_scope.GetNextSlotNumber(); JSLocalField field = (JSLocalField) this.own_scope.AddNewField("arguments", null, FieldAttributes.PrivateScope); field.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, funcContext)); field.isDefined = true; this.hasArgumentsObject = true; } else { this.hasArgumentsObject = false; } this.implementedIface = null; this.implementedIfaceMethod = null; this.isMethod = isMethod; this.isExpandoMethod = (customAttributes != null) && customAttributes.ContainsExpandoAttribute(); this.isStatic = this.own_scope.isStatic = (attributes & MethodAttributes.Static) != MethodAttributes.PrivateScope; this.suppressIL = false; this.noVersionSafeAttributeSpecified = true; this.fields = this.own_scope.GetLocalFields(); this.enclosing_scope = enclosing_scope; this.must_save_stack_locals = false; this.text = null; this.mb = null; this.cb = null; this.attributes = attributes; if (!this.isStatic) { this.attributes |= MethodAttributes.HideBySig; } this.globals = body.Globals; this.superConstructor = null; this.superConstructorCall = null; this.customAttributes = customAttributes; base.noExpando = false; this.clsCompliance = CLSComplianceSpec.NotAttributed; this.engineLocal = null; this.partiallyEvaluated = false; }
internal FunctionExpression(Context context, AST id, ParameterDeclaration[] formal_parameters, TypeExpression return_type, Block body, FunctionScope own_scope, FieldAttributes attributes) : base(context){ if (attributes != (FieldAttributes)0){ this.context.HandleError(JSError.SyntaxError); attributes = (FieldAttributes)0; } ScriptObject enclosingScope = Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); = id.ToString(); if ( == 0) = "anonymous "+(uniqueNumber++).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else this.AddNameTo(enclosingScope); this.func = new FunctionObject(, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, enclosingScope, this.context, MethodAttributes.Static|MethodAttributes.Public); }
internal override AST PartiallyEvaluate() { if (base.classob.GetParent() is GlobalScope) { this.baseType.PartiallyEvaluate(); IReflect reflect = this.baseType.ToIReflect(); Type bt = null; if (!(reflect is Type) || !Microsoft.JScript.Convert.IsPrimitiveIntegerType(bt = (Type)reflect)) { this.baseType.context.HandleError(JSError.InvalidBaseTypeForEnum); this.baseType = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Int32, null)); bt = Typeob.Int32; } if (base.customAttributes != null) { base.customAttributes.PartiallyEvaluate(); } if (base.NeedsToBeCheckedForCLSCompliance()) { if (!TypeExpression.TypeIsCLSCompliant(reflect)) { this.baseType.context.HandleError(JSError.NonCLSCompliantType); } base.CheckMemberNamesForCLSCompliance(); } ScriptObject enclosingScope = base.enclosingScope; while (!(enclosingScope is GlobalScope) && !(enclosingScope is PackageScope)) { enclosingScope = enclosingScope.GetParent(); } base.classob.SetParent(new WithObject(enclosingScope, Typeob.Enum, true)); base.Globals.ScopeStack.Push(base.classob); try { JSMemberField[] fields = base.fields; for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { FieldInfo info = fields[i]; JSMemberField field = (JSMemberField)info; ((DeclaredEnumValue)field.value).CoerceToBaseType(bt, field.originalContext); } } finally { base.Globals.ScopeStack.Pop(); } } return(this); }
internal ParameterDeclaration(Context context, String identifier, TypeExpression type, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base() { this.identifier = identifier; this.type = type == null ? new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, context)) : type; this.context = context; ActivationObject current_scope = (ActivationObject)context.document.engine.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); if (current_scope.name_table[this.identifier] != null) //Only happens if there is another parameter declarations with the same name context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, this.identifier, current_scope is ClassScope || || type != null); else{ JSVariableField field = current_scope.AddNewField(this.identifier, null, 0); field.originalContext = context; } this.customAttributes = customAttributes; }
internal JSVariableField(String name, ScriptObject obj, FieldAttributes attributeFlags){ this.obj = obj; = name; this.debuggerName = name; this.metaData = null; if ((attributeFlags & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == (FieldAttributes)0) attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Public; //Fields not marked otherwise, are public this.attributeFlags = attributeFlags; this.type = null; this.method = null; this.cons = null; this.value = null; this.originalContext = null; this.clsCompliance = CLSComplianceSpec.NotAttributed; }
internal ParameterDeclaration(Context context, string identifier, TypeExpression type, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) { this.identifier = identifier; this.type = (type == null) ? new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, context)) : type; this.context = context; ActivationObject obj2 = (ActivationObject) context.document.engine.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); if (obj2.name_table[this.identifier] != null) { context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, this.identifier, ((obj2 is ClassScope) || || (type != null)); } else { obj2.AddNewField(this.identifier, null, FieldAttributes.PrivateScope).originalContext = context; } this.customAttributes = customAttributes; }
internal override AST PartiallyEvaluate() { AST id = this.identifier = (Lookup)this.identifier.PartiallyEvaluateAsReference(); if (this.type != null) { this.field.type = this.type = (TypeExpression)this.type.PartiallyEvaluate(); } else if (this.initializer == null && !(this.field is JSLocalField) && this.field.value is Missing) { id.context.HandleError(JSError.VariableLeftUninitialized); this.field.type = this.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, id.context)); } if (this.initializer != null) { if (this.field.IsStatic) { ScriptObject scope = this.Engine.ScriptObjectStackTop(); ClassScope cscope = null; while (scope != null && (cscope = scope as ClassScope) == null) { scope = scope.GetParent(); } if (cscope != null) { cscope.inStaticInitializerCode = true; } this.initializer = this.initializer.PartiallyEvaluate(); if (cscope != null) { cscope.inStaticInitializerCode = false; } } else { this.initializer = this.initializer.PartiallyEvaluate(); } id.SetPartialValue(this.initializer); } // deal with custom attributes if (this.field != null && this.field.customAttributes != null) { this.field.customAttributes.PartiallyEvaluate(); } return(this); }
internal Class(Context context, AST id, TypeExpression superTypeExpression, TypeExpression[] interfaces, Block body, FieldAttributes attributes, bool isAbstract, bool isFinal, bool isStatic, bool isInterface, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context) { = id.ToString(); this.superTypeExpression = superTypeExpression; this.interfaces = interfaces; this.body = body; this.enclosingScope = (ScriptObject)Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(1); this.attributes = TypeAttributes.Class|TypeAttributes.Serializable; this.SetAccessibility(attributes); if (isAbstract) this.attributes |= TypeAttributes.Abstract; this.isAbstract = isAbstract || isInterface; this.isAlreadyPartiallyEvaluated = false; if (isFinal) this.attributes |= TypeAttributes.Sealed; if (isInterface) this.attributes |= TypeAttributes.Interface | TypeAttributes.Abstract; this.isCooked = false; this.cookedType = null; this.isExpando = false; this.isInterface = isInterface; this.isStatic = isStatic; this.needsEngine = !isInterface; this.validOn = (AttributeTargets)0; this.allowMultiple = true; this.classob = (ClassScope)Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); =; this.classob.owner = this; this.implicitDefaultConstructor = null; if (!isInterface && !(this is EnumDeclaration)) this.SetupConstructors(); this.EnterNameIntoEnclosingScopeAndGetOwnField(id, isStatic); this.fields = this.classob.GetMemberFields(); this.superClass = null; this.superIR = null; this.superMembers = null; this.firstIndex = null; this.fieldInitializer = null; this.customAttributes = customAttributes; this.clsCompliance = CLSComplianceSpec.NotAttributed; this.generateCodeForExpando = false; this.expandoItemProp = null; this.getHashTableMethod = null; this.getItem = null; this.setItem = null; }
internal VariableDeclaration(Context context, Lookup identifier, TypeExpression type, AST initializer, FieldAttributes attributes, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context) { if (initializer != null) this.context.UpdateWith(initializer.context); else if (type != null) this.context.UpdateWith(type.context); this.identifier = identifier; this.type = type; this.initializer = initializer; ScriptObject current_scope = (ScriptObject)Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); while (current_scope is WithObject) //Can only happen at run time and only if there is an eval current_scope = current_scope.GetParent(); String name = this.identifier.ToString(); if (current_scope is ClassScope){ if (name == ((ClassScope)current_scope).name){ identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.CannotUseNameOfClass); name = name + " var"; } }else{ if (attributes != (FieldAttributes)0){ this.context.HandleError(JSError.NotInsideClass); attributes = FieldAttributes.Public; }else attributes |= FieldAttributes.Public; } FieldInfo field = ((IActivationObject)current_scope).GetLocalField(name); if (field != null){ if (field.IsLiteral || current_scope is ClassScope || type != null) identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); this.type = type = null; } if (current_scope is ActivationObject) if (field == null || field is JSVariableField) this.field = ((ActivationObject)current_scope).AddFieldOrUseExistingField(this.identifier.ToString(), Missing.Value, attributes); else this.field = ((ActivationObject)current_scope).AddNewField(this.identifier.ToString(), null, attributes); else this.field = ((StackFrame)current_scope).AddNewField(this.identifier.ToString(), null, attributes|FieldAttributes.Static); this.field.type = type; this.field.customAttributes = customAttributes; this.field.originalContext = context; if (this.field is JSLocalField) // emit debug info for the local only if this block of code is in a section that has debug set ((JSLocalField)this.field).debugOn = this.identifier.context.document.debugOn; this.completion = new Completion(); }
internal ParameterDeclaration(Context context, string identifier, TypeExpression type, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) { this.identifier = identifier; this.type = (type == null) ? new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, context)) : type; this.context = context; ActivationObject obj2 = (ActivationObject)context.document.engine.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); if (obj2.name_table[this.identifier] != null) { context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, this.identifier, ((obj2 is ClassScope) || || (type != null)); } else { obj2.AddNewField(this.identifier, null, FieldAttributes.PrivateScope).originalContext = context; } this.customAttributes = customAttributes; }
internal JSVariableField(string name, ScriptObject obj, FieldAttributes attributeFlags) { this.obj = obj; = name; this.debuggerName = name; this.metaData = null; if ((attributeFlags & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.PrivateScope) { attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Public; } this.attributeFlags = attributeFlags; this.type = null; this.method = null; this.value = null; this.originalContext = null; this.clsCompliance = CLSComplianceSpec.NotAttributed; }
internal override AST PartiallyEvaluate() { AST ast = this.identifier = (Lookup)this.identifier.PartiallyEvaluateAsReference(); if (this.type != null) { this.field.type = this.type = (TypeExpression)this.type.PartiallyEvaluate(); } else if (((this.initializer == null) && !(this.field is JSLocalField)) && (this.field.value is Microsoft.JScript.Missing)) { ast.context.HandleError(JSError.VariableLeftUninitialized); this.field.type = this.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, ast.context)); } if (this.initializer != null) { if (this.field.IsStatic) { ScriptObject parent = base.Engine.ScriptObjectStackTop(); ClassScope scope = null; while ((parent != null) && ((scope = parent as ClassScope) == null)) { parent = parent.GetParent(); } if (scope != null) { scope.inStaticInitializerCode = true; } this.initializer = this.initializer.PartiallyEvaluate(); if (scope != null) { scope.inStaticInitializerCode = false; } } else { this.initializer = this.initializer.PartiallyEvaluate(); } ast.SetPartialValue(this.initializer); } if ((this.field != null) && (this.field.customAttributes != null)) { this.field.customAttributes.PartiallyEvaluate(); } return(this); }
internal JSVariableField(String name, ScriptObject obj, FieldAttributes attributeFlags) { this.obj = obj; = name; this.debuggerName = name; this.metaData = null; if ((attributeFlags & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == (FieldAttributes)0) { attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Public; //Fields not marked otherwise, are public } this.attributeFlags = attributeFlags; this.type = null; this.method = null; this.cons = null; this.value = null; this.originalContext = null; this.clsCompliance = CLSComplianceSpec.NotAttributed; }
internal EnumDeclaration(Context context, IdentifierLiteral id, TypeExpression baseType, Block body, FieldAttributes attributes, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context, id, new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(typeof(Enum), null)), new TypeExpression[0], body, attributes, false, false, true, false, customAttributes){ this.baseType = baseType != null ? baseType : new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Int32, null)); this.needsEngine = false; this.attributes &= TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask; TypeExpression thisType = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(this.classob, this.context)); AST currentValue = new ConstantWrapper(-1, null); AST one = new ConstantWrapper(1, null); foreach (FieldInfo f in this.fields){ JSVariableField field = (JSVariableField)f; field.attributeFlags = FieldAttributes.Public|FieldAttributes.Static|FieldAttributes.Literal; field.type = thisType; if (field.value == null) field.value = currentValue = new Plus(currentValue.context, currentValue, one); else currentValue = (AST)field.value; field.value = new EnumWrapper(field.value, field.Name, this.classob); } }
internal Try(Context context, AST body, AST identifier, TypeExpression type, AST handler, AST finally_block, bool finallyHasControlFlowOutOfIt, Context tryEndContext) : base(context) { this.body = body; this.type = type; this.handler = handler; this.finally_block = finally_block; ScriptObject parent = base.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); while (parent is WithObject) { parent = parent.GetParent(); } this.handler_scope = null; this.field = null; if (identifier != null) { this.fieldName = identifier.ToString(); this.field = parent.GetField(this.fieldName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance); if (this.field != null) { if ((((type == null) && (this.field is JSVariableField)) && (this.field.IsStatic && (((JSVariableField)this.field).type == null))) && (!this.field.IsLiteral && !this.field.IsInitOnly)) { return; } if (((IActivationObject)parent).GetLocalField(this.fieldName) != null) { identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, false); } } this.handler_scope = new BlockScope(parent); this.handler_scope.catchHanderScope = true; JSVariableField field = this.handler_scope.AddNewField(identifier.ToString(), Microsoft.JScript.Missing.Value, FieldAttributes.Public); this.field = field; field.originalContext = identifier.context; if (identifier.context.document.debugOn && (this.field is JSLocalField)) { this.handler_scope.AddFieldForLocalScopeDebugInfo((JSLocalField)this.field); } } this.finallyHasControlFlowOutOfIt = finallyHasControlFlowOutOfIt; this.tryEndContext = tryEndContext; }
internal Try(Context context, AST body, AST identifier, TypeExpression type, AST handler, AST finally_block, bool finallyHasControlFlowOutOfIt, Context tryEndContext) : base(context) { this.body = body; this.type = type; this.handler = handler; this.finally_block = finally_block; ScriptObject current_scope = (ScriptObject)Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); while (current_scope is WithObject) //Can only happen at run time and only if there is an eval { current_scope = current_scope.GetParent(); } this.handler_scope = null; this.field = null; if (identifier != null) { this.fieldName = identifier.ToString(); this.field = current_scope.GetField(this.fieldName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static); if (this.field != null) { if (type == null && (field is JSVariableField && field.IsStatic && ((JSVariableField)field).type == null) && !field.IsLiteral && !field.IsInitOnly) { return; //preserve legacy semantics by using the existing variable } if (((IActivationObject)current_scope).GetLocalField(this.fieldName) != null) { identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, false); } } this.handler_scope = new BlockScope(current_scope); this.handler_scope.catchHanderScope = true; JSVariableField f = this.handler_scope.AddNewField(identifier.ToString(), Missing.Value, FieldAttributes.Public); // must be a local this.field = f; f.originalContext = identifier.context; if (identifier.context.document.debugOn && this.field is JSLocalField) { this.handler_scope.AddFieldForLocalScopeDebugInfo((JSLocalField)this.field); } } this.finallyHasControlFlowOutOfIt = finallyHasControlFlowOutOfIt; this.tryEndContext = tryEndContext; }
internal override AST PartiallyEvaluate() { this.operand1 = this.operand1.PartiallyEvaluateAsReference(); this.operand2 = this.operand2.PartiallyEvaluate(); this.binOp = new Plus(this.context, this.operand1, this.operand2); this.operand1.SetPartialValue(this.binOp); if (this.Engine.doFast) { Binding b = this.operand1 as Binding; if (b != null && b.member is JSVariableField) { TypeExpression te = ((JSVariableField)b.member).type; if (te != null && te.InferType(null) == Typeob.String) { this.operand1.context.HandleError(JSError.StringConcatIsSlow); } } } return(this); }
internal override AST PartiallyEvaluate() { base.operand1 = base.operand1.PartiallyEvaluateAsReference(); base.operand2 = base.operand2.PartiallyEvaluate(); this.binOp = new Plus(base.context, base.operand1, base.operand2); base.operand1.SetPartialValue(this.binOp); if (base.Engine.doFast) { Binding binding = base.operand1 as Binding; if ((binding != null) && (binding.member is JSVariableField)) { TypeExpression type = ((JSVariableField)binding.member).type; if ((type != null) && (type.InferType(null) == Typeob.String)) { base.operand1.context.HandleError(JSError.StringConcatIsSlow); } } } return(this); }
internal ParameterDeclaration(Context context, String identifier, TypeExpression type, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base() { this.identifier = identifier; this.type = type == null ? new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, context)) : type; this.context = context; ActivationObject current_scope = (ActivationObject)context.document.engine.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); if (current_scope.name_table[this.identifier] != null) { //Only happens if there is another parameter declarations with the same name context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, this.identifier, current_scope is ClassScope || || type != null); } else { JSVariableField field = current_scope.AddNewField(this.identifier, null, 0); field.originalContext = context; } this.customAttributes = customAttributes; }
internal override AST PartiallyEvaluate(){ if (!(this.classob.GetParent() is GlobalScope)) return this; //The class has already been partially evaluated this.baseType.PartiallyEvaluate(); IReflect ir = this.baseType.ToIReflect(); Type bt = null; if (!(ir is Type) || !Convert.IsPrimitiveIntegerType(bt = (Type)ir)){ this.baseType.context.HandleError(JSError.InvalidBaseTypeForEnum); this.baseType = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Int32, null)); bt = Typeob.Int32; } if (this.customAttributes != null) this.customAttributes.PartiallyEvaluate(); if (this.NeedsToBeCheckedForCLSCompliance()){ if (!TypeExpression.TypeIsCLSCompliant(ir)) this.baseType.context.HandleError(JSError.NonCLSCompliantType); this.CheckMemberNamesForCLSCompliance(); } ScriptObject scope = this.enclosingScope; while (!(scope is GlobalScope) && !(scope is PackageScope)) scope = scope.GetParent(); this.classob.SetParent(new WithObject(scope, typeof(Enum), true)); Globals.ScopeStack.Push(this.classob); try{ foreach (FieldInfo f in this.fields){ JSMemberField field = (JSMemberField)f; ((EnumWrapper)field.value).CoerceToBaseType(bt, field.originalContext); } }finally{ Globals.ScopeStack.Pop(); } return this; }
internal Constant(Context context, Lookup identifier, TypeExpression type, AST value, FieldAttributes attributes, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context){ this.attributes = attributes | FieldAttributes.InitOnly; this.customAttributes = customAttributes; this.completion = new Completion(); this.identifier = identifier; = identifier.ToString(); this.value = value; ScriptObject current_scope = (ScriptObject)Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); while (current_scope is WithObject) //Can only happen at run time and only if there is an eval current_scope = current_scope.GetParent(); if (current_scope is ClassScope){ if ( == ((ClassScope)current_scope).name){ identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.CannotUseNameOfClass); = + " const"; } if (attributes == 0) attributes = FieldAttributes.Public; }else{ if (attributes != 0) this.context.HandleError(JSError.NotInsideClass); attributes = FieldAttributes.Public; } FieldInfo field = ((IActivationObject)current_scope).GetLocalField(; if (field != null){ identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); = + " const"; } if (current_scope is ActivationObject) this.field = ((ActivationObject)current_scope).AddNewField(this.identifier.ToString(), value, attributes); else this.field = ((StackFrame)current_scope).AddNewField(this.identifier.ToString(), value, attributes|FieldAttributes.Static); this.field.type = type; this.field.customAttributes = customAttributes; this.field.originalContext = context; if (this.field is JSLocalField) // emit debug info for the local only if this block of code is in a section that has debug set ((JSLocalField)this.field).debugOn = this.identifier.context.document.debugOn; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ParseEnum // // Enum : // 'enum' identifier [':' baseType] EnumBody (in the guise of ClassBody with a param) // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private AST ParseEnum(FieldAttributes visibilitySpec, Context enumCtx, CustomAttributeList customAttributes){ IdentifierLiteral name = null; AST baseId = null; TypeExpression baseType = null; Block body = null; GetNextToken(); if (JSToken.Identifier == this.currentToken.token){ name = new IdentifierLiteral(this.scanner.GetIdentifier(), this.currentToken.Clone()); }else{ ReportError(JSError.NoIdentifier); if (JSToken.Colon != this.currentToken.token && JSToken.LeftCurly != this.currentToken.token) SkipTokensAndThrow(); // what the is this? name = new IdentifierLiteral("##Missing Enum Name##" + s_cDummyName++, CurrentPositionContext()); } GetNextToken(); if (JSToken.Colon == this.currentToken.token){ this.noSkipTokenSet.Add(NoSkipTokenSet.s_EnumBaseTypeNoSkipTokenSet); try{ baseId = ParseQualifiedIdentifier(JSError.NeedType); }catch(RecoveryTokenException exc){ if (IndexOfToken(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassExtendsNoSkipTokenSet, exc) == -1){ exc._partiallyComputedNode = null; throw exc; }else{ baseId = exc._partiallyComputedNode; } }finally{ this.noSkipTokenSet.Remove(NoSkipTokenSet.s_EnumBaseTypeNoSkipTokenSet); } } if (baseId != null) baseType = new TypeExpression(baseId); if (JSToken.LeftCurly != this.currentToken.token) ReportError(JSError.NoLeftCurly); // make a new state and save the old one ArrayList blockType = this.blockType; this.blockType = new ArrayList(16); SimpleHashtable labelTable = this.labelTable; this.labelTable = new SimpleHashtable(16); Globals.ScopeStack.Push(new ClassScope(name, ((IActivationObject)Globals.ScopeStack.Peek()).GetGlobalScope())); //Give declarations a place to go while building AST try{ body = ParseClassBody(true, false); enumCtx.UpdateWith(body.context); EnumDeclaration result = new EnumDeclaration(enumCtx, name, baseType, body, visibilitySpec, customAttributes); if (customAttributes != null) customAttributes.SetTarget(result); return result; }catch(RecoveryTokenException exc){ enumCtx.UpdateWith(exc._partiallyComputedNode.context); exc._partiallyComputedNode = new EnumDeclaration(enumCtx, name, baseType, (Block)exc._partiallyComputedNode, visibilitySpec, customAttributes); if (customAttributes != null) customAttributes.SetTarget(exc._partiallyComputedNode); throw exc; }finally{ Globals.ScopeStack.Pop(); this.blockType = blockType; this.labelTable = labelTable; } }
internal VariableDeclaration(Context context, Lookup identifier, TypeExpression type, AST initializer, FieldAttributes attributes, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context) { if (initializer != null) { this.context.UpdateWith(initializer.context); } else if (type != null) { this.context.UpdateWith(type.context); } this.identifier = identifier; this.type = type; this.initializer = initializer; ScriptObject current_scope = (ScriptObject)Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); while (current_scope is WithObject) //Can only happen at run time and only if there is an eval { current_scope = current_scope.GetParent(); } String name = this.identifier.ToString(); if (current_scope is ClassScope) { if (name == ((ClassScope)current_scope).name) { identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.CannotUseNameOfClass); name = name + " var"; } } else { if (attributes != (FieldAttributes)0) { this.context.HandleError(JSError.NotInsideClass); attributes = FieldAttributes.Public; } else { attributes |= FieldAttributes.Public; } } FieldInfo field = ((IActivationObject)current_scope).GetLocalField(name); if (field != null) { if (field.IsLiteral || current_scope is ClassScope || type != null) { identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); } this.type = type = null; } if (current_scope is ActivationObject) { if (field == null || field is JSVariableField) { this.field = ((ActivationObject)current_scope).AddFieldOrUseExistingField(this.identifier.ToString(), Missing.Value, attributes); } else { this.field = ((ActivationObject)current_scope).AddNewField(this.identifier.ToString(), null, attributes); } } else { this.field = ((StackFrame)current_scope).AddNewField(this.identifier.ToString(), null, attributes | FieldAttributes.Static); } this.field.type = type; this.field.customAttributes = customAttributes; this.field.originalContext = context; if (this.field is JSLocalField) { // emit debug info for the local only if this block of code is in a section that has debug set ((JSLocalField)this.field).debugOn = this.identifier.context.document.debugOn; } this.completion = new Completion(); }
private void GetIRForSuperType(){ IReflect supIR = this.superIR = Typeob.Object; if (this.superTypeExpression != null){ this.superTypeExpression.PartiallyEvaluate(); supIR = this.superIR = this.superTypeExpression.ToIReflect(); } Type supType = supIR as Type; if (supType != null){ if (supType.IsSealed || supType.IsInterface || supType == typeof(ValueType) || supType == Typeob.ArrayObject){ if (this.superTypeExpression.Evaluate() is Namespace) this.superTypeExpression.context.HandleError(JSError.NeedType); else this.superTypeExpression.context.HandleError(JSError.TypeCannotBeExtended, supType.FullName); this.superTypeExpression = null; this.superIR = Typeob.Object; }else if (typeof(INeedEngine).IsAssignableFrom(supType)) this.needsEngine = false; }else if (supIR is ClassScope){ if (((ClassScope)supIR).owner.IsASubClassOf(this)){ this.superTypeExpression.context.HandleError(JSError.CircularDefinition); this.superTypeExpression = null; this.superIR = Typeob.Object; }else{ this.needsEngine = false; this.superClass = ((ClassScope)supIR).owner; if ((this.superClass.attributes & TypeAttributes.Sealed) != 0){ this.superTypeExpression.context.HandleError(JSError.TypeCannotBeExtended,; this.superClass.attributes &= ~TypeAttributes.Sealed; this.superTypeExpression = null; }else if (this.superClass.isInterface){ this.superTypeExpression.context.HandleError(JSError.TypeCannotBeExtended,; this.superIR = Typeob.Object; this.superTypeExpression = null; } } }else{ this.superTypeExpression.context.HandleError(JSError.TypeCannotBeExtended); this.superIR = Typeob.Object; this.superTypeExpression = null; } }
private void CheckIfValidExtensionOfSuperType(){ this.GetIRForSuperType(); ClassScope csc = this.superIR as ClassScope; if (csc != null){ csc.owner.PartiallyEvaluate(); if (this.IsStatic){ if (!csc.owner.IsStatic){ this.superTypeExpression.context.HandleError(JSError.NestedInstanceTypeCannotBeExtendedByStatic); this.superIR = Typeob.Object; this.superTypeExpression = null; } }else{ if (!csc.owner.IsStatic && this.enclosingScope != csc.owner.enclosingScope){ this.superTypeExpression.context.HandleError(JSError.NestedInstanceTypeCannotBeExtendedByStatic); this.superIR = Typeob.Object; this.superTypeExpression = null; } } } this.GetSuperTypeMembers(); this.GetStartIndexForEachName(); bool checkCLSCompliance = this.NeedsToBeCheckedForCLSCompliance(); if (checkCLSCompliance) this.CheckMemberNamesForCLSCompliance(); //First check only the methods the implement interfaces for (int i = 0, n = this.fields.Length; i < n; i++){ JSMemberField field = this.fields[i]; if (field.IsLiteral){ Object value = field.value; if (value is FunctionObject){ JSMemberField startMethod = field; while(true){ FunctionObject func = (FunctionObject)value; if (func.implementedIface == null) break; this.CheckMethodDeclarationConsistency(func); if (func.implementedIfaceMethod == null) func.funcContext.HandleError(JSError.NoMethodInBaseToOverride); if (field.IsPublic || field.IsFamily || field.IsFamilyOrAssembly) func.CheckCLSCompliance(checkCLSCompliance); field = field.nextOverload; if (field == null) break; value = field.value; } continue; }else if (value is JSProperty){ continue; } } } for (int i = 0, n = this.fields.Length; i < n; i++){ JSMemberField field = this.fields[i]; if (field.IsLiteral){ Object value = field.value; if (value is FunctionObject){ JSMemberField startMethod = field; while(true){ FunctionObject func = (FunctionObject)value; if (func.implementedIface != null) break; this.CheckMethodDeclarationConsistency(func); if (field.IsPublic || field.IsFamily || field.IsFamilyOrAssembly) func.CheckCLSCompliance(checkCLSCompliance); field = field.nextOverload; if (field == null) break; value = field.value; } continue; }else if (value is JSProperty){ continue; } } this.CheckFieldDeclarationConsistency(field); if (field.IsPublic || field.IsFamily || field.IsFamilyOrAssembly) field.CheckCLSCompliance(checkCLSCompliance); } }
internal override AST PartiallyEvaluate(){ AST id = this.identifier = (Lookup)this.identifier.PartiallyEvaluateAsReference(); if (this.type != null) this.field.type = this.type = (TypeExpression)this.type.PartiallyEvaluate(); else if (this.initializer == null && !(this.field is JSLocalField) && this.field.value is Missing){ id.context.HandleError(JSError.VariableLeftUninitialized); this.field.type = this.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, id.context)); } if (this.initializer != null){ if (this.field.IsStatic){ ScriptObject scope = this.Engine.ScriptObjectStackTop(); ClassScope cscope = null; while (scope != null && (cscope = scope as ClassScope) == null) scope = scope.GetParent(); if (cscope != null) cscope.inStaticInitializerCode = true; this.initializer = this.initializer.PartiallyEvaluate(); if (cscope != null) cscope.inStaticInitializerCode = false; }else this.initializer = this.initializer.PartiallyEvaluate(); id.SetPartialValue(this.initializer); } // deal with custom attributes if (this.field != null && this.field.customAttributes != null) this.field.customAttributes.PartiallyEvaluate(); return this; }
internal FunctionObject(string name, ParameterDeclaration[] parameter_declarations, TypeExpression return_type_expr, Block body, FunctionScope own_scope, ScriptObject enclosing_scope, Context funcContext, MethodAttributes attributes) : this(name, parameter_declarations, return_type_expr, body, own_scope, enclosing_scope, funcContext, attributes, null, false) { }
internal ParameterDeclaration(Type type, String identifier) : base(){ this.identifier = identifier; this.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(type, null)); this.customAttributes = null; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ParseTypeExpression // // TypeExpression : // QualifiedIdentifier | // TypeExpression <no line break> '[' ']' // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private TypeExpression ParseTypeExpression(){ AST typeId = null; try{ typeId = ParseQualifiedIdentifier(JSError.NeedType); }catch(RecoveryTokenException exc){ if (exc._partiallyComputedNode != null){ exc._partiallyComputedNode = new TypeExpression(exc._partiallyComputedNode); } throw exc; } TypeExpression type = new TypeExpression(typeId); if (type != null){ while (!this.scanner.GotEndOfLine() && JSToken.LeftBracket == this.currentToken.token){ GetNextToken(); int rank = 1; while (JSToken.Comma == this.currentToken.token){ GetNextToken(); rank++; } if (JSToken.RightBracket != this.currentToken.token) ReportError(JSError.NoRightBracket); GetNextToken(); if (type.isArray) type = new TypeExpression(type); type.isArray = true; type.rank = rank; } } return type; }
private AST ParseEnum(FieldAttributes visibilitySpec, Context enumCtx, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) { IdentifierLiteral name = null; AST ast = null; TypeExpression baseType = null; Block body = null; AST ast2; this.GetNextToken(); if (JSToken.Identifier == this.currentToken.token) { name = new IdentifierLiteral(this.scanner.GetIdentifier(), this.currentToken.Clone()); } else { this.ReportError(JSError.NoIdentifier); if ((JSToken.Colon != this.currentToken.token) && (JSToken.LeftCurly != this.currentToken.token)) { this.SkipTokensAndThrow(); } name = new IdentifierLiteral("##Missing Enum Name##" + s_cDummyName++, this.CurrentPositionContext()); } this.GetNextToken(); if (JSToken.Colon == this.currentToken.token) { this.noSkipTokenSet.Add(NoSkipTokenSet.s_EnumBaseTypeNoSkipTokenSet); try { ast = this.ParseQualifiedIdentifier(JSError.NeedType); } catch (RecoveryTokenException exception) { if (this.IndexOfToken(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassExtendsNoSkipTokenSet, exception) == -1) { exception._partiallyComputedNode = null; throw exception; } ast = exception._partiallyComputedNode; } finally { this.noSkipTokenSet.Remove(NoSkipTokenSet.s_EnumBaseTypeNoSkipTokenSet); } } if (ast != null) { baseType = new TypeExpression(ast); } if (JSToken.LeftCurly != this.currentToken.token) { this.ReportError(JSError.NoLeftCurly); } ArrayList blockType = this.blockType; this.blockType = new ArrayList(0x10); SimpleHashtable labelTable = this.labelTable; this.labelTable = new SimpleHashtable(0x10); this.Globals.ScopeStack.Push(new ClassScope(name, ((IActivationObject) this.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek()).GetGlobalScope())); try { body = this.ParseClassBody(true, false); enumCtx.UpdateWith(body.context); EnumDeclaration target = new EnumDeclaration(enumCtx, name, baseType, body, visibilitySpec, customAttributes); if (customAttributes != null) { customAttributes.SetTarget(target); } ast2 = target; } catch (RecoveryTokenException exception2) { enumCtx.UpdateWith(exception2._partiallyComputedNode.context); exception2._partiallyComputedNode = new EnumDeclaration(enumCtx, name, baseType, (Block) exception2._partiallyComputedNode, visibilitySpec, customAttributes); if (customAttributes != null) { customAttributes.SetTarget(exception2._partiallyComputedNode); } throw exception2; } finally { this.Globals.ScopeStack.Pop(); this.blockType = blockType; this.labelTable = labelTable; } return ast2; }
internal FunctionDeclaration(Context context, AST ifaceId, IdentifierLiteral id, ParameterDeclaration[] formal_parameters, TypeExpression return_type, Block body, FunctionScope own_scope, FieldAttributes attributes, bool isMethod, bool isGetter, bool isSetter, bool isAbstract, bool isFinal, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context) { MethodAttributes methodAttributes = (MethodAttributes)0; if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Public) methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Public; else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Private) methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Private; else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Assembly) methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Assembly; else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Family) methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Family; else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.FamORAssem) methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.FamORAssem; else methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Public; if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.Static) != 0 || !isMethod) methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Static; else methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.NewSlot; if (isAbstract) methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Abstract; if (isFinal) methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Final; = id.ToString(); this.isMethod = isMethod; if (ifaceId != null){ if (isMethod){ this.ifaceId = new TypeExpression(ifaceId); methodAttributes &= ~MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask; methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Private|MethodAttributes.Final; }else{ this.declaringObject = new Member(ifaceId.context, ifaceId, id); = this.declaringObject.ToString(); } } ScriptObject enclosingScope = Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); if (attributes == 0 && !isAbstract && !isFinal){ if (enclosingScope is ClassScope) attributes |= FieldAttributes.Public; }else{ if (!(enclosingScope is ClassScope)){ this.context.HandleError(JSError.NotInsideClass); attributes = (FieldAttributes)0; methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Public; } } if (enclosingScope is ActivationObject){ this.inFastScope = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).fast; // if later on originalName != this is a property getter/setter String originalName =; // mangle the name if (isGetter){ methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName; = "get_" +; if (return_type == null) return_type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, context)); }else if (isSetter){ methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName; = "set_" +; return_type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Void, context)); } attributes &= FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask; // create the function object this.func = new FunctionObject(, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, enclosingScope, this.context, methodAttributes, customAttributes, this.isMethod); if (this.declaringObject != null) return; // check whether the function name (possibly mangled) is in use already String fieldName =; if (this.ifaceId != null) fieldName = ifaceId.ToString()+"."+fieldName; JSVariableField localField = (JSVariableField)((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).name_table[fieldName]; if (localField != null && (!(localField is JSMemberField) || !(((JSMemberField)localField).value is FunctionObject) || this.func.isExpandoMethod)){ if (originalName != localField.originalContext.HandleError(JSError.ClashWithProperty); else{ id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, this.func.isExpandoMethod); if (localField.value is FunctionObject) ((FunctionObject)localField.value).suppressIL = true; } } // create or update the proper field if (this.isMethod){ if (!(localField is JSMemberField) || !(((JSMemberField)localField).value is FunctionObject) || originalName !={ this.field = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(fieldName, this.func, attributes|FieldAttributes.Literal); if (originalName == // if it is a property do not assign the type ((JSVariableField)this.field).type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.FunctionWrapper, this.context)); }else this.field = ((JSMemberField)localField).AddOverload(this.func, attributes|FieldAttributes.Literal); }else if (enclosingScope is FunctionScope){ if (this.inFastScope) attributes |= FieldAttributes.Literal; this.field = ((FunctionScope)enclosingScope).AddNewField(, attributes, this.func); if (this.field is JSLocalField){ JSLocalField locField = (JSLocalField)this.field; if (this.inFastScope){ locField.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.ScriptFunction, this.context)); locField.attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Literal; } locField.debugOn = this.context.document.debugOn; locField.isDefined = true; } }else if (this.inFastScope){ this.field = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(, this.func, attributes|FieldAttributes.Literal); ((JSVariableField)this.field).type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.ScriptFunction, this.context)); //Do not use typeof(Closure) for the field, since that has the arguments and callee properties, which are not //accessible in fast mode }else //enclosingScope is GlobalObject this.field = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(, this.func, attributes|FieldAttributes.Static); ((JSVariableField)this.field).originalContext = context; // if it is a property create/update the PropertyInfo and assign the getter/setter if (originalName !={ String propertyFieldName = originalName; if (this.ifaceId != null) propertyFieldName = ifaceId.ToString()+"."+originalName; FieldInfo prop = (FieldInfo)((ClassScope)enclosingScope).name_table[propertyFieldName]; if (prop != null){ // check whether a property was defined already if (prop.IsLiteral){ Object val = ((JSVariableField)prop).value; if (val is JSProperty) this.enclosingProperty = (JSProperty)val; } if (this.enclosingProperty == null) id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); // the matching name was not a property } if (this.enclosingProperty == null){ this.enclosingProperty = new JSProperty(originalName); prop = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(propertyFieldName, this.enclosingProperty, attributes|FieldAttributes.Literal); ((JSMemberField)prop).originalContext = this.context; }else{ if ((isGetter && this.enclosingProperty.getter != null) || (isSetter && this.enclosingProperty.setter != null)) id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); // duplicated setter or getter } if (isGetter) this.enclosingProperty.getter = new JSFieldMethod(this.field, enclosingScope); else this.enclosingProperty.setter = new JSFieldMethod(this.field, enclosingScope); } }else{ //Might get here if function declaration is inside of an eval. this.inFastScope = false; this.func = new FunctionObject(, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, enclosingScope, this.context, MethodAttributes.Public, null, false); this.field = ((StackFrame)enclosingScope).AddNewField(, new Closure(this.func), attributes|FieldAttributes.Static); } }
internal VariableDeclaration(Context context, Lookup identifier, TypeExpression type, AST initializer, FieldAttributes attributes, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context) { if (initializer != null) { base.context.UpdateWith(initializer.context); } else if (type != null) { base.context.UpdateWith(type.context); } this.identifier = identifier; this.type = type; this.initializer = initializer; ScriptObject parent = base.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); while (parent is WithObject) { parent = parent.GetParent(); } string name = this.identifier.ToString(); if (parent is ClassScope) { if (name == ((ClassScope) parent).name) { identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.CannotUseNameOfClass); name = name + " var"; } } else if (attributes != FieldAttributes.PrivateScope) { base.context.HandleError(JSError.NotInsideClass); attributes = FieldAttributes.Public; } else { attributes |= FieldAttributes.Public; } FieldInfo localField = ((IActivationObject) parent).GetLocalField(name); if (localField != null) { if ((localField.IsLiteral || (parent is ClassScope)) || (type != null)) { identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); } this.type = (TypeExpression) (type = null); } if (parent is ActivationObject) { if ((localField == null) || (localField is JSVariableField)) { this.field = ((ActivationObject) parent).AddFieldOrUseExistingField(this.identifier.ToString(), Microsoft.JScript.Missing.Value, attributes); } else { this.field = ((ActivationObject) parent).AddNewField(this.identifier.ToString(), null, attributes); } } else { this.field = ((StackFrame) parent).AddNewField(this.identifier.ToString(), null, attributes | FieldAttributes.Static); } this.field.type = type; this.field.customAttributes = customAttributes; this.field.originalContext = context; if (this.field is JSLocalField) { ((JSLocalField) this.field).debugOn = this.identifier.context.document.debugOn; } this.completion = new Completion(); }
internal static bool TypeIsCLSCompliant(Object type) { if (type is ClassScope) { return(((ClassScope)type).IsCLSCompliant()); } else if (type is TypedArray) { Object et = ((TypedArray)type).elementType; if (et is TypedArray || (et is Type && ((Type)et).IsArray)) { return(false); } return(TypeExpression.TypeIsCLSCompliant(et)); } else { Type t = (Type)type; if (t.IsPrimitive) { if (t == Typeob.Boolean || t == Typeob.Byte || t == Typeob.Char || t == Typeob.Double || t == Typeob.Int16 || t == Typeob.Int32 || t == Typeob.Int64 || t == Typeob.Single) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { if (t.IsArray) { Type et = t.GetElementType(); if (et.IsArray) { return(false); } return(TypeExpression.TypeIsCLSCompliant(t)); } Object[] attr = t.GetCustomAttributes(Typeob.CLSCompliantAttribute, false); if (attr.Length > 0) { return(((CLSCompliantAttribute)attr[0]).IsCompliant); } else { Module m = t.Module; attr = m.GetCustomAttributes(Typeob.CLSCompliantAttribute, false); if (attr.Length > 0) { return(((CLSCompliantAttribute)attr[0]).IsCompliant); } else { Assembly a = m.Assembly; attr = a.GetCustomAttributes(Typeob.CLSCompliantAttribute, false); if (attr.Length > 0) { return(((CLSCompliantAttribute)attr[0]).IsCompliant); } else { return(false); } } } } } }
internal FunctionDeclaration(Context context, AST ifaceId, IdentifierLiteral id, ParameterDeclaration[] formal_parameters, TypeExpression return_type, Block body, FunctionScope own_scope, FieldAttributes attributes, bool isMethod, bool isGetter, bool isSetter, bool isAbstract, bool isFinal, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context) { MethodAttributes methodAttributes = (MethodAttributes)0; if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Public) { methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Public; } else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Private) { methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Private; } else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Assembly) { methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Assembly; } else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Family) { methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Family; } else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.FamORAssem) { methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.FamORAssem; } else { methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Public; } if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.Static) != 0 || !isMethod) { methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Static; } else { methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.NewSlot; } if (isAbstract) { methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Abstract; } if (isFinal) { methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Final; } = id.ToString(); this.isMethod = isMethod; if (ifaceId != null) { if (isMethod) { this.ifaceId = new TypeExpression(ifaceId); methodAttributes &= ~MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask; methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Private | MethodAttributes.Final; } else { this.declaringObject = new Member(ifaceId.context, ifaceId, id); = this.declaringObject.ToString(); } } ScriptObject enclosingScope = Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); if (attributes == 0 && !isAbstract && !isFinal) { if (enclosingScope is ClassScope) { attributes |= FieldAttributes.Public; } } else { if (!(enclosingScope is ClassScope)) { this.context.HandleError(JSError.NotInsideClass); attributes = (FieldAttributes)0; methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Public; } } if (enclosingScope is ActivationObject) { this.inFastScope = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).fast; // if later on originalName != this is a property getter/setter String originalName =; // mangle the name if (isGetter) { methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName; = "get_" +; if (return_type == null) { return_type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, context)); } } else if (isSetter) { methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName; = "set_" +; return_type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Void, context)); } attributes &= FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask; // create the function object this.func = new FunctionObject(, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, enclosingScope, this.context, methodAttributes, customAttributes, this.isMethod); if (this.declaringObject != null) { return; } // check whether the function name (possibly mangled) is in use already String fieldName =; if (this.ifaceId != null) { fieldName = ifaceId.ToString() + "." + fieldName; } JSVariableField localField = (JSVariableField)((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).name_table[fieldName]; if (localField != null && (!(localField is JSMemberField) || !(((JSMemberField)localField).value is FunctionObject) || this.func.isExpandoMethod)) { if (originalName != { localField.originalContext.HandleError(JSError.ClashWithProperty); } else { id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, this.func.isExpandoMethod); if (localField.value is FunctionObject) { ((FunctionObject)localField.value).suppressIL = true; } } } // create or update the proper field if (this.isMethod) { if (!(localField is JSMemberField) || !(((JSMemberField)localField).value is FunctionObject) || originalName != { this.field = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(fieldName, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal); if (originalName == // if it is a property do not assign the type { ((JSVariableField)this.field).type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.FunctionWrapper, this.context)); } } else { this.field = ((JSMemberField)localField).AddOverload(this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal); } } else if (enclosingScope is FunctionScope) { if (this.inFastScope) { attributes |= FieldAttributes.Literal; } this.field = ((FunctionScope)enclosingScope).AddNewField(, attributes, this.func); if (this.field is JSLocalField) { JSLocalField locField = (JSLocalField)this.field; if (this.inFastScope) { locField.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.ScriptFunction, this.context)); locField.attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Literal; } locField.debugOn = this.context.document.debugOn; locField.isDefined = true; } } else if (this.inFastScope) { this.field = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal); ((JSVariableField)this.field).type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.ScriptFunction, this.context)); //Do not use typeof(Closure) for the field, since that has the arguments and callee properties, which are not //accessible in fast mode } else //enclosingScope is GlobalObject { this.field = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Static); } ((JSVariableField)this.field).originalContext = context; // if it is a property create/update the PropertyInfo and assign the getter/setter if (originalName != { String propertyFieldName = originalName; if (this.ifaceId != null) { propertyFieldName = ifaceId.ToString() + "." + originalName; } FieldInfo prop = (FieldInfo)((ClassScope)enclosingScope).name_table[propertyFieldName]; if (prop != null) { // check whether a property was defined already if (prop.IsLiteral) { Object val = ((JSVariableField)prop).value; if (val is JSProperty) { this.enclosingProperty = (JSProperty)val; } } if (this.enclosingProperty == null) { id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); // the matching name was not a property } } if (this.enclosingProperty == null) { this.enclosingProperty = new JSProperty(originalName); prop = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(propertyFieldName, this.enclosingProperty, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal); ((JSMemberField)prop).originalContext = this.context; } else { if ((isGetter && this.enclosingProperty.getter != null) || (isSetter && this.enclosingProperty.setter != null)) { id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); // duplicated setter or getter } } if (isGetter) { this.enclosingProperty.getter = new JSFieldMethod(this.field, enclosingScope); } else { this.enclosingProperty.setter = new JSFieldMethod(this.field, enclosingScope); } } } else //Might get here if function declaration is inside of an eval. { this.inFastScope = false; this.func = new FunctionObject(, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, enclosingScope, this.context, MethodAttributes.Public, null, false); this.field = ((StackFrame)enclosingScope).AddNewField(, new Closure(this.func), attributes | FieldAttributes.Static); } }
internal ParameterDeclaration(Type type, string identifier) { this.identifier = identifier; this.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(type, null)); this.customAttributes = null; }
internal override AST PartiallyEvaluate() { AST ast = this.identifier = (Lookup) this.identifier.PartiallyEvaluateAsReference(); if (this.type != null) { this.field.type = this.type = (TypeExpression) this.type.PartiallyEvaluate(); } else if (((this.initializer == null) && !(this.field is JSLocalField)) && (this.field.value is Microsoft.JScript.Missing)) { ast.context.HandleError(JSError.VariableLeftUninitialized); this.field.type = this.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, ast.context)); } if (this.initializer != null) { if (this.field.IsStatic) { ScriptObject parent = base.Engine.ScriptObjectStackTop(); ClassScope scope = null; while ((parent != null) && ((scope = parent as ClassScope) == null)) { parent = parent.GetParent(); } if (scope != null) { scope.inStaticInitializerCode = true; } this.initializer = this.initializer.PartiallyEvaluate(); if (scope != null) { scope.inStaticInitializerCode = false; } } else { this.initializer = this.initializer.PartiallyEvaluate(); } ast.SetPartialValue(this.initializer); } if ((this.field != null) && (this.field.customAttributes != null)) { this.field.customAttributes.PartiallyEvaluate(); } return this; }
internal FunctionDeclaration(Context context, AST ifaceId, IdentifierLiteral id, ParameterDeclaration[] formal_parameters, TypeExpression return_type, Block body, FunctionScope own_scope, FieldAttributes attributes, bool isMethod, bool isGetter, bool isSetter, bool isAbstract, bool isFinal, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context) { this.completion = new Completion(); MethodAttributes privateScope = MethodAttributes.PrivateScope; if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Public) { privateScope = MethodAttributes.Public; } else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Private) { privateScope = MethodAttributes.Private; } else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Assembly) { privateScope = MethodAttributes.Assembly; } else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Family) { privateScope = MethodAttributes.Family; } else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.FamORAssem) { privateScope = MethodAttributes.FamORAssem; } else { privateScope = MethodAttributes.Public; } if (((attributes & FieldAttributes.Static) != FieldAttributes.PrivateScope) || !isMethod) { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.Static; } else { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.NewSlot | MethodAttributes.Virtual; } if (isAbstract) { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.Abstract; } if (isFinal) { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.Final; } = id.ToString(); this.isMethod = isMethod; if (ifaceId != null) { if (isMethod) { this.ifaceId = new TypeExpression(ifaceId); privateScope &= ~MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask; privateScope |= MethodAttributes.Final | MethodAttributes.Private; } else { this.declaringObject = new Member(ifaceId.context, ifaceId, id); = this.declaringObject.ToString(); } } ScriptObject obj2 = base.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); if (((attributes == FieldAttributes.PrivateScope) && !isAbstract) && !isFinal) { if (obj2 is ClassScope) { attributes |= FieldAttributes.Public; } } else if (!(obj2 is ClassScope)) { base.context.HandleError(JSError.NotInsideClass); attributes = FieldAttributes.PrivateScope; privateScope = MethodAttributes.Public; } if (obj2 is ActivationObject) { this.inFastScope = ((ActivationObject)obj2).fast; string name =; if (isGetter) { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName; = "get_" +; if (return_type == null) { return_type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, context)); } } else if (isSetter) { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName; = "set_" +; return_type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Void, context)); } attributes &= FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask; MethodAttributes attributes3 = privateScope & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask; if ((((privateScope & MethodAttributes.Virtual) != MethodAttributes.PrivateScope) && ((privateScope & MethodAttributes.Final) == MethodAttributes.PrivateScope)) && (((attributes3 == MethodAttributes.Private) || (attributes3 == MethodAttributes.Assembly)) || (attributes3 == MethodAttributes.FamANDAssem))) { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.CheckAccessOnOverride; } this.func = new FunctionObject(, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, obj2, base.context, privateScope, customAttributes, this.isMethod); if (this.declaringObject == null) { string str2 =; if (this.ifaceId != null) { str2 = ifaceId.ToString() + "." + str2; } JSVariableField field = (JSVariableField)((ActivationObject)obj2).name_table[str2]; if ((field != null) && ((!(field is JSMemberField) || !(((JSMemberField)field).value is FunctionObject)) || this.func.isExpandoMethod)) { if (name != { field.originalContext.HandleError(JSError.ClashWithProperty); } else { id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, this.func.isExpandoMethod); if (field.value is FunctionObject) { ((FunctionObject)field.value).suppressIL = true; } } } if (this.isMethod) { if ((!(field is JSMemberField) || !(((JSMemberField)field).value is FunctionObject)) || (name != { this.field = ((ActivationObject)obj2).AddNewField(str2, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal); if (name == { this.field.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.FunctionWrapper, base.context)); } } else { this.field = ((JSMemberField)field).AddOverload(this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal); } } else if (obj2 is FunctionScope) { if (this.inFastScope) { attributes |= FieldAttributes.Literal; } this.field = ((FunctionScope)obj2).AddNewField(, attributes, this.func); if (this.field is JSLocalField) { JSLocalField field2 = (JSLocalField)this.field; if (this.inFastScope) { field2.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.ScriptFunction, base.context)); field2.attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Literal; } field2.debugOn = base.context.document.debugOn; field2.isDefined = true; } } else if (this.inFastScope) { this.field = ((ActivationObject)obj2).AddNewField(, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal); this.field.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.ScriptFunction, base.context)); } else { this.field = ((ActivationObject)obj2).AddNewField(, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Static); } this.field.originalContext = context; if (name != { string str3 = name; if (this.ifaceId != null) { str3 = ifaceId.ToString() + "." + name; } FieldInfo info = (FieldInfo)((ClassScope)obj2).name_table[str3]; if (info != null) { if (info.IsLiteral) { object obj3 = ((JSVariableField)info).value; if (obj3 is JSProperty) { this.enclosingProperty = (JSProperty)obj3; } } if (this.enclosingProperty == null) { id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); } } if (this.enclosingProperty == null) { this.enclosingProperty = new JSProperty(name); ((JSMemberField)((ActivationObject)obj2).AddNewField(str3, this.enclosingProperty, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal)).originalContext = base.context; } else if ((isGetter && (this.enclosingProperty.getter != null)) || (isSetter && (this.enclosingProperty.setter != null))) { id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); } if (isGetter) { this.enclosingProperty.getter = new JSFieldMethod(this.field, obj2); } else { this.enclosingProperty.setter = new JSFieldMethod(this.field, obj2); } } } } else { this.inFastScope = false; this.func = new FunctionObject(, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, obj2, base.context, MethodAttributes.Public, null, false); this.field = ((StackFrame)obj2).AddNewField(, new Closure(this.func), attributes | FieldAttributes.Static); } }
internal override AST PartiallyEvaluate() { if (base.classob.GetParent() is GlobalScope) { this.baseType.PartiallyEvaluate(); IReflect reflect = this.baseType.ToIReflect(); Type bt = null; if (!(reflect is Type) || !Microsoft.JScript.Convert.IsPrimitiveIntegerType(bt = (Type) reflect)) { this.baseType.context.HandleError(JSError.InvalidBaseTypeForEnum); this.baseType = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Int32, null)); bt = Typeob.Int32; } if (base.customAttributes != null) { base.customAttributes.PartiallyEvaluate(); } if (base.NeedsToBeCheckedForCLSCompliance()) { if (!TypeExpression.TypeIsCLSCompliant(reflect)) { this.baseType.context.HandleError(JSError.NonCLSCompliantType); } base.CheckMemberNamesForCLSCompliance(); } ScriptObject enclosingScope = base.enclosingScope; while (!(enclosingScope is GlobalScope) && !(enclosingScope is PackageScope)) { enclosingScope = enclosingScope.GetParent(); } base.classob.SetParent(new WithObject(enclosingScope, Typeob.Enum, true)); base.Globals.ScopeStack.Push(base.classob); try { JSMemberField[] fields = base.fields; for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { FieldInfo info = fields[i]; JSMemberField field = (JSMemberField) info; ((DeclaredEnumValue) field.value).CoerceToBaseType(bt, field.originalContext); } } finally { base.Globals.ScopeStack.Pop(); } } return this; }
private void GetSuperTypeMembers(){ SuperTypeMembersSorter sorter = new SuperTypeMembersSorter(); IReflect ir = this.superIR; //Add members on superclasses while (ir != null){ sorter.Add(ir.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Static|BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)); if (ir is Type){ ir = ((Type)ir).BaseType; }else{ ir = ((ClassScope)ir).GetSuperType(); } } //Add any implicit interfaces to the end of the explicit list of interfaces ArrayList implicitInterfaces = new ArrayList(); int n = this.interfaces.Length; IReflect[] explicitInterfaces = new IReflect[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ IReflect iface = explicitInterfaces[i] = this.interfaces[i].ToIReflect(); Type t = iface as Type; bool isInterface; if (t != null) isInterface = t.IsInterface; else{ ClassScope csc = (ClassScope)iface; isInterface = csc.owner.isInterface; } if (!isInterface) this.interfaces[i].context.HandleError(JSError.NeedInterface); } foreach (IReflect iface in explicitInterfaces) this.AddImplicitInterfaces(iface, explicitInterfaces, implicitInterfaces); for (int i = 0; i < implicitInterfaces.Count; i++){ IReflect iface = (IReflect)implicitInterfaces[i]; this.AddImplicitInterfaces(iface, explicitInterfaces, implicitInterfaces); } int m = implicitInterfaces.Count; if (m > 0){ TypeExpression[] newInterfaces = new TypeExpression[n + m]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) newInterfaces[i] = this.interfaces[i]; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) newInterfaces[i+n] = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(implicitInterfaces[i], null)); this.interfaces = newInterfaces; } //Add members on interfaces implemented by the class. Also check for circular definition; foreach (TypeExpression ifaceExpr in this.interfaces){ ClassScope ifcsc = ifaceExpr.ToIReflect() as ClassScope; if (ifcsc != null && ifcsc.owner.ImplementsInterface(this.classob)){ this.context.HandleError(JSError.CircularDefinition); this.interfaces = new TypeExpression[0]; break; } sorter.Add(ifaceExpr.ToIReflect().GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance)); } //Add unimplemented members on interfaces implemented by abstract superclasses ir = this.superIR; while (ir != null){ Type type = ir as Type; if (type != null){ if (!type.IsAbstract) break; Class.GetUnimplementedInferfaceMembersFor(type, sorter); ir = type.BaseType; }else{ ClassScope csc = (ClassScope)ir; if (!csc.owner.isAbstract) break; csc.owner.GetUnimplementedInferfaceMembers(sorter); ir = null; } } this.superMembers = sorter.GetMembers(); }
internal FunctionExpression(Context context, AST id, ParameterDeclaration[] formal_parameters, TypeExpression return_type, Block body, FunctionScope own_scope, FieldAttributes attributes) : base(context) { if (attributes != (FieldAttributes)0) { this.context.HandleError(JSError.SyntaxError); attributes = (FieldAttributes)0; } ScriptObject enclosingScope = Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); = id.ToString(); if ( == 0) { = "anonymous " + (uniqueNumber++).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { this.AddNameTo(enclosingScope); } this.func = new FunctionObject(, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, enclosingScope, this.context, MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public); }
internal FunctionDeclaration(Context context, AST ifaceId, IdentifierLiteral id, ParameterDeclaration[] formal_parameters, TypeExpression return_type, Block body, FunctionScope own_scope, FieldAttributes attributes, bool isMethod, bool isGetter, bool isSetter, bool isAbstract, bool isFinal, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context) { this.completion = new Completion(); MethodAttributes privateScope = MethodAttributes.PrivateScope; if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Public) { privateScope = MethodAttributes.Public; } else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Private) { privateScope = MethodAttributes.Private; } else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Assembly) { privateScope = MethodAttributes.Assembly; } else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Family) { privateScope = MethodAttributes.Family; } else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.FamORAssem) { privateScope = MethodAttributes.FamORAssem; } else { privateScope = MethodAttributes.Public; } if (((attributes & FieldAttributes.Static) != FieldAttributes.PrivateScope) || !isMethod) { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.Static; } else { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.NewSlot | MethodAttributes.Virtual; } if (isAbstract) { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.Abstract; } if (isFinal) { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.Final; } = id.ToString(); this.isMethod = isMethod; if (ifaceId != null) { if (isMethod) { this.ifaceId = new TypeExpression(ifaceId); privateScope &= ~MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask; privateScope |= MethodAttributes.Final | MethodAttributes.Private; } else { this.declaringObject = new Member(ifaceId.context, ifaceId, id); = this.declaringObject.ToString(); } } ScriptObject obj2 = base.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); if (((attributes == FieldAttributes.PrivateScope) && !isAbstract) && !isFinal) { if (obj2 is ClassScope) { attributes |= FieldAttributes.Public; } } else if (!(obj2 is ClassScope)) { base.context.HandleError(JSError.NotInsideClass); attributes = FieldAttributes.PrivateScope; privateScope = MethodAttributes.Public; } if (obj2 is ActivationObject) { this.inFastScope = ((ActivationObject) obj2).fast; string name =; if (isGetter) { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName; = "get_" +; if (return_type == null) { return_type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, context)); } } else if (isSetter) { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName; = "set_" +; return_type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Void, context)); } attributes &= FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask; MethodAttributes attributes3 = privateScope & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask; if ((((privateScope & MethodAttributes.Virtual) != MethodAttributes.PrivateScope) && ((privateScope & MethodAttributes.Final) == MethodAttributes.PrivateScope)) && (((attributes3 == MethodAttributes.Private) || (attributes3 == MethodAttributes.Assembly)) || (attributes3 == MethodAttributes.FamANDAssem))) { privateScope |= MethodAttributes.CheckAccessOnOverride; } this.func = new FunctionObject(, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, obj2, base.context, privateScope, customAttributes, this.isMethod); if (this.declaringObject == null) { string str2 =; if (this.ifaceId != null) { str2 = ifaceId.ToString() + "." + str2; } JSVariableField field = (JSVariableField) ((ActivationObject) obj2).name_table[str2]; if ((field != null) && ((!(field is JSMemberField) || !(((JSMemberField) field).value is FunctionObject)) || this.func.isExpandoMethod)) { if (name != { field.originalContext.HandleError(JSError.ClashWithProperty); } else { id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, this.func.isExpandoMethod); if (field.value is FunctionObject) { ((FunctionObject) field.value).suppressIL = true; } } } if (this.isMethod) { if ((!(field is JSMemberField) || !(((JSMemberField) field).value is FunctionObject)) || (name != { this.field = ((ActivationObject) obj2).AddNewField(str2, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal); if (name == { this.field.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.FunctionWrapper, base.context)); } } else { this.field = ((JSMemberField) field).AddOverload(this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal); } } else if (obj2 is FunctionScope) { if (this.inFastScope) { attributes |= FieldAttributes.Literal; } this.field = ((FunctionScope) obj2).AddNewField(, attributes, this.func); if (this.field is JSLocalField) { JSLocalField field2 = (JSLocalField) this.field; if (this.inFastScope) { field2.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.ScriptFunction, base.context)); field2.attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Literal; } field2.debugOn = base.context.document.debugOn; field2.isDefined = true; } } else if (this.inFastScope) { this.field = ((ActivationObject) obj2).AddNewField(, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal); this.field.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.ScriptFunction, base.context)); } else { this.field = ((ActivationObject) obj2).AddNewField(, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Static); } this.field.originalContext = context; if (name != { string str3 = name; if (this.ifaceId != null) { str3 = ifaceId.ToString() + "." + name; } FieldInfo info = (FieldInfo) ((ClassScope) obj2).name_table[str3]; if (info != null) { if (info.IsLiteral) { object obj3 = ((JSVariableField) info).value; if (obj3 is JSProperty) { this.enclosingProperty = (JSProperty) obj3; } } if (this.enclosingProperty == null) { id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); } } if (this.enclosingProperty == null) { this.enclosingProperty = new JSProperty(name); ((JSMemberField) ((ActivationObject) obj2).AddNewField(str3, this.enclosingProperty, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal)).originalContext = base.context; } else if ((isGetter && (this.enclosingProperty.getter != null)) || (isSetter && (this.enclosingProperty.setter != null))) { id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); } if (isGetter) { this.enclosingProperty.getter = new JSFieldMethod(this.field, obj2); } else { this.enclosingProperty.setter = new JSFieldMethod(this.field, obj2); } } } } else { this.inFastScope = false; this.func = new FunctionObject(, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, obj2, base.context, MethodAttributes.Public, null, false); this.field = ((StackFrame) obj2).AddNewField(, new Closure(this.func), attributes | FieldAttributes.Static); } }
internal VariableDeclaration(Context context, Lookup identifier, TypeExpression type, AST initializer, FieldAttributes attributes, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context) { if (initializer != null) { base.context.UpdateWith(initializer.context); } else if (type != null) { base.context.UpdateWith(type.context); } this.identifier = identifier; this.type = type; this.initializer = initializer; ScriptObject parent = base.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); while (parent is WithObject) { parent = parent.GetParent(); } string name = this.identifier.ToString(); if (parent is ClassScope) { if (name == ((ClassScope)parent).name) { identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.CannotUseNameOfClass); name = name + " var"; } } else if (attributes != FieldAttributes.PrivateScope) { base.context.HandleError(JSError.NotInsideClass); attributes = FieldAttributes.Public; } else { attributes |= FieldAttributes.Public; } FieldInfo localField = ((IActivationObject)parent).GetLocalField(name); if (localField != null) { if ((localField.IsLiteral || (parent is ClassScope)) || (type != null)) { identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); } this.type = (TypeExpression)(type = null); } if (parent is ActivationObject) { if ((localField == null) || (localField is JSVariableField)) { this.field = ((ActivationObject)parent).AddFieldOrUseExistingField(this.identifier.ToString(), Microsoft.JScript.Missing.Value, attributes); } else { this.field = ((ActivationObject)parent).AddNewField(this.identifier.ToString(), null, attributes); } } else { this.field = ((StackFrame)parent).AddNewField(this.identifier.ToString(), null, attributes | FieldAttributes.Static); } this.field.type = type; this.field.customAttributes = customAttributes; this.field.originalContext = context; if (this.field is JSLocalField) { ((JSLocalField)this.field).debugOn = this.identifier.context.document.debugOn; } this.completion = new Completion(); }
private TypeExpression ParseTypeExpression() { AST ast = null; try { ast = this.ParseQualifiedIdentifier(JSError.NeedType); } catch (RecoveryTokenException exception) { if (exception._partiallyComputedNode != null) { exception._partiallyComputedNode = new TypeExpression(exception._partiallyComputedNode); } throw exception; } TypeExpression expression = new TypeExpression(ast); if (expression != null) { while (!this.scanner.GotEndOfLine() && (JSToken.LeftBracket == this.currentToken.token)) { this.GetNextToken(); int num = 1; while (JSToken.Comma == this.currentToken.token) { this.GetNextToken(); num++; } if (JSToken.RightBracket != this.currentToken.token) { this.ReportError(JSError.NoRightBracket); } this.GetNextToken(); if (expression.isArray) { expression = new TypeExpression(expression); } expression.isArray = true; expression.rank = num; } } return expression; }
// has to be called after partially evaluate internal bool IsCLSCompliant() { Object value = this.expression.Evaluate(); return(TypeExpression.TypeIsCLSCompliant(value)); }
private AST ParseClass(FieldAttributes visibilitySpec, bool isStatic, Context classCtx, bool isAbstract, bool isFinal, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) { AST name = null; AST ast2 = null; TypeExpression superTypeExpression = null; Block body = null; TypeExpression[] expressionArray; AST ast4; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); bool isInterface = JSToken.Interface == this.currentToken.token; this.GetNextToken(); if (JSToken.Identifier == this.currentToken.token) { name = new IdentifierLiteral(this.scanner.GetIdentifier(), this.currentToken.Clone()); } else { this.ReportError(JSError.NoIdentifier); if (((JSToken.Extends != this.currentToken.token) && (JSToken.Implements != this.currentToken.token)) && (JSToken.LeftCurly != this.currentToken.token)) { this.SkipTokensAndThrow(); } name = new IdentifierLiteral("##Missing Class Name##" + s_cDummyName++, this.CurrentPositionContext()); } this.GetNextToken(); if ((JSToken.Extends == this.currentToken.token) || (JSToken.Implements == this.currentToken.token)) { if (isInterface && (JSToken.Extends == this.currentToken.token)) { this.currentToken.token = JSToken.Implements; } if (JSToken.Extends == this.currentToken.token) { this.noSkipTokenSet.Add(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassExtendsNoSkipTokenSet); try { ast2 = this.ParseQualifiedIdentifier(JSError.NeedType); } catch (RecoveryTokenException exception) { if (this.IndexOfToken(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassExtendsNoSkipTokenSet, exception) == -1) { exception._partiallyComputedNode = null; throw exception; } ast2 = exception._partiallyComputedNode; } finally { this.noSkipTokenSet.Remove(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassExtendsNoSkipTokenSet); } } if (JSToken.Implements == this.currentToken.token) { do { AST expression = null; this.noSkipTokenSet.Add(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassImplementsNoSkipTokenSet); try { expression = this.ParseQualifiedIdentifier(JSError.NeedType); list.Add(new TypeExpression(expression)); } catch (RecoveryTokenException exception2) { if (this.IndexOfToken(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassImplementsNoSkipTokenSet, exception2) == -1) { exception2._partiallyComputedNode = null; throw exception2; } if (exception2._partiallyComputedNode != null) { list.Add(new TypeExpression(exception2._partiallyComputedNode)); } } finally { this.noSkipTokenSet.Remove(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassImplementsNoSkipTokenSet); } } while (JSToken.Comma == this.currentToken.token); } } if (ast2 != null) { superTypeExpression = new TypeExpression(ast2); } if (JSToken.LeftCurly != this.currentToken.token) { this.ReportError(JSError.NoLeftCurly); } ArrayList blockType = this.blockType; this.blockType = new ArrayList(0x10); SimpleHashtable labelTable = this.labelTable; this.labelTable = new SimpleHashtable(0x10); this.Globals.ScopeStack.Push(new ClassScope(name, ((IActivationObject) this.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek()).GetGlobalScope())); try { body = this.ParseClassBody(false, isInterface); classCtx.UpdateWith(body.context); expressionArray = new TypeExpression[list.Count]; list.CopyTo(expressionArray); Class target = new Class(classCtx, name, superTypeExpression, expressionArray, body, visibilitySpec, isAbstract, isFinal, isStatic, isInterface, customAttributes); if (customAttributes != null) { customAttributes.SetTarget(target); } ast4 = target; } catch (RecoveryTokenException exception3) { classCtx.UpdateWith(exception3._partiallyComputedNode.context); expressionArray = new TypeExpression[list.Count]; list.CopyTo(expressionArray); exception3._partiallyComputedNode = new Class(classCtx, name, superTypeExpression, expressionArray, (Block) exception3._partiallyComputedNode, visibilitySpec, isAbstract, isFinal, isStatic, isInterface, customAttributes); if (customAttributes != null) { customAttributes.SetTarget(exception3._partiallyComputedNode); } throw exception3; } finally { this.Globals.ScopeStack.Pop(); this.blockType = blockType; this.labelTable = labelTable; } return ast4; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ParseClass // // Class : // 'class' identifier OptionalExtends ClassBody // // Extends : // 'extends' QualifiedIdentifier // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private AST ParseClass(FieldAttributes visibilitySpec, bool isStatic, Context classCtx, bool isAbstract, bool isFinal, CustomAttributeList customAttributes){ AST name = null; AST baseId = null; TypeExpression baseType = null; Block body = null; ArrayList interfaces = new ArrayList(); bool isInterface = JSToken.Interface == this.currentToken.token; GetNextToken(); if (JSToken.Identifier == this.currentToken.token){ name = new IdentifierLiteral(this.scanner.GetIdentifier(), this.currentToken.Clone()); }else{ ReportError(JSError.NoIdentifier); if (JSToken.Extends != this.currentToken.token && JSToken.Implements != this.currentToken.token && JSToken.LeftCurly != this.currentToken.token) SkipTokensAndThrow(); // what the is this? name = new IdentifierLiteral("##Missing Class Name##" + s_cDummyName++, CurrentPositionContext()); } GetNextToken(); if (JSToken.Extends == this.currentToken.token || JSToken.Implements == this.currentToken.token){ if (isInterface && JSToken.Extends == this.currentToken.token) this.currentToken.token = JSToken.Implements; if (JSToken.Extends == this.currentToken.token){ this.noSkipTokenSet.Add(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassExtendsNoSkipTokenSet); try{ baseId = ParseQualifiedIdentifier(JSError.NeedType); }catch(RecoveryTokenException exc){ if (IndexOfToken(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassExtendsNoSkipTokenSet, exc) == -1){ exc._partiallyComputedNode = null; throw exc; }else{ baseId = exc._partiallyComputedNode; } }finally{ this.noSkipTokenSet.Remove(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassExtendsNoSkipTokenSet); } } if (JSToken.Implements == this.currentToken.token){ do{ AST typeId = null; this.noSkipTokenSet.Add(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassImplementsNoSkipTokenSet); try{ typeId = ParseQualifiedIdentifier(JSError.NeedType); interfaces.Add(new TypeExpression(typeId)); }catch(RecoveryTokenException exc){ if (IndexOfToken(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassImplementsNoSkipTokenSet, exc) == -1){ exc._partiallyComputedNode = null; throw exc; }else{ if (exc._partiallyComputedNode != null) interfaces.Add(new TypeExpression(exc._partiallyComputedNode)); } }finally{ this.noSkipTokenSet.Remove(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ClassImplementsNoSkipTokenSet); } }while (JSToken.Comma == this.currentToken.token); } } if (baseId != null) baseType = new TypeExpression(baseId); if (JSToken.LeftCurly != this.currentToken.token){ ReportError(JSError.NoLeftCurly); } // make a new state and save the old one ArrayList blockType = this.blockType; this.blockType = new ArrayList(16); SimpleHashtable labelTable = this.labelTable; this.labelTable = new SimpleHashtable(16); Globals.ScopeStack.Push(new ClassScope(name, ((IActivationObject)Globals.ScopeStack.Peek()).GetGlobalScope())); //Give declarations a place to go while building AST TypeExpression[] ifaces; try{ body = ParseClassBody(false, isInterface); classCtx.UpdateWith(body.context); ifaces = new TypeExpression[interfaces.Count]; interfaces.CopyTo(ifaces); Class result = new Class(classCtx, name, baseType, ifaces, body, visibilitySpec, isAbstract, isFinal, isStatic, isInterface, customAttributes); if (customAttributes != null) customAttributes.SetTarget(result); return result; }catch(RecoveryTokenException exc){ classCtx.UpdateWith(exc._partiallyComputedNode.context); ifaces = new TypeExpression[interfaces.Count]; interfaces.CopyTo(ifaces); exc._partiallyComputedNode = new Class(classCtx, name, baseType, ifaces, (Block)exc._partiallyComputedNode, visibilitySpec, isAbstract, isFinal, isStatic, isInterface, customAttributes); if (customAttributes != null) customAttributes.SetTarget(exc._partiallyComputedNode); throw exc; }finally{ Globals.ScopeStack.Pop(); this.blockType = blockType; this.labelTable = labelTable; } }