public static double setUTCSeconds(object thisObj, double dsec, object msec) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); DateObject date = (DateObject)thisObj; double t =; double new_ms; if (msec == null) { new_ms = DateConstructor.msFromTime(t); } else { new_ms = Convert.ToNumber(msec); } double time = DateConstructor.MakeTime(DateConstructor.HourFromTime(t), DateConstructor.MinFromTime(t), dsec, new_ms); double day = Math.Floor(t / DateConstructor.MS_PER_DAY); double new_val = DateConstructor.MakeDate(day, time); = DateConstructor.TimeClip(new_val); return(; }
public static string toUTCString(object thisObj) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); DateObject date_obj = (DateObject)thisObj; double val =; int year = DateConstructor.YearFromTime(val); int month = DateConstructor.MonthFromTime(val); int date = DateConstructor.DateFromTime(val); int hour = DateConstructor.HourFromTime(val); int min = DateConstructor.MinFromTime(val); int sec = DateConstructor.SecFromTime(val); DateTime dt; try { dt = new DateTime(year, month + 1, date); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { return(InvalidDateString); } string date_string = dt.ToString("ddd, d MMM yyyy ", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string time_string = String.Format(@"{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} UTC", hour, min, sec); return(date_string + time_string); }
public static double getTime(object thisObj) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); DateObject date = (DateObject)thisObj; return(; }
public static string toLocaleString(object thisObj) { // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic!? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(ArrayObject)); ArrayObject array_obj = (ArrayObject)thisObj; string separator = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator + " "; Hashtable elems = array_obj.elems; uint n = (uint)array_obj.length; StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); bool first = true; for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) { ScriptObject elem = (ScriptObject)Convert.ToObject(elems [i], null); if (!first && elem != null) { str.Append(separator); } first = false; if (elem != null) { str.Append(Convert.ToString(elem.CallMethod("toLocaleString", new object [] { }))); } } return(str.ToString()); }
public static object unshift(object thisObj, params object [] args) { // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic!? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(ArrayObject)); ArrayObject array_obj = (ArrayObject)thisObj; Hashtable elems = array_obj.elems; uint old_length = (uint)array_obj.length; uint arg_length = (uint)args.Length; uint new_length = old_length + arg_length; if (arg_length > 0) { // First let's make some free space for the new items long i = (long)old_length - 1; long j = i + (long)arg_length; for (; i >= 0; i--, j--) { elems [(uint)j] = elems [(uint)i]; } // Then insert the new items in the now free space for (; j >= 0; j--) { elems [(uint)j] = args [(uint)j]; } } // // NOTE: MSC returns the new array, but // ECMA-262 says to return the new length. We // conform to the standard. // array_obj.length = new_length; return(new_length); }
internal bool HasMethod(string name) { Type prototype = SemanticAnalyser.map_to_prototype(this); MethodInfo method = prototype.GetMethod(name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); return(method != null); }
public static string toString(object thisObj) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(ErrorObject)); ErrorObject error = (ErrorObject)thisObj; return(error.message.ToString()); }
public static object shift(object thisObj) { // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic!? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(ArrayObject)); ArrayObject array_obj = (ArrayObject)thisObj; Hashtable elems = array_obj.elems; uint n = (uint)array_obj.length; object result = null; if (n > 0) { if (elems.ContainsKey((uint)0)) { result = elems [(uint)0]; elems.Remove((uint)0); for (uint i = 1; i < n; i++) { elems [i - 1] = elems [i]; } } // Last element gets removed automatically array_obj.length = n - 1; } return(result); }
internal static MemberInfo get_member(AST left, AST right) { bool right_is_identifier = false; if (left != null && right != null) { right_is_identifier = right is Identifier; Type target_type = null; string prop_name = string.Empty; string obj = string.Empty; if (left is Identifier && right_is_identifier) { obj = ((Identifier)left).name.Value; prop_name = ((Identifier)right).name.Value; target_type = SemanticAnalyser.map_to_ctr(obj); } else if (left is ICanLookupPrototype && right_is_identifier) { prop_name = ((Identifier)right).name.Value; target_type = SemanticAnalyser.map_to_prototype(left); } if (target_type != null && prop_name != string.Empty) { return(Find(target_type, prop_name)); } } return(null); }
public static string toString(object thisObj) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(RegExpObject)); RegExpObject re = (RegExpObject)thisObj; return(re.ToString()); }
public static double setMonth(object thisObj, double dmonth, object date) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); DateObject dt = (DateObject)thisObj; double t = DateConstructor.LocalTime(; double new_date; if (date == null) { new_date = DateConstructor.DateFromTime(t); } else { new_date = Convert.ToNumber(date); } double day = DateConstructor.MakeDay((double)DateConstructor.YearFromTime(t), dmonth, new_date); double new_val = DateConstructor.ToUTC(DateConstructor.MakeDate(day, t % DateConstructor.MS_PER_DAY)); = DateConstructor.TimeClip(new_val); return(; }
public static object call(object thisObj, object thisArg, params object [] args) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(ScriptFunction)); ScriptFunction fun = (ScriptFunction)thisObj; return(fun.Invoke(thisArg, args)); }
public static double setTime(object thisObj, double time) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); DateObject date = (DateObject)thisObj; = DateConstructor.TimeClip(time); return(; }
protected bool ValidLabel() { binding = SemanticAnalyser.GetLabel(label); if (binding == null || !IsLabel(binding)) { throw new Exception("error JS1026: Label not found"); } return(true); }
public static ArrayObject slice(object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, double start, object end) { // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic!? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(ArrayObject)); ArrayObject array_obj = (ArrayObject)thisObj; uint array_len = (uint)array_obj.length; uint _start, _end; if (start > array_len) { _start = array_len; } else { _start = (uint)start; if (_start < 0) { _start += array_len; } } if (end == null) { _end = array_len; } else { _end = Convert.ToUint32(end); if (_end < 0) { _end += array_len; } else if (_end > array_len) { _end = array_len; } } if (_end < _start) { _end = _start; } ArrayObject result = new ArrayObject(); result.length = _end - _start; for (uint i = _start; i < _end; i++) { result.elems [i - _start] = array_obj.elems [i]; } return(result); }
public static double setUTCDate(object thisObj, double ddate) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); DateObject date = (DateObject)thisObj; double t =; double day = DateConstructor.MakeDay((double)DateConstructor.YearFromTime(t), (double)DateConstructor.MonthFromTime(t), ddate); double new_val = DateConstructor.MakeDate(day, t % DateConstructor.MS_PER_DAY); = DateConstructor.TimeClip(new_val); return(; }
public static string toString(object thisObj) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); string date_str = toDateString(thisObj); if (date_str == InvalidDateString) { return(date_str); } return(date_str.Insert(date_str.LastIndexOf(' '), " " + toTimeString(thisObj))); }
public MethodInfo GetMethod(string name, BindingFlags bindFlags) { Type prototype = SemanticAnalyser.map_to_prototype(this); if (prototype != null) { return(prototype.GetMethod(name, bindFlags | BindingFlags.Static)); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public static double setUTCMilliseconds(object thisObj, double msec) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); DateObject date = (DateObject)thisObj; double t =; double time = DateConstructor.MakeTime(DateConstructor.HourFromTime(t), DateConstructor.MinFromTime(t), DateConstructor.SecFromTime(t), msec); double day = Math.Floor(t / DateConstructor.MS_PER_DAY); double new_val = DateConstructor.MakeDate(day, time); = DateConstructor.TimeClip(new_val); return(; }
public static string toTimeString(object thisObj) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); DateObject date_obj = (DateObject)thisObj; double val =; double lv = DateConstructor.LocalTime(val); int hour = DateConstructor.HourFromTime(lv); int min = DateConstructor.MinFromTime(lv); int sec = DateConstructor.SecFromTime(lv); double off = getTimezoneOffset(thisObj); return(String.Format(@"{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} UTC{3:\+0;\-0;\+0}", hour, min, sec, -off / 60)); }
internal override bool Resolve(Environment env) { try { SemanticAnalyser.AddLabel(name, this); } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new Exception("error JS1025: Label redefined"); } if (stm != null) { stm.Resolve(env); } SemanticAnalyser.RemoveLabel(name); return(true); }
public static object sort(object thisObj, object function) { // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(ArrayObject)); ArrayObject array_obj = (ArrayObject)thisObj; ScriptFunction fun = function as ScriptFunction; uint n = (uint)array_obj.length; if (n > 1) { SortHelper.qsort(array_obj.elems, 0, n - 1, SortHelper.CompareDelegateFor(fun)); } return(array_obj); }
internal static bool IsDeletable(Identifier left, Identifier right, out bool isCtr) { Type ctr = SemanticAnalyser.map_to_ctr(; isCtr = ctr != null ? true : false; if (isCtr) { return(SemanticAnalyser.get_member(left, right) == null); } Console.WriteLine("ctr = {0}, left = {1} ({2}); right = {3} ({4})", ctr, left, left.GetType(), right, right.GetType()); return(false); }
internal object CallMethod(string name, params object [] args) { Type prototype = SemanticAnalyser.map_to_prototype(this); MethodInfo method = prototype.GetMethod(name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); if (method == null) { method = typeof(ObjectPrototype).GetMethod(name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); } if (method == null) { Console.WriteLine("CallMethod: method is null! this = {0}, prototype = {1}, name = {2}", this, prototype, name); } return(CallMethod(method, args)); }
public static double getTimezoneOffset(object thisObj) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); DateObject date = (DateObject)thisObj; double val =; if (Double.IsNaN(val)) { return(Double.NaN); } else { return((val - DateConstructor.LocalTime(val)) / DateConstructor.MS_PER_MINUTE); } }
public static double getFullYear(object thisObj) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); DateObject date = (DateObject)thisObj; double val =; if (Double.IsNaN(val)) { return(Double.NaN); } else { return(DateConstructor.YearFromTime(DateConstructor.LocalTime(val))); } }
public static double getUTCMilliseconds(object thisObj) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); DateObject date = (DateObject)thisObj; double val =; if (Double.IsNaN(val)) { return(Double.NaN); } else { return(DateConstructor.msFromTime(val)); } }
public static double setHours(object thisObj, double dhour, object min, object sec, object msec) { SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(DateObject)); DateObject date = (DateObject)thisObj; double t = DateConstructor.LocalTime(; double new_min; if (min == null) { new_min = DateConstructor.MinFromTime(t); } else { new_min = Convert.ToNumber(min); } double new_sec; if (sec == null) { new_sec = DateConstructor.SecFromTime(t); } else { new_sec = Convert.ToNumber(sec); } double new_ms; if (msec == null) { new_ms = DateConstructor.msFromTime(t); } else { new_ms = Convert.ToNumber(msec); } double time = DateConstructor.MakeTime(dhour, new_min, new_sec, new_ms); double day = Math.Floor(t / DateConstructor.MS_PER_DAY); double new_val = DateConstructor.ToUTC(DateConstructor.MakeDate(day, time)); = DateConstructor.TimeClip(new_val); return(; }
public static long push(object thisObj, params object [] args) { // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic!? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(ArrayObject)); ArrayObject array_obj = (ArrayObject)thisObj; Hashtable elems = array_obj.elems; uint i = (uint)array_obj.length; long n = i + args.Length; for (uint j = 0; i < n; i++, j++) { elems [i] = args [j]; } array_obj.length = n; return(n); }
internal void build_closure(EmitContext ec, string full_name, string encodedSource) { ILGenerator ig = ec.ig; string name =; Type t = ec.mod_builder.GetType(CodeGenerator.GetTypeName(Location.SourceName)); ig.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, t); ig.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, name); ig.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, full_name); func_obj.parameters.Emit(ec); build_local_fields(ig); // // If we have en eval method call, we have to // save the loca vars in the stack // if (SemanticAnalyser.MethodContainsEval(name) || SemanticAnalyser.MethodVarsUsedNested(name)) { ig.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); } else { ig.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); } ig.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); // FIXME: this hard coded for now. ig.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, Decompiler.Decompile(encodedSource, 0, 0).Trim()); ig.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull); // FIXME: this hard coded for now. CodeGenerator.load_engine(InFunction, ig); ig.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(FunctionDeclaration).GetMethod("JScriptFunctionDeclaration")); if (parent == null || parent.GetType() == typeof(ScriptBlock)) { ig.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, t.GetField(name)); } else { ig.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, local_func); } }