internal EnumDeclaration(Context context, IdentifierLiteral id, TypeExpression baseType, Block body, FieldAttributes attributes, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context, id, new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Enum, null)), new TypeExpression[0], body, attributes, false, false, true, false, customAttributes) { this.baseType = (baseType != null) ? baseType : new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Int32, null)); base.needsEngine = false; base.attributes &= TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem; TypeExpression expression = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(base.classob, base.context)); AST ast = new ConstantWrapper(-1, null); AST ast2 = new ConstantWrapper(1, null); JSMemberField[] fields = base.fields; for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { FieldInfo info = fields[i]; JSVariableField field = (JSVariableField) info; field.attributeFlags = FieldAttributes.Literal | FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.Public; field.type = expression; if (field.value == null) { field.value = ast = new Plus(ast.context, ast, ast2); } else { ast = (AST) field.value; } field.value = new DeclaredEnumValue(field.value, field.Name, base.classob); } }
internal PostOrPrefixOperator(Context context, AST operand, PostOrPrefix operatorTok) : base(context, operand) { this.operatorMeth = null; this.operatorTok = operatorTok; this.metaData = null; this.type = null; }
internal If(Context context, AST condition, AST true_branch, AST false_branch) : base(context) { this.condition = condition; this.operand1 = true_branch; this.operand2 = false_branch; this.completion = new Completion(); }
internal static TokenColor ColorFromToken(Context context) { JSToken token = context.GetToken(); if (JSScanner.IsKeyword(token)) { return TokenColor.COLOR_KEYWORD; } if (JSToken.Identifier == token) { if (context.Equals("eval")) { return TokenColor.COLOR_KEYWORD; } return TokenColor.COLOR_IDENTIFIER; } if (JSToken.StringLiteral == token) { return TokenColor.COLOR_STRING; } if ((JSToken.NumericLiteral == token) || (JSToken.IntegerLiteral == token)) { return TokenColor.COLOR_NUMBER; } if ((JSToken.Comment == token) || (JSToken.UnterminatedComment == token)) { return TokenColor.COLOR_COMMENT; } if (JSScanner.IsOperator(token)) { return TokenColor.COLOR_OPERATOR; } return TokenColor.COLOR_TEXT; }
internal StaticInitializer(Context context, Block body, FunctionScope own_scope) : base(context) { this.func = new FunctionObject(null, new ParameterDeclaration[0], null, body, own_scope, Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(), context, MethodAttributes.Private|MethodAttributes.Static); this.func.isMethod = true; this.func.hasArgumentsObject = false; this.completion = new Completion(); }
internal FunctionObject(Type t, string name, string method_name, string[] formal_parameters, JSLocalField[] fields, bool must_save_stack_locals, bool hasArgumentsObject, string text, VsaEngine engine) : base(engine.Globals.globalObject.originalFunction.originalPrototype, name, formal_parameters.Length) { base.engine = engine; this.formal_parameters = formal_parameters; this.argumentsSlotNumber = 0; this.body = null; this.method = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(Globals.TypeRefs.ToReferenceContext(t)).GetMethod(method_name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); this.parameterInfos = this.method.GetParameters(); if (!Microsoft.JScript.CustomAttribute.IsDefined(this.method, typeof(JSFunctionAttribute), false)) { this.isMethod = true; } else { JSFunctionAttributeEnum attributeValue = ((JSFunctionAttribute) Microsoft.JScript.CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(this.method, typeof(JSFunctionAttribute), false)[0]).attributeValue; this.isExpandoMethod = (attributeValue & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.IsExpandoMethod) != JSFunctionAttributeEnum.None; } this.funcContext = null; this.own_scope = null; this.fields = fields; this.must_save_stack_locals = must_save_stack_locals; this.hasArgumentsObject = hasArgumentsObject; this.text = text; this.attributes = MethodAttributes.Public; this.globals = engine.Globals; this.superConstructor = null; this.superConstructorCall = null; this.enclosing_scope = this.globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); base.noExpando = false; this.clsCompliance = CLSComplianceSpec.NotAttributed; }
internal FunctionObject(string name, ParameterDeclaration[] parameter_declarations, TypeExpression return_type_expr, Block body, FunctionScope own_scope, ScriptObject enclosing_scope, Context funcContext, MethodAttributes attributes, CustomAttributeList customAttributes, bool isMethod) : base(body.Globals.globalObject.originalFunction.originalPrototype, name, parameter_declarations.Length) { this.parameter_declarations = parameter_declarations; int length = parameter_declarations.Length; this.formal_parameters = new string[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { this.formal_parameters[i] = parameter_declarations[i].identifier; } this.argumentsSlotNumber = 0; this.return_type_expr = return_type_expr; if (this.return_type_expr != null) { own_scope.AddReturnValueField(); } this.body = body; this.method = null; this.parameterInfos = null; this.funcContext = funcContext; this.own_scope = own_scope; this.own_scope.owner = this; if ((!(enclosing_scope is ActivationObject) || !((ActivationObject) enclosing_scope).fast) && !isMethod) { this.argumentsSlotNumber = this.own_scope.GetNextSlotNumber(); JSLocalField field = (JSLocalField) this.own_scope.AddNewField("arguments", null, FieldAttributes.PrivateScope); field.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, funcContext)); field.isDefined = true; this.hasArgumentsObject = true; } else { this.hasArgumentsObject = false; } this.implementedIface = null; this.implementedIfaceMethod = null; this.isMethod = isMethod; this.isExpandoMethod = (customAttributes != null) && customAttributes.ContainsExpandoAttribute(); this.isStatic = this.own_scope.isStatic = (attributes & MethodAttributes.Static) != MethodAttributes.PrivateScope; this.suppressIL = false; this.noVersionSafeAttributeSpecified = true; this.fields = this.own_scope.GetLocalFields(); this.enclosing_scope = enclosing_scope; this.must_save_stack_locals = false; this.text = null; this.mb = null; this.cb = null; this.attributes = attributes; if (!this.isStatic) { this.attributes |= MethodAttributes.HideBySig; } this.globals = body.Globals; this.superConstructor = null; this.superConstructorCall = null; this.customAttributes = customAttributes; base.noExpando = false; this.clsCompliance = CLSComplianceSpec.NotAttributed; this.engineLocal = null; this.partiallyEvaluated = false; }
public virtual SourceState GetStateForText(string sourceCode, SourceState state) { if (sourceCode != null) { this._state = SourceState.STATE_COLOR_NORMAL; Context sourceContext = new Context(null, sourceCode); this._scanner.SetSource(sourceContext); if ((SourceState.STATE_COLOR_COMMENT == state) && (this._scanner.SkipMultiLineComment() > sourceCode.Length)) { this._state = SourceState.STATE_COLOR_COMMENT; return this._state; } this._scanner.GetNextToken(); JSToken none = JSToken.None; while (sourceContext.GetToken() != JSToken.EndOfFile) { none = sourceContext.GetToken(); this._scanner.GetNextToken(); } if (JSToken.UnterminatedComment == none) { this._state = SourceState.STATE_COLOR_COMMENT; } } return this._state; }
internal RegExpLiteral(String source, String flags, Context context) : base(context) { this.source = source; this.ignoreCase = = this.multiline = false; if (flags != null) for (int i = 0; i < flags.Length; i++) switch (flags[i]) { case 'i': if (this.ignoreCase) throw new JScriptException(JSError.RegExpSyntax); this.ignoreCase = true; break; case 'g': if ( throw new JScriptException(JSError.RegExpSyntax); = true; break; case 'm': if (this.multiline) throw new JScriptException(JSError.RegExpSyntax); this.multiline = true; break; default: throw new JScriptException(JSError.RegExpSyntax); } }
internal JScriptException(JSError errorNumber, Context context) { this.errorNumber = errorNumber; this.wrappedException = null; this.context = context; this.message = null; }
internal Eval(Context context, AST operand, AST unsafeOption) : base(context) { this.operand = operand; this.unsafeOption = unsafeOption; ScriptObject obj2 = base.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); ((IActivationObject) obj2).GetGlobalScope().evilScript = true; if (obj2 is ActivationObject) { ((ActivationObject) obj2).isKnownAtCompileTime = base.Engine.doFast; } if (obj2 is FunctionScope) { this.enclosingFunctionScope = (FunctionScope) obj2; this.enclosingFunctionScope.mustSaveStackLocals = true; for (ScriptObject obj3 = this.enclosingFunctionScope.GetParent(); obj3 != null; obj3 = obj3.GetParent()) { FunctionScope scope = obj3 as FunctionScope; if (scope != null) { scope.mustSaveStackLocals = true; scope.closuresMightEscape = true; } } } else { this.enclosingFunctionScope = null; } }
internal ScriptFunction Construct(object[] args, VsaEngine engine) { ScriptFunction function; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("function anonymous("); int index = 0; int num2 = args.Length - 2; while (index < num2) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[index])); builder.Append(", "); index++; } if (args.Length > 1) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 2])); } builder.Append(") {\n"); if (args.Length > 0) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 1])); } builder.Append("\n}"); Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("anonymous", engine), builder.ToString()); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); engine.PushScriptObject(((IActivationObject) engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope()); try { function = (ScriptFunction) parser.ParseFunctionExpression().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate(); } finally { engine.PopScriptObject(); } return function; }
internal Try(Context context, AST body, AST identifier, TypeExpression type, AST handler, AST finally_block, bool finallyHasControlFlowOutOfIt, Context tryEndContext) : base(context) { this.body = body; this.type = type; this.handler = handler; this.finally_block = finally_block; ScriptObject current_scope = (ScriptObject)Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); while (current_scope is WithObject) //Can only happen at run time and only if there is an eval current_scope = current_scope.GetParent(); this.handler_scope = null; this.field = null; if (identifier != null){ this.fieldName = identifier.ToString(); this.field = current_scope.GetField(this.fieldName, BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Static); if (this.field != null){ if (type == null && (field is JSVariableField && field.IsStatic && ((JSVariableField)field).type == null) && !field.IsLiteral && !field.IsInitOnly) return; //preserve legacy semantics by using the existing variable if (((IActivationObject)current_scope).GetLocalField(this.fieldName) != null) identifier.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, false); } this.handler_scope = new BlockScope(current_scope); this.handler_scope.catchHanderScope = true; JSVariableField f = this.handler_scope.AddNewField(identifier.ToString(), Missing.Value, FieldAttributes.Public); // must be a local this.field = f; f.originalContext = identifier.context; if (identifier.context.document.debugOn && this.field is JSLocalField){ this.handler_scope.AddFieldForLocalScopeDebugInfo((JSLocalField)this.field); } } this.finallyHasControlFlowOutOfIt = finallyHasControlFlowOutOfIt; this.tryEndContext = tryEndContext; }
internal Call(Context context, AST func, ASTList args, bool inBrackets) : base(context) { this.func = func; this.args = (args == null) ? new ASTList(context) : args; this.argValues = null; this.outParameterCount = 0; int num = 0; int count = this.args.count; while (num < count) { if (this.args[num] is AddressOf) { this.outParameterCount++; } num++; } this.isConstructor = false; this.inBrackets = inBrackets; this.enclosingFunctionScope = null; this.alreadyPartiallyEvaluated = false; this.isAssignmentToDefaultIndexedProperty = false; ScriptObject parent = base.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); while (!(parent is FunctionScope)) { parent = parent.GetParent(); if (parent == null) { return; } } this.enclosingFunctionScope = (FunctionScope) parent; }
internal override void Close() { base.Close(); this.binaryCode = null; this.scope = null; this.codeContext = null; this.compiledBlock = null; }
internal Import(Context context, AST name) : base(context) { if (name == null) //could happen if constructed while in error recovery mode return; WrappedNamespace ns = name.EvaluateAsWrappedNamespace(true); this.Engine.SetEnclosingContext(ns); =; }
internal For(Context context, AST initializer, AST condition, AST incrementer, AST body) : base(context) { this.initializer = initializer; this.condition = condition; this.incrementer = incrementer; this.body = body; this.completion = new Completion(); }
internal RegExpLiteral(String source, bool ignoreCase, bool global, bool multiline, Context context) : base(context) { this.source = source; this.ignoreCase = ignoreCase; this.multiline = multiline; = global; this.regExpVar = null; }
internal BinaryOp(Context context, AST operand1, AST operand2, JSToken operatorTok) : base(context) { this.operand1 = operand1; this.operand2 = operand2; this.operatorTok = operatorTok; this.type1 = null; this.type2 = null; this.operatorMeth = null; }
// this is the typical Lookup constructor. The context points to the identifier internal Lookup(Context context) : base(context, context.GetCode()){ this.lexLevel = 0; this.evalLexLevel = 0; this.fieldLoc = null; this.refLoc = null; this.lateBinding = null; this.thereIsAnObjectOnTheStack = false; }
internal ConstantWrapper(object value, Context context) : base(context) { if (value is ConcatString) { value = value.ToString(); } this.value = value; this.isNumericLiteral = false; }
internal ConstructorCall(Context context, ASTList arguments, bool isSuperConstructorCall) : base(context) { this.isOK = false; this.isSuperConstructorCall = isSuperConstructorCall; if (arguments == null) this.arguments = new ASTList(context); else this.arguments = arguments; }
internal Import(Context context, AST name) : base(context) { if (name != null) { WrappedNamespace ob = name.EvaluateAsWrappedNamespace(true); base.Engine.SetEnclosingContext(ob); =; } }
internal VsaScriptCode(VsaEngine engine, string itemName, JSVsaItemType type, IVsaScriptScope scope) : base(engine, itemName, type, JSVsaItemFlag.None) { this.binaryCode = null; this.executed = false; this.scope = (VsaScriptScope) scope; this.codeContext = new Context(new DocumentContext(this), null); this.compiledBlock = null; this.compileToIL = true; this.optimize = true; }
internal ObjectLiteral(Context context, ASTList propertyList) : base(context) { int n = propertyList.count; this.keys = new AST[n]; this.values = new AST[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ ASTList pair = (ASTList)propertyList[i]; this.keys[i] = pair[0]; this.values[i] = pair[1]; } }
public JSScanner(Context sourceContext){ this.IsAuthoring = false; this.peekModeOn = false; this.keywords = s_Keywords; this.preProcessorOn = false; this.matchIf = 0; this.ppTable = null; this.SetSource(sourceContext); this.currentDocument = null; this.globals = sourceContext.document.engine.Globals; }
internal With(Context context, AST obj, AST block) : base(context) { this.obj = obj; this.block = block; this.completion = new Completion(); ScriptObject scope = Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); if (scope is FunctionScope) this.enclosing_function = (FunctionScope)scope; else this.enclosing_function = null; }
internal Member(Context context, AST rootObject, AST memberName) : base(context, memberName.context.GetCode()){ = this.Engine.doFast; this.isImplicitWrapper = false; this.isNonVirtual = rootObject is ThisLiteral && ((ThisLiteral)rootObject).isSuper; this.lateBinding = null; this.memberNameContext = memberName.context; this.rootObject = rootObject; this.rootObjectInferredType = null; this.refLoc = null; this.temp = null; }
internal ObjectLiteral(Context context, ASTList propertyList) : base(context) { int count = propertyList.count; this.keys = new AST[count]; this.values = new AST[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ASTList list = (ASTList) propertyList[i]; this.keys[i] = list[0]; this.values[i] = list[1]; } }
internal Switch(Context context, AST expression, ASTList cases) : base(context) { this.expression = expression; this.cases = cases; this.default_case = -1; for (int i = 0, n = this.cases.count; i < n; i++){ if (((SwitchCase)(this.cases[i])).IsDefault()){ this.default_case = i; break; } } this.completion = new Completion(); }