public Intent GetIntentForBrokerActivity(AuthenticationRequest request, Activity callerActivity)
            Intent intent = null;
            IAccountManagerFuture result = null;

                // Callback is not passed since it is making a blocking call to get
                // intent. Activity needs to be launched from calling app
                // to get the calling app's metadata if needed at BrokerActivity.
                Bundle addAccountOptions = GetBrokerOptions(request);
                result = mAcctManager.AddAccount(BrokerConstants.BrokerAccountType,
                                                 BrokerConstants.AuthtokenType, null, addAccountOptions, null,
                                                 null, new Handler(callerActivity.MainLooper));

                // Making blocking request here
                Bundle bundleResult = (Bundle)result.Result;
                // Authenticator should throw OperationCanceledException if
                // token is not available
                intent = (Intent)bundleResult.GetParcelable(AccountManager.KeyIntent);

                // Add flag to this intent to signal that request is for broker
                // logic
                if (intent != null)
                    intent.PutExtra(BrokerConstants.BrokerRequest, BrokerConstants.BrokerRequest);
            catch (OperationCanceledException e)
                PlatformPlugin.Logger.Error(null, e);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Authenticator gets problem from webrequest or file read/write
                PlatformPlugin.Logger.Error(null, new AdalException("Authenticator cancels the request", e));

        public void AcquireToken(IDictionary <string, string> brokerPayload)
            if (brokerPayload.ContainsKey("broker_install_url"))
                string url   = brokerPayload["broker_install_url"];
                Uri    uri   = new Uri(url);
                string query = uri.Query;
                if (query.StartsWith("?"))
                    query = query.Substring(1);

                Dictionary <string, string> keyPair = EncodingHelper.ParseKeyValueList(query, '&', true, false, null);

                PlatformParameters pp = PlatformParameters as PlatformParameters;
                pp.CallerActivity.StartActivity(new Intent(Intent.ActionView, Android.Net.Uri.Parse(keyPair["app_link"])));

                throw new AdalException(AdalErrorAndroidEx.BrokerApplicationRequired, AdalErrorMessageAndroidEx.BrokerApplicationRequired);

            Context mContext = Application.Context;
            AuthenticationRequest request        = new AuthenticationRequest(brokerPayload);
            PlatformParameters    platformParams = PlatformParameters as PlatformParameters;

            // BROKER flow intercepts here
            // cache and refresh call happens through the authenticator service
            if (mBrokerProxy.VerifyUser(request.LoginHint,
                PlatformPlugin.Logger.Verbose(null, "It switched to broker for context: " + mContext.PackageName);
                request.BrokerAccountName = request.LoginHint;

                // Don't send background request, if prompt flag is always or
                // refresh_session
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.BrokerAccountName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.UserId))
                    PlatformPlugin.Logger.Verbose(null, "User is specified for background token request");
                    resultEx = mBrokerProxy.GetAuthTokenInBackground(request, platformParams.CallerActivity);
                    PlatformPlugin.Logger.Verbose(null, "User is not specified for background token request");

                if (resultEx != null && resultEx.Result != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultEx.Result.AccessToken))
                    PlatformPlugin.Logger.Verbose(null, "Token is returned from background call ");

                // Launch broker activity
                // if cache and refresh request is not handled.
                // Initial request to authenticator needs to launch activity to
                // record calling uid for the account. This happens for Prompt auto
                // or always behavior.
                PlatformPlugin.Logger.Verbose(null, "Token is not returned from backgroud call");

                // Only happens with callback since silent call does not show UI
                PlatformPlugin.Logger.Verbose(null, "Launch activity for Authenticator");
                PlatformPlugin.Logger.Verbose(null, "Starting Authentication Activity");
                if (resultEx == null)
                    PlatformPlugin.Logger.Verbose(null, "Initial request to authenticator");
                    // Log the initial request but not force a prompt

                if (brokerPayload.ContainsKey("silent_broker_flow"))
                    throw new AdalSilentTokenAcquisitionException();

                // onActivityResult will receive the response
                // Activity needs to launch to record calling app for this
                // account
                Intent brokerIntent = mBrokerProxy.GetIntentForBrokerActivity(request, platformParams.CallerActivity);
                if (brokerIntent != null)
                        PlatformPlugin.Logger.Verbose(null, "Calling activity pid:" + Android.OS.Process.MyPid()
                                                      + " tid:" + Android.OS.Process.MyTid() + "uid:"
                                                      + Android.OS.Process.MyUid());
                        platformParams.CallerActivity.StartActivityForResult(brokerIntent, 1001);
                    catch (ActivityNotFoundException e)
                        PlatformPlugin.Logger.Error(null, e);
                throw new AdalException(AdalErrorAndroidEx.NoBrokerAccountFound, "Add requested account as a Workplace account via Settings->Accounts or set UseBroker=true.");
        public AuthenticationResultEx GetAuthTokenInBackground(AuthenticationRequest request, Activity callerActivity)
            AuthenticationResultEx authResult = null;


            // if there is not any user added to account, it returns empty
            Account targetAccount = null;

            Account[] accountList = mAcctManager

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.BrokerAccountName))
                targetAccount = FindAccount(request.BrokerAccountName, accountList);
                    UserInfo[] users        = GetBrokerUsers();
                    UserInfo   matchingUser = FindUserInfo(request.UserId, users);
                    if (matchingUser != null)
                        targetAccount = FindAccount(matchingUser.DisplayableId, accountList);
                catch (Exception e)
                    PlatformPlugin.Logger.Error(null, e);

            if (targetAccount != null)
                Bundle brokerOptions = GetBrokerOptions(request);

                // blocking call to get token from cache or refresh request in
                // background at Authenticator
                IAccountManagerFuture result = null;
                    // It does not expect activity to be launched.
                    // AuthenticatorService is handling the request at
                    // AccountManager.
                    result = mAcctManager.GetAuthToken(targetAccount,
                                                       BrokerConstants.AuthtokenType, brokerOptions, false,
                                                       null /*
                                                             * set to null to avoid callback
                                                             */, new Handler(callerActivity.MainLooper));

                    // Making blocking request here
                    PlatformPlugin.Logger.Verbose(null, "Received result from Authenticator");
                    Bundle bundleResult = (Bundle)result.GetResult(10000, TimeUnit.Milliseconds);
                    // Authenticator should throw OperationCanceledException if
                    // token is not available
                    authResult = GetResultFromBrokerResponse(bundleResult);
                catch (OperationCanceledException e)
                    PlatformPlugin.Logger.Error(null, e);
                catch (AuthenticatorException e)
                    PlatformPlugin.Logger.Error(null, e);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Authenticator gets problem from webrequest or file read/write

                    /*                    Logger.e(TAG, "Authenticator cancels the request", "",
                     *                          ADALError.BROKER_AUTHENTICATOR_IO_EXCEPTION);*/

                    PlatformPlugin.Logger.Error(null, e);

                PlatformPlugin.Logger.Verbose(null, "Returning result from Authenticator");
                PlatformPlugin.Logger.Verbose(null, "Target account is not found");
