public void Contains()
            var context = new CompareContext($"{this}.Contains");

            using (var cache = new EventBasedLRUCache <int?, string>(10, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, tryTakeTimeout: 50, removeExpiredValues: false))
                cache.SetValue(1, "one");
                if (!cache.Contains(1))
                    context.AddDiff("Cache should contain the key value pair {1, 'one'}, but the Contains() method returned false.");

                cache.TryRemove(1, out _);
                if (cache.Contains(1))
                    context.AddDiff("The key value pair {1, 'one'} should have been removed from the cache, but the Contains() method returned true.");

                    context.AddDiff("The parameter passed into the Contains() method was null, but no exception was thrown.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (!ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(ArgumentNullException)))
                        context.AddDiff("The exception type thrown by Contains(null) was not of type ArgumentNullException.");

        public void AuthenticatedEncryptionReferenceTest(AuthenticationEncryptionTestParams testParams)
            var context = new CompareContext();
            var providerForEncryption = CryptoProviderFactory.Default.CreateAuthenticatedEncryptionProvider(testParams.EncryptionKey, testParams.Algorithm);
            var providerForDecryption = CryptoProviderFactory.Default.CreateAuthenticatedEncryptionProvider(testParams.DecryptionKey, testParams.Algorithm);
            var plaintext             = providerForDecryption.Decrypt(testParams.Ciphertext, testParams.AuthenticationData, testParams.IV, testParams.AuthenticationTag);
            var encryptionResult      = providerForEncryption.Encrypt(testParams.Plaintext, testParams.AuthenticationData, testParams.IV);

            if (!Utility.AreEqual(encryptionResult.IV, testParams.IV))
                context.AddDiff($"!Utility.AreEqual(encryptionResult.IV, testParams.IV)");

            if (!Utility.AreEqual(encryptionResult.AuthenticationTag, testParams.AuthenticationTag))
                context.AddDiff($"!Utility.AreEqual(encryptionResult.AuthenticationTag, testParams.AuthenticationTag)");

            if (!Utility.AreEqual(encryptionResult.Ciphertext, testParams.Ciphertext))
                context.AddDiff($"!Utility.AreEqual(encryptionResult.Ciphertext, testParams.Ciphertext)");

            if (!Utility.AreEqual(plaintext, testParams.Plaintext))
                context.AddDiff($"!Utility.AreEqual(plaintext, testParams.Plaintext)");

        public void CacheOverflowTestSequential()
            var context = new CompareContext($"{this}.CacheOverflowTestSequential");
            var cache   = new EventBasedLRUCache <int, string>(1000, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, tryTakeTimeout: 50, removeExpiredValues: false);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                cache.SetValue(i, i.ToString());

            // Cache size should be less than the capacity (somewhere between 800-1000 items).
            if (cache.LinkedList.Count > 1000)
                context.AddDiff("Cache size is greater than the max!");

            // The linked list should be ordered in descending order as the largest items were added last,
            // and therefore are most recently used.
            if (!IsDescending(cache.LinkedList))
                context.AddDiff("LRU order was not maintained.");

        public void TryRemove()
            var context = new CompareContext($"{this}.RemoveValue");
            var cache   = new EventBasedLRUCache <int?, string>(1, removeExpiredValues: false);

            cache.SetValue(1, "one");

            if (!cache.TryRemove(1, out _))
                context.AddDiff("The key value pair {1, 'one'} should have been removed from the cache, but the TryRemove() method returned false.");

            if (cache.TryRemove(2, out _))
                context.AddDiff("The key value pair {2, 'two'} was never added to the cache, but the TryRemove() method returned true.");

                cache.TryRemove(null, out _);
                context.AddDiff("The first parameter passed into the TryRemove() method was null, but no exception was thrown.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(ArgumentNullException)))
                    context.AddDiff("The exception type thrown by TryRemove() was not of type ArgumentNullException.");

        public void MaintainLRUOrder()
            var context = new CompareContext($"{this}.MaintainLRUOrder");

            using (var cache = new EventBasedLRUCache <int, string>(10, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, tryTakeTimeout: 50, removeExpiredValues: false))
                for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++)
                    cache.SetValue(i, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

                    // check that list and map values match up every 10 items
                    // every 10th item should result in two LRU items being removed
                    if (i % 10 == 0 && i != 0)
                        // wait for the cache events to process

                        // wait for the last item taken from the queue to execute

                        // Cache size should be less than the capacity (somewhere between 8-10 items).
                        if (cache.LinkedList.Count > 10)
                            context.AddDiff("Cache size is greater than the max!");

                        // The linked list should be ordered in descending order as the largest items were added last,
                        // and therefore are most recently used.
                        if (!IsDescending(cache.LinkedList))
                            context.AddDiff("LRU order was not maintained.");


                // wait for the last item taken from the queue to execute

                // Cache size should be less than the capacity (somewhere between 8-10 items).
                if (cache.LinkedList.Count > 10)
                    context.AddDiff("Cache size is greater than the max!");

                // The linked list should be ordered in descending order as the largest items were added last,
                // and therefore are most recently used.
                if (!IsDescending(cache.LinkedList))
                    context.AddDiff("LRU order was not maintained.");

        public void DoNotRemoveExpiredValues()
            var context = new CompareContext($"{this}.DoNotRemoveExpiredValues");

            using (var cache = new EventBasedLRUCache <int, string>(11, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, tryTakeTimeout: 50, cleanUpIntervalInSeconds: 5, removeExpiredValues: false))
                for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
                    cache.SetValue(i, i.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));


                // expired items are not removed by default, so all added items should still be in the cache
                for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
                    if (!cache.Contains(i))
                        context.AddDiff("The key value pair {" + i + ", '" + i.ToString() + "'} should remain in the cache, but the Contains() method returned false.");

        public void CacheOverflowTestMultithreaded()
            var context = new CompareContext($"{this}.CacheOverflowTestMultithreaded");

            using (var cache = new EventBasedLRUCache <int, string>(10, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, tryTakeTimeout: 50, removeExpiredValues: false))
                List <Task> taskList = new List <Task>();

                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                    taskList.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        cache.SetValue(i, i.ToString());


                // Cache size should be less than the capacity (somewhere between 800 - 1000 items).
                if (cache.LinkedList.Count() > 1000)
                    context.AddDiff("Cache size is greater than the max!");

        public void RemoveExpiredValues()
            var context = new CompareContext($"{this}.RemoveExpiredValues");

            using (var cache = new EventBasedLRUCache <int, string>(11, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, tryTakeTimeout: 50, removeExpiredValues: true))
                for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
                    // Only even values should expire.
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        cache.SetValue(i, i.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
                        cache.SetValue(i, i.ToString());


                for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
                    // Only even values should expire.
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        if (cache.Contains(i))
                            context.AddDiff("The key value pair {" + i + ", '" + i.ToString() + "'} should have expired and been removed, but the Contains() method returned true.");
                        if (!cache.Contains(i))
                            context.AddDiff("The key value pair {" + i + ", '" + i.ToString() + "'} should remain in the cache, but the Contains() method returned false.");
        public void SetValue()
            var context = new CompareContext($"{this}.SetValue");

            using (var cache = new EventBasedLRUCache <int?, string>(1, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, tryTakeTimeout: 50, removeExpiredValues: false))
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => cache.SetValue(1, null));

                cache.SetValue(1, "one");
                if (!cache.Contains(1))
                    context.AddDiff("The key value pair {1, 'one'} should have been added to the cache, but the Contains() method returned false.");

                cache.SetValue(1, "one");
                if (!cache.Contains(1))
                    context.AddDiff("The key value pair {1, 'one'} should have been added to the cache, but the Contains() method returned false.");

                // The LRU item should be removed, allowing this value to be added even though the cache is full.
                cache.SetValue(2, "two");
                if (!cache.Contains(2))
                    context.AddDiff("The key value pair {2, 'two'} should have been added to the cache, but the Contains() method returned false.");

                    cache.SetValue(null, "three");
                    context.AddDiff("The first parameter passed into the SetValue() method was null, but no exception was thrown.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (!ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(ArgumentNullException)))
                        context.AddDiff("The exception type thrown by Set() was not of type ArgumentNullException.");

                    cache.SetValue(3, null);
                    context.AddDiff("The second parameter passed into the SetValue() method was null, but no exception was thrown.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (!ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(ArgumentNullException)))
                        context.AddDiff("The exception type thrown by Set() was not of type ArgumentNullException.");

        public void AesGcmReferenceTest()
            var context = new CompareContext();
            var providerForDecryption = CryptoProviderFactory.Default.CreateAuthenticatedEncryptionProvider(new SymmetricSecurityKey(RSAES_OAEP_KeyWrap.CEK), AES_256_GCM.Algorithm);
            var plaintext             = providerForDecryption.Decrypt(AES_256_GCM.E, AES_256_GCM.A, AES_256_GCM.IV, AES_256_GCM.T);

            if (!Utility.AreEqual(plaintext, AES_256_GCM.P))
                context.AddDiff($"!Utility.AreEqual(plaintext, testParams.Plaintext)");

        public void TryGetValue()
            var context = new CompareContext($"{this}.TryGetValue");

            using (var cache = new EventBasedLRUCache <int?, string>(2, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, tryTakeTimeout: 50, removeExpiredValues: false))
                cache.SetValue(1, "one");

                if (!cache.TryGetValue(1, out var value))
                    context.AddDiff("The key value pair {1, 'one'} should be in the cache, but the TryGetValue() method returned false.");
                    if (!value.Equals("one"))
                        context.AddDiff("The corresponding value for key '1' should be 'one' but was '" + value + "'.");

                if (cache.TryGetValue(2, out _))
                    context.AddDiff("A key value pair with a key of '2' was never added to the cache, but the TryGetValue() method returned true.");

                    cache.TryGetValue(null, out _);
                    context.AddDiff("The first parameter passed into the TryGetValue() method was null, but no exception was thrown.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (!ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(ArgumentNullException)))
                        context.AddDiff("The exception type thrown by TryGetValue() was not of type ArgumentNullException.");

 private void AssertCache(EventBasedLRUCache <int, string> cache, int size, CompareContext context)
     for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++)
         // Only even values should expire.
         if (i % 2 == 0)
             if (cache.Contains(i))
                 context.AddDiff("The key value pair {" + i + ", '" + i.ToString() + "'} should have expired and been removed, but the Contains() method returned true.");
             if (!cache.Contains(i))
                 context.AddDiff("The key value pair {" + i + ", '" + i.ToString() + "'} should remain in the cache, but the Contains() method returned false.");
        public void AesGcmEncryptionOnWindows()
            var context = new CompareContext();

                var provider = new AuthenticatedEncryptionProvider(Default.SymmetricEncryptionKey256, SecurityAlgorithms.Aes256Gcm);
            catch (Exception ex)
                context.AddDiff($"AuthenticatedEncryptionProvider is not supposed to throw an exception, Exception:{ ex.ToString()}");
        public void CryptoProviderCacheDispose()
            var context = new CompareContext();
            var cache   = new InMemoryCryptoProviderCachePublic();


            if (!cache.DisposeCalled)
                context.AddDiff("InMemoryCryptoProviderCachePublic was not properly disposed of.");

        public void GetSets()
            var context = new CompareContext($"{this}.GetSets");

            CryptoProviderFactory cryptoProviderFactory = new CryptoProviderFactory();
            Type type = typeof(CryptoProviderFactory);

            PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
            if (properties.Length != 7)
                Assert.True(false, "Number of public fields has changed from 7 to: " + properties.Length + ", adjust tests");

            CustomCryptoProvider customCryptoProvider = new CustomCryptoProvider();
            GetSetContext        getSetContext        =
                new GetSetContext
                PropertyNamesAndSetGetValue = new List <KeyValuePair <string, List <object> > >
                    new KeyValuePair <string, List <object> >("SignatureProviderObjectPoolCacheSize", new List <object> {
                        CryptoProviderFactory.DefaultSignatureProviderObjectPoolCacheSize, 20, 10
                    new KeyValuePair <string, List <object> >("CacheSignatureProviders", new List <object> {
                        CryptoProviderFactory.DefaultCacheSignatureProviders, false, true
                    new KeyValuePair <string, List <object> >("CustomCryptoProvider", new List <object> {
                        (ICryptoProvider)null, customCryptoProvider, null
                Object = cryptoProviderFactory,


            cryptoProviderFactory.SignatureProviderObjectPoolCacheSize = 42;
            cryptoProviderFactory.CacheSignatureProviders = false;
            cryptoProviderFactory.CustomCryptoProvider    = customCryptoProvider;
            CryptoProviderFactory clone = new CryptoProviderFactory(cryptoProviderFactory);

            IdentityComparer.CompareAllPublicProperties(clone, cryptoProviderFactory, context);

                cryptoProviderFactory.SignatureProviderObjectPoolCacheSize = 0;
                context.AddDiff("cryptoProviderFactory.SignatureProviderObjectPoolCacheSize = 0; - Succeeded");

                cryptoProviderFactory.SignatureProviderObjectPoolCacheSize = -1;
                context.AddDiff("cryptoProviderFactory.SignatureProviderObjectPoolCacheSize = -1; - Succeeded");
