protected static void Establish_context() { sourcesystem = Script.SourceSystemData.CreateContractForEntityCreation(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(sourcesystem); client = new HttpClient(); }
protected static void Establish_context() { curve = CurveData.CreateContractForEntityCreation(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(curve); client = new HttpClient(); }
protected static void Establish_context() { entity = CurveData.CreateBasicEntity(); var notAMapping = new Contracts.Curve(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(notAMapping); client = new HttpClient(); }
protected static void Because_of() { client = new HttpClient(ServiceUrl["Counterparty"] + "crossmap?source-system=trayport&destination-system=endur&mapping-string=abc"); response = client.Get(); }
/// <summary> /// Get the results for the process monitor /// </summary> /// <param name="apiKey"></param> /// <param name="client"></param> public override void GetMetrics(string apiKey, HttpClient client) { base.GetMetrics(apiKey, client); using (HttpResponseMessage response = client.Get("api?action=topProcessByCPUUsage&limit=50&apikey=" + apiKey + "&output=xml&detailedResults=true")) { response.EnsureStatusIsSuccessful(); String data = response.Content.ReadAsString(); XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse(data); IEnumerable<XElement> allMetrics = null; foreach (MonitorDefinition sm in monitorsDefinitions) { // Query the xml data to retrieve each test result matching the ID of the current monitor allMetrics = from metricNode in xml.Descendants("test") where (string)metricNode.Element("id") == this.Id select metricNode; // Enumerate the metrics and store them in their own Metric object foreach (XElement xe in allMetrics) foreach (string s in sm.Names) if (xe.Element(s) != null) { Metric m = new Metric(this); m.Name = s; m.Result = xe.Element(s).Value; m.Suffix = sm.Suffixes[sm.Names.IndexOf(s)]; this.AddMetric(m); } } } }
public HttpClientWrapper(HttpClient httpClient, RequestHeaders requestHeaders = null) { _httpClient = httpClient; if (requestHeaders != null) _httpClient.DefaultHeaders = requestHeaders; }
protected static void Establish_context() { broker = BrokerData.CreateContractForEntityCreation(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(broker); client = new HttpClient(); }
/// <summary> /// Example of calling the Security.svc/login method to log into ETO. /// </summary> /// <param name="siteId"></param> protected void Logon(string siteId) { string userName = Session["Username"].ToString(); string password = Session["Password"].ToString(); string enterprise = Session["EnterpriseGUID"].ToString(); string baseurl = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ETOSoftwareWS_BaseUrl"]; try { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(baseurl); //below is incorrect string json = string.Format("{{\"security\":{{\"Email\":\"{0}\",\"Password\":\"{1}\"}}}}", userName, password); HttpContent content = HttpContent.Create(json,"application/json"); HttpResponseMessage resp = client.Post("Security.svc/SSOAuthenticate/", content); resp.EnsureStatusIsSuccessful(); DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(SSOAuthenticateResponseObject)); SSOAuthenticateResponseObject SSOAuthenticationResponse = serializer.ReadObject(resp.Content.ReadAsStream()) as SSOAuthenticateResponseObject; Session["AuthToken"] = SSOAuthenticationResponse.SSOAuthenticateResult.SSOAuthToken; } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } }
public void CreateRequestsFast() { bool stop = false; var sw = new Stopwatch(); int count = 1; sw.Start(); while (!stop) { try { Uri url = new Uri("http://tmserver:8700/shopclient"); HttpClient hc = new HttpClient(); hc.TransportSettings.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("darrel", "olecom"); hc.TransportSettings.ConnectionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2500); HttpResponseMessage resp = hc.Get(url); string result = resp.Content.ReadAsString(); } catch { stop = true; } count++; if (count == 100) stop = true; } sw.Stop(); var speed = 100.00 / (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000.00); Debug.WriteLine("That took " + speed); }
public void Add(Nut nut) { Nut response = null; string uri = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", Address.AbsoluteUri.ToLower(), Account.ToLower(), nut.Table.ToLower()); var client = new HttpClient(uri); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); DataContractSerializer s = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Nut)); s.WriteObject(ms, nut); ms.Position = 0; HttpResponseMessage r = client.Post(uri, HttpContent.Create(ms.ToArray(), "application/xml")); ms.Close(); r.EnsureStatusIsSuccessful(); if (r.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { nut.Uri = uri; } }
/// <summary> /// Example of calling Security.svc/getsites to display a list of sites for the /// specified enterprise GUID. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void LoginUser_Authenticate(object sender, EventArgs e) { Credentials.Visible = false; SiteSelector.Visible = true; Session.Add("Password", PasswordBox.Text); Session.Add("Username", UserNameBox.Text); Session.Add("EnterpriseGUID", EnterpriseBox.Text); string baseurl = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ETOSoftwareWS_BaseUrl"]; using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient(baseurl)) { HttpResponseMessage resp = client.Get("Security.svc/getsites/" + EnterpriseBox.Text); resp.EnsureStatusIsSuccessful(); DataContractJsonSerializer siteSer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Entry[])); Entry[] sites = (Entry[])siteSer.ReadObject(resp.Content.ReadAsStream()); foreach (Entry site in sites) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = "<a href=\"Workbench.aspx?site=" + site.Key.ToString() + "\">" + site.Value + "</a></br>"; Panel1.Controls.Add(label); } } }
protected static void Establish_context() { entity = Script.SourceSystemData.CreateBasicEntity(); var notAMapping = new EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.SourceSystem(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(notAMapping); client = new HttpClient(); }
public RESTService(TestConfiguration config) { _testConfig = config; ServiceURI = _testConfig.ServiceURI; //ServicePort = TestConfig.ServicePort; AuthRequired = _testConfig.AuthRequired; AuthType = (AuthSchema)_testConfig.AuthType; Username = _testConfig.Username; Password = _testConfig.Password; AuthToken = _testConfig.AuthToken; IsConfigured = true; //IsOnline = true; // Now that the service is configured, create an http client that can talk to it... _client = new HttpClient(); // Is auth required? if (AuthRequired) { if (AuthType == AuthSchema.Basic) _client.TransportSettings.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(Username, Password); else if (AuthType == AuthSchema.Token) _client.DefaultHeaders.Authorization = new Credential(AuthToken); } }
protected static void Establish_context() { entity = PartyRoleData.CreateBasicEntity(); var notAMapping = new OpenNexus.MDM.Contracts.PartyRole(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(notAMapping); client = new HttpClient(); }
public override void GetMetrics(string apiKey, HttpClient client) { // Get the 'base' name of the monitor to make sure we requesting the correct monitor results. (drive_C becomes: drive) string baseMonitorName = Util.BaseMonitorName(this.Name, '_'); // Post the requests using (HttpResponseMessage response = client.Get("api?action=top" + baseMonitorName + "&apikey=" + apiKey + "&output=xml&detailedResults=true")) { response.EnsureStatusIsSuccessful(); String data = response.Content.ReadAsString(); XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse(data); IEnumerable<XElement> allMetrics = null; foreach (MonitorDefinition sm in monitorsDefinitions) { allMetrics = from metricNode in xml.Descendants("test") where (string)metricNode.Element("id") == this.Id select metricNode; foreach (XElement xe in allMetrics) foreach (string s in sm.Names) if (xe.Element(s) != null) { Metric m = new Metric(this); m.Name = s; m.Result = xe.Element(s).Value; m.Suffix = sm.Suffixes[sm.Names.IndexOf(s)]; this.AddMetric(m); } } } }
protected static void Establish_context() { legalentity = LegalEntityData.CreateContractForEntityCreation(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(legalentity); client = new HttpClient(); }
protected static void Establish_context() { entity = BrokerData.CreateBasicEntity(); var notAMapping = new EnergyTrading.MDM.Contracts.Sample.Broker(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(notAMapping); client = new HttpClient(); }
protected static void Establish_context() { exchange = ExchangeData.CreateContractForEntityCreation(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(exchange); client = new HttpClient(); }
protected static void Establish_context() { counterparty = CounterpartyData.CreateContractForEntityCreation(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(counterparty); client = new HttpClient(); }
protected static void Establish_context() { partyrole = PartyRoleData.CreateContractForEntityCreation(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(partyrole); client = new HttpClient(); }
protected static void Establish_context() { person = Script.PersonData.CreateContractForEntityCreation(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(person); client = new HttpClient(); }
protected static void Because_of() { var entity = CurveData.CreateBasicEntityWithOneMapping(); client = new HttpClient(ServiceUrl["Curve"] + string.Format("{0}/mapping/{1}", entity.Id, int.MaxValue)); response = client.Get(); }
protected static void Because_of() { client = new HttpClient(ServiceUrl["Exchange"] + "map?source-system=Trayport&mapping-string=" + exchange.Mappings[0].MappingValue + "&as-of=" + exchange.Validity.Start.ToString(DateFormatString)); response = client.Get(); }
protected static void Establish_context() { client = new HttpClient(); entity = CurveData.CreateBasicEntity(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(new MDM.Contracts.Curve()); startVersion = CurrentEntityVersion(); }
protected static void Establish_context() { entity = Script.PersonData.CreateBasicEntityWithOneMapping(); client = new HttpClient(); var notAMapping = new MDM.Person(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(notAMapping); startVersion = CurrentEntityVersion(); }
protected static void Establish_context() { client = new HttpClient(); entity = Script.PersonData.CreateBasicEntity(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(new EnergyTrading.MDM.Contracts.Sample.Person()); startVersion = CurrentEntityVersion(); }
public static string AddWithoutParameter() { using (HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpClient().Get(uri)){ int res = response.Content.ReadAsDataContract<int>(); return res.ToString(); } }
static String GetLocations(HttpClient client) { String locations; HttpResponseMessage response = client.Get("Locations"); response.EnsureStatusIsSuccessful(); locations = response.Content.ReadAsString(); return locations; }
protected static void Establish_context() { client = new HttpClient(); entity = BrokerData.CreateBasicEntity(); var getResponse = client.Get(ServiceUrl["Broker"] + entity.Id); updatedContract = getResponse.Content.ReadAsDataContract<EnergyTrading.MDM.Contracts.Sample.Broker>(); content = HttpContentExtensions.CreateDataContract(BrokerData.MakeChangeToContract(updatedContract)); }
protected static void Because_of() { entity = BrokerData.CreateBasicEntityWithOneMapping(); mapping = entity.Mappings[0]; client = new HttpClient(ServiceUrl["Broker"] + string.Format("{0}/mapping/{1}", entity.Id, mapping.Id)); response = client.Get(); mappingResponse = response.Content.ReadAsDataContract<EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MappingResponse>(); }
public override void Run(TestContainer container) { try { var jsonResult = String.Empty; var target = base.GetParameter("Target"); var methodType = base.GetParameter(@"MethodType").ToUpper(); var jsonHeader = base.GetParameter(@"Header"); var jsonBody = base.GetParameter(@"Body"); using (Microsoft.Http.HttpClient client = new Microsoft.Http.HttpClient()) { var headers = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <String, String> >(jsonHeader); client.DefaultHeaders.Add("Content-Type", "application/json"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in headers) { client.DefaultHeaders.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } var content = Microsoft.Http.HttpContent.Create(jsonBody.Replace(@"'", @"""")); HttpMethod httpMethod = (HttpMethod)Enum.Parse(typeof(HttpMethod), methodType); HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = client.Send(httpMethod, new Uri(target), client.DefaultHeaders, content); var stringContent = responseMessage.Content.ReadAsString(); var statusCode = responseMessage.StatusCode; this.PassTest = statusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK ? true : false; if (this.PassTest == false) { throw (new Exception(String.Format(@"uri:{0}, methodType:{1}, statusCode:{2}, response message:{3}.", target, methodType, statusCode, stringContent))); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Output.Key) == false) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(stringContent)) { this.Output = new KeyValuePair <String, Tuple <Type, String> >(this.Output.Key, new Tuple <Type, String>(typeof(String), String.Empty)); } else { stringContent = stringContent.Trim(); if (stringContent.StartsWith("[") == false && stringContent.EndsWith("[") == false) { stringContent = "[" + stringContent + "]"; JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Dictionary <String, String> > >(stringContent); } this.Output = new KeyValuePair <String, Tuple <Type, String> >(this.Output.Key, new Tuple <Type, String>(typeof(List <Dictionary <String, String> >), stringContent)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw (new Exception(ex.Message)); } }