private static string FormatText(string message, string filePath, int lineNumber, string memberName)
            const int sourceColumnMaxWidth = 23;

            EnsureArgument.NotNull(message, nameof(message));
            EnsureArgument.NotNull(filePath, nameof(filePath));
            EnsureArgument.PositiveOrZero(lineNumber, nameof(lineNumber));
            EnsureArgument.NotNull(memberName, nameof(memberName));

            // Source column format is file:line
            string source = $"{filePath}:{lineNumber}";

            if (source.Length > sourceColumnMaxWidth)
                int idx    = 0;
                int maxlen = sourceColumnMaxWidth - 3;
                int srclen = source.Length;

                while (idx >= 0 && (srclen - idx) > maxlen)
                    idx = source.IndexOf('\\', idx + 1);

                // If we cannot find a path separator which allows the path to be long enough, just truncate the file name
                if (idx < 0)
                    idx = srclen - maxlen;

                source = "..." + source.Substring(idx);

            // Git's trace format is "{timestamp,-15} {source,-23} trace: {details}"
            string text = $"{DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss.ffffff} {source,-23} trace: [{memberName}] {message}";
