        /// <summary>
        /// Function that gets all the fan speed requirements
        /// from the Blade.  It also updates the balde state
        /// </summary>
        private void GetAllBladePwmRequirements()
            // Rate is required to timestep over each individual Blade call
            double rate     = (double)GetTimePeriod / (double)MaxSledCount;
            double timeDiff = 0;

            for (byte blade = 1; blade <= MaxSledCount; blade++)
                // Handle shutdown state
                if (ChassisState.ShutDown)

                // default PWM setting
                byte PWM = (byte)ConfigLoaded.MinPWM;

                // Query blade type from IPMI layer
                ChassisState.BladeTypeCache[blade - 1] = (byte)WcsBladeFacade.clients[blade].BladeClassification;

                // wait for rate limiter which includes the previous time difference for sensor get, and then issue get fan requirement

                double sleepTime = rate - timeDiff;

                if (sleepTime > rate)
                    sleepTime = rate;
                if (sleepTime > 0)
                if (CommunicationDevice.IsSafeMode())
                    // Do not perform any sensor reading - continue in the for loop
                    Tracer.WriteInfo("Monitoring thread: Safe Mode, Skipping sensor read");
                Tracer.WriteInfo("GetBladeRequirement called at {0} for sledId {1} (state: {2})", DateTime.Now, blade,

                // Check for the condition where known state is hardpoweroff, but someone plugged a new blade in
                if (ChassisState.GetBladeState(blade) == (byte)BladeState.HardPowerOff)
                    ChassisState.PowerFailCount[blade - 1]++;
                    // TODO: identify if this period is sufficient to do this check
                    if (ChassisState.PowerFailCount[blade - 1] > (ConfigLoaded.MaxRetries * ConfigLoaded.Population))
                        ChassisState.PowerFailCount[blade - 1] = 0;
                // Log Start time
                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

                // If blade was in Fail state
                if (ChassisState.GetBladeState(blade) == (byte)BladeState.Fail)
                    // If failed count is greater than a maximum value, we move it to Initialization state

                    if (ChassisState.FailCount[blade - 1] > ConfigLoaded.MaxFailCount)
                        // Move to Initialization state so that this sled could be reinitialized
                        Tracer.WriteInfo("State Transition for Sled {0}: {1} -> Initialization", blade,
                        ChassisState.SetBladeState(blade, (byte)BladeState.Initialization);
                        // Moving out of Fail state - First we use a light-weight get GUID to check whether the blade is there
                        DeviceGuid guid = WcsBladeFacade.GetSystemGuid(blade);
                        if (guid.CompletionCode == (byte)CompletionCode.Success)
                            Tracer.WriteInfo("GUID present for sled {0}, GUID: {1}", blade, guid.Guid.ToString());

                            // Change state to Probation
                            Tracer.WriteInfo("State Transition for Sled {0}: {1} -> Probation", blade,
                            ChassisState.SetBladeState(blade, (byte)BladeState.Probation);
                            Tracer.WriteInfo("Get System GUID returns a bad completion status: {0}", guid.CompletionCode);
                    // Increase time spent in Fail state everytime we are in this state
                    ChassisState.FailCount[blade - 1]++;

                // Handles Initialization
                if (ChassisState.GetBladeState(blade) == (byte)BladeState.Initialization)

                // Normal operation - possible states are probation or healthy
                if (ChassisState.GetBladeState(blade) == (byte)BladeState.Probation ||
                    ChassisState.GetBladeState(blade) == (byte)BladeState.Healthy)
                    if (ChassisState.GetBladeType(blade) == (byte)BladeType.Jbod)
                        DeviceGuid guid = WcsBladeFacade.GetSystemGuid(blade);
                        if (guid.CompletionCode == (byte)CompletionCode.Success)
                            Tracer.WriteInfo("GUID present for jbod {0}, GUID: {1}", blade, guid.Guid.ToString());

                            // Change state to Probation
                            Tracer.WriteInfo("State Transition for jbod {0}: {1} -> Healthy", blade, ChassisState.GetStateName(blade));
                            ChassisState.SetBladeState(blade, (byte)BladeState.Healthy);
                            Tracer.WriteInfo("Get System GUID for jbod {0} failed with status {1}", blade, guid.CompletionCode);
                            // Set it to failed state, where we will retry guids and reinitialize if needed
                            Tracer.WriteInfo("State Transition for jbod {0}: {1} -> Fail", blade, ChassisState.GetStateName(blade));
                            ChassisState.SetBladeState(blade, (byte)BladeState.Fail);

                        // No need to check for sensor reading, just continue
                    // Call temperature reading list command
                    SensorReading Temps = WcsBladeFacade.GetSensorReading((byte)blade, (byte)ConfigLoaded.InputSensor, PriorityLevel.System);

                    if (Temps.CompletionCode != (byte)CompletionCode.Success)
                        Tracer.WriteWarning("SledId: {0} - getTempSensorReading failed with code {1:X}", blade, Temps.CompletionCode);

                        // Move to Fail state if no readings were obtained
                        Tracer.WriteInfo("State Transition for Sled {0}: {1} -> Fail", blade,

                        ChassisState.SetBladeState(blade, (byte)BladeState.Fail);
                        Tracer.WriteInfo("#### Sledid= " + blade + " Sensor id= " + ConfigLoaded.InputSensor + " Sensor reading= " +
                                         Temps.Reading + " Raw= " + Temps.RawReading + ", LowerNonCritical= " +
                                         ConfigLoaded.SensorLowThreshold + ", UpperNonCritical= " + ConfigLoaded.SensorHighThreshold);

                        // Handle state logic if needed
                        // Probation state should be shifted to Healthy since there was no timeout, & sensorread succeeded
                        if (ChassisState.GetBladeState(blade) == (byte)BladeState.Probation)
                            // Change state to healthy
                            Tracer.WriteInfo("State Transition for Sled {0}: {1} -> Healthy", blade,

                            ChassisState.SetBladeState(blade, (byte)BladeState.Healthy);
                            ChassisState.FailCount[blade - 1] = 0; // reset the fail count

                        PWM = GetPwmFromTemperature(Temps.Reading,

                        Tracer.WriteInfo("PWM value for Sensor {0} = {1}", InputSensor, PWM);

                // write value into requirements table
                BladeRequirementTable[blade - 1] = PWM;

                // Log end time and capture time of execution for sensor get command
                DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
                timeDiff = endTime.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds; // convert time difference into milliseconds
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the chassis fan speed
        /// </summary>
        private void SetAllFanSpeeds()
            // rate limiter for setting thread

            // Get max requirement from the bladerequirement table
            byte maxFanRequest = this.GetMaxRequirement();

            if (CommunicationDevice.IsSafeMode())
                // Set fan speed to maximum
                Tracer.WriteInfo("Safe mode: Setting Fan speed to max");
                maxFanRequest = MaxPWM;

            Tracer.WriteInfo("Max value got from Blade table = {0} (at {1})", maxFanRequest, DateTime.Now);

            // Check Fan Status and get number of working fans
            int numFansWorking = GetAllFanStatus();

            // Handle one fan failure
            if (numFansWorking == MaxFanCount - 1)
                // Alert that one fan has failed!
                Tracer.WriteError("Fan failure, applying conversion");

                // Denote fan failure in chassis
                ChassisState.FanFailure = true;

                double conversion = (double)MaxFanCount / (double)(MaxFanCount - 1);
                maxFanRequest = (byte)(conversion * maxFanRequest);
            else if (numFansWorking < MaxFanCount - 1)
                // Set fan speed to max for fan failures more than N-1
                maxFanRequest = MaxPWM; // this is to set at max speed
                Tracer.WriteError("More than 1 Fans failed");

                // Denote that this is a fan failure in chassis
                ChassisState.FanFailure = true;
                // All fans are working fine - check rear attention LED and if on, turn it off (by setting fanFailure to false)
                ChassisState.FanFailure = false;

            // Do altitude correction
            maxFanRequest = (byte)((1 + ConfigLoaded.AltitudeCorrectionFactor * (int)(ConfigLoaded.Altitude / 1000)) * maxFanRequest);

            // Bound fan request to the maximum possible
            if (maxFanRequest > MaxPWM)
                maxFanRequest = MaxPWM;

            // Enable Ramp Down in smaller steps
            if (PrevFanPWM >= maxFanRequest + 2 * ConfigLoaded.StepPWM)
                maxFanRequest = (byte)(PrevFanPWM - ConfigLoaded.StepPWM);

            // Set fan speed for all fans - setting one fan device is enough, since setfanspeed is for all fan devices
            byte status = ChassisState.Fans[0].SetFanSpeed(maxFanRequest);

            // Trace the speed of fan
            Tracer.WriteInfo("Fan speed = " + ChassisState.Fans[0].GetFanSpeed());

            if (status != (byte)CompletionCode.Success)
                Tracer.WriteWarning("SetFanSpeed failed with Completion Code: {0:X}", status);
                Tracer.WriteInfo("Fan Speed set to {0}", maxFanRequest);

            // Store current fan PWM in PrevFanPWM for next iteration
            PrevFanPWM = maxFanRequest;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize Chassis constants and configs
        /// </summary>
        internal byte Initialize()
            Tracer.WriteInfo("Initializing state");

            byte status = (byte)CompletionCode.UnspecifiedError;


            Tracer.WriteInfo("Initializing Communication Device");
            // Initializer lower layer communication device
            CompletionCode completionCode = CommunicationDevice.Init();

            if (CompletionCodeChecker.Failed(completionCode))
                Tracer.WriteWarning("Initialization failed: {0}", completionCode);
                int loop = 0;

                // Retry 3 times before failing completely
                for (loop = 0; loop < ConfigLoaded.MaxRetries; loop++)
                    Tracer.WriteInfo("Initialization Retry: {0}", loop);

                    completionCode = CommunicationDevice.Init();
                    if (CompletionCodeChecker.Succeeded(completionCode))

                if (loop == ConfigLoaded.MaxRetries)
                    Tracer.WriteError("Re-attempt at Communication Device Initialization failed with code: {0}", completionCode);
            if (CompletionCodeChecker.Succeeded(completionCode))
                Tracer.WriteInfo("Communication Device Initialized");
                status = (byte)CompletionCode.Success;

            // Get power status of enable pin for each blade and update blade state
            for (byte deviceId = 1; deviceId <= MaxSledCount; deviceId++)

            // Initialize Wcs Blade - TODO: This initialize should return some status
            WcsBladeFacade.Initialize();  // This method just creates IPMI Client Class for each blade.
            Tracer.WriteInfo("IPMI Facade Initialized, Number of blades initialized: {0}", WcsBladeFacade.Initialized);

            // check all client initialization status and update state
            Tracer.WriteInfo("Checking client status for {0} blades", MaxSledCount);
            for (byte deviceId = 1; deviceId <= MaxSledCount; deviceId++)
                // TODO: How to check initialized status, now that this has become a function
                if (WcsBladeFacade.clients[deviceId].Initialize()) // This method logs on to an IPMI session.
                    // If initialized is true, change state to probation
                    Tracer.WriteInfo("State Transition for Sled {0}: {1} -> Probation", deviceId,

                    ChassisState.SetBladeState(deviceId, (byte)BladeState.Probation);
                    Tracer.WriteInfo("Blade not initialized: Blade ", +deviceId);

            Tracer.WriteInfo("Initializing Watchdog Timer");

            // Initialize WatchDog Timer

            Tracer.WriteInfo("Watchdog timer initialized");

            // Initialize internal chassis manager tables
