/// <summary> /// Send sync Bridge Command /// </summary> /// <param name="channel">Channel to send command (Intel ME = 6)</param> /// <param name="slaveId">Channel Slave Id</param> /// /// <param name="trackRequest">Trace Message</param> /// <param name="messageData">Message payload</param> public virtual SendNodeMangerMessage SendNodeManagerRequest(byte channel, byte slaveId, bool trackRequest, NodeManagerRequest requestMessage, Type responseMessage) { byte rqSeq = NodeManagerRqSeq(); byte[] nodeManagerMessage = requestMessage.GetNodeManagerBytes(slaveId, rqSeq, trackRequest); SendMessageResponse msgResponse = (SendMessageResponse)this.IpmiSendReceive( new SendMessageRequest(channel, trackRequest, nodeManagerMessage), typeof(SendMessageResponse)); SendNodeMangerMessage response = new SendNodeMangerMessage(msgResponse.CompletionCode); if (response.CompletionCode == 0x00) { // Create the response based on the provided type. ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = responseMessage.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); NodeManagerResponse nodeManagerResponse = (NodeManagerResponse)constructorInfo.Invoke(new Object[0]); // set the message data. response.MessageData = msgResponse.MessageData; try { nodeManagerResponse.InitializeNodeManager(msgResponse.MessageData, msgResponse.MessageData.Length, rqSeq); response.Response = nodeManagerResponse; } catch (Exception ex) { IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Send Message error converting payload. Exception occured converting packet: {0}", ex)); // set an exception code for invalid data in ipmi data field, as the packet could nodeManagerResponse.CompletionCode = 0xD6; // IpmiCmdFailedIllegalParameter } } return(response); }
/// <summary> /// Send Receive Ipmi messages /// </summary> internal override IpmiResponse IpmiSendReceive(IpmiRequest ipmiRequest, Type responseType, bool allowRetry = true) { byte[] message = ipmiRequest.GetBytes(IpmiTransport.Wmi, 0x00); // Create the response based on the provided type ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = responseType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); IpmiResponse ipmiResponse = (IpmiResponse)constructorInfo.Invoke(new Object[0]); // Serialize the IPMI request into bytes. ManagementBaseObject ipmiRequestMessage = this.GetManagementObject(ipmiRequest.ToString(), message); // invoke new method options InvokeMethodOptions methodOptions = new InvokeMethodOptions(null, System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(base.Timeout)); // management return object ManagementBaseObject ipmiResponseMessage = null; // get instance and invoke RequestResponse method foreach (ManagementObject mo in ipmi_Instance) { ipmiResponseMessage = mo.InvokeMethod(ipmi_Method, wmiPacket, methodOptions); } if (ipmiResponseMessage == null) { // Assume the request timed out. ipmiResponse.CompletionCode = 0xA3; } else { ipmiResponse.CompletionCode = (byte)ipmiResponseMessage["CompletionCode"]; if (ipmiResponse.CompletionCode == 0) { try { uint dataLenght = (uint)ipmiResponseMessage["ResponseDataSize"]; // expected to be true, as ResponseDataSize includes completionCode if (dataLenght != 0) { // extract response data array byte[] responseData = (byte[])ipmiResponseMessage["ResponseData"]; // extract response message lenght if (responseData != null) { int lenght = responseData.Length; if (this.debugEnabled) { string cmd = ipmiRequest.GetType().ToString(); IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Command: {0} Request: {1}", cmd, IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString(message))); if (responseData != null) { IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Command: {0} Response: {1}", cmd, IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString(responseData))); } else { IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Request: {0} Response: null", cmd)); } } // initialize the response to set the paramaters. ipmiResponse.Initialize(IpmiTransport.Wmi, responseData, lenght, 0x00); ipmiResponseMessage = null; } else { // IpmiCannotReturnRequestedDataBytes, data lenght is greater than zero // but responseData is null. ipmiResponse.CompletionCode = 0xCA; if (this.debugEnabled) { IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Response Lenght: {0} Response: null. Asserting 0xCA CompletionCode ", dataLenght)); } } } else { // Asserting IpmiResponseNotProvided ipmiResponse.CompletionCode = 0xCE; if (this.debugEnabled) { IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Unable to obtain Response Data Lenght: {0} Response: null. Asserting 0xCE CompletionCode ", dataLenght)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Response data Invalid, data convertion failed. // unexpected error, return: ipmiResponse.CompletionCode = 0xAD; if (this.debugEnabled) { IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Exception Source: {0} Message{1}", ex.Source.ToString(), ex.Message.ToString())); } } } else { if (this.debugEnabled) { // throw ipmi/dcmi response exception with a custom string message and the ipmi completion code IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Completion Code: " + IpmiSharedFunc.ByteToHexString(ipmiResponse.CompletionCode))); if (ipmiResponseMessage == null) { IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Request Type: {0} Response Packet: null Completion Code {1}", ipmiRequest.GetType().ToString(), IpmiSharedFunc.ByteToHexString(ipmiResponse.CompletionCode))); } } } } // Response to the IPMI request message. return(ipmiResponse); }