 public AlphabetDef(FastToken name, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<FastToken, FastToken>> attrs, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<FastToken, FastToken>> constructors)
     : base(DefKind.Alphabet)
     this.sort = new FastSort(name, FastSortKind.Tree);
     this.symbols = new List<FuncSymbol>();
     this.name = name;
        internal override void CheckFunctionExpr(Dictionary<string, FastSort> vars, HashSet<string> attrNames, HashSet<string> patternTrees, FastPgm pgm)
            if (!vars.ContainsKey(token.text))
                throw new FastParseException(token.Location, string.Format("unexpected identifier '{0}'", token.text));

            if (_sort == null)
                _sort = vars[token.text];
            else if (!_sort.name.text.Equals(vars[token.text].name))
                throw new FastParseException(token.Location, string.Format("unexpected sort '{1}' of '{0}' expecting '{2}'", token.text, _sort.name, vars[token.text].name));
 internal override void CalcSort(Func<FastToken, FastSort> context, FastPgm program)
     if (program.defsMap.ContainsKey(this._token.text))
         _sort = program.GetConstantSort(this._token);
         _sort = context(this._token);
 public Variable(FastToken token)
     this._token = token;
     _sort = null;
 protected DefDef(DefDefKind ddkind, FastSort domain)
     : base(DefKind.Def)
     this.ddkind = ddkind;
     this.domain = domain;
        internal override void CheckTransformation(HashSet<string> subs, AlphabetDef domAlph, AlphabetDef rangeAlph, FastPgm pgm)
            foreach (var expr in args)
                expr.CheckTransformation(subs, domAlph, rangeAlph, pgm);

            var constsAndFuns = new Dictionary<string, FastSort>();
            foreach (var def in pgm.defs)
                if (def.kind == DefKind.Function)
                    constsAndFuns.Add(((FunctionDef)def).name.text, ((FunctionDef)def).sort);
                if (def.kind == DefKind.Const)
                    constsAndFuns.Add(((ConstDef)def).name.text, ((ConstDef)def).sort);
            bool ok = CheckStandardOps(constsAndFuns);

            if (!ok)
                string f = func.name.text;
                if (this is RecordExp)                                 // --- record constrctor ---
                    if (rangeAlph.attrSort.fields.Count != args.Count)
                        throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("unxecpected nr of attribute fields {0}, expecting {1}", args.Count, rangeAlph.attrSort.fields.Count));
                    for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++)
                        if (args[i].sort.name.text != rangeAlph.attrSort.fields[i].Value.name.text)
                            throw new FastParseException(args[i].sort.name.Location, string.Format("invalid argument sort '{0}' of field '{1}', expecting sort '{2}'", args[i].sort.name.text, rangeAlph.attrSort.fields[i].Key.text, rangeAlph.attrSort.fields[i].Value.name.text));
                    _sort = rangeAlph.attrSort;
                else if (rangeAlph.symbols.Exists(_f => func.name.text == _f.name.text)) // --- tree constructor ---
                    if (!rangeAlph.IsValidSymbol(func.name, func.arity))
                        throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("wrong number of arguments of constructor '{0}'", func.name));

                    for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++)
                        if (args[i].sort.name.text != rangeAlph.id.text)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("unexected argument of function '{0}'", func.name));
                    _sort = rangeAlph.sort;
                    var def = pgm.FindDef(func.name);

                    if (def.kind == DefKind.Trans)
                        if (args.Count != 1)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("transduction '{0}' is unary", func.name));

                        var tdef = def as TransDef;
                        if (tdef.domain.name.text != args[0].sort.name.text)
                            throw new FastParseException(args[0].sort.name.Location, string.Format("transduction '{0}' has unexpected argument of sort '{1}', expecting sort '{2}'", func.name, args[0].sort.name.text, tdef.domain.name.text));

                        _sort = tdef.range;
                        isTranDef = true;
                        if (args[0].kind == FExpKind.App)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("Transduction '{0}' cannot be nested inside another Transduction", func.name));
                        throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("ID '{0}' is not a Transduction", func.name));
        public FunctionDef(FastToken name, List<KeyValuePair<FastToken, FastSort>> vars, FastSort outputSort, FExp expr)
            : base(DefKind.Function)
            this.name = name;
            this.outputSort = outputSort;
            this.expr = expr;

            inputVariables = vars;
            var domain = new List<FastSort>();
            foreach (var kv in vars)
                if (varSortMap.ContainsKey(kv.Key.text))
                    throw new FastParseException(kv.Key.Location, string.Format("Duplicate parameter ID '{0}'", kv.Key.text));
                FastSort s = kv.Value;
                varSortMap[kv.Key.text] = s;
            this.sort = new FunctionSort(this.name, domain, this.outputSort);
 internal override void CheckSort(FastSort s)
     if (!sort.Equals(s))
         throw new FastParseException(token.Location, string.Format("wrong sort '{0}', expecting '{1}'", sort, s));
 public AppExp(FastToken func, IEnumerable<FExp> args)
     this.args = new List<FExp>(args);
     this.func = new FuncSymbol(func, this.args.Count);
     this._sort = null;
     this.isTranDef = false;
     this.isLangDef = false;
 internal abstract void CheckSort(FastSort s);
 internal override void CalcSort(Func<FastToken, FastSort> context, FastPgm program)
     string[] split = token.text.Split('.');
     Def d;
     if (!program.defsMap.TryGetValue(split[0], out d))
         throw new FastParseException(token.Location, string.Format("Undefined Enum '{0}'", split[0]));
     EnumDef ed = d as EnumDef;
     if (ed == null)
         throw new FastParseException(token.Location, string.Format("ID '{0}' is not an Enum", split[0]));
     if (!ed.elems.Contains(split[1]))
         throw new FastParseException(token.Location, string.Format("Enum '{0}' does not contain member '{1}'", split[0], split[1]));
     _sort = ed.sort;
 public EnumValue(FastToken token)
     : base(GetEnumValue(token), token)
     this._sort = new FastSort(new FastToken(GetEnumName(token)), FastSortKind.Tree);
 public EnumDef(FastToken name)
     : base(DefKind.Enum)
     this.name = name;
     this.sort = new FastSort(name, FastSortKind.Tree);
 internal override void CheckSubtreeGuard(Dictionary<string, FastSort> subs, AlphabetDef alph, FastPgm pgm)
     if (!subs.ContainsKey(token.text))
         throw new FastParseException(token.Location, string.Format("unexpected identifier '{0}', expecting a subtree parameter", token.text));
         _sort = subs[token.text];
 public FunctionSort(FastToken name, List<FastSort> domain, FastSort range)
     : base(name, FastSortKind.Function)
     this.domain = domain;
     this.range = range;
        internal override void CheckTransformation(HashSet<string> subs, AlphabetDef domAlph, AlphabetDef rangeAlph, FastPgm pgm)
            if (subs.Contains(this.token.text))
                _sort = domAlph.sort;
                //Check if the current variable is a constant
                FastSort s;
                foreach (var def in pgm.defs)
                    if (def.kind == DefKind.Const && ((ConstDef)def).id.text == this.token.text)
                        s = ((ConstDef)def).sort;
                        if (s == null || (_sort != null && s.name.text != _sort.name.text))
                            throw new FastParseException(token.Location, string.Format("unexpected identifier '{0}'", token.text));
                        _sort = s;

                //Oterwise look for attr symbol

                if (Array.Exists(rangeAlph.symbols.ToArray(), x => x.name.text == this.token.text))
                    throw new FastParseException(this.token.Location, string.Format("the constructor '{0}' is not applied to a tuple", this.token.text));

                if (domAlph == null)
                    throw new FastParseException(this.token.Location, string.Format("the variable '{0}' is not defined", this.token.text));

                s = domAlph.attrSort.getSort(this.token);

                if (s == null || (_sort != null && s.name.text != _sort.name.text))
                    throw new FastParseException(token.Location, string.Format("unexpected identifier '{0}'", token.text));
                _sort = s;
        internal override void CalcSort(Func<FastToken, FastSort> context, FastPgm program)
            foreach (var arg in this.args)
                arg.CalcSort(context, program);

            if (func.alph != null) //func is a costructor
                if (args.Count != func.arity)
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location,
                        string.Format("Invalid use of constructor '{0}' of alphabet '{1}', wrong nr of arguments", func.name.text, func.alph.sort));

                if (!args[0].sort.Equals(func.alph.attrSort))
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location,
                         string.Format("Invalid use of constructor '{0}' of alphabet '{1}', wrong attribute sort", func.name.text, func.alph.sort));

                for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++)
                    if (!args[i].sort.Equals(func.alph.sort))
                        throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location,
                    string.Format("Invalid use of constructor '{0}' of alphabet '{1}', subtree nr {2} has unexpected sort '{3}'", func.name.text, func.alph.sort, i, args[i].sort));

                _sort = func.alph.sort;

            switch (func.name.Kind)
                case (Tokens.EQ):
                case (Tokens.NE):
                        if (this.args.Count != 2)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong nr of arguments, expecting 2 arguments");
                        if (!args[0].sort.name.text.Equals(args[1].sort.name.text))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Both arguments must have the same sort");
                        _sort = FastSort.Bool;
                case (Tokens.LE):
                case (Tokens.GE):
                case (Tokens.LT):
                case (Tokens.GT):
                        if (this.args.Count != 2)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong nr of arguments, expecting 2 arguments");
                        if (!args[0].sort.name.text.Equals(args[1].sort.name.text))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Both arguments must have the same sort");
                        if (!(args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Char || args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Int || args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Real))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Arguments have wrong sort, expecting numeric sort");
                        _sort = FastSort.Bool;
                case (Tokens.AND):
                case (Tokens.OR):
                case (Tokens.IMPLIES):
                        if (this.args.Count != 2)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong nr of arguments, expecting 2 arguments");
                        if (!args[0].sort.name.text.Equals(args[1].sort.name.text))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Both arguments must have the same sort");
                        if (!(args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Bool))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Arguments must be Boolean");
                        _sort = FastSort.Bool;
                case (Tokens.PLUS):
                case (Tokens.MINUS):
                case (Tokens.TIMES):
                case (Tokens.DIV):
                        if (this.args.Count != 2)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong nr of arguments, expecting 2 arguments");
                        if (!args[0].sort.name.text.Equals(args[1].sort.name.text))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Both arguments must have the same sort");
                        if (!(args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Char || args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Int || args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Real))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong argument sorts");
                        _sort = args[0].sort;
                case (Tokens.MOD):
                case (Tokens.SHL):
                case (Tokens.SHR):
                case (Tokens.BVAND):
                case (Tokens.BAR):
                case (Tokens.BVXOR):
                        if (this.args.Count != 2)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong nr of arguments, expecting 2 arguments");
                        if (!args[0].sort.name.text.Equals(args[1].sort.name.text))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Both arguments must have the same sort");
                        if (!(args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Char || args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Int))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong argument sorts");
                        _sort = args[0].sort;
                case (Tokens.NOT):
                        if (this.args.Count != 1)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong nr of arguments, expecting 1 argument");
                        if (!(args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Bool))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("Wrong argument sort, expecting '{0}'",FastSort.Bool.name.text));
                        _sort = args[0].sort;
                case (Tokens.BVNOT):
                        if (this.args.Count != 1)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong nr of arguments, expecting 1 argument");
                        if (!(args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Char || args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Int))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong argument sort, expecting 'char' or 'int'");
                        _sort = args[0].sort;
                case (Tokens.COMPLEMENT):
                        if (this.args.Count != 1)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong nr of arguments, expecting 1 argument");
                        if (!(args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Tree))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong argument sort, expecting a tree sort");
                        _sort = args[0].sort;
                case (Tokens.INTERSECT):
                case (Tokens.UNION):
                        if (this.args.Count != 2)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong nr of arguments, expecting 2 arguments");
                        if (!(args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Tree && args[1].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Tree))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong argument sort, expecting a tree sort");
                        if (!(args[0].sort.name.Equals(args[1].sort.name)))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Both arguments must have the same tree sort");
                        _sort = args[0].sort;
                case (Tokens.EQ_LANG):
                        if (this.args.Count != 2)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong nr of arguments, expecting 2 arguments");
                        if (!(args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Tree && args[1].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Tree))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong argument sort, expecting a tree sort");
                        if (!(args[0].sort.name.Equals(args[1].sort.name)))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Both arguments must have the same tree sort");
                        _sort = FastSort.Bool;
                case (Tokens.ITE):
                        if (this.args.Count != 3)
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, "Wrong nr of arguments of If-Then-Else expression, expecting 3 arguments");
                        if (!(args[0].sort.kind == FastSortKind.Bool))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("If-Then-Else condition has wrong sort '{0}' expecting '{1}'", args[0].sort.name.text, FastSort.Bool.name.text));
                        if (!(args[1].sort.name.text.Equals(args[2].sort.name.text)))
                            throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("If-Then-Else true and false cases have different sorts '{0}' and '{1}' but must have the same sort", args[1].sort.name.text, args[2].sort.name.text));
                        _sort = args[1].sort;
                case (Tokens.ID):
                        var fdef = program.FindDef(func.name);
                        var tdef = fdef as TransDef;
                        if (tdef != null)
                            if (1 != args.Count)
                                throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("Transduction '{0}' arity is 1 not {2}", func.name.text, 1, args.Count));

                            if (!args[0].sort.Equals(tdef.domain))
                                throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("Transduction '{0}' has domain '{0}' not '{1}'", func.name.text, tdef.domain, args[0].sort));

                            _sort = tdef.range;
                            isTranDef = true;
                            var ldef = fdef as LangDef;
                            if (ldef != null)
                                if (1 != args.Count)
                                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("Acceptor '{0}' arity is 1 not {2}", func.name.text, 1, args.Count));

                                if (!args[0].sort.Equals(ldef.domain))
                                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("Acceptor '{0}' has domain '{0}' not '{1}'", func.name.text, ldef.domain, args[0].sort));

                                _sort = FastSort.Bool;
                                isLangDef = true;

                                FunctionDef d = fdef as FunctionDef;
                                if (d == null)
                                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("Unexpected ID '{0}' ", func.name.text));

                                if (d.inputVariables.Count != args.Count)
                                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("Function '{0}' arity is {1} not {2}", func.name.text, d.inputVariables.Count, args.Count));

                                for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++)
                                    var expectedSort = d.inputVariables[i].Value;
                                    var actualSort = args[i].sort;
                                    if (expectedSort.kind != actualSort.kind || !expectedSort.name.text.Equals(actualSort.name.text))
                                        throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("Function '{0}' parameter (#{4}) '{3}' has sort '{1}' not '{2}'", func.name.text, d.inputVariables[i].Key.text, expectedSort.name.text, actualSort.name.text, i + 1));
                                _sort = d.outputSort;
                case (Tokens.LBRACKET): //Record constructor
                        List<KeyValuePair<FastToken, FastSort>> sorts = new List<KeyValuePair<FastToken, FastSort>>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++)
                            sorts.Add(new KeyValuePair<FastToken, FastSort>(new FastToken("_" + (1+i).ToString()), args[i].sort));
                        _sort = new RecordSort(sorts);
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("Unexpected function '{0}'", func.name.text));
        internal override void CheckSubtreeGuard(Dictionary<string, FastSort> subs, AlphabetDef alph, FastPgm pgm)
            Predicate<FExp> IsNotBool = (x => { return x.sort == null || x.sort.kind != FastSortKind.Bool; });
            foreach (var expr in args)
                expr.CheckSubtreeGuard(subs, alph, pgm);

            if (func.name.text != "and" && func.name.text != "or" && !pgm.defs.Exists(d => d.id.text == func.name.text && d.kind == DefKind.Lang && ((LangDef)d).domain.name.text == alph.sort.name.text))
                throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("illeagal identifier '{0}'", func.name.text));

            if ((func.name.text == "and" || func.name.text == "or") && args.Exists(IsNotBool))
                throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("arguments of '{0}' must be Boolean", func.name.text));

            if (pgm.defs.Exists(d => d.id.text == func.name.text && d.kind == DefKind.Lang && ((LangDef)d).domain.name.text == alph.sort.name.text))
                isLangDef = true;

            _sort = FastSort.Bool;
 protected LangOrTransDef(DefKind kind, FastSort domain)
     : base(kind)
     this.domain = domain;
        private bool CheckStandardOps(Dictionary<string, FastSort> varsConstsSorts)
            Predicate<FExp> IsNotBool = (x => { return x.sort == null || x.sort.kind != FastSortKind.Bool; });
            if (func.IsBuiltinBooleanConnective)
                if (args.Exists(IsNotBool))
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("all arguments of '{0}' must be Boolean", func.name));
                if (func.IsBuiltinUnary && args.Count != 1)
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("'{0}' is unary, not arity {1}", func.name, args.Count));
                if (!func.IsBuiltinAssociative && !func.IsBuiltinUnary && args.Count != 2)
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("'{0}' is binary, not arity {1}", func.name, args.Count));

                _sort = FastSort.Bool;
            else if (func.IsBuiltinITE)
                if (args.Count != 3)
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("'{0}' takes 3 arguments, wrong nr of arguments {1}", func.name, args.Count));
                if (args[0].sort.kind != FastSortKind.Bool)
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("first argument of '{0}' must be Boolean not '{1}'", func.name, args[0].sort.name));
                if (args[1].sort.name.text != args[2].sort.name.text)
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("arguments 2 and 3 of '{0}' must have the same type, not {1},{2}", func.name, args[1].sort.name.text, args[2].sort.name.text));

                _sort = args[1].sort;
            else if (func.IsBuiltinEq || func.IsBuiltinArithmeticRelation)
                if (args.Count != 2)
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("'{0}' is binary, wrong nr of arguments {1}", func.name, args.Count));

                if (!args[0].sort.name.text.Equals(args[1].sort.name.text))
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("both arguments of '{0}' must have the same type, not {1},{2}", func.name, args[0].sort.name.text, args[1].sort.name.text));

                _sort = FastSort.Bool;
            else if (func.IsBuiltinArithmeticFunction)
                if (args.Count != 2)
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("'{0}' is binary, wrong nr of arguments {1}", func.name, args.Count));

                if (!args[0].sort.name.text.Equals(args[1].sort.name.text))
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("both arguments of '{0}' must have the same sort, not {1},{2}", func.name, args[0].sort.name.text, args[1].sort.name.text));

                if (!args[0].sort.name.text.Equals(FastSort.Real.name.text) && !args[0].sort.name.text.Equals(FastSort.Int.name.text) && !args[0].sort.name.text.Equals(FastSort.Char.name.text))
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("arguments of '{0}' must be either 'int' or 'real' or 'char', not '{1}',", func.name, args[0].sort.name.text));

                _sort = args[0].sort;
            else if (func.IsBuiltinIntegerFunction)
                if (args.Count != 2)
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("'{0}' is binary, wrong nr of arguments {1}", func.name, args.Count));

                if (!args[0].sort.name.text.Equals("int"))
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("both arguments of '{0}' must have the same sort, not int,{2}", func.name, args[0].sort.name.text, args[1].sort.name.text));

                _sort = args[0].sort;
            else if (func.IsBuiltinStringFunction)
                if (args.Count != 2)
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("'{0}' is binary, wrong nr of arguments {1}", func.name, args.Count));

                if (!args[0].sort.name.text.Equals("string") || !args[1].sort.name.text.Equals("string"))
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("both arguments of '{0}' must have the same sort, not string,{2}", func.name, args[0].sort.name.text, args[1].sort.name.text));

                _sort = args[0].sort;
            else if (varsConstsSorts.ContainsKey(func.name.text))
                FunctionSort fsort = (FunctionSort)varsConstsSorts[func.name.text];
                if (args.Count != fsort.domain.Count)
                    throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("'{0}' expects '{1}' arguments, but it is applied to {2}", func.name, fsort.domain.Count, args.Count));

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var v in args)
                    if (!v.sort.name.text.Equals(fsort.domain[i].name.text))
                        throw new FastParseException(func.name.Location, string.Format("argument '{0}' of '{1}' must have sort '{2}', not '{3}'", i, func.name, fsort.domain[i], v.sort));

                _sort = fsort.range;
                return false;
            return true;
 public TransDefDef(FastToken name, FastToken alphabet1, FastToken alphabet2, BuiltinTransExp expr)
     : base(DefDefKind.Trans, new FastSort(alphabet1, FastSortKind.Tree))
     this.func = new FuncSymbol(name, 1);
     range = new FastSort(alphabet2, FastSortKind.Tree);
     this.expr = expr;
 private Sort getSort(FastSort fs, FastTransducerInstance fti)
     switch (fs.kind)
         case (FastSortKind.Real):
             return z3p.RealSort;
         case (FastSortKind.Bool):
             return z3p.BoolSort;
         case (FastSortKind.Int):
             return z3p.IntSort;
         case (FastSortKind.Char):
             return z3p.CharSort;
         case (FastSortKind.String):
             return z3p.MkListSort(z3p.CharSort);
         case (FastSortKind.Tree):
                 foreach (var enumSort in fti.enums)
                     if (enumSort.name == fs.name.text)
                         return enumSort.sort;
     return null;
 public ConstDef(FastToken name, FastToken sort, FExp expr)
     : base(DefKind.Const)
     this.name = name;
     this.sort = FastSort.GetSort(sort);
     this.expr = expr;