internal static FileFormatException Create(Exception exception, JsonValue jsonValue) { var result = new FileFormatException(exception.Message, exception) .WithLineInfo(jsonValue); return result; }
internal static FileFormatException Create(string message, JsonValue jsonValue) { var result = new FileFormatException(message) .WithLineInfo(jsonValue); return result; }
internal static FileFormatException Create(string message, string filePath) { var result = new FileFormatException(message) .WithFilePath(filePath); return result; }
public Project ReadProject(Stream stream, string projectName, string projectPath, ICollection <DiagnosticMessage> diagnostics) { var project = new Project(); var reader = new StreamReader(stream); var rawProject = JsonDeserializer.Deserialize(reader) as JsonObject; if (rawProject == null) { throw FileFormatException.Create( "The JSON file can't be deserialized to a JSON object.", projectPath); } // Meta-data properties project.Name = rawProject.ValueAsString("name") ?? projectName; project.ProjectFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(projectPath); var version = rawProject.Value("version") as JsonString; if (version == null) { project.Version = new NuGetVersion("1.0.0"); } else { try { var buildVersion = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_BUILD_VERSION"); project.Version = SpecifySnapshot(version, buildVersion); } catch (Exception ex) { throw FileFormatException.Create(ex, version, project.ProjectFilePath); } } var fileVersion = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_ASSEMBLY_FILE_VERSION"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileVersion)) { project.AssemblyFileVersion = project.Version.Version; } else { try { var simpleVersion = project.Version.Version; project.AssemblyFileVersion = new Version(simpleVersion.Major, simpleVersion.Minor, simpleVersion.Build, int.Parse(fileVersion)); } catch (FormatException ex) { throw new FormatException("The assembly file version is invalid: " + fileVersion, ex); } } project.Description = rawProject.ValueAsString("description"); project.Summary = rawProject.ValueAsString("summary"); project.Copyright = rawProject.ValueAsString("copyright"); project.Title = rawProject.ValueAsString("title"); project.EntryPoint = rawProject.ValueAsString("entryPoint"); project.ProjectUrl = rawProject.ValueAsString("projectUrl"); project.LicenseUrl = rawProject.ValueAsString("licenseUrl"); project.IconUrl = rawProject.ValueAsString("iconUrl"); project.CompilerName = rawProject.ValueAsString("compilerName"); project.Authors = rawProject.ValueAsStringArray("authors") ?? Array.Empty <string>(); project.Owners = rawProject.ValueAsStringArray("owners") ?? Array.Empty <string>(); project.Tags = rawProject.ValueAsStringArray("tags") ?? Array.Empty <string>(); project.Language = rawProject.ValueAsString("language"); project.ReleaseNotes = rawProject.ValueAsString("releaseNotes"); project.RequireLicenseAcceptance = rawProject.ValueAsBoolean("requireLicenseAcceptance", defaultValue: false); // REVIEW: Move this to the dependencies node? project.EmbedInteropTypes = rawProject.ValueAsBoolean("embedInteropTypes", defaultValue: false); project.Dependencies = new List <LibraryRange>(); // Project files project.Files = new ProjectFilesCollection(rawProject, project.ProjectDirectory, project.ProjectFilePath); var commands = rawProject.Value("commands") as JsonObject; if (commands != null) { foreach (var key in commands.Keys) { var value = commands.ValueAsString(key); if (value != null) { project.Commands[key] = value; } } } var scripts = rawProject.Value("scripts") as JsonObject; if (scripts != null) { foreach (var key in scripts.Keys) { var stringValue = scripts.ValueAsString(key); if (stringValue != null) { project.Scripts[key] = new string[] { stringValue }; continue; } var arrayValue = scripts.ValueAsStringArray(key); if (arrayValue != null) { project.Scripts[key] = arrayValue; continue; } throw FileFormatException.Create( string.Format("The value of a script in {0} can only be a string or an array of strings", Project.FileName), scripts.Value(key), project.ProjectFilePath); } } BuildTargetFrameworksAndConfigurations(project, rawProject, diagnostics); PopulateDependencies( project.ProjectFilePath, project.Dependencies, rawProject, "dependencies", isGacOrFrameworkReference: false); return(project); }
private void BuildTargetFrameworksAndConfigurations(Project project, JsonObject projectJsonObject, ICollection <DiagnosticMessage> diagnostics) { // Get the shared compilationOptions project._defaultCompilerOptions = GetCompilationOptions(projectJsonObject) ?? new CommonCompilerOptions(); project._defaultTargetFrameworkConfiguration = new TargetFrameworkInformation { Dependencies = new List <LibraryRange>() }; // Add default configurations project._compilerOptionsByConfiguration["Debug"] = new CommonCompilerOptions { Defines = new[] { "DEBUG", "TRACE" }, Optimize = false }; project._compilerOptionsByConfiguration["Release"] = new CommonCompilerOptions { Defines = new[] { "RELEASE", "TRACE" }, Optimize = true }; // The configuration node has things like debug/release compiler settings /* * { * "configurations": { * "Debug": { * }, * "Release": { * } * } * } */ var configurationsSection = projectJsonObject.ValueAsJsonObject("configurations"); if (configurationsSection != null) { foreach (var configKey in configurationsSection.Keys) { var compilerOptions = GetCompilationOptions(configurationsSection.ValueAsJsonObject(configKey)); // Only use this as a configuration if it's not a target framework project._compilerOptionsByConfiguration[configKey] = compilerOptions; } } // The frameworks node is where target frameworks go /* * { * "frameworks": { * "net45": { * }, * "dnxcore50": { * } * } * } */ var frameworks = projectJsonObject.ValueAsJsonObject("frameworks"); if (frameworks != null) { foreach (var frameworkKey in frameworks.Keys) { try { var frameworkToken = frameworks.ValueAsJsonObject(frameworkKey); var success = BuildTargetFrameworkNode(project, frameworkKey, frameworkToken); if (!success) { diagnostics?.Add( new DiagnosticMessage( ErrorCodes.NU1008, $"\"{frameworkKey}\" is an unsupported framework.", project.ProjectFilePath, DiagnosticMessageSeverity.Error, frameworkToken.Line, frameworkToken.Column)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw FileFormatException.Create(ex, frameworks.Value(frameworkKey), project.ProjectFilePath); } } } }
private static void PopulateDependencies( string projectPath, IList <LibraryRange> results, JsonObject settings, string propertyName, bool isGacOrFrameworkReference) { var dependencies = settings.ValueAsJsonObject(propertyName); if (dependencies != null) { foreach (var dependencyKey in dependencies.Keys) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependencyKey)) { throw FileFormatException.Create( "Unable to resolve dependency ''.", dependencies.Value(dependencyKey), projectPath); } var dependencyValue = dependencies.Value(dependencyKey); var dependencyTypeValue = LibraryDependencyType.Default; JsonString dependencyVersionAsString = null; LibraryType target = isGacOrFrameworkReference ? LibraryType.ReferenceAssembly : LibraryType.Unspecified; if (dependencyValue is JsonObject) { // "dependencies" : { "Name" : { "version": "1.0", "type": "build", "target": "project" } } var dependencyValueAsObject = (JsonObject)dependencyValue; dependencyVersionAsString = dependencyValueAsObject.ValueAsString("version"); var type = dependencyValueAsObject.ValueAsString("type"); if (type != null) { dependencyTypeValue = LibraryDependencyType.Parse(type.Value); } // Read the target if specified if (!isGacOrFrameworkReference) { LibraryType parsedTarget; var targetStr = dependencyValueAsObject.ValueAsString("target"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetStr) && LibraryType.TryParse(targetStr, out parsedTarget)) { target = parsedTarget; } } } else if (dependencyValue is JsonString) { // "dependencies" : { "Name" : "1.0" } dependencyVersionAsString = (JsonString)dependencyValue; } else { throw FileFormatException.Create( string.Format("Invalid dependency version: {0}. The format is not recognizable.", dependencyKey), dependencyValue, projectPath); } VersionRange dependencyVersionRange = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependencyVersionAsString?.Value)) { try { dependencyVersionRange = VersionRange.Parse(dependencyVersionAsString.Value); } catch (Exception ex) { throw FileFormatException.Create( ex, dependencyValue, projectPath); } } results.Add(new LibraryRange( dependencyKey, dependencyVersionRange, target, dependencyTypeValue, projectPath, dependencies.Value(dependencyKey).Line, dependencies.Value(dependencyKey).Column)); } } }