private void TranslatePropValue(PropValueData pvd) { if (PrincipalTranslator.IsParticipantEntryIdTag(pvd.PropTag)) { string text = PrincipalTranslator.LegDNFromParticipantEntryId(pvd.Value as byte[]); if (text != null) { string text2 = this.targetMapper.LookupLegDnByExProxy(text); pvd.Value = PrincipalTranslator.ParticipanEntryIdFromLegDN(pvd.Value as byte[], text2); MrsTracer.Service.Debug("Translating '{0}' to '{1}'", new object[] { text, text2 }); return; } } else if (PrincipalTranslator.IsSearchKeyTag(pvd.PropTag)) { string text = PrincipalTranslator.LegDNFromSearchKey(pvd.Value as byte[]); if (text != null) { string text3 = this.targetMapper.LookupLegDnByExProxy(text); pvd.Value = PrincipalTranslator.SearchKeyFromLegDN(text3); MrsTracer.Service.Debug("Translating '{0}' to '{1}'", new object[] { text, text3 }); } } }
private void TranslateAdrEntry(AdrEntryData aed) { foreach (PropValueData propValueData in aed.Values) { PropTag propTag = (PropTag)propValueData.PropTag; if (propTag != PropTag.EntryId) { if (propTag == PropTag.SearchKey) { string text = PrincipalTranslator.LegDNFromSearchKey(propValueData.Value as byte[]); if (text != null) { string text2 = this.targetMapper.LookupLegDnByExProxy(text); propValueData.Value = PrincipalTranslator.SearchKeyFromLegDN(text2); MrsTracer.Service.Debug("Translating '{0}' to '{1}'", new object[] { text, text2 }); } } } else { string text = PrincipalTranslator.LegDNFromParticipantEntryId(propValueData.Value as byte[]); if (text != null) { string text3 = this.targetMapper.LookupLegDnByExProxy(text); propValueData.Value = PrincipalTranslator.ParticipanEntryIdFromLegDN(propValueData.Value as byte[], text3); MrsTracer.Service.Debug("Translating '{0}' to '{1}'", new object[] { text, text3 }); } } } }