internal static MailboxStoreObject Bind(StoreSession session, MapiStore mapiStore, ICollection <PropertyDefinition> requestedProperties) { return(MailboxStoreObject.Bind(session, mapiStore, requestedProperties, true, false)); }
internal static MailboxStoreObject Bind(StoreSession session, MapiStore mapiStore, ICollection <PropertyDefinition> requestedProperties, bool getMappingSignature, bool overridePropertyList) { ICollection <PropertyDefinition> collection = InternalSchema.Combine <PropertyDefinition>(overridePropertyList ? new PropertyTagPropertyDefinition[] { MailboxSchema.MailboxType, MailboxSchema.MailboxTypeDetail } : MailboxSchema.Instance.AutoloadProperties, requestedProperties); PersistablePropertyBag persistablePropertyBag = null; CoreMailboxObject coreMailboxObject = null; MailboxStoreObject mailboxStoreObject = null; bool flag = false; MailboxStoreObject result; try { byte[] array = null; if (getMappingSignature) { object thisObject = null; bool flag2 = false; try { if (session != null) { session.BeginMapiCall(); session.BeginServerHealthCall(); flag2 = true; } if (StorageGlobals.MapiTestHookBeforeCall != null) { StorageGlobals.MapiTestHookBeforeCall(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } using (MapiFolder rootFolder = mapiStore.GetRootFolder()) { array = (rootFolder.GetProp(PropTag.MappingSignature).Value as byte[]); } } catch (MapiPermanentException ex) { throw StorageGlobals.TranslateMapiException(ServerStrings.StoreOperationFailed, ex, session, thisObject, "{0}. MapiException = {1}.", new object[] { string.Format("Failed to get mapping signature.", new object[0]), ex }); } catch (MapiRetryableException ex2) { throw StorageGlobals.TranslateMapiException(ServerStrings.StoreOperationFailed, ex2, session, thisObject, "{0}. MapiException = {1}.", new object[] { string.Format("Failed to get mapping signature.", new object[0]), ex2 }); } finally { try { if (session != null) { session.EndMapiCall(); if (flag2) { session.EndServerHealthCall(); } } } finally { if (StorageGlobals.MapiTestHookAfterCall != null) { StorageGlobals.MapiTestHookAfterCall(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } } } } if (array != null) { session.MappingSignature = Convert.ToBase64String(array); } persistablePropertyBag = new StoreObjectPropertyBag(session, mapiStore, collection); coreMailboxObject = new CoreMailboxObject(session, persistablePropertyBag, null, null, collection); mailboxStoreObject = new MailboxStoreObject(coreMailboxObject); flag = true; result = mailboxStoreObject; } finally { if (!flag) { if (mailboxStoreObject != null) { mailboxStoreObject.Dispose(); mailboxStoreObject = null; } if (coreMailboxObject != null) { coreMailboxObject.Dispose(); coreMailboxObject = null; } if (persistablePropertyBag != null) { persistablePropertyBag.Dispose(); persistablePropertyBag = null; } } } return(result); }
internal Mailbox(MailboxStoreObject mailboxStoreObject) { this.mailboxStoreObject = mailboxStoreObject; }