public Column(ColumnId id, ColumnBehavior behavior, bool groupable, ColumnHeader header, SortBoundaries sortBoundaries, params PropertyDefinition[] properties) { if (behavior == null) { behavior = Column.defaultBehavior; } if (groupable) { this.groupType = behavior.GroupType; } else { this.groupType = GroupType.None; } if (this.GroupType != GroupType.None && sortBoundaries == null) { throw new ArgumentException("sortBoundaries may not be null if groupType does not equal GroupType.None"); } if (properties == null || properties.Length <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("properties may not be null or an empty array"); } = id; this.behavior = behavior; = properties; this.header = header; this.sortBoundaries = sortBoundaries; if (1 <= properties.Length) { this.isTypeDownCapable = (properties[0].Type.Equals(typeof(string)) || properties[0].Type.Equals(typeof(string[]))); } }
public Column(ColumnId id, ColumnBehavior behavior, bool groupable, ColumnHeader header, SortBoundaries sortBoundaries, bool isTypeDownCapable, params PropertyDefinition[] properties) : this(id, behavior, groupable, header, sortBoundaries, properties) { this.isTypeDownCapable = isTypeDownCapable; }
public Column(ColumnId id, ColumnBehavior behavior, bool groupable, ColumnHeader header, params PropertyDefinition[] properties) : this(id, behavior, groupable, header, null, properties) { }