/// <summary>
        ///     This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used
        ///     directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual string WriteCode(
            [NotNull] ModelConfiguration modelConfiguration)
            Check.NotNull(modelConfiguration, nameof(modelConfiguration));

            _model = modelConfiguration;
            _sb = new IndentedStringBuilder();

            _sb.AppendLine("using System;"); // Guid default values require new Guid() which requires this using
            _sb.AppendLine("using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;");
            _sb.AppendLine("using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;");
            _sb.AppendLine("namespace " + _model.Namespace());
            using (_sb.Indent())

            return _sb.ToString();