private async Task <Tuple <string, string> > ResolvePackageIdAndVersion(string packageId, string packageVersion) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageId)) { return(null); } // For nupkgs, get the id and version from the package if (packageId.EndsWith(".nupkg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (!File.Exists(packageId)) { WriteError(string.Format("Could not find the file {0}.", packageId)); return(null); } var packagePath = Path.GetFullPath(packageId); var packageDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(packagePath); var zipPackage = new NuGet.ZipPackage(packagePath); FeedOptions.FallbackSources.Add(packageDirectory); return(new Tuple <string, string>( zipPackage.Id, zipPackage.Version.ToString())); } // If the version is missing, try to find the latest version if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageVersion)) { var rootDirectory = ProjectResolver.ResolveRootDirectory(_commandsRepository.Root.Root); var config = NuGetConfig.ForSolution(rootDirectory, RestoreCommand.FileSystem); var packageFeeds = new List <IPackageFeed>(); var effectiveSources = PackageSourceUtils.GetEffectivePackageSources( config.Sources, FeedOptions.Sources, FeedOptions.FallbackSources); foreach (var source in effectiveSources) { var feed = PackageSourceUtils.CreatePackageFeed( source, FeedOptions.NoCache, FeedOptions.IgnoreFailedSources, Reports); if (feed != null) { packageFeeds.Add(feed); } } var package = await PackageSourceUtils.FindLatestPackage(packageFeeds, packageId); if (package == null) { Reports.Error.WriteLine("Unable to locate the package {0}".Red(), packageId); return(null); } return(new Tuple <string, string>( packageId, package.Version.ToString())); } // Otherwise, just assume that what you got is correct return(new Tuple <string, string>(packageId, packageVersion)); }
public async Task <bool> ExecuteCommand() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_addCommand.Name)) { Reports.Error.WriteLine("Name of dependency to install is required.".Red()); return(false); } SemanticVersion version = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_addCommand.Version)) { version = SemanticVersion.Parse(_addCommand.Version); } // Create source provider from solution settings _addCommand.ProjectDir = _addCommand.ProjectDir ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); var rootDir = ProjectResolver.ResolveRootDirectory(_addCommand.ProjectDir); var fileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); var settings = SettingsUtils.ReadSettings(solutionDir: rootDir, nugetConfigFile: null, fileSystem: fileSystem, machineWideSettings: new CommandLineMachineWideSettings()); var sourceProvider = PackageSourceBuilder.CreateSourceProvider(settings); var effectiveSources = PackageSourceUtils.GetEffectivePackageSources(sourceProvider, _restoreCommand.FeedOptions.Sources, _restoreCommand.FeedOptions.FallbackSources); var packageFeeds = new PackageFeedCache(); var feeds = new List <IPackageFeed>(); foreach (var source in effectiveSources) { var feed = packageFeeds.GetPackageFeed( source, _restoreCommand.FeedOptions.NoCache, _restoreCommand.FeedOptions.IgnoreFailedSources, Reports); if (feed != null) { feeds.Add(feed); } } PackageInfo result = null; if (version == null) { result = await PackageSourceUtils.FindLatestPackage(feeds, _addCommand.Name); } else { result = await PackageSourceUtils.FindBestMatchPackage(feeds, _addCommand.Name, new SemanticVersionRange(version)); } if (result == null) { Reports.Error.WriteLine("Unable to locate {0} >= {1}", _addCommand.Name.Red().Bold(), _addCommand.Version); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_addCommand.Version)) { _addCommand.Version = result.Version.ToString(); } return(_addCommand.ExecuteCommand() && (await _restoreCommand.Execute())); }
private async Task <bool> Execute(string restoreDirectory, PackageFeedCache packageFeeds, SummaryContext summary) { try { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); IEnumerable <string> projectJsonFiles; if (!RestoreProjectsCollector.Find(restoreDirectory, out projectJsonFiles)) { var errorMessage = $"The given root {restoreDirectory.Red().Bold()} is invalid."; summary.ErrorMessages.GetOrAdd(restoreDirectory, _ => new List <string>()).Add(errorMessage); Reports.Error.WriteLine(errorMessage); return(false); } var rootDirectory = ProjectResolver.ResolveRootDirectory(restoreDirectory); ReadSettings(rootDirectory); var settings = Config.Settings as Settings; if (settings != null) { var configFiles = settings.GetConfigFiles(); foreach (var file in configFiles) { summary.InformationMessages.GetOrAdd("NuGet Config files used:", _ => new List <string>()).Add(file); } } string packagesDirectory = FeedOptions.TargetPackagesFolder; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packagesDirectory)) { packagesDirectory = NuGetDependencyResolver.ResolveRepositoryPath(rootDirectory); } var packagesFolderFileSystem = CreateFileSystem(packagesDirectory); var pathResolver = new DefaultPackagePathResolver(packagesDirectory); var effectiveSources = PackageSourceUtils.GetEffectivePackageSources( Config.Sources, FeedOptions.Sources, FeedOptions.FallbackSources); var remoteProviders = new List <IWalkProvider>(); AddRemoteProvidersFromSources(remoteProviders, effectiveSources, packageFeeds, summary); int restoreCount = 0; int successCount = 0; Func <string, Task> restorePackage = async projectJsonPath => { Interlocked.Increment(ref restoreCount); var success = await RestoreForProject(projectJsonPath, rootDirectory, packagesDirectory, remoteProviders, summary); if (success) { Interlocked.Increment(ref successCount); } }; if (!RestoringInParallel()) { // Restoring in parallel on Mono throws native exception foreach (var projectJsonFile in projectJsonFiles) { await restorePackage(projectJsonFile); } } else { await ForEachAsync( projectJsonFiles, MaxDegreesOfConcurrency, restorePackage); } if (restoreCount > 1) { Reports.Information.WriteLine(string.Format("Total time {0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); } if (summary.InstallCount > 0) { summary.InformationMessages.GetOrAdd("Installed:", _ => new List <string>()).Add($"{summary.InstallCount} package(s) to {packagesDirectory}"); } return(restoreCount == successCount); } catch (Exception ex) { Reports.Information.WriteLine("----------"); Reports.Information.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); Reports.Information.WriteLine("----------"); Reports.Information.WriteLine("Restore failed"); Reports.Information.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(false); } }
private async Task <bool> RestoreForProject(string projectJsonPath, string rootDirectory, string packagesDirectory, SummaryContext summary) { var success = true; Reports.Information.WriteLine(string.Format("Restoring packages for {0}", projectJsonPath.Bold())); var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); var projectFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectJsonPath); var projectLockFilePath = Path.Combine(projectFolder, LockFileFormat.LockFileName); Runtime.Project project; var diagnostics = new List <DiagnosticMessage>(); if (!Runtime.Project.TryGetProject(projectJsonPath, out project, diagnostics)) { throw new Exception("TODO: project.json parse error"); } if (diagnostics.HasErrors()) { var errorMessages = diagnostics .Where(x => x.Severity == DiagnosticMessageSeverity.Error) .Select(x => x.Message); summary.ErrorMessages.GetOrAdd(projectJsonPath, _ => new List <string>()).AddRange(errorMessages); } var lockFile = await ReadLockFile(projectLockFilePath); var useLockFile = false; if (Lock == false && Unlock == false && lockFile != null && lockFile.Islocked) { useLockFile = true; } if (useLockFile && !lockFile.IsValidForProject(project)) { // Exhibit the same behavior as if it has been run with "dnu restore --lock" Reports.Information.WriteLine("Updating the invalid lock file with {0}", "dnu restore --lock".Yellow().Bold()); useLockFile = false; Lock = true; } Func <string, string> getVariable = key => { return(null); }; if (!SkipRestoreEvents) { if (!ScriptExecutor.Execute(project, "prerestore", getVariable)) { summary.ErrorMessages.GetOrAdd("prerestore", _ => new List <string>()).Add(ScriptExecutor.ErrorMessage); Reports.Error.WriteLine(ScriptExecutor.ErrorMessage); return(false); } } var projectDirectory = project.ProjectDirectory; var projectResolver = new ProjectResolver(projectDirectory, rootDirectory); var packageRepository = new PackageRepository(packagesDirectory) { CheckHashFile = CheckHashFile }; var restoreOperations = new RestoreOperations(Reports.Verbose); var projectProviders = new List <IWalkProvider>(); var localProviders = new List <IWalkProvider>(); var remoteProviders = new List <IWalkProvider>(); var contexts = new List <RestoreContext>(); var cache = new Dictionary <LibraryRange, Task <WalkProviderMatch> >(); projectProviders.Add( new LocalWalkProvider( new ProjectReferenceDependencyProvider( projectResolver))); localProviders.Add( new LocalWalkProvider( new NuGetDependencyResolver(packageRepository))); var effectiveSources = PackageSourceUtils.GetEffectivePackageSources( Config.Sources, FeedOptions.Sources, FeedOptions.FallbackSources); AddRemoteProvidersFromSources(remoteProviders, effectiveSources, summary); var tasks = new List <Task <TargetContext> >(); if (useLockFile) { Reports.Information.WriteLine(string.Format("Following lock file {0}", projectLockFilePath.White().Bold())); var context = new RestoreContext { FrameworkName = FallbackFramework, ProjectLibraryProviders = projectProviders, LocalLibraryProviders = localProviders, RemoteLibraryProviders = remoteProviders, MatchCache = cache }; contexts.Add(context); foreach (var lockFileLibrary in lockFile.PackageLibraries) { var projectLibrary = new LibraryRange(lockFileLibrary.Name, frameworkReference: false) { VersionRange = new SemanticVersionRange { MinVersion = lockFileLibrary.Version, MaxVersion = lockFileLibrary.Version, IsMaxInclusive = true, VersionFloatBehavior = SemanticVersionFloatBehavior.None, } }; tasks.Add(CreateGraphNode(restoreOperations, context, projectLibrary, _ => false)); } } else { var frameworks = TargetFrameworks.Count == 0 ? project.GetTargetFrameworks().Select(f => f.FrameworkName) : TargetFrameworks; foreach (var frameworkName in frameworks) { var context = new RestoreContext { FrameworkName = frameworkName, ProjectLibraryProviders = projectProviders, LocalLibraryProviders = localProviders, RemoteLibraryProviders = remoteProviders, MatchCache = cache }; contexts.Add(context); } if (!contexts.Any()) { contexts.Add(new RestoreContext { FrameworkName = FallbackFramework, ProjectLibraryProviders = projectProviders, LocalLibraryProviders = localProviders, RemoteLibraryProviders = remoteProviders, MatchCache = cache }); } foreach (var context in contexts) { var projectLibrary = new LibraryRange(project.Name, frameworkReference: false) { VersionRange = new SemanticVersionRange(project.Version) }; tasks.Add(CreateGraphNode(restoreOperations, context, projectLibrary, _ => true)); } } var targetContexts = await Task.WhenAll(tasks); foreach (var targetContext in targetContexts) { Reduce(targetContext.Root); } if (!useLockFile) { var runtimeFormatter = new RuntimeFileFormatter(); var projectRuntimeFile = runtimeFormatter.ReadRuntimeFile(projectJsonPath); if (projectRuntimeFile.Runtimes.Any()) { var runtimeTasks = new List <Task <TargetContext> >(); foreach (var pair in contexts.Zip(targetContexts, (context, graph) => new { context, graph })) { var runtimeFileTasks = new List <Task <RuntimeFile> >(); ForEach(pair.graph.Root, node => { var match = node?.Item?.Match; if (match == null) { return; } runtimeFileTasks.Add(match.Provider.GetRuntimes(node.Item.Match, pair.context.FrameworkName)); }); var libraryRuntimeFiles = await Task.WhenAll(runtimeFileTasks); var runtimeFiles = new List <RuntimeFile> { projectRuntimeFile }; runtimeFiles.AddRange(libraryRuntimeFiles.Where(file => file != null)); foreach (var runtimeName in projectRuntimeFile.Runtimes.Keys) { var runtimeSpecs = new List <RuntimeSpec>(); FindRuntimeSpecs( runtimeName, runtimeFiles, runtimeSpecs, _ => false); var runtimeContext = new RestoreContext { FrameworkName = pair.context.FrameworkName, ProjectLibraryProviders = pair.context.ProjectLibraryProviders, LocalLibraryProviders = pair.context.LocalLibraryProviders, RemoteLibraryProviders = pair.context.RemoteLibraryProviders, RuntimeName = runtimeName, RuntimeSpecs = runtimeSpecs, MatchCache = cache }; var projectLibrary = new LibraryRange(project.Name, frameworkReference: false) { VersionRange = new SemanticVersionRange(project.Version) }; Reports.Information.WriteLine(string.Format("Graph for {0} on {1}", runtimeContext.FrameworkName, runtimeContext.RuntimeName)); runtimeTasks.Add(CreateGraphNode(restoreOperations, runtimeContext, projectLibrary, _ => true)); } } var runtimeTragetContexts = await Task.WhenAll(runtimeTasks); foreach (var runtimeTargetContext in runtimeTragetContexts) { Reduce(runtimeTargetContext.Root); } targetContexts = targetContexts.Concat(runtimeTragetContexts).ToArray(); } } var graphItems = new List <GraphItem>(); var installItems = new List <GraphItem>(); var missingItems = new HashSet <LibraryRange>(); foreach (var context in targetContexts) { ForEach(context.Root, node => { if (node == null || node.LibraryRange == null) { return; } if (node.Item == null || node.Item.Match == null) { // This is a workaround for #1322. Since we use restore to generate the lock file // after publish, it's possible to fail restore after copying the closure if (!IgnoreMissingDependencies) { if (!node.LibraryRange.IsGacOrFrameworkReference && node.LibraryRange.VersionRange != null && missingItems.Add(node.LibraryRange)) { var errorMessage = string.Format("Unable to locate {0} {1}", node.LibraryRange.Name.Red().Bold(), node.LibraryRange.VersionRange); summary.ErrorMessages.GetOrAdd(projectJsonPath, _ => new List <string>()).Add(errorMessage); Reports.Error.WriteLine(errorMessage); success = false; } } return; } if (!string.Equals(node.Item.Match.Library.Name, node.LibraryRange.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { // Fix casing of the library name to be installed node.Item.Match.Library = node.Item.Match.Library.ChangeName(node.LibraryRange.Name); } var isRemote = remoteProviders.Contains(node.Item.Match.Provider); var isInstallItem = installItems.Any(item => item.Match.Library == node.Item.Match.Library); if (!isInstallItem && isRemote) { // It's ok to download rejected nodes so we avoid downloading them in the future // The trade off is that subsequent restores avoid going to any remotes installItems.Add(node.Item); } // Don't add rejected nodes since we only want to write reduced nodes // to the lock file if (node.Disposition != GraphNode.DispositionType.Rejected) { var isGraphItem = graphItems.Any(item => item.Match.Library == node.Item.Match.Library); if (!isGraphItem) { graphItems.Add(node.Item); } context.Libraries.Add(node.Item.Match.Library); } }); } if (!SkipInstall) { await InstallPackages(installItems, packagesDirectory); summary.InstallCount += installItems.Count; } if (!useLockFile) { Reports.Information.WriteLine(string.Format("Writing lock file {0}", projectLockFilePath.White().Bold())); var repository = new PackageRepository(packagesDirectory); WriteLockFile(lockFile, projectLockFilePath, project, graphItems, repository, projectResolver, targetContexts); } if (!SkipRestoreEvents) { if (!ScriptExecutor.Execute(project, "postrestore", getVariable)) { summary.ErrorMessages.GetOrAdd("postrestore", _ => new List <string>()).Add(ScriptExecutor.ErrorMessage); Reports.Error.WriteLine(ScriptExecutor.ErrorMessage); return(false); } if (!ScriptExecutor.Execute(project, "prepare", getVariable)) { summary.ErrorMessages.GetOrAdd("prepare", _ => new List <string>()).Add(ScriptExecutor.ErrorMessage); Reports.Error.WriteLine(ScriptExecutor.ErrorMessage); return(false); } } Reports.Information.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}, {1}ms elapsed", "Restore complete".Green().Bold(), sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); return(success); }