public CopyOutOfBandContracts(AssemblyNode targetAssembly, AssemblyNode sourceAssembly,
                                      ContractNodes contractNodes, ContractNodes targetContractNodes)
            Contract.Requires(targetAssembly != null);
            Contract.Requires(sourceAssembly != null);
            Contract.Requires(contractNodes != null);

            if (targetAssembly == sourceAssembly)
                // this happened when a reference assembly for mscorlib had the assembly name "mscorlib"
                // instead of "mscorlib.Contracts" because only one assembly named "mscorlib" can be
                // loaded
                throw new ExtractorException("CopyOutOfBandContracts was given the same assembly as both the source and target!");

            this.outOfBandDuplicator = new ForwardingDuplicator(targetAssembly, null, contractNodes, targetContractNodes);
            this.targetAssembly      = targetAssembly;

            FuzzilyForwardReferencesFromSource2Target(targetAssembly, sourceAssembly);


            // FixupMissingProperties(); shouldn't be needed with new duplicator
        public CopyOutOfBandContracts(AssemblyNode targetAssembly, AssemblyNode sourceAssembly,
            ContractNodes contractNodes, ContractNodes targetContractNodes)
            Contract.Requires(targetAssembly != null);
            Contract.Requires(sourceAssembly != null);
            Contract.Requires(contractNodes != null);

            if (targetAssembly == sourceAssembly)
                // this happened when a reference assembly for mscorlib had the assembly name "mscorlib"
                // instead of "mscorlib.Contracts" because only one assembly named "mscorlib" can be
                // loaded
                throw new ExtractorException("CopyOutOfBandContracts was given the same assembly as both the source and target!");

            this.outOfBandDuplicator = new ForwardingDuplicator(targetAssembly, null, contractNodes, targetContractNodes);
            this.targetAssembly = targetAssembly;

            FuzzilyForwardReferencesFromSource2Target(targetAssembly, sourceAssembly);


            // FixupMissingProperties(); shouldn't be needed with new duplicator