private void CreateAssemblyManager(IEnumerable <ModuleData> compilationDependencies, ModuleData mainModule)
            var allModules = compilationDependencies;

            if (_additionalDependencies != null)
                allModules = allModules.Concat(_additionalDependencies);

            // We need to add the main module so that it gets checked against already loaded assembly names.
            // If an assembly is loaded directly via PEVerify(image) another assembly of the same full name
            // can't be loaded as a dependency (via Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad) in the same domain.
            if (mainModule != null)
                allModules = allModules.Concat(new[] { mainModule });

            allModules = allModules.ToArray();

            string conflict = DetectNameCollision(allModules);

            if (conflict != null && !CLRHelpers.IsRunningOnMono())
                Type     appDomainProxyType = typeof(RuntimeAssemblyManager);
                Assembly thisAssembly       = appDomainProxyType.Assembly;

                AppDomain appDomain = null;
                RuntimeAssemblyManager manager;
                    appDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("HostedRuntimeEnvironment", null, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, null, false);
                    manager   = (RuntimeAssemblyManager)appDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(thisAssembly.FullName, appDomainProxyType.FullName);
                    if (appDomain != null)

                _domain          = appDomain;
                _assemblyManager = manager;
                _assemblyManager = new RuntimeAssemblyManager();


            if (mainModule != null)