public FindLiteralReferencesProgressCallback( CodeAnalysisService service, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _service = service; _cancellationToken = cancellationToken; }
public static async Task TrackAsync(CodeAnalysisService owner, Workspace workspace, DocumentId documentId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var document = workspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(documentId); if (document == null) { return; } // if anything under the project this file belong to changes, then invalidate the code lens so that it can refresh var dependentVersion = await document.Project.GetDependentVersionAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); new WorkspaceChangeTracker(owner, workspace, documentId, dependentVersion, cancellationToken); }
private WorkspaceChangeTracker( CodeAnalysisService owner, Workspace workspace, DocumentId documentId, VersionStamp dependentVersion, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _gate = new object(); _eventSubscribed = false; _owner = owner; _workspace = workspace; _documentId = documentId; _cancellationToken = cancellationToken; _lastVersion = dependentVersion; _resettableDelay = ResettableDelay.CompletedDelay; ConnectEvents(subscription: true); }
public SymbolSearchService(CodeAnalysisService codeAnalysisService) { this.codeAnalysisService = codeAnalysisService; }
public FindReferencesProgressCallback(CodeAnalysisService service) { _service = service; }
public ProgressCallback(CodeAnalysisService service) { _service = service; }