        private SignatureData LoadSignature()
            var moduleSymbol = _containingType.ContainingPEModule;

            SignatureHeader         signatureHeader;
            BadImageFormatException mrEx;

            ParamInfo <TypeSymbol>[] paramInfo = new MetadataDecoder(moduleSymbol, this).GetSignatureForMethod(_handle, out signatureHeader, out mrEx);
            bool makeBad = (mrEx != null);

            // If method is not generic, let's assign empty list for type parameters
            if (!signatureHeader.IsGeneric &&
                ImmutableInterlocked.InterlockedInitialize(ref _lazyTypeParameters,
                                                           ImmutableArray <TypeParameterSymbol> .Empty);

            int count = paramInfo.Length - 1;
            ImmutableArray <ParameterSymbol> @params;
            bool isBadParameter;

            if (count > 0)
                var builder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <ParameterSymbol>(count);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    builder.Add(PEParameterSymbol.Create(moduleSymbol, this, i, paramInfo[i + 1], out isBadParameter));
                    if (isBadParameter)
                        makeBad = true;

                @params = builder.ToImmutable();
                @params = ImmutableArray <ParameterSymbol> .Empty;

            // Dynamify object type if necessary
            var returnType = paramInfo[0].Type.AsDynamicIfNoPia(_containingType);

            // Check for tuple type
            returnType = TupleTypeDecoder.DecodeTupleTypesIfApplicable(returnType, paramInfo[0].Handle, moduleSymbol);

            paramInfo[0].Type = returnType;

            var returnParam = PEParameterSymbol.Create(moduleSymbol, this, 0, paramInfo[0], out isBadParameter);

            if (makeBad || isBadParameter)
                InitializeUseSiteDiagnostic(new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogus, this));

            var signature = new SignatureData(signatureHeader, @params, returnParam);

            return(InterlockedOperations.Initialize(ref _lazySignature, signature));
        private static ImmutableArray <ParameterSymbol> GetParameters(
            PEModuleSymbol moduleSymbol,
            PEPropertySymbol property,
            ParamInfo <TypeSymbol>[] propertyParams,
            ParamInfo <TypeSymbol>[] accessorParams,
            bool isPropertyVirtual,
            out bool anyParameterIsBad)
            anyParameterIsBad = false;

            // First parameter is the property type.
            if (propertyParams.Length < 2)
                return(ImmutableArray <ParameterSymbol> .Empty);

            var numAccessorParams = accessorParams.Length;

            var parameters = new ParameterSymbol[propertyParams.Length - 1];

            for (int i = 1; i < propertyParams.Length; i++) // from 1 to skip property/return type
                // NOTE: this is a best guess at the Dev10 behavior.  The actual behavior is
                // in the unmanaged helper code that Dev10 uses to load the metadata.
                var  propertyParam = propertyParams[i];
                var  paramHandle   = i < numAccessorParams ? accessorParams[i].Handle : propertyParam.Handle;
                var  ordinal       = i - 1;
                bool isBad;

                // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/29821: handle extra annotations
                parameters[ordinal] = PEParameterSymbol.Create(moduleSymbol, property, isPropertyVirtual, ordinal, paramHandle, propertyParam, nullableContext: property, extraAnnotations: default, out isBad);
        private static ImmutableArray <ParameterSymbol> GetParameters(
            PEModuleSymbol moduleSymbol,
            PEPropertySymbol property,
            ParamInfo <TypeSymbol>[] propertyParams,
            ParamInfo <TypeSymbol>[] accessorParams,
            bool isPropertyVirtual,
            out bool anyParameterIsBad)
            anyParameterIsBad = false;

            // First parameter is the property type.
            if (propertyParams.Length < 2)
                return(ImmutableArray <ParameterSymbol> .Empty);

            var numAccessorParams = accessorParams.Length;

            var parameters = new ParameterSymbol[propertyParams.Length - 1];

            for (int i = 1; i < propertyParams.Length; i++) // from 1 to skip property/return type
                // NOTE: this is a best guess at the Dev10 behavior.  The actual behavior is
                // in the unmanaged helper code that Dev10 uses to load the metadata.
                var  propertyParam = propertyParams[i];
                var  paramHandle   = i < numAccessorParams ? accessorParams[i].Handle : propertyParam.Handle;
                var  ordinal       = i - 1;
                bool isBad;

                parameters[ordinal] = PEParameterSymbol.Create(moduleSymbol, property, isPropertyVirtual, ordinal, paramHandle, propertyParam, out isBad);

                if (isBad)
                    anyParameterIsBad = true;
