文件: Csi.cs 项目: XieShuquan/roslyn
        protected override void AddResponseFileCommands(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/lib:", AdditionalLibPaths, ",");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/loadpaths:", AdditionalLoadPaths, ",");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/imports:", Imports, ";");

            Csc.AddReferencesToCommandLine(commandLine, References, isInteractive: true);

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a "/additionalfile:" switch to the command line for each additional file.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddAdditionalFilesToCommandLine(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            // If there were no additional files passed in, don't add any /additionalfile: switches
            // on the command-line.
            if ((this.AdditionalFiles == null) || (this.AdditionalFiles.Length == 0))

            foreach (ITaskItem additionalFile in this.AdditionalFiles)
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/additionalfile:", additionalFile.ItemSpec);
        internal static void AddAnalyzersToCommandLine(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine, ITaskItem[]?analyzers)
            // If there were no analyzers passed in, don't add any /analyzer: switches
            // on the command-line.
            if (analyzers == null)

            foreach (ITaskItem analyzer in analyzers)
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/analyzer:", analyzer.ItemSpec);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a "/analyzerdependency:" switch to the command line for each provided analyzer dependency.
        /// Note that even though MSBuild makes a distinction between analyzers and dependencies, the
        /// command-line compilers do not--both are passed in via "/analyzer".
        /// </summary>
        private void AddAnalyzerDependenciesToCommandLine(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            // If there were no analyzers passed in, don't add any /analyzer: switches
            // on the command-line.
            if ((this.AnalyzerDependencies == null) || (this.AnalyzerDependencies.Length == 0))

            foreach (ITaskItem dependency in this.AnalyzerDependencies)
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/analyzer:", dependency.ItemSpec);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a "/embed:" switch to the command line for each pdb embedded file.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddEmbeddedFilesToCommandLine(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            if (EmbedAllSources)

            if (EmbeddedFiles != null)
                foreach (ITaskItem embeddedFile in EmbeddedFiles)
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/embed:", embeddedFile.ItemSpec);
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the provided CommandLineBuilderExtension with those switches and other information that can go into a response file.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void AddResponseFileCommands(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)

            ManagedCompiler.AddFeatures(commandLine, Features);

            if (ResponseFiles != null)
                foreach (var response in ResponseFiles)
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("@", response.ItemSpec);


            if (ScriptArguments != null)
                foreach (var scriptArgument in ScriptArguments)

            if (ResponseFiles != null)
                foreach (var scriptResponse in ScriptResponseFiles)
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("@", scriptResponse.ItemSpec);
        internal static void AddReferencesToCommandLine(
            CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine,
            bool isInteractive = false)
            // If there were no references passed in, don't add any /reference: switches
            // on the command-line.
            if (references == null)

            // Loop through all the references passed in.  We'll be adding separate
            // /reference: switches for each reference, and in some cases even multiple
            // /reference: switches per reference.
            foreach (ITaskItem reference in references)
                // See if there was an "Alias" attribute on the reference.
                string aliasString = reference.GetMetadata("Aliases");

                string switchName = "/reference:";
                if (!isInteractive)
                    bool embed = Utilities.TryConvertItemMetadataToBool(reference,

                    if (embed)
                        switchName = "/link:";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aliasString))
                    // If there was no "Alias" attribute, just add this as a global reference.
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull(switchName, reference.ItemSpec);
                    // If there was an "Alias" attribute, it contains a comma-separated list
                    // of aliases to use for this reference.  For each one of those aliases,
                    // we're going to add a separate /reference: switch to the csc.exe
                    // command-line
                    string[] aliases = aliasString.Split(',');

                    foreach (string alias in aliases)
                        // Trim whitespace.
                        string trimmedAlias = alias.Trim();

                        if (alias.Length == 0)

                        // The alias should be a valid C# identifier.  Therefore it cannot
                        // contain comma, space, semicolon, or double-quote.  Let's check for
                        // the existence of those characters right here, and bail immediately
                        // if any are present.  There are a whole bunch of other characters
                        // that are not allowed in a C# identifier, but we'll just let csc.exe
                        // error out on those.  The ones we're checking for here are the ones
                        // that could seriously screw up the command-line parsing or could
                        // allow parameter injection.
                        if (trimmedAlias.IndexOfAny(new char[] { ',', ' ', ';', '"' }) != -1)
                            throw Utilities.GetLocalizedArgumentException(

                        // The alias called "global" is special.  It means that we don't
                        // give it an alias on the command-line.
                        if (string.Compare("global", trimmedAlias, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull(switchName, reference.ItemSpec);
                            // We have a valid (and explicit) alias for this reference.  Add
                            // it to the command-line using the syntax:
                            //      /reference:Goo=System.Xml.dll
                            commandLine.AppendSwitchAliased(switchName, trimmedAlias, reference.ItemSpec);
        protected internal override void AddResponseFileCommands(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/lib:", AdditionalLibPaths, ",");
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/unsafe", _store, nameof(AllowUnsafeBlocks));
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/checked", _store, nameof(CheckForOverflowUnderflow));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/nowarn:", DisabledWarnings, ",", ';', ',');
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/fullpaths", _store, nameof(GenerateFullPaths));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/moduleassemblyname:", ModuleAssemblyName);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/pdb:", PdbFile);
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/nostdlib", _store, nameof(NoStandardLib));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/platform:", PlatformWith32BitPreference);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/errorreport:", ErrorReport);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithInteger("/warn:", _store, nameof(WarningLevel));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/doc:", DocumentationFile);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/baseaddress:", BaseAddress);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchUnquotedIfNotNull("/define:", GetDefineConstantsSwitch(DefineConstants, Log));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/win32res:", Win32Resource);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/main:", MainEntryPoint);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/appconfig:", ApplicationConfiguration);
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/errorendlocation", _store, nameof(ErrorEndLocation));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/preferreduilang:", PreferredUILang);
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/highentropyva", _store, nameof(HighEntropyVA));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/nullable:", Nullable);
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/nosdkpath", _store, nameof(DisableSdkPath));

            // If not design time build and the globalSessionGuid property was set then add a -globalsessionguid:<guid>
            bool designTime = false;

            if (HostObject is ICscHostObject csHost)
                designTime = csHost.IsDesignTime();
            else if (HostObject != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(ErrorString.General_IncorrectHostObject, "Csc", "ICscHostObject"));
            if (!designTime)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(VsSessionGuid))
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/sqmsessionguid:", VsSessionGuid);

            AddReferencesToCommandLine(commandLine, References);


            // This should come after the "TreatWarningsAsErrors" flag is processed (in managedcompiler.cs).
            // Because if TreatWarningsAsErrors=false, then we'll have a /warnaserror- on the command-line,
            // and then any specific warnings that should be treated as errors should be specified with
            // /warnaserror+:<list> after the /warnaserror- switch.  The order of the switches on the command-line
            // does matter.
            // Note that
            //      /warnaserror+
            // is just shorthand for:
            //      /warnaserror+:<all possible warnings>
            // Similarly,
            //      /warnaserror-
            // is just shorthand for:
            //      /warnaserror-:<all possible warnings>
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/warnaserror+:", WarningsAsErrors, ",", ';', ',');
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/warnaserror-:", WarningsNotAsErrors, ",", ';', ',');

            // It's a good idea for the response file to be the very last switch passed, just
            // from a predictability perspective.  It also solves the problem that a dogfooder
            // ran into, which is described in an email thread attached to bug VSWhidbey 146883.
            // See also bugs 177762 and 118307 for additional bugs related to response file position.
            if (ResponseFiles != null)
                foreach (ITaskItem response in ResponseFiles)
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("@", response.ItemSpec);
        private void AddReferencesToCommandLine(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            if ((this.References == null) || (this.References.Length == 0))

            var references = new List<ITaskItem>(this.References.Length);
            var links = new List<ITaskItem>(this.References.Length);

            foreach (ITaskItem reference in this.References)
                bool embed = Utilities.TryConvertItemMetadataToBool(reference, "EmbedInteropTypes");

                if (embed)

            if (links.Count > 0)
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/link:", links.ToArray(), ",");

            if (references.Count > 0)
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/reference:", references.ToArray(), ",");
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a "/additionalfile:" switch to the command line for each additional file.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddAdditionalFilesToCommandLine(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            // If there were no additional files passed in, don't add any /additionalfile: switches
            // on the command-line.
            if (AdditionalFiles == null)

            foreach (ITaskItem additionalFile in AdditionalFiles)
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/additionalfile:", additionalFile.ItemSpec);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a "/features:" switch to the command line for each provided feature.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void AddFeatures(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine, string features)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(features))

            foreach (var feature in CompilerOptionParseUtilities.ParseFeatureFromMSBuild(features))
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/features:", feature.Trim());
        /// <summary>
        /// Looks at all the parameters that have been set, and builds up the string
        /// containing all the command-line switches.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal override void AddResponseFileCommands(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/baseaddress:", this.GetBaseAddressInHex());
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/libpath:", this.AdditionalLibPaths, ",");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/imports:", this.Imports, ",");
            // Make sure this /doc+ switch comes *before* the /doc:<file> switch (which is handled in the
            // ManagedCompiler.cs base class).  /doc+ is really just an alias for /doc:<assemblyname>.xml,
            // and the last /doc switch on the command-line wins.  If the user provided a specific doc filename,
            // we want that one to win.
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/doc", this._store, "GenerateDocumentation");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/optioncompare:", this.OptionCompare);
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/optionexplicit", this._store, "OptionExplicit");
            // Make sure this /optionstrict+ switch appears *before* the /optionstrict:xxxx switch below

            /* twhitney: In Orcas a change was made for devdiv bug 16889 that set Option Strict-, whenever this.DisabledWarnings was
             * empty.  That was clearly the wrong thing to do and we found it when we had a project with all the warning configuration
             * entries set to WARNING.  Because this.DisabledWarnings was empty in that case we would end up sending /OptionStrict-
             * effectively silencing all the warnings that had been selected.
             * Now what we do is:
             *  If option strict+ is specified, that trumps everything and we just set option strict+
             *  Otherwise, just set option strict:custom.
             *  You may wonder why we don't try to set Option Strict-  The reason is that Option Strict- just implies a certain
             *  set of warnings that should be disabled (there's ten of them today)  You get the same effect by sending
             *  option strict:custom on along with the correct list of disabled warnings.
             *  Rather than make this code know the current set of disabled warnings that comprise Option strict-, we just send
             *  option strict:custom on with the understanding that we'll get the same behavior as option strict- since we are passing
             *  the /nowarn line on that contains all the warnings OptionStrict- would disable anyway. The IDE knows what they are
             *  and puts them in the project file so we are good.  And by not making this code aware of which warnings comprise
             *  Option Strict-, we have one less place we have to keep up to date in terms of what comprises option strict-

            // Decide whether we are Option Strict+ or Option Strict:custom
            object optionStrictSetting = this._store["OptionStrict"];
            bool   optionStrict        = optionStrictSetting != null ? (bool)optionStrictSetting : false;

            if (optionStrict)
            else // OptionStrict+ wasn't specified so use :custom.

            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/optionstrict:", this.OptionStrictType);
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/nowarn", this._store, "NoWarnings");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/nowarn:", this.DisabledWarnings, ",", ';', ',');
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/optioninfer", this._store, "OptionInfer");
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/nostdlib", this._store, "NoStandardLib");
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/novbruntimeref", this._store, "NoVBRuntimeReference");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/errorreport:", this.ErrorReport);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/platform:", this.PlatformWith32BitPreference);
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/removeintchecks", this._store, "RemoveIntegerChecks");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/rootnamespace:", this.RootNamespace);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/sdkpath:", this.SdkPath);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/langversion:", this.LangVersion);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/moduleassemblyname:", this.ModuleAssemblyName);
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/netcf", this._store, "TargetCompactFramework");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/preferreduilang:", this.PreferredUILang);
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/highentropyva", this._store, "HighEntropyVA");

            if (0 == String.Compare(this.VBRuntimePath, this.VBRuntime, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/vbruntime:", this.VBRuntimePath);
            else if (this.VBRuntime != null)
                string vbRuntimeSwitch = this.VBRuntime;
                if (0 == String.Compare(vbRuntimeSwitch, "EMBED", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                else if (0 == String.Compare(vbRuntimeSwitch, "NONE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                else if (0 == String.Compare(vbRuntimeSwitch, "DEFAULT", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/vbruntime:", vbRuntimeSwitch);

            // Verbosity
            if (
                (this.Verbosity != null) &&

                    (0 == String.Compare(this.Verbosity, "quiet", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ||
                    (0 == String.Compare(this.Verbosity, "verbose", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/", this.Verbosity);

            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/doc:", this.DocumentationFile);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchUnquotedIfNotNull("/define:", Vbc.GetDefineConstantsSwitch(this.DefineConstants));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/win32resource:", this.Win32Resource);

            // Special case for "Sub Main" (See VSWhidbey 381254)
            if (0 != String.Compare("Sub Main", this.MainEntryPoint, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/main:", this.MainEntryPoint);


            // This should come after the "TreatWarningsAsErrors" flag is processed (in managedcompiler.cs).
            // Because if TreatWarningsAsErrors=false, then we'll have a /warnaserror- on the command-line,
            // and then any specific warnings that should be treated as errors should be specified with
            // /warnaserror+:<list> after the /warnaserror- switch.  The order of the switches on the command-line
            // does matter.
            // Note that
            //      /warnaserror+
            // is just shorthand for:
            //      /warnaserror+:<all possible warnings>
            // Similarly,
            //      /warnaserror-
            // is just shorthand for:
            //      /warnaserror-:<all possible warnings>
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/warnaserror+:", this.WarningsAsErrors, ",", ';', ',');
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/warnaserror-:", this.WarningsNotAsErrors, ",", ';', ',');

            // If not design time build and the globalSessionGuid property was set then add a -globalsessionguid:<guid>
            bool designTime = false;

            if (this.HostObject != null)
                var vbHost = this.HostObject as IVbcHostObject;
                designTime = vbHost.IsDesignTime();
            if (!designTime)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.VsSessionGuid))
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/sqmsessionguid:", this.VsSessionGuid);

            // It's a good idea for the response file to be the very last switch passed, just
            // from a predictability perspective.  It also solves the problem that a dogfooder
            // ran into, which is described in an email thread attached to bug VSWhidbey 146883.
            // See also bugs 177762 and 118307 for additional bugs related to response file position.
            if (this.ResponseFiles != null)
                foreach (ITaskItem response in this.ResponseFiles)
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("@", response.ItemSpec);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a "/analyzer:" switch to the command line for each provided analyzer.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddAnalyzersToCommandLine(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            // If there were no analyzers passed in, don't add any /analyzer: switches
            // on the command-line.
            if ((this.Analyzers == null) || (this.Analyzers.Length == 0))

            foreach (ITaskItem analyzer in this.Analyzers)
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/analyzer:", analyzer.ItemSpec);
        /// <summary>
        /// The C# compiler (starting with Whidbey) supports assembly aliasing for references.
        /// See spec at http://devdiv/spectool/Documents/Whidbey/VCSharp/Design%20Time/M3%20DCRs/DCR%20Assembly%20aliases.doc.
        /// This method handles the necessary work of looking at the "Aliases" attribute on
        /// the incoming "References" items, and making sure to generate the correct
        /// command-line on csc.exe.  The syntax for aliasing a reference is:
        ///     csc.exe /reference:Foo=System.Xml.dll
        /// The "Aliases" attribute on the "References" items is actually a comma-separated
        /// list of aliases, and if any of the aliases specified is the string "global",
        /// then we add that reference to the command-line without an alias.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void AddReferencesToCommandLine(
            CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine,
            ITaskItem[] references,
            bool isInteractive = false)
            // If there were no references passed in, don't add any /reference: switches
            // on the command-line.
            if (references == null)

            // Loop through all the references passed in.  We'll be adding separate
            // /reference: switches for each reference, and in some cases even multiple
            // /reference: switches per reference.
            foreach (ITaskItem reference in references)
                // See if there was an "Alias" attribute on the reference.
                string aliasString = reference.GetMetadata("Aliases");

                string switchName = "/reference:";
                if (!isInteractive)
                    bool embed = Utilities.TryConvertItemMetadataToBool(reference,

                    if (embed)
                        switchName = "/link:";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aliasString))
                    // If there was no "Alias" attribute, just add this as a global reference.
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull(switchName, reference.ItemSpec);
                    // If there was an "Alias" attribute, it contains a comma-separated list
                    // of aliases to use for this reference.  For each one of those aliases,
                    // we're going to add a separate /reference: switch to the csc.exe
                    // command-line
                    string[] aliases = aliasString.Split(',');

                    foreach (string alias in aliases)
                        // Trim whitespace.
                        string trimmedAlias = alias.Trim();

                        if (alias.Length == 0)

                        // The alias should be a valid C# identifier.  Therefore it cannot
                        // contain comma, space, semicolon, or double-quote.  Let's check for
                        // the existence of those characters right here, and bail immediately
                        // if any are present.  There are a whole bunch of other characters
                        // that are not allowed in a C# identifier, but we'll just let csc.exe
                        // error out on those.  The ones we're checking for here are the ones
                        // that could seriously screw up the command-line parsing or could
                        // allow parameter injection.
                        if (trimmedAlias.IndexOfAny(new char[] { ',', ' ', ';', '"' }) != -1)
                            throw Utilities.GetLocalizedArgumentException(

                        // The alias called "global" is special.  It means that we don't
                        // give it an alias on the command-line.
                        if (string.Compare("global", trimmedAlias, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull(switchName, reference.ItemSpec);
                            // We have a valid (and explicit) alias for this reference.  Add
                            // it to the command-line using the syntax:
                            //      /reference:Foo=System.Xml.dll
                            commandLine.AppendSwitchAliased(switchName, trimmedAlias, reference.ItemSpec);
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the provided CommandLineBuilderExtension with those switches and other information that can go into a response file.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal override void AddResponseFileCommands(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/lib:", AdditionalLibPaths, ",");
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/unsafe", _store, nameof(AllowUnsafeBlocks));
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/checked", _store, nameof(CheckForOverflowUnderflow));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/nowarn:", DisabledWarnings, ",", ';', ',');
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/fullpaths", _store, nameof(GenerateFullPaths));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/langversion:", LangVersion);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/moduleassemblyname:", ModuleAssemblyName);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/pdb:", PdbFile);
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/nostdlib", _store, nameof(NoStandardLib));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/platform:", PlatformWith32BitPreference);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/errorreport:", ErrorReport);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithInteger("/warn:", _store, nameof(WarningLevel));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/doc:", DocumentationFile);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/baseaddress:", BaseAddress);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchUnquotedIfNotNull("/define:", GetDefineConstantsSwitch(DefineConstants, Log));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/win32res:", Win32Resource);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/main:", MainEntryPoint);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/appconfig:", ApplicationConfiguration);
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/errorendlocation", _store, nameof(ErrorEndLocation));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/preferreduilang:", PreferredUILang);
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/highentropyva", _store, nameof(HighEntropyVA));

            // If not design time build and the globalSessionGuid property was set then add a -globalsessionguid:<guid>
            bool designTime = false;
            if (HostObject != null)
                var csHost = HostObject as ICscHostObject;
                designTime = csHost.IsDesignTime();
            if (!designTime)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(VsSessionGuid))
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/sqmsessionguid:", VsSessionGuid);

            AddReferencesToCommandLine(commandLine, References);


            // This should come after the "TreatWarningsAsErrors" flag is processed (in managedcompiler.cs).
            // Because if TreatWarningsAsErrors=false, then we'll have a /warnaserror- on the command-line,
            // and then any specific warnings that should be treated as errors should be specified with
            // /warnaserror+:<list> after the /warnaserror- switch.  The order of the switches on the command-line
            // does matter.
            // Note that
            //      /warnaserror+
            // is just shorthand for:
            //      /warnaserror+:<all possible warnings>
            // Similarly,
            //      /warnaserror-
            // is just shorthand for:
            //      /warnaserror-:<all possible warnings>
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/warnaserror+:", WarningsAsErrors, ",", ';', ',');
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/warnaserror-:", WarningsNotAsErrors, ",", ';', ',');

            // It's a good idea for the response file to be the very last switch passed, just 
            // from a predictability perspective.  It also solves the problem that a dogfooder
            // ran into, which is described in an email thread attached to bug VSWhidbey 146883.
            // See also bugs 177762 and 118307 for additional bugs related to response file position.
            if (ResponseFiles != null)
                foreach (ITaskItem response in ResponseFiles)
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("@", response.ItemSpec);
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the provided CommandLineBuilderExtension with those switches and other information that can go into a response file.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void AddResponseFileCommands(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            // If outputAssembly is not specified, then an "/out: <name>" option won't be added to
            // overwrite the one resulting from the OutputAssembly member of the CompilerParameters class.
            // In that case, we should set the outputAssembly member based on the first source file.
            if (
                    (OutputAssembly == null) &&
                    (Sources != null) &&
                    (Sources.Length > 0) &&
                    (ResponseFiles == null)    // The response file may already have a /out: switch in it, so don't try to be smart here.
                    OutputAssembly = new TaskItem(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Sources[0].ItemSpec));
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    throw new ArgumentException(e.Message, "Sources");
                if (string.Compare(TargetType, "library", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    OutputAssembly.ItemSpec += ".dll";
                else if (string.Compare(TargetType, "module", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    OutputAssembly.ItemSpec += ".netmodule";
                    OutputAssembly.ItemSpec += ".exe";

            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/addmodule:", AddModules, ",");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithInteger("/codepage:", _store, nameof(CodePage));


            // The "DebugType" parameter should be processed after the "EmitDebugInformation" parameter
            // because it's more specific.  Order matters on the command-line, and the last one wins.
            // /debug+ is just a shorthand for /debug:full.  And /debug- is just a shorthand for /debug:none.

            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/debug", _store, nameof(EmitDebugInformation));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/debug:", DebugType);

            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/delaysign", _store, nameof(DelaySign));

            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithInteger("/filealign:", _store, nameof(FileAlignment));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/keycontainer:", KeyContainer);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/keyfile:", KeyFile);
            // If the strings "LogicalName" or "Access" ever change, make sure to search/replace everywhere in vsproject.
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/linkresource:", LinkResources, new string[] { "LogicalName", "Access" });
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/nologo", _store, nameof(NoLogo));
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/nowin32manifest", _store, nameof(NoWin32Manifest));
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/optimize", _store, nameof(Optimize));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/pathmap:", PathMap);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/out:", OutputAssembly);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/ruleset:", CodeAnalysisRuleSet);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/errorlog:", ErrorLog);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/subsystemversion:", SubsystemVersion);
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/reportanalyzer", _store, nameof(ReportAnalyzer));
            // If the strings "LogicalName" or "Access" ever change, make sure to search/replace everywhere in vsproject.
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/resource:", Resources, new string[] { "LogicalName", "Access" });
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/target:", TargetType);
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/warnaserror", _store, nameof(TreatWarningsAsErrors));
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/utf8output", _store, nameof(Utf8Output));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/win32icon:", Win32Icon);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/win32manifest:", Win32Manifest);

            AddAnalyzersToCommandLine(commandLine, Analyzers);

            // Append the sources.
            commandLine.AppendFileNamesIfNotNull(Sources, " ");
        internal void AddResponseFileCommandsForSwitchesSinceInitialReleaseThatAreNeededByTheHost(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/deterministic", _store, nameof(Deterministic));
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/publicsign", _store, nameof(PublicSign));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/runtimemetadataversion:", RuntimeMetadataVersion);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/checksumalgorithm:", ChecksumAlgorithm);

            AddFeatures(commandLine, Features);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a "/analyzer:" switch to the command line for each provided analyzer.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void AddAnalyzersToCommandLine(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine, ITaskItem[] analyzers)
            // If there were no analyzers passed in, don't add any /analyzer: switches
            // on the command-line.
            if (analyzers == null)

            foreach (ITaskItem analyzer in analyzers)
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/analyzer:", analyzer.ItemSpec);
        internal void AddResponseFileCommandsForSwitchesSinceInitialReleaseThatAreNeededByTheHost(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/deterministic", _store, nameof(Deterministic));
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/publicsign", _store, nameof(PublicSign));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/runtimemetadataversion:", RuntimeMetadataVersion);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/checksumalgorithm:", ChecksumAlgorithm);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/instrument:", Instrument, ",", ';', ',');
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/sourcelink:", SourceLink);

            AddFeatures(commandLine, Features);
        /// <summary>
        /// Looks at all the parameters that have been set, and builds up the string
        /// containing all the command-line switches.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal override void AddResponseFileCommands(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/baseaddress:", this.GetBaseAddressInHex());
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/libpath:", this.AdditionalLibPaths, ",");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/imports:", this.Imports, ",");
            // Make sure this /doc+ switch comes *before* the /doc:<file> switch (which is handled in the
            // ManagedCompiler.cs base class).  /doc+ is really just an alias for /doc:<assemblyname>.xml,
            // and the last /doc switch on the command-line wins.  If the user provided a specific doc filename,
            // we want that one to win.
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/doc", this._store, "GenerateDocumentation");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/optioncompare:", this.OptionCompare);
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/optionexplicit", this._store, "OptionExplicit");
            // Make sure this /optionstrict+ switch appears *before* the /optionstrict:xxxx switch below

            /* twhitney: In Orcas a change was made for devdiv bug 16889 that set Option Strict-, whenever this.DisabledWarnings was
             * empty.  That was clearly the wrong thing to do and we found it when we had a project with all the warning configuration 
             * entries set to WARNING.  Because this.DisabledWarnings was empty in that case we would end up sending /OptionStrict- 
             * effectively silencing all the warnings that had been selected.
             * Now what we do is:
             *  If option strict+ is specified, that trumps everything and we just set option strict+ 
             *  Otherwise, just set option strict:custom.
             *  You may wonder why we don't try to set Option Strict-  The reason is that Option Strict- just implies a certain
             *  set of warnings that should be disabled (there's ten of them today)  You get the same effect by sending 
             *  option strict:custom on along with the correct list of disabled warnings.
             *  Rather than make this code know the current set of disabled warnings that comprise Option strict-, we just send
             *  option strict:custom on with the understanding that we'll get the same behavior as option strict- since we are passing
             *  the /nowarn line on that contains all the warnings OptionStrict- would disable anyway. The IDE knows what they are
             *  and puts them in the project file so we are good.  And by not making this code aware of which warnings comprise
             *  Option Strict-, we have one less place we have to keep up to date in terms of what comprises option strict-

            // Decide whether we are Option Strict+ or Option Strict:custom
            object optionStrictSetting = this._store["OptionStrict"];
            bool optionStrict = optionStrictSetting != null ? (bool)optionStrictSetting : false;
            if (optionStrict)
            else // OptionStrict+ wasn't specified so use :custom.

            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/optionstrict:", this.OptionStrictType);
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/nowarn", this._store, "NoWarnings");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/nowarn:", this.DisabledWarnings, ",", ';', ',');
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/optioninfer", this._store, "OptionInfer");
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/nostdlib", this._store, "NoStandardLib");
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/novbruntimeref", this._store, "NoVBRuntimeReference");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/errorreport:", this.ErrorReport);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/platform:", this.PlatformWith32BitPreference);
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/removeintchecks", this._store, "RemoveIntegerChecks");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/rootnamespace:", this.RootNamespace);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/sdkpath:", this.SdkPath);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/langversion:", this.LangVersion);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/moduleassemblyname:", this.ModuleAssemblyName);
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/netcf", this._store, "TargetCompactFramework");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/preferreduilang:", this.PreferredUILang);
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/highentropyva", this._store, "HighEntropyVA");

            if (0 == String.Compare(this.VBRuntimePath, this.VBRuntime, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/vbruntime:", this.VBRuntimePath);
            else if (this.VBRuntime != null)
                string vbRuntimeSwitch = this.VBRuntime;
                if (0 == String.Compare(vbRuntimeSwitch, "EMBED", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                else if (0 == String.Compare(vbRuntimeSwitch, "NONE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                else if (0 == String.Compare(vbRuntimeSwitch, "DEFAULT", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/vbruntime:", vbRuntimeSwitch);

            // Verbosity
            if (
                   (this.Verbosity != null) &&

                      (0 == String.Compare(this.Verbosity, "quiet", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ||
                      (0 == String.Compare(this.Verbosity, "verbose", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/", this.Verbosity);

            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/doc:", this.DocumentationFile);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchUnquotedIfNotNull("/define:", Vbc.GetDefineConstantsSwitch(this.DefineConstants));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/win32resource:", this.Win32Resource);

            // Special case for "Sub Main" (See VSWhidbey 381254)
            if (0 != String.Compare("Sub Main", this.MainEntryPoint, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/main:", this.MainEntryPoint);


            // This should come after the "TreatWarningsAsErrors" flag is processed (in managedcompiler.cs).
            // Because if TreatWarningsAsErrors=false, then we'll have a /warnaserror- on the command-line,
            // and then any specific warnings that should be treated as errors should be specified with
            // /warnaserror+:<list> after the /warnaserror- switch.  The order of the switches on the command-line
            // does matter.
            // Note that
            //      /warnaserror+
            // is just shorthand for:
            //      /warnaserror+:<all possible warnings>
            // Similarly,
            //      /warnaserror-
            // is just shorthand for:
            //      /warnaserror-:<all possible warnings>
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/warnaserror+:", this.WarningsAsErrors, ",", ';', ',');
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithSplitting("/warnaserror-:", this.WarningsNotAsErrors, ",", ';', ',');

            // If not design time build and the globalSessionGuid property was set then add a -globalsessionguid:<guid>
            bool designTime = false;
            if (this.HostObject != null)
                var vbHost = this.HostObject as IVbcHostObject;
                designTime = vbHost.IsDesignTime();
            if (!designTime)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.VsSessionGuid))
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/sqmsessionguid:", this.VsSessionGuid);

            // It's a good idea for the response file to be the very last switch passed, just 
            // from a predictability perspective.  It also solves the problem that a dogfooder
            // ran into, which is described in an email thread attached to bug VSWhidbey 146883.
            // See also bugs 177762 and 118307 for additional bugs related to response file position.
            if (this.ResponseFiles != null)
                foreach (ITaskItem response in this.ResponseFiles)
                    commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("@", response.ItemSpec);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a "/additionalfile:" switch to the command line for each additional file.
 /// </summary>
 private void AddAdditionalFilesToCommandLine(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
     if (AdditionalFiles != null)
         foreach (ITaskItem additionalFile in AdditionalFiles)
             commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/additionalfile:", additionalFile.ItemSpec);
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the provided CommandLineBuilderExtension with those switches and other information that can go into a response file.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void AddResponseFileCommands(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
            // If outputAssembly is not specified, then an "/out: <name>" option won't be added to
            // overwrite the one resulting from the OutputAssembly member of the CompilerParameters class.
            // In that case, we should set the outputAssembly member based on the first source file.
            if (
                (OutputAssembly == null) &&
                (Sources != null) &&
                (Sources.Length > 0) &&
                (ResponseFiles == null)        // The response file may already have a /out: switch in it, so don't try to be smart here.
                    OutputAssembly = new TaskItem(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Sources[0].ItemSpec));
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    throw new ArgumentException(e.Message, "Sources");
                if (string.Compare(TargetType, "library", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    OutputAssembly.ItemSpec += ".dll";
                else if (string.Compare(TargetType, "module", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    OutputAssembly.ItemSpec += ".netmodule";
                    OutputAssembly.ItemSpec += ".exe";

            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/addmodule:", AddModules, ",");
            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithInteger("/codepage:", _store, nameof(CodePage));


            // The "DebugType" parameter should be processed after the "EmitDebugInformation" parameter
            // because it's more specific.  Order matters on the command-line, and the last one wins.
            // /debug+ is just a shorthand for /debug:full.  And /debug- is just a shorthand for /debug:none.

            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/debug", _store, nameof(EmitDebugInformation));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/debug:", DebugType);

            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/delaysign", _store, nameof(DelaySign));

            commandLine.AppendSwitchWithInteger("/filealign:", _store, nameof(FileAlignment));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/keycontainer:", KeyContainer);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/keyfile:", KeyFile);
            // If the strings "LogicalName" or "Access" ever change, make sure to search/replace everywhere in vsproject.
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/linkresource:", LinkResources, new string[] { "LogicalName", "Access" });
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/nologo", _store, nameof(NoLogo));
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/nowin32manifest", _store, nameof(NoWin32Manifest));
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/optimize", _store, nameof(Optimize));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/pathmap:", PathMap);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/out:", OutputAssembly);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/ruleset:", CodeAnalysisRuleSet);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/errorlog:", ErrorLog);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/subsystemversion:", SubsystemVersion);
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/reportanalyzer", _store, nameof(ReportAnalyzer));
            // If the strings "LogicalName" or "Access" ever change, make sure to search/replace everywhere in vsproject.
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/resource:", Resources, new string[] { "LogicalName", "Access" });
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/target:", TargetType);
            commandLine.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/warnaserror", _store, nameof(TreatWarningsAsErrors));
            commandLine.AppendWhenTrue("/utf8output", _store, nameof(Utf8Output));
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/win32icon:", Win32Icon);
            commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/win32manifest:", Win32Manifest);

            AddAnalyzersToCommandLine(commandLine, Analyzers);

            // Append the sources.
            commandLine.AppendFileNamesIfNotNull(Sources, " ");
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a "/embed:" switch to the command line for each pdb embedded file.
 /// </summary>
 private void AddEmbeddedFilesToCommandLine(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
     if (EmbeddedFiles != null)
         foreach (ITaskItem embeddedFile in EmbeddedFiles)
             commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/embed:", embeddedFile.ItemSpec);