 public override void TraverseChildren(IBlockStatement block) {
   Contract.Assume(block is BlockStatement);
   var decompiledBlock = (BlockStatement)block;
   var statements = decompiledBlock.Statements;
   for (int i = 0; i < statements.Count-1; i++) {
     var switchInstruction = statements[i] as SwitchInstruction;
     if (switchInstruction == null) continue;
     SwitchStatement result = new SwitchStatement();
     result.Expression = switchInstruction.switchExpression;
     statements[i] = result;
     for (int j = 0, n = switchInstruction.SwitchCases.Count; j < n; j++) {
       CompileTimeConstant caseLabel = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = j, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemInt32 };
       var gotoCaseBody = switchInstruction.SwitchCases[j];
       Contract.Assume(gotoCaseBody != null);
       SwitchCase currentCase = new SwitchCase() { Expression = caseLabel };
       if (j < n-1) {
         Contract.Assume(switchInstruction.SwitchCases[j+1] != null);
         if (gotoCaseBody.TargetStatement == switchInstruction.SwitchCases[j+1].TargetStatement) continue;
     if (i == statements.Count-1) return;
     Contract.Assert(i+1 <= statements.Count);
     var gotoStatement = statements[i+1] as IGotoStatement;
     if (gotoStatement != null) {
       SwitchCase defaultCase = new SwitchCase() { }; // Default case is represented by a dummy Expression.
       defaultCase.Body.Add(statements[i + 1]);
       statements.RemoveAt(i + 1);
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified compile time constant.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="compileTimeConstant">The compile time constant.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual ICompileTimeConstant Visit(ICompileTimeConstant compileTimeConstant)
     CompileTimeConstant mutableCompileTimeConstant = compileTimeConstant as CompileTimeConstant;
       if (!this.copyOnlyIfNotAlreadyMutable || mutableCompileTimeConstant == null)
     mutableCompileTimeConstant = new CompileTimeConstant(compileTimeConstant);
       return this.Visit(mutableCompileTimeConstant);
 private Expression ParseCompileTimeConstant(IOperation currentOperation) {
   Contract.Requires(currentOperation != null);
   CompileTimeConstant result = new CompileTimeConstant();
   result.Value = currentOperation.Value;
   switch (currentOperation.OperationCode) {
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_0: result.Value = 0; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_1: result.Value = 1; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_2: result.Value = 2; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_3: result.Value = 3; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_4: result.Value = 4; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_5: result.Value = 5; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_6: result.Value = 6; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_7: result.Value = 7; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_8: result.Value = 8; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_M1: result.Value = -1; break;
   return result;
 private PointerIsValidationLocation(CompileTimeConstant pointerSize, IPrimarySourceLocation expressionLocation)
     : base(expressionLocation)
     this.pointerSize = pointerSize;
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified block.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="block">The block.</param>
 public override void Visit(IBlockStatement block)
     if (this.insertAssumeFalseAtLine != null) {
     uint startLine;
     uint endLine;
     GetLocationLineSpan(GetPrimarySourceLocationFrom(block.Locations), out startLine, out endLine);
     if (startLine <= this.insertAssumeFalseAtLine.Value &&
        this.insertAssumeFalseAtLine.Value < endLine) {
       foreach (IStatement stmt in block.Statements) {
     GetLocationLineSpan(GetPrimarySourceLocationFrom(stmt.Locations), out startLine, out endLine);
     if (this.insertAssumeFalseAtLine.Value < endLine) {
       AssumeStatement assumeFalse = new AssumeStatement();
       CompileTimeConstant constFalse = new CompileTimeConstant();
       constFalse.Value = false;
       assumeFalse.Condition = constFalse;
 private bool BooleanValueOfCompileTimeConstant(CompileTimeConstant ctc) {
   if (ctc.Type.TypeCode == PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32)
     return ((int)ctc.Value) != 0;
   if (ctc.Type.TypeCode == PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean)
     return (bool)ctc.Value;
   throw new NotImplementedException("BooleanValueOfCompileTimeConstant: Unknown type of compile-time constant");
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified constant.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="constant">The constant.</param>
 public override void Visit(ICompileTimeConstant constant)
     CompileTimeConstant mutableCompileTimeConstant = new CompileTimeConstant(constant);
     this.resultExpression = this.myCodeCopier.DeepCopy(mutableCompileTimeConstant);
 public override IExpression Visit(Conversion conversion)
     conversion.ValueToConvert = this.Visit(conversion.ValueToConvert);
       if (TypeHelper.TypesAreEquivalent(conversion.TypeAfterConversion, conversion.ValueToConvert.Type) &&
     // converting a floating point number to the same floating point number is not a nop: it might result in precision loss.
     !(conversion.TypeAfterConversion.TypeCode == PrimitiveTypeCode.Float32 || conversion.TypeAfterConversion.TypeCode == PrimitiveTypeCode.Float64)
     return conversion.ValueToConvert;
       else {
     var cc = conversion.ValueToConvert as CompileTimeConstant;
     if (cc != null) {
       if (cc.Value == null) {
     cc.Type = conversion.TypeAfterConversion;
     return cc;
       if (conversion.TypeAfterConversion.TypeCode == PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean && conversion.ValueToConvert.Type.TypeCode == PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32 && cc.Value is int) {
     var bcc = new CompileTimeConstant();
     bcc.Value = ((int)cc.Value) != 0;
     bcc.Type = conversion.TypeAfterConversion;
     return bcc;
       if (conversion.TypeAfterConversion.TypeCode == PrimitiveTypeCode.Char && conversion.ValueToConvert.Type.TypeCode == PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32 && cc.Value is int) {
     var bcc = new CompileTimeConstant();
     bcc.Value = (char)(int)cc.Value;
     bcc.Type = conversion.TypeAfterConversion;
     return bcc;
     } else if (conversion.TypeAfterConversion.TypeCode == PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean) {
       var conditional = conversion.ValueToConvert as Conditional;
       if (conditional != null) {
     conditional.ResultIfFalse = this.ConvertToBoolean(conditional.ResultIfFalse);
     conditional.ResultIfTrue = this.ConvertToBoolean(conditional.ResultIfTrue);
     conditional.Type = conversion.TypeAfterConversion;
     return conditional;
     return conversion;
    private void checkMethodCallForEventCancellation(IMethodCall call) {
      // NAVIGATION TODO this code is duplicated from PhoneNavigationTraverser, refactor that
      if (!call.MethodToCall.Name.Value.StartsWith("set_Cancel"))

      if (call.Arguments.Count() != 1 || call.Arguments.ToList()[0].Type != host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean)

      ICompileTimeConstant constant = call.Arguments.ToList()[0] as ICompileTimeConstant;
      if (constant != null && constant.Value != null) {
        CompileTimeConstant falseConstant = new CompileTimeConstant() {
          Type = host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean,
          Value = false,
        if (constant.Value == falseConstant.Value)

      CancelsEvents = true;
 private static void AddArrayInitializers(CreateArray createArray, IFieldDefinition initialValueField, ulong[] sizes)
     ITypeReference elemType = createArray.ElementType;
       MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(new List<byte>(initialValueField.FieldMapping.Data).ToArray());
       BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream, Encoding.Unicode);
       ulong flatSize = 1;
       foreach (ulong dimensionSize in sizes) flatSize *= dimensionSize;
       while (flatSize-- > 0) {
     CompileTimeConstant cc = new CompileTimeConstant();
     cc.Value = ReadValue(elemType.TypeCode, reader);
     cc.Type = elemType;
 private void DecompileSwitch(List<IStatement> statements, int i)
     if (i >= statements.Count-1) return;
       SwitchInstruction/*?*/ switchInstruction = statements[i] as SwitchInstruction;
       if (switchInstruction == null) return;
       SwitchStatement result = new SwitchStatement();
       result.Expression = switchInstruction.switchExpression;
       statements[i] = result;
       for (int j = 0, n = switchInstruction.switchCases.Count; j < n; j++) {
     CompileTimeConstant caseLabel = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = j, Type = this.platformType.SystemInt32 };
     var gotoCaseBody = switchInstruction.switchCases[j];
     SwitchCase currentCase = new SwitchCase() { Expression = caseLabel };
     if (j < n-1 && gotoCaseBody.TargetStatement == switchInstruction.switchCases[j+1].TargetStatement) continue;
       if (i == statements.Count-1) return;
       var gotoStatement = statements[i+1] as IGotoStatement;
       if (gotoStatement != null) {
     SwitchCase defaultCase = new SwitchCase() { }; // Default case is represented by a dummy Expression.
     defaultCase.Body.Add(statements[i + 1]);
     statements.RemoveAt(i + 1);
 /// <summary>
 /// Rewrites the children of the given compile time constant.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void RewriteChildren(CompileTimeConstant constant)
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified constant.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="constant">The constant.</param>
 public override void Visit(ICompileTimeConstant constant)
     CompileTimeConstant mutableCompileTimeConstant = constant as CompileTimeConstant;
     if (alwaysMakeACopy || mutableCompileTimeConstant == null) mutableCompileTimeConstant = new CompileTimeConstant(constant);
     this.resultExpression = this.myCodeMutator.Visit(mutableCompileTimeConstant);
    private static IExpression ConvertToBoolean(IExpression expression) {
      Contract.Requires(expression != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<IExpression>() != null);

      IPlatformType platformType = expression.Type.PlatformType;
      var cc = expression as CompileTimeConstant;
      if (cc != null && TypeHelper.IsPrimitiveInteger(cc.Type)) {
        cc.Value = !ExpressionHelper.IsIntegralZero(cc);
        cc.Type = platformType.SystemBoolean;
        return cc;
      var conditional = expression as Conditional;
      if (conditional != null) {
        conditional.ResultIfTrue = ConvertToBoolean(conditional.ResultIfTrue);
        conditional.ResultIfFalse = ConvertToBoolean(conditional.ResultIfFalse);
        conditional.Type = platformType.SystemBoolean;
        return conditional;
      object/*?*/ val = null;
      ITypeReference type = platformType.SystemObject;
      ITypeReference expressionType = expression.Type;
      IExpression rightOperand = null; // zero or null, but has to be type-specific
      switch (expressionType.TypeCode) {
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean: {
            var addrDeref = expression as AddressDereference;
            Conversion conversion;
            IManagedPointerTypeReference mgdPtr;
            if (addrDeref != null && (conversion = addrDeref.Address as Conversion) != null && 
              (mgdPtr = conversion.ValueToConvert.Type as IManagedPointerTypeReference) != null) {
              expressionType = mgdPtr.TargetType;
              addrDeref.Address = conversion.ValueToConvert;
              addrDeref.Type = expressionType;
              expression = addrDeref;
              goto default;
            return expression;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.Char: val = (char)0; type = platformType.SystemChar; break;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.Float32: val = (float)0; type = platformType.SystemFloat32; break;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.Float64: val = (double)0; type = platformType.SystemFloat64; break;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.Int16: val = (short)0; type = platformType.SystemInt16; break;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32: val = (int)0; type = platformType.SystemInt32; break;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.Int64: val = (long)0; type = platformType.SystemInt64; break;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.Int8: val = (sbyte)0; type = platformType.SystemInt8; break;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.IntPtr: val = IntPtr.Zero; type = platformType.SystemIntPtr; break;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt16: val = (ushort)0; type = platformType.SystemUInt16; break;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt32: val = (uint)0; type = platformType.SystemUInt32; break;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt64: val = (ulong)0; type = platformType.SystemUInt64; break;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt8: val = (byte)0; type = platformType.SystemUInt8; break;
        case PrimitiveTypeCode.UIntPtr: val = UIntPtr.Zero; type = platformType.SystemUIntPtr; break;
          rightOperand = new DefaultValue() {
            DefaultValueType = expressionType,
            Type = expressionType,
      if (rightOperand == null) {
        rightOperand = new CompileTimeConstant() {
          Value = val,
          Type = type,
      NotEquality result = new NotEquality() {
        LeftOperand = expression,
        RightOperand = rightOperand,
        Type = platformType.SystemBoolean,
      return result;
    private void InitializeTraverser() {
      Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType platform = host.PlatformType as Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType;
      coreAssemblyRef = platform.CoreAssemblyRef;

      // TODO obtain version, culture and signature data dynamically
      AssemblyIdentity MSPhoneAssemblyId =
          new AssemblyIdentity(host.NameTable.GetNameFor("Microsoft.Phone"), "", new Version(""),
                               new byte[] { 0x24, 0xEE, 0xC0, 0xD8, 0xC8, 0x6C, 0xDA, 0x1E }, "");
      AssemblyIdentity MSPhoneControlsAssemblyId=
          new AssemblyIdentity(host.NameTable.GetNameFor("Microsoft.Phone.Controls"), "", new Version(""),
                               new byte[] { 0x24, 0xEE, 0xC0, 0xD8, 0xC8, 0x6C, 0xDA, 0x1E }, "");

      AssemblyIdentity MSPhoneSystemWindowsAssemblyId =
          new AssemblyIdentity(host.NameTable.GetNameFor("System.Windows"), coreAssemblyRef.Culture, coreAssemblyRef.Version,
                               coreAssemblyRef.PublicKeyToken, "");

      phoneAssembly = host.FindAssembly(MSPhoneAssemblyId);
      phoneSystemWindowsAssembly = host.FindAssembly(MSPhoneSystemWindowsAssemblyId);
      MSPhoneControlsAssembly= host.FindAssembly(MSPhoneControlsAssemblyId);
      // TODO BUG / XAML DEPENDENCE If a control is declared in XAML, it may be one from a library *not* linked! So, assemblies could be dummy here

      // TODO determine the needed types dynamically
      if (phoneAssembly != Dummy.Assembly) {
        appBarIconButtonType = platform.CreateReference(phoneAssembly, "Microsoft", "Phone", "Shell", "ApplicationBarIconButton");
        appBarMenuItemType = platform.CreateReference(phoneAssembly, "Microsoft", "Phone", "Shell", "ApplicationBarMenuItem");
      } else {
        appBarIconButtonType = host.PlatformType.SystemObject;
        appBarMenuItemType = host.PlatformType.SystemObject;

      if (phoneSystemWindowsAssembly != Dummy.Assembly) {
        checkBoxType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "CheckBox");
        radioButtonType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "RadioButton");
        buttonType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Button");
        buttonBaseType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Primitives", "ButtonBase");
        toggleButtonType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Primitives", "ToggleButton");
        controlType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Control");
        uiElementType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "UIElement");
        listBoxType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "ListBox");
      } else {
        checkBoxType = host.PlatformType.SystemObject;
        radioButtonType = host.PlatformType.SystemObject;
        buttonType = host.PlatformType.SystemObject;
        buttonBaseType = host.PlatformType.SystemObject;
        toggleButtonType = host.PlatformType.SystemObject;
        controlType = host.PlatformType.SystemObject;
        uiElementType = host.PlatformType.SystemObject;
        listBoxType = host.PlatformType.SystemObject;

      if (MSPhoneControlsAssembly != Dummy.Assembly) {
        pivotType = platform.CreateReference(MSPhoneControlsAssembly, "Microsoft", "Phone", "Controls", "Pivot");
      } else {
        pivotType = host.PlatformType.SystemObject;


      trueConstant = new CompileTimeConstant() {
        Type = platform.SystemBoolean,
        Value = true
      falseConstant = new CompileTimeConstant() {
        Type = platform.SystemBoolean,
        Value = false

      IEnumerable<IPropertyDefinition> controlProperties = controlType.ResolvedType.Properties;
      IEnumerable<IPropertyDefinition> toggleButtonProperties = toggleButtonType.ResolvedType.Properties;
      IEnumerable<IPropertyDefinition> uiElementProperties = uiElementType.ResolvedType.Properties;

      IPropertyDefinition prop = controlProperties.Single(p => p.Name.Value == "IsEnabled");
      isEnabledSetter = prop.Setter;
      isEnabledGetter = prop.Getter;
      prop = toggleButtonProperties.Single(p => p.Name.Value == "IsChecked");
      isCheckedSetter = prop.Setter;
      isCheckedGetter = prop.Getter;
      prop = uiElementProperties.Single(p => p.Name.Value == "Visibility");
      visibilitySetter = prop.Setter;
      visibilityGetter = prop.Getter;

      IEnumerable<IEventDefinition> buttonBaseEvents = buttonBaseType.ResolvedType.Events;
      IEnumerable<IEventDefinition> toggleButtonEvents = toggleButtonType.ResolvedType.Events;
      IEventDefinition evt = buttonBaseEvents.Single(e => e.Name.Value == "Click");
      clickHandlerAdder = evt.Adder;
      clickHandlerRemover = evt.Remover;
      evt = toggleButtonEvents.Single(e => e.Name.Value == "Checked");
      checkedHandlerAdder = evt.Adder;
      checkedHandlerRemover = evt.Remover;
      evt = toggleButtonEvents.Single(e => e.Name.Value == "Unchecked");
      uncheckedHandlerAdder = evt.Adder;
      uncheckedHandlerRemover = evt.Remover;
    private static IExpression InvertCompileTimeConstant(CompileTimeConstant compileTimeConst) {
      Contract.Requires(compileTimeConst != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<IExpression>() != null);

      Contract.Assume(compileTimeConst.Value is bool); //since it is used as a condition, it is assumed to be a boolean
      return new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = !(bool)compileTimeConst.Value, Type = compileTimeConst.Type };
    private bool ReplaceShortCircuitAnd6(BlockStatement b) {
      Contract.Requires(b != null);
      bool replacedPattern = false;
      var statements = b.Statements;
      for (int i = 0; i < statements.Count-8; i++) {
        var ifStatement = statements[i] as ConditionalStatement;
        if (ifStatement == null) continue;
        var gotoFalseCase = ifStatement.FalseBranch as GotoStatement;
        if (gotoFalseCase == null) continue;
        Contract.Assume(ifStatement.TrueBranch is EmptyStatement);
        var labeledStatement = statements[i+1] as LabeledStatement;
        if (labeledStatement == null) continue;
        var gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labeledStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
        if (gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0) continue;
        var ifStatement2 = statements[i+2] as ConditionalStatement;
        if (ifStatement2 == null) continue;
        var gotoTrueCase = ifStatement2.FalseBranch as GotoStatement;
        if (gotoTrueCase == null) continue;
        if (!(ifStatement2.TrueBranch is EmptyStatement)) continue;
        var labeledStatement2 = statements[i+3] as LabeledStatement;
        if (labeledStatement2 == null || labeledStatement2 != gotoFalseCase.TargetStatement) continue;
        gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labeledStatement2.Label.UniqueKey];
        Contract.Assume(gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0);
        if (gotos.Count > 1) continue;
        Contract.Assume(gotos[0] == gotoFalseCase);
        var pushFalseCase = statements[i+4] as PushStatement;
        if (pushFalseCase == null) continue;
        if (pushFalseCase.ValueToPush.Type.TypeCode != PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean) continue;
        var gotoEnd = statements[i+5] as GotoStatement;
        if (gotoEnd == null) continue;
        var labeledStatement3 = statements[i+6] as LabeledStatement;
        if (labeledStatement3 == null || labeledStatement3 != gotoTrueCase.TargetStatement) continue;
        gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labeledStatement3.Label.UniqueKey];
        Contract.Assume(gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0);
        if (gotos.Count > 1) continue;
        Contract.Assume(gotos[0] == gotoTrueCase);
        var pushTrueCase = statements[i+7] as PushStatement;
        if (pushTrueCase == null) continue;
        if (pushTrueCase.ValueToPush.Type.TypeCode != PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32) continue;
        var pushTrueVal = pushTrueCase.ValueToPush as CompileTimeConstant;
        if (pushTrueVal == null || !(pushTrueVal.Value is int)) continue;
        if (1 != (int)pushTrueVal.Value) continue;
        var endLabel = statements[i+8] as LabeledStatement;
        if (endLabel == null || gotoEnd.TargetStatement != endLabel) continue;
        gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)endLabel.Label.UniqueKey];
        Contract.Assume(gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0);
        if (gotos.Count > 1) continue;
        Contract.Assume(gotos[0] == gotoEnd);

        var falseConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = false, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
        var invertedCond1 = IfThenElseReplacer.InvertCondition(ifStatement2.Condition);
        var conditional1 = new Conditional() { Condition = ifStatement.Condition, ResultIfTrue = invertedCond1, ResultIfFalse = falseConst, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
        var trueConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = true, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
        var invertedCond2 = IfThenElseReplacer.InvertCondition(pushFalseCase.ValueToPush);
        var conditional2 = new Conditional() { Condition = conditional1, ResultIfTrue = trueConst, ResultIfFalse = invertedCond2, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
        pushTrueCase.ValueToPush = conditional2;
        statements.RemoveRange(i, 7);
        replacedPattern = true;
      return replacedPattern;
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to extarct the value of a named argument and make it an expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attribute"></param>
        /// <param name="argumentName"></param>
        /// <param name="defaultValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryGetNamedArgumentValue(
            ICustomAttribute attribute,
            string argumentName,
            out CompileTimeConstant defaultValue)
                Contract.Requires(attribute != null);

                foreach(var namedArgument in attribute.NamedArguments)
                    if (String.Equals(namedArgument.ArgumentName.Value, argumentName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        var valueExpression = namedArgument.ArgumentValue;
                        var value = valueExpression as IMetadataConstant;
                        if (value != null)
                            defaultValue = new CompileTimeConstant { Type = value.Type, Value = value.Value };
                            // good candidate
                            return true;

                defaultValue = null;
                return false;
    static void AddSizesAndArrayInitializers(CreateArray createArray, IFieldDefinition initialValueField) {
      Contract.Requires(createArray != null);
      Contract.Requires(initialValueField != null);

      List<ulong> sizes = new List<ulong>();
      foreach (IExpression expr in createArray.Sizes) {
        IMetadataConstant mdc = expr as IMetadataConstant;
        if (mdc == null) return;
      ITypeReference elemType = createArray.ElementType;
      MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(new List<byte>(initialValueField.FieldMapping.Data).ToArray());
      BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream, Encoding.Unicode);
      ulong flatSize = 1;
      foreach (ulong dimensionSize in sizes) flatSize *= dimensionSize;
      while (flatSize-- > 0) {
        CompileTimeConstant cc = new CompileTimeConstant();
        cc.Value = ReadValue(elemType.TypeCode, reader);
        cc.Type = elemType;
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified constant.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="constant">The constant.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected virtual ICompileTimeConstant DeepCopy(CompileTimeConstant constant)
     constant.Type = this.Substitute(constant.Type);
       return constant;
 private bool ReplaceShortCircuitAnd(BlockStatement b) {
   Contract.Requires(b != null);
   bool replacedPattern = false;
   var statements = b.Statements;
   for (int i = 0; i < statements.Count-6; i++) {
     var ifStatement = statements[i] as ConditionalStatement;
     if (ifStatement == null) continue;
     var gotoFalseCase = ifStatement.FalseBranch as GotoStatement;
     if (gotoFalseCase == null) continue;
     Contract.Assume(ifStatement.TrueBranch is EmptyStatement);
     var labeledStatement = statements[i+1] as LabeledStatement;
     if (labeledStatement == null) continue;
     var gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labeledStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
     if (gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0) continue;
     var pushTrueCase = statements[i+2] as PushStatement;
     if (pushTrueCase == null) continue;
     if (pushTrueCase.ValueToPush.Type.TypeCode != PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean) continue;
     var gotoEnd = statements[i+3] as GotoStatement;
     if (gotoEnd == null) continue;
     var labeledStatement2 = statements[i+4] as LabeledStatement;
     if (labeledStatement2 == null || labeledStatement2 != gotoFalseCase.TargetStatement) continue;
     gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labeledStatement2.Label.UniqueKey];
     Contract.Assume(gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0);
     if (gotos.Count > 1) continue;
     var pushFalseCase = statements[i+5] as PushStatement;
     if (pushFalseCase == null) continue;
     var falseCaseVal = pushFalseCase.ValueToPush as CompileTimeConstant;
     if (falseCaseVal == null || !(falseCaseVal.Value is int)) continue;
     var endLabel = statements[i+6] as LabeledStatement;
     if (endLabel == null || gotoEnd.TargetStatement != endLabel) continue;
     Conditional conditional;
     if (((int)falseCaseVal.Value) != 0) {
       var trueConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = true, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var cond = new LogicalNot() { Operand = ifStatement.Condition, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       conditional = new Conditional() { Condition = cond, ResultIfTrue = trueConst, ResultIfFalse = pushTrueCase.ValueToPush, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
     } else {
       var falseConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = false, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       conditional = new Conditional() { Condition = ifStatement.Condition, ResultIfTrue = pushTrueCase.ValueToPush, ResultIfFalse = falseConst, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
     pushFalseCase.ValueToPush = conditional;
     statements.RemoveRange(i, 5);
     replacedPattern = true;
   return replacedPattern;
    private bool isEventCancellationMethodCall(IMethodCall call) {
      if (!call.MethodToCall.Name.Value.StartsWith("set_Cancel"))
        return false;

      if (call.Arguments.Count() != 1 || call.Arguments.ToList()[0].Type != host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean)
        return false;

      if (call.ThisArgument == null || !call.ThisArgument.Type.isCancelEventArgsClass(host))
        return false;

      ICompileTimeConstant constant = call.Arguments.ToList()[0] as ICompileTimeConstant;
      if (constant != null && constant.Value != null) {
        CompileTimeConstant falseConstant = new CompileTimeConstant() {
          Type = host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean,
          Value = false,
        if (constant.Value == falseConstant.Value)
          return false;

      return true;
 private bool ReplaceShortCircuitAnd2(BlockStatement b) {
   Contract.Requires(b != null);
   bool replacedPattern = false;
   var statements = b.Statements;
   for (int i = 0; i < statements.Count-3; i++) {
     var ifStatement = statements[i] as ConditionalStatement;
     if (ifStatement == null) continue;
     var gotoFalseCase = ifStatement.FalseBranch as GotoStatement;
     if (gotoFalseCase == null) continue;
     Contract.Assume(ifStatement.TrueBranch is EmptyStatement);
     var labeledStatement = statements[i+1] as LabeledStatement;
     if (labeledStatement == null) continue;
     var gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labeledStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
     if (gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0) continue;
     var ifStatement2 = statements[i+2] as ConditionalStatement;
     if (ifStatement2 == null) continue;
     var gotoTrueCase = ifStatement2.TrueBranch as GotoStatement;
     if (gotoTrueCase == null) continue;
     Contract.Assume(ifStatement2.FalseBranch is EmptyStatement);
     var labeledStatement2 = statements[i+3] as LabeledStatement;
     if (labeledStatement2 == null) continue;
     if (labeledStatement2 == gotoFalseCase.TargetStatement) {
       gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labeledStatement2.Label.UniqueKey];
       Contract.Assume(gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0);
       if (gotos.Count > 1) continue;
       var falseConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = false, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var conditional = new Conditional() { Condition = ifStatement.Condition, ResultIfTrue = ifStatement2.Condition, ResultIfFalse = falseConst, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       ifStatement2.Condition = conditional;
       statements.RemoveRange(i, 2);
       replacedPattern = true;
     } else {
       if (gotoFalseCase.TargetStatement != gotoTrueCase.TargetStatement) continue;
       //actually have a short circuit or here
       gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)gotoFalseCase.TargetStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
       Contract.Assume(gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0);
       var trueConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = true, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var invertedCond = new LogicalNot() { Operand = ifStatement.Condition, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var conditional = new Conditional() { Condition = invertedCond, ResultIfTrue = trueConst, ResultIfFalse = ifStatement2.Condition, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       ifStatement2.Condition = conditional;
       statements.RemoveRange(i, 2);
       replacedPattern = true;
   return replacedPattern;
 private MethodCall GetPointerValidationCall(IExpression pointer)
     CompileTimeConstant pointerSize = new CompileTimeConstant();
       pointerSize.Type = pointer.Type.PlatformType.SystemInt32.ResolvedType;
       pointerSize.Value = pointer.Type.PlatformType.PointerSize;
       MethodCall mcall = new MethodCall();
       mcall.Locations.Add(PointerIsValidationLocation.For(pointerSize, pointer.Locations));
       mcall.MethodToCall = this.PointerValidator;
       mcall.Type = this.PointerValidator.Type;
       return mcall;
 private bool ReplaceShortCircuitAnd4(BlockStatement b) {
   Contract.Requires(b != null);
   bool replacedPattern = false;
   var statements = b.Statements;
   for (int i = 0; i < statements.Count-2; i++) {
     var ifStatement1 = statements[i] as ConditionalStatement;
     if (ifStatement1 == null || !(ifStatement1.FalseBranch is EmptyStatement)) continue;
     var goto1 = ifStatement1.TrueBranch as GotoStatement;
     if (goto1 == null) continue;
     var labStat = statements[i+1] as LabeledStatement;
     if (labStat == null) continue;
     var gotos1 =  this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labStat.Label.UniqueKey];
     if (gotos1 != null && gotos1.Count > 0) continue;
     var ifStatement2 = statements[i+2] as ConditionalStatement;
     if (ifStatement2 == null) continue;
     if (ifStatement2.TrueBranch is EmptyStatement) {
       var goto2 = ifStatement2.FalseBranch as GotoStatement;
       if (goto2 == null) continue;
       if (goto1.TargetStatement != goto2.TargetStatement) continue;
       var gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)goto1.TargetStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
       if (gotos == null || gotos.Count == 0) continue;
       var falseConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = false, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var notCond1 = new LogicalNot() { Operand = ifStatement1.Condition, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var conditional = new Conditional() { Condition = notCond1, ResultIfTrue = ifStatement2.Condition, ResultIfFalse = falseConst, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       ifStatement2.Condition = conditional;
       statements.RemoveRange(i, 2);
       replacedPattern = true;
     } else if (ifStatement2.FalseBranch is EmptyStatement) {
       var goto2 = ifStatement2.TrueBranch as GotoStatement;
       if (goto2 == null) continue;
       if (goto1.TargetStatement != goto2.TargetStatement) continue;
       var gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)goto1.TargetStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
       if (gotos == null || gotos.Count == 0) continue;
       var trueConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = true, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var cond1 = ifStatement1.Condition;
       var conditional = new Conditional() { Condition = cond1, ResultIfTrue = trueConst, ResultIfFalse = ifStatement2.Condition, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       ifStatement2.Condition = conditional;
       statements.RemoveRange(i, 2);
       replacedPattern = true;
   return replacedPattern;
 internal static PointerIsValidationLocation For(CompileTimeConstant pointerSize, IEnumerable<ILocation> locations)
     IPrimarySourceLocation ploc = AssertAssumeAdderVisitor.GetPrimarySourceLocationFrom(locations);
       return new PointerIsValidationLocation(pointerSize, ploc);
 private bool ReplaceShortCircuitAnd5(BlockStatement b) {
   Contract.Requires(b != null);
   bool replacedPattern = false;
   var statements = b.Statements;
   for (int i = 0; i < statements.Count; i++) {
     var ifStatement = statements[i] as ConditionalStatement;
     if (ifStatement == null) continue;
     var pushTrue = ifStatement.TrueBranch as IPushStatement;
     if (pushTrue == null) {
       var trueBlock = ifStatement.TrueBranch as BlockStatement;
       if (trueBlock != null && trueBlock.Statements.Count == 1)
         pushTrue = trueBlock.Statements[0] as IPushStatement;
     if (pushTrue == null || pushTrue.ValueToPush.Type.TypeCode != PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean) continue;
     var pushFalse = ifStatement.FalseBranch as IPushStatement;
     if (pushFalse == null) {
       var falseBlock = ifStatement.FalseBranch as BlockStatement;
       if (falseBlock != null && falseBlock.Statements.Count == 1)
         pushFalse = falseBlock.Statements[0] as IPushStatement;
     if (pushFalse == null) continue;
     var falseCaseVal = pushFalse.ValueToPush as CompileTimeConstant;
     if (falseCaseVal == null || !(falseCaseVal.Value is int)) continue;
     if (0 != (int)falseCaseVal.Value) continue;
     var falseConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = false, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
     statements[i] = new PushStatement() {
       ValueToPush = new Conditional() {
         Condition = ifStatement.Condition, ResultIfTrue = pushTrue.ValueToPush,
         ResultIfFalse = falseConst, Type = pushTrue.ValueToPush.Type
     replacedPattern = true;
   return replacedPattern;
 private Expression ParseCompileTimeConstant(IOperation currentOperation)
     CompileTimeConstant result = new CompileTimeConstant();
       result.Value = currentOperation.Value;
       result.Type = this.platformType.SystemInt32;
       switch (currentOperation.OperationCode) {
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_0: result.Value = 0; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_1: result.Value = 1; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_2: result.Value = 2; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_3: result.Value = 3; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_4: result.Value = 4; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_5: result.Value = 5; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_6: result.Value = 6; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_7: result.Value = 7; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_8: result.Value = 8; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I4_M1: result.Value = -1; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_I8: result.Type = this.platformType.SystemInt64; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_R4: result.Type = this.platformType.SystemFloat32; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldc_R8: result.Type = this.platformType.SystemFloat64; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldnull: result.Type = this.platformType.SystemObject; break;
     case OperationCode.Ldstr: result.Type = this.platformType.SystemString; break;
       return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified constant.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="constant">The constant.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual ICompileTimeConstant Visit(CompileTimeConstant constant)
     constant.Type = this.Visit(constant.Type);
       return constant;