public MethodGroupType CreateMethodGroup() { MethodGroupType type = new MethodGroupType(); type.SetTypeKind(TypeKind.TK_MethodGroupType); return(type); }
public TypeManager() { _predefTypes = null; // Initialized via the Init call. _BSymmgr = null; // Initialized via the Init call. _typeFactory = new TypeFactory(); _typeTable = new TypeTable(); // special types with their own symbol kind. _errorType = _typeFactory.CreateError(null, null, null, null, null); _voidType = _typeFactory.CreateVoid(); _nullType = _typeFactory.CreateNull(); _typeUnit = _typeFactory.CreateUnit(); _typeAnonMeth = _typeFactory.CreateAnonMethod(); _typeMethGrp = _typeFactory.CreateMethodGroup(); _argListType = _typeFactory.CreateArgList(); InitType(_errorType); _errorType.SetErrors(true); InitType(_voidType); InitType(_nullType); InitType(_typeUnit); InitType(_typeAnonMeth); InitType(_typeMethGrp); _stvcMethod = new StdTypeVarColl(); _stvcClass = new StdTypeVarColl(); }
public TypeManager(BSYMMGR bsymmgr, PredefinedTypes predefTypes) { _typeFactory = new TypeFactory(); _typeTable = new TypeTable(); // special types with their own symbol kind. _voidType = _typeFactory.CreateVoid(); _nullType = _typeFactory.CreateNull(); _typeMethGrp = _typeFactory.CreateMethodGroup(); _argListType = _typeFactory.CreateArgList(); _stvcMethod = new StdTypeVarColl(); _stvcClass = new StdTypeVarColl(); _BSymmgr = bsymmgr; _predefTypes = predefTypes; }