}// ImportCodegroup private NamedPermissionSet ImportPermissionSet() { // We're importing a permission set NamedPermissionSet nps = null; try { SecurityElement se = SecurityXMLStuff.GetSecurityElementFromXMLFile(PermissionSetFilename); if (se == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid XML"); } nps = new NamedPermissionSet("Hi"); nps.FromXml(se); if (nps.Name == null || nps.Name.Length == 0) { nps.Name = Security.FindAGoodPermissionSetName(m_pl, "CustomPermissionSet"); } return(nps); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox(CResourceStore.GetString("XMLNoPermSet"), CResourceStore.GetString("XMLNoPermSetTitle"), MB.ICONEXCLAMATION); } return(null); }// ImportPermissionSet
//------------------------------------------------- // CConfigAssemWiz1 - Constructor // // Initializes some variables. // sf is a delegate that, when called, will turn on // the "Finish" button on the wizard //------------------------------------------------- internal CConfigAssemWiz1(CApplicationDepends appDepends) { m_sHeaderTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CConfigAssemWiz1:HeaderTitle"); m_sHeaderSubTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CConfigAssemWiz1:HeaderSubTitle"); m_sTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CConfigAssemWiz1:Title"); m_appDepends = appDepends; }// CConfigAssemWiz1
internal CDNSPermDialog(DnsPermission perm) { this.Text = CResourceStore.GetString("Dnsperm:PermName"); m_PermControls = new CDNSPermControls(perm, this); Init(); } // CDNSPermDialog
}// PutValuesinPage void onBrowse(Object o, EventArgs e) { // Pop up a file dialog so the user can find an assembly OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog(); fd.Title = CResourceStore.GetString("CEvalAssemWiz1:FDTitle"); fd.Filter = CResourceStore.GetString("CEvalAssemWiz1:FDMask"); System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult dr = fd.ShowDialog(); if (dr == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (Fusion.isManaged(fd.FileName)) { m_txtFilename.Text = fd.FileName; onTextChange(null, null); // Get a jump on the loading of this assembly if (m_tEvidence != null) { m_tEvidence.Abort(); } m_tEvidence = new Thread(new ThreadStart(NewAssembly)); m_tEvidence.Start(); } else { MessageBox(CResourceStore.GetString("isNotManagedCode"), CResourceStore.GetString("isNotManagedCodeTitle"), MB.ICONEXCLAMATION); } } }// onBrowse
}// InsertPropSheetPageControls internal bool PutValuesinPage() { m_txtAssemEval.Text = m_sAssemName; // Make sure this starts off enabled m_btnViewPerm.Enabled = true; m_lblLevelEvalVal.Text = CEvalAssemWizard.GetDisplayString(m_nPolicyLevel); // Display the various permissions in the currently selected permission set m_lvPermissions.Items.Clear(); if (m_ps != null) { if (m_ps.IsUnrestricted()) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(CResourceStore.GetString("Unrestricted"), UNRESTRICTEDIMAGEINDEX); m_lvPermissions.Items.Add(lvi); m_btnViewPerm.Enabled = false; } else { IEnumerator permEnumerator = m_ps.GetEnumerator(); while (permEnumerator.MoveNext()) { IPermission perm = (IPermission)permEnumerator.Current; int nImageIndex = DeterminePermissionIcon(perm); ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(Security.GetDisplayStringForPermission(perm), nImageIndex); m_lvPermissions.Items.Add(lvi); } } } m_txtAssemEval.Select(0, 0); return(true); }// PutValuesinPage
}// onTextChange void onBrowse(Object o, EventArgs e) { // Pop up a file dialog so the user can find an assembly OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog(); fd.Title = CResourceStore.GetString("CTrustAppWiz2:ChooseAssemFDTitle"); fd.Filter = CResourceStore.GetString("AssemFDMask"); System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult dr = fd.ShowDialog(); if (dr == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (Fusion.isManaged(fd.FileName)) { m_txtFilename.Text = fd.FileName; // Inform our wizard that we have a new assembly for it to try and load CFullTrustWizard wiz = (CFullTrustWizard)CNodeManager.GetNode(m_iCookie); wiz.NewAssembly(); } else { MessageBox(CResourceStore.GetString("isNotManagedCode"), CResourceStore.GetString("isNotManagedCodeTitle"), MB.ICONEXCLAMATION); } } } // onBrowse
}// onDelete internal override void AddMenuItems(ref IContextMenuCallback piCallback, ref int pInsertionAllowed) { // See if we're allowed to insert an item in the "view" section if (!ReadOnly && (pInsertionAllowed & (int)CCM.INSERTIONALLOWED_TOP) > 0) { // Stuff common to the top menu CONTEXTMENUITEM newitem = new CONTEXTMENUITEM(); newitem.lInsertionPointID = CCM.INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP; newitem.fFlags = 0; newitem.fSpecialFlags = 0; newitem.strName = CResourceStore.GetString("CSingleCodeGroup:NewOption"); newitem.strStatusBarText = CResourceStore.GetString("CSingleCodeGroup:NewOptionDes"); newitem.lCommandID = COMMANDS.CREATE_CODEGROUP; // Now add this item through the callback piCallback.AddItem(ref newitem); newitem.strName = CResourceStore.GetString("CSingleCodeGroup:DuplicateOption"); newitem.strStatusBarText = CResourceStore.GetString("CSingleCodeGroup:DuplicateOptionDes"); newitem.lCommandID = COMMANDS.DUPLICATE_CODEGROUP; // Now add this item through the callback piCallback.AddItem(ref newitem); } }// AddMenuItems
}// InsertPropSheetPageControls void onChangeWindowOption(Object o, EventArgs e) { if (m_cbWindowOptions.SelectedIndex == 0) { m_lblWindowOptionDescription.Text = CResourceStore.GetString("Uiperm:AllWinDes"); } else if (m_cbWindowOptions.SelectedIndex == 1) { m_lblWindowOptionDescription.Text = CResourceStore.GetString("Uiperm:SafeTopDes"); } else if (m_cbWindowOptions.SelectedIndex == 2) { m_lblWindowOptionDescription.Text = CResourceStore.GetString("Uiperm:SafeSubDes"); } else if (m_cbWindowOptions.SelectedIndex == 3) { m_lblWindowOptionDescription.Text = CResourceStore.GetString("Uiperm:NoWinDes"); } else { m_lblWindowOptionDescription.Text = ""; } ActivateApply(); }// onChangeWindowOption
}// LoadAssembly // This function is used to create the strings to put in the summary table private String GetNameOfNewPermissionLevel() { if (m_nPageToGetPermissionLevel == 3) { return(CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz3:FullTrustName")); } else { if (Page5.MyTrustLevel == PermissionSetType.FULLTRUST) { return(CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz3:FullTrustName")); } else if (Page5.MyTrustLevel == PermissionSetType.INTERNET) { return(CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz3:InternetName")); } else if (Page5.MyTrustLevel == PermissionSetType.INTRANET) { return(CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz3:LocalIntranetName")); } else if (Page5.MyTrustLevel == PermissionSetType.NONE) { return(CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz3:NoTrustName")); } } return(CResourceStore.GetString("<unknown>")); }// GetNameOfNewPermissionLevel
}// class PropPagePairs internal CSharedAssemblies() { m_sGuid = "96821C0B-CBE2-4dc9-AC52-756A3361B07F"; m_sHelpSection = ""; m_hIcon = CResourceStore.GetHIcon("sharedassemblies_ico"); DisplayName = CResourceStore.GetString("CSharedAssemblies:DisplayName"); Name = "Assembly Cache"; m_taskPad = new CGenericTaskPad(this, "SHAREDASSEM_HTML"); m_fReadShowHTML = false; m_olAssems = Fusion.ReadFusionCache(); m_alResultPropPages = new ArrayList(); // Set up the blank icon m_hBlankIcon = CResourceStore.GetHIcon("blank_ico"); m_iBlankIconIndex = CResourceStore.GetIconCookie(m_hBlankIcon); m_hGACIcon = CResourceStore.GetHIcon("gac_ico"); m_iGACIconIndex = CResourceStore.GetIconCookie(m_hGACIcon); m_hZAPIcon = CResourceStore.GetHIcon("zap_ico"); m_iZAPIconIndex = CResourceStore.GetIconCookie(m_hZAPIcon); m_fAllowMultiSelectResults = true; }// CSharedAssemblies
}// GetNumberFromTimeString private String GetTimeUnitFromTimeString(String s) { int nIndex = s.Length - 1; while (nIndex >= 0 && !Char.IsNumber(s[nIndex])) { nIndex--; } String sUnit = s.Substring(nIndex + 1); if (sUnit.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Equals("d")) { return(CResourceStore.GetString("Days")); } if (sUnit.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Equals("m")) { return(CResourceStore.GetString("Minutes")); } if (sUnit.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Equals("s")) { return(CResourceStore.GetString("Seconds")); } if (sUnit.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Equals("ms")) { return(CResourceStore.GetString("Milliseconds")); } // If we don't know the time value, let's make it seconds return(CResourceStore.GetString("Seconds")); }// GetTimeUnitFromTimeString
internal CNewPermSetWiz1(PolicyLevel pl) { m_pl = pl; m_sTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CNewPermSetWiz1:Title"); m_sHeaderTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CNewPermSetWiz1:HeaderTitle"); m_sHeaderSubTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CNewPermSetWiz1:HeaderSubTitle"); }// CNewPermSetWiz1
}// CGenApplications internal override void AddMenuItems(ref IContextMenuCallback piCallback, ref int pInsertionAllowed) { // See if we're allowed to insert an item in the "view" section if ((pInsertionAllowed & (int)CCM.INSERTIONALLOWED_TOP) > 0) { // Stuff common to the top menu CONTEXTMENUITEM newitem = new CONTEXTMENUITEM(); newitem.lInsertionPointID = CCM.INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP; newitem.fFlags = 0; newitem.fSpecialFlags = 0; newitem.strName = CResourceStore.GetString("CGenApplications:AddApplicationOption"); newitem.strStatusBarText = CResourceStore.GetString("CGenApplications:AddApplicationOptionDes"); newitem.lCommandID = COMMANDS.ADD_APPLICATION; // Now add this item through the callback piCallback.AddItem(ref newitem); newitem.strName = CResourceStore.GetString("CGenApplications:FixApplicationOption"); newitem.strStatusBarText = CResourceStore.GetString("CGenApplications:FixApplicationOptionDes"); newitem.lCommandID = COMMANDS.FIX_APPLICATION; // Now add this item through the callback piCallback.AddItem(ref newitem); } }// AddMenuItems
//------------------------------------------------- // CApplication - Constructor // // Initializes some variables, and determines the icon // we'll be displaying for this application. //------------------------------------------------- internal CApplication(AppFiles appInfo) { // Standard stuff we need to set for all nodes m_sGuid = "C338CBF6-2F60-4e1b-8FB5-12FEAE2DD937"; m_sHelpSection = ""; m_appInfo = appInfo; // Let's pull the path and extension off of the application filename // so we can display just the application name to the user // We're guarenteed to have at least the config file, but not necessarily the // application file... let's get our best name String sName = (m_appInfo.sAppFile.Length > 0) ? m_appInfo.sAppFile : m_appInfo.sAppConfigFile; // Get the file description FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(sName); if (fvi.FileDescription != null && fvi.FileDescription.Length > 0 && !fvi.FileDescription.Equals(" ")) { m_sDisplayName = fvi.FileDescription; } else { String[] sWords = sName.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); m_sDisplayName = sWords[sWords.Length - 1]; } // Can't set this up until we know what our display name is m_oResults = new CApplicationTaskPad(this); // Let's try and get the icon that explorer would use to display this file m_hIcon = (IntPtr)(-1); SHFILEINFO finfo = new SHFILEINFO(); uint iRetVal = 0; // Grab an icon for this application iRetVal = SHGetFileInfo(sName, 0, out finfo, 20, SHGFI.ICON | SHGFI.SMALLICON); // If this function returned a zero, then we know it was a failure... // We'll just grab a default icon if (iRetVal == 0) { m_hIcon = CResourceStore.GetHIcon("application_ico"); m_bBigPic = new Bitmap(Bitmap.FromHicon(m_hIcon), new Size(32, 32)); } // We could get a valid icon from the shell else { m_hIcon = finfo.hIcon; // Obtain a cookie for this icon int iIconCookie = CResourceStore.StoreHIcon(m_hIcon); // Put this icon in MMC's image list CNodeManager.ConsoleImageListSetIcon(m_hIcon, iIconCookie); // We can also get the 'big' icon to use in the property page iRetVal = SHGetFileInfo(sName, 0, out finfo, 20, SHGFI.ICON); m_bBigPic = new Bitmap(Bitmap.FromHicon(finfo.hIcon)); } }// CApplication
internal CFileDialogPermPropPage(CPSetWrapper nps) : base(nps) { IPermission perm = m_pSetWrap.PSet.GetPermission(typeof(FileDialogPermission)); m_PermControls = new CFileDialogPermControls(perm, this); m_sTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("FileDialogPerm:PermName"); }// CFileDialogPermPropPage
}// CNewCodeGroupWiz1 internal override int InsertPropSheetPageControls() { base.InsertPropSheetPageControls(); m_radCreateNew.Text = CResourceStore.GetString("CNewCodeGroupWiz1:m_radCreateNew.Text"); m_radImportXML.Text = CResourceStore.GetString("CNewCodeGroupWiz1:m_radImportXML.Text"); return(1); }// InsertPropSheetPageControls
//------------------------------------------------- // CNode - Constructor // // This transfers data for the node information structure // into the class and loads the node's icon. //------------------------------------------------- internal CNode() { // Zero out all the info out of the structure m_sGuid = null; m_sHelpSection = null; m_sDisplayName = null; m_sIDName = null; m_oResults = null; m_aPropSheetPage = null; m_hModule = Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(this.GetType().Module); m_iResultNum = 0; m_iHScopeItem = 0; m_iData = 0; m_hPropertyPageRouter = (IntPtr)(-1); m_iParentHScopeItem = -1; m_sPropPageTemplate = "IDD_WFCWRAPPERPROP"; m_fAllowMultiSelectResults = false; m_fInsertedChildrenOnExpand = false; m_fStartResultRefresh = false; m_fWantToMakePropertyPageVisible = false; m_fWantToRefreshResult = false; // Set up the blank icon m_hBlankIcon = CResourceStore.GetHIcon("blank_ico"); m_iBlankIconIndex = CResourceStore.GetIconCookie(m_hBlankIcon); }// CNode
}// AddSetting public String GetPermissionString() { String s = ""; if (fRead) { s += CResourceStore.GetString("FileIOPermission:Read"); } if (fWrite) { if (s.Length > 0) { s += CResourceStore.GetString("FileIOPerm:Seperator"); } s += CResourceStore.GetString("FileIOPermission:Write"); } if (fAppend) { if (s.Length > 0) { s += CResourceStore.GetString("FileIOPerm:Seperator"); } s += CResourceStore.GetString("FileIOPermission:Append"); } if (fPDiscovery) { if (s.Length > 0) { s += CResourceStore.GetString("FileIOPerm:Seperator"); } s += CResourceStore.GetString("FileIOPermission:PathDiscovery"); } return(s); } // GetPermissionString
internal CSingleCodeGroup(ref PolicyLevel pl, ref CodeGroup cg, bool fReadOnly) { ReadOnly = fReadOnly; m_sGuid = "E1768EA0-51D6-42ea-BA97-C9BC7F4C5CC0"; m_sHelpSection = ""; if (cg.Name != null && cg.Name.Length > 0) { m_sDisplayName = cg.Name; } else { m_sDisplayName = CResourceStore.GetString("CSingleCodeGroup:NoName"); } m_aPropSheetPage = null; if (cg is UnionCodeGroup) { m_hIcon = CResourceStore.GetHIcon("singlecodegroup_ico"); m_oResults = new CSingleCodeGroupTaskPad(this, cg); } else { m_hIcon = CResourceStore.GetHIcon("customcodegroup_ico"); m_oResults = new CNonUnionCGTaskPad(this, cg); } m_cg = cg; m_cgOld = m_cg.Copy(); m_pl = pl; m_fIAmDeleted = false; }// CSingleCodeGroup
internal CEventLogPermDialog(EventLogPermission perm) { this.Text = CResourceStore.GetString("EventLogPermission:PermName"); m_PermControls = new CEventLogPermControls(perm, this); Init(); } // CEventLogPermDialog
}// RemoveChildCodegroup internal override void SecurityPolicyChanged(bool fShowDialog) { if (!m_fIAmDeleted) { // We need to catch this policy change in the event that our display name // has changed if (m_cg.Name == null || m_cg.Name.Length == 0) { m_sDisplayName = CResourceStore.GetString("CSingleCodeGroup:NoName"); } else { m_sDisplayName = m_cg.Name; } // We need to remove this node from the policy tree, then replace it // with the updated Codegroup if (Security.GetRootCodeGroupNode(m_pl) == this) { // This is the easy case... we'll just replace the root code m_pl.RootCodeGroup = m_cg; } else { // We need to do a big deal update Security.UpdateCodegroup(m_pl, this); } m_cgOld = m_cg.Copy(); RefreshResultView(); } base.SecurityPolicyChanged(fShowDialog); } // SecurityPolicyChanged
}// COleDbPermControls protected override DataTable CreateDataTable(DataGrid dg) { DataTable dt = new DataTable("Stuff"); // Create the "Provider" Column DataColumn dcProvider = new DataColumn(); dcProvider.ColumnName = "Provider"; dcProvider.DataType = typeof(String); dt.Columns.Add(dcProvider); // Now set up any column-specific behavioral stuff.... // like not letting the checkboxes allow null, setting // column widths, etc. DataGridTableStyle dgts = new DataGridTableStyle(); DataGridTextBoxColumn dgtbcProvider = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); dg.TableStyles.Add(dgts); dgts.MappingName = "Stuff"; dgts.RowHeadersVisible = false; dgts.AllowSorting = false; // Set up the column info for the Path column dgtbcProvider.MappingName = "Provider"; dgtbcProvider.HeaderText = CResourceStore.GetString("Provider"); dgtbcProvider.Width = ScaleWidth(CResourceStore.GetInt("OleDbPermission:ProviderColumnWidth")); dgtbcProvider.NullText = ""; dgtbcProvider.TextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(onChange); dgts.GridColumnStyles.Add(dgtbcProvider); return(dt); }// CreateDataTable
}// AddMenuItems internal override void MenuCommand(int nCommandID, Object oResultItem) { if (nCommandID == COMMANDS.DUPLICATE_PERMISSIONSET) { NamedPermissionSet nps = (NamedPermissionSet)m_psetWrapper.PSet.Copy(); String sBaseName = nps.Name; nps.Name = String.Format(CResourceStore.GetString("CSinglePermissionSet:PrependtoDupPSets"), nps.Name); int nCounter = 1; // make sure it's not already used while (Security.isPermissionSetNameUsed(m_pl, nps.Name)) { nCounter++; nps.Name = String.Format(CResourceStore.GetString("CSinglePermissionSet:NumPrependtoDupPSets"), nCounter.ToString(), sBaseName); } CNode node = CNodeManager.GetNodeByHScope(ParentHScopeItem); CSinglePermissionSet newNode = ((CPermissionSet)node).AddPermissionSet(nps); newNode.SecurityPolicyChanged(); // Put the selection on the new permission set we just created CNodeManager.SelectScopeItem(newNode.HScopeItem); } else if (nCommandID == COMMANDS.VIEW_PERMISSION) { int iResultItem = (int)oResultItem - 1; // Pop up the Dialog Box for this permission (new CReadOnlyPermission((IPermission)m_alPermissions[iResultItem])).ShowDialog(); } else if (nCommandID == COMMANDS.ADD_PERMISSIONS) { CAddPermissionsWizard wiz = new CAddPermissionsWizard(m_psetWrapper); wiz.LaunchWizard(Cookie); if (wiz.didFinish) { SecurityPolicyChanged(); GenerateGivenPermissionsStringList(); CNodeManager.Console.SelectScopeItem(HScopeItem); } } else if (nCommandID == COMMANDS.SHOW_LISTVIEW) { m_oResults = this; RefreshResultView(); m_fShowHTMLPage = false; } else if (nCommandID == COMMANDS.SHOW_TASKPAD) { m_oResults = m_taskpad; m_fShowHTMLPage = true; // The HTML pages comes displayed with this checkbox marked. Make // sure we update the xml setting CConfigStore.SetSetting("ShowHTMLForPermissionSet", "yes"); RefreshResultView(); } }// MenuCommand
}// onTextChange void CheckFile(Object o, CancelEventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog fd = (OpenFileDialog)o; try { String sFilename = fd.FileName; // Check to see if this is a http path.... if (!File.Exists(sFilename)) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format(CResourceStore.GetString("CChooseAppDialog:FileNotExist"), sFilename), CResourceStore.GetString("CChooseAppDialog:FileNotExistTitle"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); e.Cancel = true; } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show(CResourceStore.GetString("CChooseAppDialog:BadFile"), CResourceStore.GetString("CChooseAppDialog:BadFileTitle"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); e.Cancel = true; } }// CheckFile
internal CTrustAppWiz8() { m_sTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CTrustAppWiz8:Title"); m_sHeaderTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CTrustAppWiz8:HeaderTitle"); m_sHeaderSubTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CTrustAppWiz8:HeaderSubTitle"); m_sInfo = null; }// CTrustAppWiz8
internal CDependAssembliesDialog(CApplicationDepends appDepends) { m_appDepends = appDepends; m_ol = GenerateAssemblyList(); PutInAssemblies(); this.Text = CResourceStore.GetString("InheritedAssemblyDialogs:ChooseFromDepend"); }// CFusionDialog
}// SecurityPolicyChanged internal void SavePolicy(bool fUI) { if (isNoSave) { if (fUI) { MessageBox(String.Format(CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityPolicy:CannotSave"), m_sPolicyName), CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityPolicy:CannotSaveTitle"), MB.ICONEXCLAMATION); } return; } // Refresh our root codegroup try { SecurityManager.SavePolicyLevel(m_pl); m_fUndo = true; } catch (Exception) { // Ok, we got an error somehow. This should be pretty rare, and could happen // if another process has the policy file locked. Inform the user and see // what they want to do. bool fSaved = false; bool fRetry = true; while (!fSaved && fRetry) { int nRet = MessageBox(String.Format(CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityPolicy:SaveFailedRetry"), m_pl.StoreLocation), CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityPolicy:SaveFailedRetryTitle"), MB.RETRYCANCEL | MB.ICONEXCLAMATION); if (nRet == MB.IDRETRY) { try { SecurityManager.SavePolicyLevel(m_pl); m_fUndo = true; fSaved = true; } catch (Exception) {} } else { fRetry = false; } } if (!fSaved) { MessageBox(String.Format(CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityPolicy:SaveFailed"), LocalizedPolicyName, m_pl.StoreLocation), CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityPolicy:SaveFailedTitle"), MB.ICONEXCLAMATION); } } }// SavePolicy
}// CreateChildren internal CSinglePermissionSet AddPermissionSet(NamedPermissionSet nps) { // Make sure we have a unique permission set name int nCounter = 1; String sBase = nps.Name; while (Security.isPermissionSetNameUsed(m_pl, nps.Name)) { if (nCounter == 1) { nps.Name = String.Format(CResourceStore.GetString("CSinglePermissionSet:NewDupPermissionSet"), sBase); } else { nps.Name = String.Format(CResourceStore.GetString("CSinglePermissionSet:NumNewDupPermissionSet"), nCounter.ToString(), sBase); } nCounter++; } // Now add the new permission set m_pl.AddNamedPermissionSet(nps); CNode node = new CSinglePermissionSet(nps, m_pl, ReadOnly); int nCookie = CNodeManager.AddNode(ref node); AddChild(nCookie); InsertSpecificChild(nCookie); // Return the node we created return((CSinglePermissionSet)node); } // AddPermissionSet
internal CNewCodeGroupWiz3(PolicyLevel pl) { m_sTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CNewCodeGroupWiz3:Title"); m_sHeaderTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CNewCodeGroupWiz3:HeaderTitle"); m_sHeaderSubTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CNewCodeGroupWiz3:HeaderSubTitle"); m_pl = pl; }// CNewCodeGroupWiz3
internal CSecurityAdjustmentWiz2() { m_sTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz2:Title"); m_sHeaderTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz2:HeaderTitle"); m_sHeaderSubTitle = CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz2:HeaderSubTitle"); // Set up the zone descriptions m_sZoneDescriptions = new String[] { CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz2:MyComputerDes"), CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz2:IntranetDes"), CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz2:InternetDes"), CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz2:TrustedDes"), CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz2:UntrustedDes") }; m_sSecLevelDescriptions = new String[] { CResourceStore.GetString("TightSecurityDes"), CResourceStore.GetString("FairlyTightSecurityDes"), CResourceStore.GetString("FairlyLooseSecurityDes"), CResourceStore.GetString("LooseSecurityDes"), CResourceStore.GetString("CSecurityAdjustmentWiz2:Custom") }; m_nDefaultLevels = new int[] { PermissionSetType.FULLTRUST, PermissionSetType.INTRANET, PermissionSetType.INTERNET, PermissionSetType.INTERNET, PermissionSetType.NONE }; m_nZoneLevels = null; }// CSecurityAdjustmentWiz2